コード例 #1
ファイル: OrdersController.cs プロジェクト: mrpastewart/Core
        public async Task <IActionResult> FillItem(int id, bool error, string errorMessage)
            var model = new FillItemView();

            model.Error        = error;
            model.ErrorMessage = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(errorMessage);
            model.Fill         = await _resourceOrdersService.GetOrderFillById(id);

コード例 #2
ファイル: OrdersController.cs プロジェクト: mrpastewart/Core
        public async Task <IActionResult> FillItem(FillItemInput data)
            var model = new FillItemView();

            if (data == null || data.Id == 0 || data.Units == null || data.Units.Count() <= 0)
                model.Error        = true;
                model.ErrorMessage = "There was an issue trying to process you fill. Please open the order and try the fill again.";


            var item = await _resourceOrdersService.GetOrderItemById(data.Id);

            if (item == null)
                model.Error        = true;
                model.ErrorMessage = "Unable to find this order. The order may be been closed or removed.";


            var order = await _resourceOrdersService.GetOrderById(item.ResourceOrderId);

            var settings = await _resourceOrdersService.GetSettingsByDepartmentId(order.DepartmentId);

            var department = _departmentsService.GetDepartmentById(order.DepartmentId);

            var fill = new ResourceOrderFill();

            fill.ResourceOrderItemId = item.ResourceOrderItemId;
            fill.DepartmentId        = DepartmentId;
            fill.FillingUserId       = UserId;
            fill.ContactName         = data.Name;
            fill.ContactNumber       = data.Number;
            fill.Note       = data.Note;
            fill.LeadUserId = data.LeadUserId;
            fill.FilledOn   = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (order.AutomaticFillAcceptance)
                fill.Accepted   = true;
                fill.AcceptedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (settings != null && settings.DefaultResourceOrderManagerUserId != null)
                    fill.AcceptedUserId = settings.DefaultResourceOrderManagerUserId;
                    fill.AcceptedUserId = department.ManagingUserId;

            fill.Units = new List <ResourceOrderFillUnit>();
            foreach (var unit in data.Units)
                var itemUnit = new ResourceOrderFillUnit();
                itemUnit.UnitId = unit;


            var savedFill = await _resourceOrdersService.CreateFill(fill);

            return(Json(new { id = savedFill.ResourceOrderFillId, error = model.Error, errorMessage = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(model.ErrorMessage) }));