コード例 #1
        //Show the vehicles location on google map
        public IActionResult GetVehcielsLocations()
            FindVehicleModelView model = new FindVehicleModelView();
            //after get the available cars, need to find there currrent location from Vehicle cuurert TB.
            IList <AvailVehicleWithLocationAndBookData> AvailableVehicleWithLocation = (from se in _context.VehicleCurrentLocations
                                                                                        join ba in _context.Vehicles on se.VehicleId equals ba.Id
                                                                                        select new AvailVehicleWithLocationAndBookData
                VehicleId = ba.Id,
                VehicleModel = ba.Model,
                VehiclePricePH = ba.PricePerHour,
                VehicleFuel = ba.FuelType,
                VehicleTransmission = ba.Transmission,
                VehicleYear = ba.YearOfManufacture,
                VehicleImage = ba.Image,
                VehicleRating = ba.Rating,
                VehicleCurrentLatitue = se.Latitue,
                VehicleCurrentLongitute = se.Longitute

            //Building google map....  Need solo for it
            string markers = "[";

            foreach (var item in AvailableVehicleWithLocation)
                //Need to Pass <Form>
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("<div id=content><div id=siteNotice><h3>");
                sb.Append("</h3><p>Price £ ");
                sb.Append(" P/h</p><p>Rating:<img src=/Image/CarShare/ratingstar.jpg width=20/> ");

                sb.Append("</p></div><img class=img-thumbnail style=width:150px; src=");
                sb.Append(" /><p> Year: ");
                sb.Append("</p><div id=bodyContent><p>");
                sb.Append("<a type=button class=btn-primary href=/Vehicle/Details/");
                sb.Append("> Details</a></p> </div></div>");

                markers += "{";
                markers += string.Format("'lat': '{0}',", item.VehicleCurrentLatitue);
                markers += string.Format("'lng': '{0}',", item.VehicleCurrentLongitute);
                markers += string.Format("'text': '{0}',", sb);
                markers += "},";
            markers += "];";
            //Ends Google maps
            model.Marker = markers;

コード例 #2
        public IActionResult Index()
            FindVehicleModelView model = new FindVehicleModelView();

            //to show the today data in HTML
            model.PickUpDate = DateTime.Now;
            //Get the user from session
            string currentUserId = _userManager.GetUserId(HttpContext.User);

            if (currentUserId != null)
                var _DrivingLicense = _context.DrivingLicences.FirstOrDefault(m => m.UserId == currentUserId);
                if (_DrivingLicense == null)
                    model.StatusMessage = "Dear User, Please Complete Your Driving License data to be able to book a car.";
                if (_DrivingLicense.IsValid == false)
                    model.StatusMessage = "Dear User, Your Drinving License is on validation process.....";
                var _Address = _context.Addresses.FirstOrDefault(ma => ma.UserId == currentUserId);
                if (_Address == null)
                    model.StatusMessage = "Dear User, Please Complete Your Address data to be able to book a car.";
                var _UserInfo = _context.Users.Find(currentUserId);
                if (_UserInfo == null)
                    model.StatusMessage = "Dear User, Please Complete Your Profile data to be able to book a car.";

                if (_UserInfo.PhoneNumber == null || _UserInfo.FirstName == null || _UserInfo.LastName == null ||
                    _DrivingLicense.LicenseNumber == null || _DrivingLicense.IssueDate == null || _DrivingLicense.ExpireDate == null ||
                    _Address.PostCode == null)
                    model.StatusMessage = "Dear User, Please Complete Your Profile (Driving License, Profile) to be able to book a car.";

コード例 #3
        //List of car ,, need more enhance to show the address with the car details
        public IActionResult FindCarInList(FindVehicleModelView model)
            //Get All the Cars.
            IQueryable <Vehicle> _Vehicles = _context.Vehicles;
            //List to store the Availabe cars
            List <Vehicle> AvailableVehicle = new List <Vehicle>();
            //Current location of the customer(PickUp)
            double CustomerLatitude  = Convert.ToDouble(model.PickLatitude);
            double CustomerLongitude = Convert.ToDouble(model.PickLongitude);
            //DropOff Location
            double DropOffLatitude  = Convert.ToDouble(model.DropLatitude);
            double DropOffLongitude = Convert.ToDouble(model.DropLongitude);

            //loop for cars
            foreach (var item in _Vehicles)
                //temp list for current car
                Vehicle _Vehicle = new Vehicle();
                //Get the Availability tb for current vehicle(List) in the current date..
                IQueryable <VehicleAvailability> _VehicleAvailability = _context.VehicleAvailabilities.Where(e => e.VehicleId == item.Id && e.Date == model.PickUpDate);

                //  bool IsExist = _VehicleAvailability.Any(a => a.Id == item.Id);
                //if the vehicle not exist in the reservation tb...
                if (!_VehicleAvailability.Any())
                else//if its exist in the db in this  date loop it
                    foreach (var _vehicleAvailability in _VehicleAvailability)
                        //Get the booking row from db
                        string _MyBookedTime = _vehicleAvailability.BookingTime;

                        //Split to string
                        string [] _MyBookedTimeArrayStr = _MyBookedTime.Split(",");
                        //sort it

                        Queue <int> q = new Queue <int>();
                        //convert to int list
                        for (int i = 0; i < _MyBookedTimeArrayStr.Length; i++)
                        //Flag to mark the time is exist
                        bool _Flag = true;
                        //loop the booked time
                        while (q.Count() > 0)
                            //Get the first time slid
                            int PickUpTime  = q.Dequeue();
                            int DropOffTime = q.Dequeue();
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(model.DropOffTime) <= PickUpTime || Convert.ToInt32(model.PickUpTime) >= DropOffTime)
                                //do nothng
                                _Flag = false;
                        if (_Flag)
                    } //End of _VehicleAvailability
                }     //End of (if not esxit in the db date and id
            //after get the available cars, need to find there currrent location from Vehicle cuurert TB.
            IEnumerable <AvailVehicleWithLocationAndBookData> AvailableVehicleWithLocation = from ba in AvailableVehicle
                                                                                             join se in _context.VehicleCurrentLocations on ba.Id equals se.VehicleId
                                                                                             select new AvailVehicleWithLocationAndBookData
                VehicleId               = ba.Id,
                VehicleModel            = ba.Model,
                VehiclePricePH          = ba.PricePerHour,
                VehicleFuel             = ba.FuelType,
                VehicleTransmission     = ba.Transmission,
                VehicleYear             = ba.YearOfManufacture,
                VehicleImage            = ba.Image,
                VehicleRating           = ba.Rating,
                VehicleCurrentLatitue   = se.Latitue,
                VehicleCurrentLongitute = se.Longitute,
                DropOffLongitute        = DropOffLongitude,
                DropOffLatitue          = DropOffLatitude,
                PickUpDate              = model.PickUpDate,
                //  DropOffDate=model.DropOffDate,
                PickUpTime  = model.PickUpTime,
                DropOffTime = model.DropOffTime

            return(View(model)); //send only the dropoff location
            // return View("AvailableVehicles", AvailableVehicleWithLocation);
コード例 #4
        //Show the result In Map
        public IActionResult FindCarInMap(FindVehicleModelView model)
            //Get All the Cars.
            IQueryable <Vehicle> _Vehicles = _context.Vehicles;
            //List to store the Availabe cars
            List <Vehicle> AvailableVehicle = new List <Vehicle>();
            //Current location of the customer(PickUp)
            double CustomerLatitude  = Convert.ToDouble(model.PickLatitude);
            double CustomerLongitude = Convert.ToDouble(model.PickLongitude);
            //DropOff Location
            double DropOffLatitude  = Convert.ToDouble(model.DropLatitude);
            double DropOffLongitude = Convert.ToDouble(model.DropLongitude);

            //loop for cars
            foreach (var item in _Vehicles)
                //temp list for current car
                Vehicle _Vehicle = new Vehicle();
                //Get the Availability tb for current vehicle(List) in the current date..
                IQueryable <VehicleAvailability> _VehicleAvailability = _context.VehicleAvailabilities.Where(e => e.VehicleId == item.Id && e.Date == model.PickUpDate);

                //  bool IsExist = _VehicleAvailability.Any(a => a.Id == item.Id);
                //if the vehicle not exist in the reservation tb...
                if (!_VehicleAvailability.Any())
                else//if its exist in the db in this  date loop it
                    foreach (var _vehicleAvailability in _VehicleAvailability)
                        //Get the booking row from db
                        string _MyBookedTime = _vehicleAvailability.BookingTime;

                        //Split to string
                        string[] _MyBookedTimeArrayStr = _MyBookedTime.Split(",");
                        //Remove the white or empty index
                        _MyBookedTimeArrayStr = _MyBookedTimeArrayStr.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
                        _MyBookedTimeArrayStr = _MyBookedTimeArrayStr.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray();
                        //sort it

                        Queue <int> q = new Queue <int>();
                        //convert to int list
                        for (int i = 0; i < _MyBookedTimeArrayStr.Length; i++)
                        //Flag to mark the time is exist
                        bool _Flag = true;
                        //loop the booked time
                        while (q.Count() > 0)
                            //Get the first time slid
                            int PickUpTime  = q.Dequeue();
                            int DropOffTime = q.Dequeue();
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(model.DropOffTime) <= PickUpTime || Convert.ToInt32(model.PickUpTime) >= DropOffTime)
                                //do nothng
                                _Flag = false;
                        if (_Flag)
                    } //End of _VehicleAvailability
                }     //End of (if not esxit in the db date and id

            //Need more work ,, if there is no session
            string currentUserId = _userManager.GetUserId(HttpContext.User);//Get UserId
            //after get the available cars, need to find there currrent location from Vehicle cuurert TB.
            IList <AvailVehicleWithLocationAndBookData> AvailableVehicleWithLocation = (from ba in AvailableVehicle
                                                                                        join se in _context.VehicleCurrentLocations on ba.Id equals se.VehicleId
                                                                                        select new AvailVehicleWithLocationAndBookData
                VehicleId = ba.Id,
                VehicleModel = ba.Model,
                VehiclePricePH = ba.PricePerHour,
                VehicleFuel = ba.FuelType,
                VehicleTransmission = ba.Transmission,
                VehicleYear = ba.YearOfManufacture,
                VehicleImage = ba.Image,
                VehicleRating = ba.Rating,
                VehicleCurrentLatitue = se.Latitue,
                VehicleCurrentLongitute = se.Longitute,
                DropOffLongitute = DropOffLongitude,
                DropOffLatitue = DropOffLatitude,
                PickUpDate = model.PickUpDate,
                //  DropOffDate = model.DropOffDate,
                PickUpTime = model.PickUpTime,
                DropOffTime = model.DropOffTime

            //To Get Car will be droppedoff in the same area in the time wanted..
            IQueryable <Reservation> _Reservations = _context.Reservations.Where(pre => pre.PickUpDate == model.PickUpDate && pre.DropOffTime == model.PickUpTime);

            foreach (var item_Res in _Reservations)
                Vehicle _ResVehicle = _context.Vehicles.Find(item_Res.VehicleId);
                AvailVehicleWithLocationAndBookData _ReservationsModel = new AvailVehicleWithLocationAndBookData()
                    VehicleId               = _ResVehicle.Id,
                    VehicleModel            = _ResVehicle.Model,
                    VehiclePricePH          = _ResVehicle.PricePerHour,
                    VehicleFuel             = _ResVehicle.FuelType,
                    VehicleTransmission     = _ResVehicle.Transmission,
                    VehicleYear             = _ResVehicle.YearOfManufacture,
                    VehicleImage            = _ResVehicle.Image,
                    VehicleRating           = _ResVehicle.Rating,
                    VehicleCurrentLatitue   = item_Res.ReturnLocationLatitue,
                    VehicleCurrentLongitute = item_Res.ReturnLocationLongitute

            //Building google map....  Need solo for it
            string markers = "[";

            foreach (var item in AvailableVehicleWithLocation)
                bool   _IsMyFavorite = _context.Favorites.Any(fa => fa.UserId == currentUserId && fa.VehicleId == item.VehicleId);
                string _MyHeart      = "";
                if (_IsMyFavorite)
                    _MyHeart = " This Vehicle is in your favorite list <img src=/Image/CarShare/MyHeart.png width=20/> ";
                //Need to Pass <Form>
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("<div id=content><div id=siteNotice><h3>");
                sb.Append("</h3><p>Price £ ");
                sb.Append(" P/h</p><p>Rating:<img src=/Image/CarShare/ratingstar.jpg width=20/> ");
                sb.Append(" </p><p>");
                sb.Append("</p></div><img class=img-thumbnail style=width:150px; src=");
                sb.Append(" /><p> Year: ");
                sb.Append("</p><div id=bodyContent><p>");
                sb.Append("<a type=button class=btn-primary onclick=BookIt(");
                sb.Append(")>Book It</a></p> </div></div>");

                double rs = Distance(CustomerLatitude, CustomerLongitude, item.VehicleCurrentLatitue, item.VehicleCurrentLongitute);
                if (rs < 10000)
                    markers += "{";
                    markers += string.Format("'lat': '{0}',", item.VehicleCurrentLatitue);
                    markers += string.Format("'lng': '{0}',", item.VehicleCurrentLongitute);
                    markers += string.Format("'text': '{0}',", sb);
                    markers += "},";
            markers += "];";
            //Ends Google maps
            model.Marker = markers;
            return(View("FindCar", model)); //send only the dropoff location
            // return View("AvailableVehicles", AvailableVehicleWithLocation);