コード例 #1
        private async void  Submitbtn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DateTime temp;
            int      cardnoTemp;
            int      securityCodetemp;
            int      zipCodeTemp;

            if (paymentVM.CardNo == null)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Card number cannot be empty", "OK");
            else if (paymentVM.CardholderName == null)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Card holder name can not be empty", "OK");
            else if (paymentVM.ExpDate == null)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Experation date cannot be empty", "OK");
            else if (paymentVM.BillingName == null)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Billing name cannot be empty", "OK");
            else if (paymentVM.BillingStreetAddress == null)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Street address cannot be empty", "OK");
            else if (paymentVM.BillingCity == null)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "City cannot be empty", "OK");
            else if (paymentVM.BillingState == null)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "State cannot be empty", "OK");
            else if (paymentVM.BillingZipCode == null)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Zip code cannot be empty", "OK");
            //Now check for the constraints
            else if (paymentVM.CardNo.Length > 16)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Card number invalid", "OK");
            else if (!DateTime.TryParse(paymentVM.ExpDate, out temp))
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Experation Date invalid", "OK");
            else if (!int.TryParse(paymentVM.CardNo, out cardnoTemp))
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Card No. not valid", "OK");
            else if (!int.TryParse(paymentVM.CardNo, out securityCodetemp))
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Security code not valid", "OK");
            else if (!int.TryParse(paymentVM.BillingZipCode, out zipCodeTemp) || paymentVM.BillingZipCode.Length > 5)
                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Zip code is not valid", "OK");
                //We first try to update if we do update then we dont proceed to add
                bool paymentUpdated = await FirebaseHelper.UpdatePayment(App.UserName, paymentVM.CardNo, paymentVM.CardholderName, paymentVM.ExpDate, paymentVM.SecurityCode, paymentVM.BillingName, paymentVM.BillingStreetAddress, paymentVM.BillingCity, paymentVM.BillingState, paymentVM.BillingZipCode);

                if (!paymentUpdated)
                    await FirebaseHelper.AddPaymentInfo(App.UserName, paymentVM.CardNo, paymentVM.CardholderName, paymentVM.ExpDate, paymentVM.SecurityCode, paymentVM.BillingName, paymentVM.BillingStreetAddress, paymentVM.BillingCity, paymentVM.BillingState, paymentVM.BillingZipCode);

                    await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Payment Info Added", "OK");
                    await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Payment Info Updated", "OK");