コード例 #1
ファイル: FixBounds.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
        public void SetMinMax(FixVec3 min, FixVec3 max)
            _min = min;
            _max = max;

コード例 #2
ファイル: FixBounds.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
 public void Expand(FixVec3 amount)
     _size   += amount;
     _extents = _size / 2;
     _min     = _center - _extents;
     _max     = _center + _extents;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FixBounds.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
 public FixBounds(FixVec3 center, FixVec3 size)
     _center  = center;
     _extents = size / 2;
     _min     = _center - _extents;
     _max     = _center + _extents;
     _size    = size;
コード例 #4
 public FixVec3 Cross(FixVec3 rhs)
     return(new FixVec3(
                Y * rhs.Z - Z * rhs.Y,
                Z * rhs.X - X * rhs.Z,
                X * rhs.Y - Y * rhs.X
コード例 #5
ファイル: FixTrans3.cs プロジェクト: ksistos/FixedPointy
 public static FixTrans3 MakeScale(FixVec3 scale)
     return(new FixTrans3(
                scale.X, 0, 0, 0,
                0, scale.Y, 0, 0,
                0, 0, scale.Z, 0
コード例 #6
ファイル: FixTrans3.cs プロジェクト: ksistos/FixedPointy
 public static FixTrans3 MakeTranslation(FixVec3 delta)
     return(new FixTrans3(
                1, 0, 0, delta.X,
                0, 1, 0, delta.Y,
                0, 0, 1, delta.Z
コード例 #7
ファイル: FixTrans3.cs プロジェクト: ksistos/FixedPointy
 // todo: move to quaternions
 public FixTrans3(FixVec3 position, FixVec3 scale, FixVec3 rotation)
     this = MakeRotationX(rotation.X)
コード例 #8
ファイル: FixTrans3.cs プロジェクト: ksistos/FixedPointy
 public FixTrans3 Scale(FixVec3 scale)
     return(new FixTrans3(
                M11 * scale.X, M12 * scale.X, M13 * scale.X, M14 * scale.X,
                M21 * scale.Y, M22 * scale.Y, M23 * scale.Y, M24 * scale.Y,
                M31 * scale.Z, M32 * scale.Z, M33 * scale.Z, M34 * scale.Z
コード例 #9
ファイル: FixTrans3.cs プロジェクト: ksistos/FixedPointy
 public FixTrans3 Translate(FixVec3 delta)
     return(new FixTrans3(
                M11, M12, M13, M14 + delta.X,
                M21, M22, M23, M24 + delta.Y,
                M31, M32, M33, M34 + delta.Z
コード例 #10
ファイル: FixBounds.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
        public FixVec3 ClosestPoint(FixVec3 point)
            // Clamp point to bounds
            Fix x = FixMath.Min(FixMath.Max(_min.X, point.X), _max.X);
            Fix y = FixMath.Min(FixMath.Max(_min.Y, point.Y), _max.Y);
            Fix z = FixMath.Min(FixMath.Max(_min.Z, point.Z), _max.Z);

            // Return clamped point
            return(new FixVec3(x, y, z));
コード例 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a quaternion from a vector3.
 /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_between_quaternions_and_Euler_angles
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector">The vector3 being converted.</param>
 public FixQuaternion(FixVec3 vector)
     w = FixMath.Cos(vector.z / 2) * FixMath.Cos(vector.y / 2) * FixMath.Cos(vector.x / 2)
         + FixMath.Sin(vector.z / 2) * FixMath.Sin(vector.y / 2) * FixMath.Sin(vector.x / 2);
     x = FixMath.Cos(vector.z / 2) * FixMath.Cos(vector.y / 2) * FixMath.Sin(vector.x / 2)
         - FixMath.Sin(vector.z / 2) * FixMath.Sin(vector.y / 2) * FixMath.Cos(vector.x / 2);
     y = FixMath.Sin(vector.z / 2) * FixMath.Cos(vector.y / 2) * FixMath.Sin(vector.x / 2)
         + FixMath.Cos(vector.z / 2) * FixMath.Sin(vector.y / 2) * FixMath.Cos(vector.x / 2);
     z = FixMath.Sin(vector.z / 2) * FixMath.Cos(vector.y / 2) * FixMath.Cos(vector.x / 2)
         - FixMath.Cos(vector.z / 2) * FixMath.Sin(vector.y / 2) * FixMath.Sin(vector.x / 2);
コード例 #12
        public void DecomposeTRSPosition(float tX, float tY, float tZ, float sX, float sY, float sZ, float rX, float rY, float rZ)
            FixVec3 pos      = new FixVec3((Fix)tX, (Fix)tY, (Fix)tZ);
            FixVec3 rotation = new FixVec3((Fix)rX, (Fix)rY, (Fix)rZ);
            FixVec3 scale    = new FixVec3((Fix)sX, (Fix)sY, (Fix)sZ);

            FixTrans3 ft = new FixTrans3(pos, rotation, scale);

            Assert.AreEqual(ft.Position().X.raw, pos.X.raw);
            Assert.AreEqual(ft.Position().Y.raw, pos.Y.raw);
            Assert.AreEqual(ft.Position().Z.raw, pos.Z.raw);
コード例 #13
        public void DecomposeTRSEulerAngle(float tX, float tY, float tZ, float sX, float sY, float sZ, float rX, float rY, float rZ)
            FixVec3 pos      = new FixVec3((Fix)tX, (Fix)tY, (Fix)tZ);
            FixVec3 rotation = new FixVec3((Fix)rX, (Fix)rY, (Fix)rZ);
            FixVec3 scale    = new FixVec3((Fix)sX, (Fix)sY, (Fix)sZ);

            FixTrans3 ft = new FixTrans3(pos, rotation, scale);

            Assert.AreEqual(ft.EulerAngle().x.raw, rotation.x.raw);
            Assert.AreEqual(ft.EulerAngle().y.raw, rotation.y.raw);
            Assert.AreEqual(ft.EulerAngle().z.raw, rotation.z.raw);
コード例 #14
        public bool Contains(FixVec3 point)
            if ((point.X < xMin) ||
                (point.X > xMax) ||
                (point.Y < yMin) ||
                (point.Y > yMax))

コード例 #15
        public void EulerForwardBack(int x, int y, int z)
            FixQuaternion quat = new FixQuaternion(new FixVec3(x, y, z));

            FixVec3 fv = FixQuaternion.ToEuler(quat);

            FixQuaternion final = new FixQuaternion(fv);

            Assert.AreEqual(final.x.raw, quat.x.raw);
            Assert.AreEqual(final.y.raw, quat.y.raw);
            Assert.AreEqual(final.z.raw, quat.z.raw);
            Assert.AreEqual(final.w.raw, quat.w.raw);
コード例 #16
ファイル: FixBounds.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
        public bool Contains(FixVec3 point)
            if ((point.X < _min.X) ||
                (point.X > _max.X) ||
                (point.Y < _min.Y) ||
                (point.Y > _max.Y) ||
                (point.Z < _min.Z) ||
                (point.Z > _max.Z))

コード例 #17
    /// <summary>
    /// we have to use a bit of trickery in this one. The rays must be cast from a small distance inside of our
    /// collider (skinWidth) to avoid zero distance rays which will get the wrong normal. Because of this small offset
    /// we have to increase the ray distance skinWidth then remember to remove skinWidth from deltaMovement before
    /// actually moving the player
    /// </summary>
    void moveHorizontally(ref FixVec3 deltaMovement)
        var isGoingRight     = deltaMovement.x > 0;
        var rayDistance      = FixMath.Abs(deltaMovement.x) + _skinWidth;
        var rayDirection     = isGoingRight ? FixVec2.right : -FixVec2.right;
        var initialRayOrigin = isGoingRight ? _raycastOrigins.bottomRight : _raycastOrigins.bottomLeft;

        for (var i = 0; i < totalHorizontalRays; i++)
            var ray = new FixVec2(initialRayOrigin.x, initialRayOrigin.y + i * _verticalDistanceBetweenRays);

            // if we are grounded we will include oneWayPlatforms only on the first ray (the bottom one). this will allow us to
            // walk up sloped oneWayPlatforms.
コード例 #18
    /// <summary>
    /// handles adjusting deltaMovement if we are going up a slope.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns><c>true</c>, if horizontal slope was handled, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
    /// <param name="deltaMovement">Delta movement.</param>
    /// <param name="angle">Angle.</param>
    bool handleHorizontalSlope(ref FixVec3 deltaMovement, Fix angle)
        // disregard 90 degree angles (walls)
        if (FixMath.Round(angle) == 90)

        if (angle < slopeLimit)
        else // too steep. get out of here
            deltaMovement.x = Fix.zero;

コード例 #19
ファイル: FixBounds.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
        public void Encapsulate(FixBounds other)
            Fix x;
            Fix y;
            Fix z;

            // Expand min
            x    = FixMath.Min(_min.X, other._min.X);
            y    = FixMath.Min(_min.Y, other._min.Y);
            z    = FixMath.Min(_min.Z, other._min.Z);
            _min = new FixVec3(x, y, z);

            // Expand max
            x    = FixMath.Max(_max.X, other._max.X);
            y    = FixMath.Max(_max.Y, other._max.Y);
            z    = FixMath.Max(_max.Z, other._max.Z);
            _max = new FixVec3(x, y, z);

            // Update other values
コード例 #20
    void moveVertically(ref FixVec3 deltaMovement)
        var isGoingUp        = deltaMovement.y > 0;
        var rayDistance      = FixMath.Abs(deltaMovement.y) + _skinWidth;
        var rayDirection     = isGoingUp ? FixVec2.up : -FixVec2.up;
        var initialRayOrigin = isGoingUp ? _raycastOrigins.topLeft : _raycastOrigins.bottomLeft;

        // apply our horizontal deltaMovement here so that we do our raycast from the actual position we would be in if we had moved
        initialRayOrigin.x += deltaMovement.x;

        // if we are moving up, we should ignore the layers in oneWayPlatformMask
        var mask = platformMask;

        if ((isGoingUp && !collisionState.wasGroundedLastFrame) || ignoreOneWayPlatformsThisFrame)
            mask &= ~oneWayPlatformMask;

        for (var i = 0; i < totalVerticalRays; i++)
            var ray = new FixVec2(initialRayOrigin.x + i * _horizontalDistanceBetweenRays, initialRayOrigin.y);
コード例 #21
ファイル: FixBounds.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
        public Fix SqrDistance(FixVec3 point)
            FixVec3 clampedPoint = ClosestPoint(point);

            return((point - clampedPoint).GetSqrMagnitude());
コード例 #22
ファイル: FixTrans3.cs プロジェクト: ksistos/FixedPointy
 public static FixTrans3 MakeRotation(FixVec3 degrees)
コード例 #23
ファイル: FixTrans3.cs プロジェクト: ksistos/FixedPointy
 public FixVec3 Apply(FixVec3 vec)
     return(this * vec);
コード例 #24
ファイル: FixTrans3.cs プロジェクト: ksistos/FixedPointy
 public FixTrans3 Rotate(FixVec3 degrees)
コード例 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// checks the center point under the BoxCollider2D for a slope. If it finds one then the deltaMovement is adjusted so that
 /// the player stays grounded and the slopeSpeedModifier is taken into account to speed up movement.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deltaMovement">Delta movement.</param>
 private void handleVerticalSlope(ref FixVec3 deltaMovement)
コード例 #26
 public Fix Dot(FixVec3 rhs)
     return(X * rhs.X + Y * rhs.Y + Z * rhs.Z);
コード例 #27
ファイル: FixRay.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
 public FixRay(FixVec3 origin, FixVec3 direction)
     _origin    = origin;
     _direction = direction.Normalize();
コード例 #28
ファイル: FixBounds.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
 private void UpdateFromMinMax()
     _size    = _max - _min;
     _extents = _size / 2;
     _center  = _min + extents;
コード例 #29
    /// <summary>
    /// attempts to move the character to position + deltaMovement. Any colliders in the way will cause the movement to
    /// stop when run into.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="deltaMovement">Delta movement.</param>
    public void move(FixVec3 deltaMovement)
        // save off our current grounded state which we will use for wasGroundedLastFrame and becameGroundedThisFrame
        collisionState.wasGroundedLastFrame = collisionState.below;

        // clear our state
        _isGoingUpSlope = false;


        // first, we check for a slope below us before moving
        // only check slopes if we are going down and grounded
        if (deltaMovement.y < Fix.zero && collisionState.wasGroundedLastFrame)
            handleVerticalSlope(ref deltaMovement);

        // now we check movement in the horizontal dir
        if (deltaMovement.x != Fix.zero)
            moveHorizontally(ref deltaMovement);

        // next, check movement in the vertical dir
        if (deltaMovement.y != Fix.zero)
            moveVertically(ref deltaMovement);

        // move then update our state
        deltaMovement.z       = 0;
        tfTransform.Position += deltaMovement;

        // only calculate velocity if we have a non-zero deltaTime
        if (Time.deltaTime > 0f)
            velocity = deltaMovement / (Fix)Time.deltaTime;

        // set our becameGrounded state based on the previous and current collision state
        if (!collisionState.wasGroundedLastFrame && collisionState.below)
            collisionState.becameGroundedThisFrame = true;

        // if we are going up a slope we artificially set a y velocity so we need to zero it out here
        if (_isGoingUpSlope)
            velocity.y = 0;

        // send off the collision events if we have a listener
        if (onControllerCollidedEvent != null)
            for (var i = 0; i < _raycastHitsThisFrame.Count; i++)

        ignoreOneWayPlatformsThisFrame = false;
コード例 #30
ファイル: FixBounds.cs プロジェクト: arenanet/FixedPointy
        // TODO - ED: Test
        // Source: https://github.com/erich666/GraphicsGems/blob/master/gems/RayBox.c
        public bool IntersectRay(FixRay ray, out Fix distance)
            int  whichPlane;
            bool inside = true;

            Quadrant[] quadrant       = new Quadrant[3];
            Fix[]      maxT           = new Fix[3];
            Fix[]      candidatePlane = new Fix[3];
            Fix[]      coord          = new Fix[3];
            FixVec3    intersection;

            Fix[] minB         = { _min.X, _min.Y, _min.Z };
            Fix[] maxB         = { _max.X, _max.Y, _max.Z };
            Fix[] rayOrigin    = { ray.origin.X, ray.origin.Y, ray.origin.Z };
            Fix[] rayDirection = { ray.direction.X, ray.direction.Y, ray.direction.Z };

            // Find candidate planes; this loop can be avoided if
            // rays cast all from the eye(assume perpsective view).
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (rayOrigin[i] < minB[i])
                    quadrant[i]       = Quadrant.LEFT;
                    candidatePlane[i] = minB[i];
                    inside            = false;
                else if (rayOrigin[i] > maxB[i])
                    quadrant[i]       = Quadrant.RIGHT;
                    candidatePlane[i] = maxB[i];
                    inside            = false;
                    quadrant[i] = Quadrant.MIDDLE;

            // Ray origin inside bounding box.
            if (inside)
                distance = Fix.Zero;

            // Calculate T distances to candidate planes.
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (quadrant[i] != Quadrant.MIDDLE && rayDirection[i] != Fix.Zero)
                    maxT[i] = (candidatePlane[i] - rayOrigin[i]) / rayDirection[i];
                    maxT[i] = -Fix.One;

            // Get largest of the maxT's for final choice of intersection.
            whichPlane = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
                if (maxT[whichPlane] < maxT[i])
                    whichPlane = i;

            // Check final candidate actually inside box.
            if (maxT[whichPlane] < Fix.Zero)
                distance = Fix.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (whichPlane != i)
                    coord[i] = rayOrigin[i] + maxT[whichPlane] * rayDirection[i];
                    if (coord[i] < minB[i] || coord[i] > maxB[i])
                        distance = Fix.Zero;
                    coord[i] = candidatePlane[i];

            intersection = new FixVec3(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);

            distance = (intersection - ray.origin).GetMagnitude();