コード例 #1
        public PackageBuilder(XDocument packageFile, string destination, string version, FilesAction filesAction = FilesAction.Overwrite)
            _packageFile       = packageFile;
            _pathToProjectRoot = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(version)) // no version number passed in, so try and get from the package.xml file.
                    version = _packageFile.Element("umbPackage").Element("info").Element("package").Element("version").Value;
                    Console.WriteLine($"version found in package.xml file: {version}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"version not found in package.xml file: {ex.Message}");
            else // a version number has been passed in, so update the package.xml with it
                    _packageFile.Element("umbPackage").Element("info").Element("package").Element("version").Value = version;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"version not found in package.xml file: {ex.Message}");

            // update output filename with version, if required
            if (destination.Contains("{version}"))
                destination = destination.Replace("{version}", version);

            if (filesAction == FilesAction.Overwrite)
                // remove any exisiting files in the exisiting package.xml file
                _packageFile.Descendants().Where(e => e.Name == "file").Remove();

            var stream = new FileStream(destination, FileMode.Create);

            archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, false);
コード例 #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            CommandLineApplication app = new CommandLineApplication(throwOnUnexpectedArg: true);

            app.Name        = "Umbraco package builder";
            app.Description = "Builds Umbraco package .zip file based on a settings .json file and package files.";
            var arg_SettingsFilePath = app.Option("-set |--settingsfilepath", "Path to settings json file", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var arg_Version          = app.Option("-ver |--version", "Set the package version. If not set then the version field in the package.xml will be used.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var arg_OutputFile       = app.Option("-out |--outputfile", "Path and filename for the outputed file, relative to the settings .json file. Use optional placeholder {version} in the filename to automatically add the package version number.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var arg_DoNotOverwriteFilesInPackageXml = app.Option("-notover | --notoverwrite", "Do not overwrite the files already in the package.xml file. Append.", CommandOptionType.NoValue);

            var         outputFilePathAndName = "package.zip";
            var         outputVersion         = string.Empty;
            FilesAction filesAction           = FilesAction.Overwrite;

            app.HelpOption("-? | -hh | --hhelp");
            app.OnExecute(() =>
                if (arg_SettingsFilePath.HasValue())
                    if (File.Exists(arg_SettingsFilePath.Value()))
                        var configText = File.OpenText(arg_SettingsFilePath.Value()).ReadToEnd(); // load settings .json file
                        var config     = (ApplicationSettings)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(configText, typeof(ApplicationSettings), new JsonSerializerSettings()
                            ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
                        Console.WriteLine("ProjectRoot: " + config.ProjectRoot);
                        Console.WriteLine("Dlls: " + string.Join(",", config.Dlls));
                        Console.WriteLine("PackageXmlTemplate: " + config.PackageXmlTemplate);
                        Console.WriteLine("IncludeFoldersOrFiles:" + (config.IncludeFoldersOrFiles.Any() ? string.Empty : " None"));
                        foreach (var folder in config.IncludeFoldersOrFiles)
                            Console.WriteLine($"  {folder}");


                        var settingsDirectory = new FileInfo(arg_SettingsFilePath.Value()).Directory.FullName;
                        Console.WriteLine($"settingsDirectory:  {settingsDirectory}");

                        if (arg_Version.HasValue())
                            outputVersion = arg_Version.Value();
                            Console.WriteLine("outputVersion: " + outputVersion);

                        if (arg_OutputFile.HasValue())
                            outputFilePathAndName = arg_OutputFile.Value();
                            Console.WriteLine("outputFilePathAndName: " + outputFilePathAndName);

                        if (arg_DoNotOverwriteFilesInPackageXml.HasValue())
                            filesAction = FilesAction.Append;

                        // load package file from this directory
                        var packageFile = XDocument.Load(config.PackageXmlTemplate);

                        // set the current directory to the 'projectRoot' property in the package settings .json file, as the paths within are relative to the it
                        if (!settingsDirectory.EndsWith("/"))
                            settingsDirectory = settingsDirectory + "/"; // fix path concatination issue
                        if (!config.ProjectRoot.EndsWith("/"))
                            config.ProjectRoot = config.ProjectRoot + "/";

                        var projectRootDirectory = new FileInfo(Path.GetFullPath(settingsDirectory + config.ProjectRoot)).Directory.FullName;
                        Console.WriteLine($"projectRootDirectory:  {projectRootDirectory}");

                        using (var builder = new PackageBuilder(packageFile, outputFilePathAndName, outputVersion, filesAction))
                            foreach (var dll in config.Dlls)
                                Console.WriteLine($"Adding {dll}.");

                            if (config.IncludeFoldersOrFiles.Any())
                                foreach (var folder in config.IncludeFoldersOrFiles)
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Processing {folder}.");


                        Console.WriteLine("All done");
                        Console.WriteLine(@"The settings json file could not be found at: " + arg_SettingsFilePath.Value());
                        Console.WriteLine(@"Usage: package settings.json 
Output: a zip file with the package for Umbraco
settings.json structure:
    projectRoot: PATH_TO_PROJECT_ROOT,
    dlls: ['PATH_TO_DLL1', 'PATH_TO_DLL2'],
    packageXmlTemplate: 'PATH_TO_PACKAGE.XML'
    includeFoldersOrFiles: ['PATH_TO_PLUGIN', 'PATH_TO_XSLT']
                        Console.WriteLine("Note: Except packageXmlTemplate, all paths are relative to the project root.");
                        Environment.Exit(-1); // Do not continue
