コード例 #1
 public DirEntry(FileSystemEntryInfo fs) : this()
     Path = fs.FileName;
     // TODO this assumes date error on LastModified, what about Created and LastAccessed ?
         Modified = fs.LastModified;
     catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
         // AlphaFS blows up trying to convert bad DateTime. eg. 1/1/1601
         // create a bad date time file copy file to NAS with date of 2098 it mucks up.
         IsModifiedBad = true;
     IsDirectory    = fs.IsDirectory;
     IsSymbolicLink = fs.IsSymbolicLink;
     IsReparsePoint = fs.IsReparsePoint;
     if (IsDirectory)
         Children = new List <DirEntry>();
         Size = fs.FileSize;
コード例 #2
        public NTBackupFile(Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileSystemEntryInfo fsi)
            fileName  = fsi.FullPath;
            this.Name = fsi.FileName;
            fseInfo   = fsi;
            this.Kind = GetKind(fsi);

            /*this.FileSize = 0;
             * try{
             *      this.FileSize += GetSize ();
             * }
             * catch(Exception e){
             *      Logger.Append(Severity.ERROR, "Unable to get size of item "+SnapFullPath+" "+e.Message);
             *              throw(e);
             * }*/
            this.FileSize = fsi.FileSize;

            if (this.Kind == FileType.Symlink)
                this.TargetName = fsi.VirtualFullPath;
            if (this.Kind != FileType.Directory || this.Kind != FileType.Unsupported)
                this.LastModifiedTime = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(fsi.LastModified);                 //fsi.LastModified.ToFileTimeUtc();
                this.LastModifiedTime = DateTime.MaxValue.ToFileTimeUtc();

            this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = 0;                             // dummy value for correctness of incrementals using filecompare
            this.CreateTime = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(fsi.Created); //fsi.Created.ToFileTimeUtc();


            if (fseInfo.IsMountPoint || fseInfo.IsReparsePoint || fseInfo.IsSymbolicLink)
                //this.TargetName = fseInfo.VirtualFullPath;
                Console.WriteLine("** Item " + fileName + " is a " + this.Kind + ", target=" + TargetName);
                //Console.WriteLine ("reparsepoint tag(s)="+fsi.ReparsePointTag.ToString());
            if (this.Kind == FileType.Unsupported)
                Console.WriteLine("unsupported file " + fileName + " with attributes " + fseInfo.Attributes.ToString());
            this.Attributes = (int)fsi.Attributes;
            //wSecurity =  GetSecurity(); // unneeded as we save using BackupRead(), which includes security info
            //ownerUser = wSecurity.GetOwner(typeof(NTAccount)).;
            BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Entry.cs プロジェクト: CDEApp/CDE
 public void Set(FileSystemEntryInfo fs)
     Name = fs.FileName;
         Modified = fs.LastModified;
     catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
         //catch issue with crap date modified on some files. ie 1/1/1601 -- AlphaFS blows up.
         IsModifiedBad = true;
     IsDirectory    = fs.IsDirectory;
     IsSymbolicLink = fs.IsSymbolicLink;
     IsReparsePoint = fs.IsReparsePoint;
     if (!fs.IsDirectory)
         Size = (ulong)fs.FileSize;
コード例 #4
        // useful, but RecurseTree has this inline, [its a bit more efficient but arguably not worth it]
        public int AddEntry(FileSystemEntryInfo fs, int parentIndex = 0, int siblingIndex = 0)
            var myNewIndex = AddEntry();

            Entry[] block;
            var     entryIndex = EntryIndex(myNewIndex, out block);


            if (parentIndex > 0)
                block[entryIndex].Parent = parentIndex;

                Entry[] parentBlock;
                var     parentEntryIndex = EntryIndex(parentIndex, out parentBlock);
                parentBlock[parentEntryIndex].Child = myNewIndex;

            if (siblingIndex > 0)
                block[entryIndex].Sibling = siblingIndex;
コード例 #5
        public NTBackupFile(string fullName)
            if (fullName == null)
                throw new Exception("NTBackupFileXP(byname): NULL name");
            //Console.WriteLine ("NTBackupFile(byname): raw name="+fullName);

            Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo fsi = new Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo(fullName);

            fseInfo          = fsi.SystemInfo;
            fseInfo.FullPath = fullName;
            this.Name        = fsi.Name;
            fileName         = fullName;
            GetHandleInfos();             // gets ID and sparse attribute.
            //this.fileSize = fileI.Length;
            this.FileStartPos  = 0;
            this.ChunkStartPos = 0;
            this.Kind          = GetKind(fseInfo);

            // GetSize is more precise (though not yet 100%) but slower. As we will generally work on snapshot,
            // don't be so obsessed with getting real size and reporting sizes changes during backup on NT.
            //GetSize ();
            this.FileSize = fseInfo.FileSize;

            if (this.Kind == FileType.Symlink)
                this.TargetName = fsi.SystemInfo.VirtualFullPath;

            if (this.Kind != FileType.Directory || this.Kind != FileType.Unsupported)
                this.LastModifiedTime = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(fsi.LastWriteTime);                // fsi.LastWriteTime.ToFileTimeUtc();
                this.LastModifiedTime = 0;                                      //fsi.LastWriteTime.ToFileTimeUtc(); //DateTime.MaxValue.ToFileTimeUtc();
            this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = 0;                                  // dummy value for correctness of incrementals using filecompare
            this.CreateTime = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(fsi.CreationTime); //fsi.CreationTime.ToFileTimeUtc();
            //this.ID = Utilities.Utils.GetUnixTime(fsi.CreationTime);
            if (fsi.Attributes.HasFlag(Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileAttributes.SparseFile))
                this.ChangeStatus |= DataLayoutInfos.SparseFile;
            if (fseInfo.IsMountPoint || fseInfo.IsReparsePoint || fseInfo.IsSymbolicLink)
                this.TargetName = fseInfo.VirtualFullPath;
                Console.WriteLine("** Item " + fileName + " is a " + this.Kind);
                Console.WriteLine("reparsepoint tag(s)=" + fsi.SystemInfo.ReparsePointTag.ToString());
            if (this.Kind == FileType.Unsupported)
                Console.WriteLine("unsupported file " + fileName + " with attributes " + fseInfo.Attributes.ToString());
            this.Attributes = (int)fsi.Attributes;
            //wSecurity =  GetSecurity(); // unneeded as we save using BackupRead(), which includes security info
            //ownerUser = wSecurity.GetOwner(typeof(NTAccount)).;
            BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();
コード例 #6
        // Summary:
        //     Represents the method that defines a set of criteria and determines whether the
        //     specified object meets those criteria.
        // Parameters:
        //   obj:
        //     The object to compare against the criteria defined within the method represented
        //     by this delegate.
        // Type parameters:
        //   T:
        //     The type of the object to compare.
        // Returns:
        //     true if obj meets the criteria defined within the method represented by this
        //     delegate; otherwise, false.
        internal bool DecideIfRecurseDuringDirScan(FileSystemEntryInfo obj)
            Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher: scanning directory: {0}", obj.FullPath);

コード例 #7
        // Summary:
        //     Represents the method that defines a set of criteria and determines whether the
        //     specified object meets those criteria.
        // Parameters:
        //   obj:
        //     The object to compare against the criteria defined within the method represented
        //     by this delegate.
        // Type parameters:
        //   T:
        //     The type of the object to compare.
        // Returns:
        //     true if obj meets the criteria defined within the method represented by this
        //     delegate; otherwise, false.
        internal bool DecideIfIncludeDuringDirScan(FileSystemEntryInfo obj)
            bool isRegularFile = !(obj.IsDevice || obj.IsDirectory || obj.IsMountPoint || /* obj.IsReparsePoint (hardlink!) || */ obj.IsOffline || obj.IsSystem || obj.IsTemporary);

            Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher: testing {1} '{0}' for inclusion in the Qiqqa library.", obj.FullPath, isRegularFile ? "regular File" : obj.IsDirectory ? "directory" : "node");

            if (ShutdownableManager.Instance.IsShuttingDown)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to daemon termination");
                throw new OperationCanceledException("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to daemon termination");

            if (Qiqqa.Common.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.Instance.ConfigurationRecord.DisableAllBackgroundTasks)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to DisableAllBackgroundTasks");
                throw new OperationCanceledException("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to DisableAllBackgroundTasks");

            if (LibraryRef == null || folder_watcher_manager?.TypedTarget == null)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to disposed library and/or watch manager");
                throw new OperationCanceledException("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to disposed library and/or watch manager");


            bool have_we_slept = false;

            if (watch_stats.index_processing_clock.ElapsedMilliseconds > MAX_SECONDS_PER_ITERATION)

                // reset:

                have_we_slept = true;

            // only include *.pdf files. Use a `while` loop to allow easy `break` statements to abort the inclusion filter logic below:
            while (isRegularFile && obj.Extension.ToLower() == ".pdf")
                // check if the given file isn't already present in the library:


                // If we already have this file in the "cache since we started", skip it
                if (folder_watcher_manager.TypedTarget.HaveProcessedFile(obj.FullPath))
                    Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it has already been processed", obj.FullPath);

                if (have_we_slept)
                    // As we have slept a while, it's quite unsure whether that file still exists.
                    // Include it only when it still exists and otherwise be sure to retrigger a scan to follow up
                    // any other directory changes.
                    if (!File.Exists(obj.FullPath))
                        Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it has disappeared while we were sleeping", obj.FullPath);
                        FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                // ignore zero-length and tiny sized files as those sure are buggy/illegal PDFs:
                // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17279712/what-is-the-smallest-possible-valid-pdf
                if (obj.FileSize <= 66)
                    Logging.Warn("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it is too small to be a valid PDF file @ {1} bytes", obj.FullPath, obj.FileSize);

                // Check that the file is not still locked - if it is, mark that the folder is still "changed" and come back later.
                // We do this at the same time as calculating the file fingerprint as both actions require (costly) File I/O
                // and can be folded together: if the fingerprint fails, that's 99.9% sure a failure in the File I/O, hence
                // a locked or otherwise inaccessible file.
                string fingerprint;
                    fingerprint = StreamFingerprint.FromFile(obj.FullPath);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Error(ex, "Watched folder contains file '{0}' which is locked, so coming back later...", obj.FullPath);
                    FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                // check if the PDF is already known:
                PDFDocument doc = LibraryRef.Xlibrary.GetDocumentByFingerprint(fingerprint);

                if (doc != null)
                    // Add this file to the list of processed files...
                    Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it already exists in the library as fingerprint {1}, title: {2}", obj.FullPath, fingerprint, doc.TitleCombined);

                if (watch_stats.file_hashes_added.TryGetValue(fingerprint, out var dupe_file_path))
                    Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it has already been included in the import set as file {1} which has the same fingerprint {2}", obj.FullPath, dupe_file_path, fingerprint);

                watch_stats.file_hashes_added.Add(fingerprint, obj.FullPath);


コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// The daemon code calls this occasionally to poke it into action to do work
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="daemon"></param>
        public void ExecuteBackgroundProcess(Daemon daemon)
            // We don't want to start watching files until the library is loaded...
            if (!(LibraryRef?.Xlibrary.LibraryIsLoaded ?? false))
                Logging.Info("Library is not yet loaded, so waiting before watching...");

                // Indicate that the library may still not have been changed...
                FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

            // Update our folder system watcher if necessary

            // If the current folder is blank, do nothing
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(configured_folder_to_watch))

            // If the folder does not exist, do nothing
            if (!Directory.Exists(configured_folder_to_watch))
                Logging.Info("Watched folder {0} does not exist: watching this directory has been disabled.", configured_folder_to_watch);

            // If the folder or its contents has not changed since the last time, do nothing
            if (!FolderContentsHaveChanged)

            if (!ConfigurationManager.IsEnabled(nameof(FolderWatcher)))
                Logging.Info("Watched folder {0} will not be watched/scanned due to Developer Override setting {1}=false", configured_folder_to_watch, nameof(FolderWatcher));

            Stopwatch breathing_time = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher BEGIN");

            // To recover from a fatal library failure and re-indexing attempt for very large libraries,
            // we're better off processing a limited number of source files as we'll be able to see
            // *some* results more quickly and we'll have a working, though yet incomplete,
            // index in *reasonable time*.
            // To reconstruct the entire index will take a *long* time. We grow the index and other meta
            // stores a bunch-of-files at a time and then repeat the entire maintenance process until
            // we'll be sure to have run out of files to process for sure...

            // Mark that we are now processing the folder
            while (TestAndReset_FolderContentsHaveChanged())
                // If this library is busy, skip it for now
                if (Library.IsBusyAddingPDFs || Library.IsBusyRegeneratingTags)
                    Logging.Debug特("FolderWatcher: Not daemon processing any library that is busy with adds...");
                    FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                if (ShutdownableManager.Instance.IsShuttingDown)
                    Logging.Debug特("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of outer processing loop due to daemon termination");
                    FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                if (Qiqqa.Common.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.Instance.ConfigurationRecord.DisableAllBackgroundTasks)
                    Logging.Debug特("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of outer processing loop due to DisableAllBackgroundTasks");
                    FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                if (LibraryRef == null || folder_watcher_manager?.TypedTarget == null)
                    Logging.Debug特("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of outer processing loop due to disposed library and/or watch manager");
                    FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                if (!ConfigurationManager.IsEnabled(nameof(FolderWatcher)))
                    Logging.Info("Watched folder {0} will not be watched/scanned due to Developer Override setting {1}=false", configured_folder_to_watch, nameof(FolderWatcher));

                // reset counters for logging/reporting:

                // If we get this far then there might be some work to do in the folder...
                Stopwatch clk = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Summary:
                //     [AlphaFS] Specifies a set of custom filters to be used with enumeration methods
                //     of Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory, e.g., Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory.EnumerateDirectories(System.String),
                //     Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory.EnumerateFiles(System.String), or Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(System.String).
                // Remarks:
                //     Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationFilters allows scenarios in
                //     which files/directories being enumerated by the methods of Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory
                //     class are accepted only if they match the search pattern, attributes (see Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationOptions.SkipReparsePoints),
                //     and optionally also the custom criteria tested in the method whose delegate is
                //     specified in Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationFilters.InclusionFilter.
                //     These criteria could be, e.g., file size exceeding some threshold, pathname matches
                //     a complex regular expression, etc. If the enumeration process is set to be recursive
                //     (see Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Recursive) and
                //     Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationFilters.RecursionFilter is specified,
                //     the directory is traversed recursively only if it matches the custom criteria
                //     in Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationFilters.RecursionFilter method.
                //     This allows, for example, custom handling of junctions and symbolic links, e.g.,
                //     detection of cycles. If any error occurs during the enumeration and the enumeration
                //     process is not set to ignore errors (see Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationOptions.ContinueOnException),
                //     an exception is thrown unless the error is handled (filtered out) by the method
                //     specified in Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationFilters.ErrorFilter
                //     (if specified). The method may, for example, consume the error by reporting it
                //     in a log, so that the enumeration continues as in the case of Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationOptions.ContinueOnException
                //     option but the user will be informed about errors.

                DirectoryEnumerationFilters filter = new DirectoryEnumerationFilters();
                filter.ErrorFilter     = DecideIfErrorDuringDirScan;
                filter.InclusionFilter = DecideIfIncludeDuringDirScan;
                filter.RecursionFilter = DecideIfRecurseDuringDirScan;
                // Note: don't use the CancellationToken, just throw an exception in the InclusionFilter when it's time to abort the scan.
                //filter.CancellationToken = null;

                IEnumerable <string> filenames_in_folder = Directory.EnumerateFiles(configured_folder_to_watch,
                                                                                    DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Files |
                                                                                    DirectoryEnumerationOptions.BasicSearch |
                                                                                    //DirectoryEnumerationOptions.ContinueOnException |
                                                                                    DirectoryEnumerationOptions.LargeCache |
                // SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                Logging.Debug特("Directory.EnumerateFiles took {0} ms", clk.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                // Do NOT count files which are already present in our library/DB,
                // despite the fact that those also *do* take time and effort to check
                // in the code above.
                // The issue here is that when we would import files A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,
                // we would do so in tiny batches, resulting in a rescan after each batch
                // where the already processed files will be included in the set, but must
                // be filtered out as 'already in there' in the code above.
                // Iff we had counted *all* files we inspect from the Watch Directory,
                // we would never make it batch the first batch as then our count limit
                // would trigger already for every round through here!

                List <string> filenames_that_are_new = new List <string>();
                foreach (string filename in filenames_in_folder)
                    Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: {0} of {1} files have been processed/inspected (total {2} scanned, {3} skipped, {4} ignored)", watch_stats.processed_file_count, watch_stats.processing_file_count, watch_stats.scanned_file_count, watch_stats.skipped_file_count, watch_stats.scanned_file_count - watch_stats.skipped_file_count - watch_stats.processing_file_count);

                        // check the file once again: it MAY have disappeared while we were slowly scanning the remainder of the dirtree.
                        FileSystemEntryInfo info = File.GetFileSystemEntryInfo(filename);


                        Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is importing {0}", filename);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logging.Error(ex, "Folder Watcher: skipping file {0} due to file I/O error {1}", filename, ex.Message);

                Logging.Debug特("Directory.EnumerateFiles took {0} ms", clk.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                // Create the import records
                List <FilenameWithMetadataImport> filename_with_metadata_imports = new List <FilenameWithMetadataImport>();
                foreach (var filename in filenames_that_are_new)
                    filename_with_metadata_imports.Add(new FilenameWithMetadataImport
                        filename = filename,
                        tags     = new HashSet <string>(tags)

#if false
                    // delay until the PDF has actually been processed completely!
                    // Add this file to the list of processed files...

                // Get the library to import all these new files
                if (filename_with_metadata_imports.Count > 0)
                    ImportingIntoLibrary.AddNewPDFDocumentsToLibraryWithMetadata_SYNCHRONOUS(LibraryRef, true, filename_with_metadata_imports.ToArray());

                    // TODO: refactor the ImportingIntoLibrary class

                watch_stats.processed_file_count = watch_stats.processing_file_count;

                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: {0} of {1} files have been processed/inspected (total {2} scanned, {3} skipped, {4} ignored)", watch_stats.processed_file_count, watch_stats.processing_file_count, watch_stats.scanned_file_count, watch_stats.skipped_file_count, watch_stats.scanned_file_count - watch_stats.skipped_file_count - watch_stats.processing_file_count);

                if (watch_stats.index_processing_clock.ElapsedMilliseconds >= FolderWatcher.MAX_SECONDS_PER_ITERATION)
                    Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Taking a nap due to MAX_SECONDS_PER_ITERATION: {0} seconds consumed, {1} threads pending", watch_stats.index_processing_clock.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1E3, SafeThreadPool.QueuedThreadCount);



                Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher End-Of-Round ({0} ms)", clk.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher END");
コード例 #9
        // Summary:
        //     Represents the method that defines a set of criteria and determines whether the
        //     specified object meets those criteria.
        // Parameters:
        //   obj:
        //     The object to compare against the criteria defined within the method represented
        //     by this delegate.
        // Type parameters:
        //   T:
        //     The type of the object to compare.
        // Returns:
        //     true if obj meets the criteria defined within the method represented by this
        //     delegate; otherwise, false.
        internal bool DecideIfIncludeDuringDirScan(FileSystemEntryInfo obj)
            bool isRegularFile = !(obj.IsDevice || obj.IsDirectory || obj.IsMountPoint || /* obj.IsReparsePoint (hardlink!) || */ obj.IsOffline || obj.IsSystem || obj.IsTemporary);

            Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher: testing {1} '{0}' for inclusion in the Qiqqa library.", obj.FullPath, isRegularFile ? "regular File" : obj.IsDirectory ? "directory" : "node");

            if (Utilities.Shutdownable.ShutdownableManager.Instance.IsShuttingDown)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to daemon termination");
                throw new OperationCanceledException("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to daemon termination");

            if (Qiqqa.Common.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.Instance.ConfigurationRecord.DisableAllBackgroundTasks)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to DisableAllBackgroundTasks");
                throw new OperationCanceledException("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to DisableAllBackgroundTasks");

            if (library?.TypedTarget == null || folder_watcher_manager?.TypedTarget == null)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to disposed library and/or watch manager");
                throw new OperationCanceledException("FolderWatcher: Breaking out of inner processing loop due to disposed library and/or watch manager");

            bool have_we_slept = false;

            if (watch_stats.index_processing_clock.ElapsedMilliseconds > MAX_SECONDS_PER_ITERATION)
                Logging.Info("FolderWatcher: Taking a nap due to MAX_SECONDS_PER_ITERATION: {0} seconds consumed, {1} threads pending", watch_stats.index_processing_clock.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1E3, SafeThreadPool.QueuedThreadCount);

                // Collect various 'pending' counts to help produce a stretched sleep/delay period
                // in order to allow the other background tasks to keep up with the PDF series being
                // fed into them by this task.
                int thr_cnt    = Math.Max(0, SafeThreadPool.QueuedThreadCount - 2);
                int queued_cnt = Qiqqa.Documents.Common.DocumentQueuedStorer.Instance.PendingQueueCount;
                Qiqqa.Documents.PDF.PDFRendering.PDFTextExtractor.Instance.GetJobCounts(out var textify_count, out var ocr_count);

                int duration = 1 * 1000 + thr_cnt * 250 + queued_cnt * 20 + textify_count * 50 + ocr_count * 500;

                watch_stats.daemon.Sleep(Math.Min(60 * 1000, duration));

                // Relinquish control to the UI thread to make sure responsiveness remains tolerable at 100% CPU load.

                // reset:

                have_we_slept = true;

            // only include *.pdf files. Use a `while` loop to allow easy `break` statements to abort the inclusion filter logic below:
            while (isRegularFile && obj.Extension.ToLower() == ".pdf")
                // check if the given file isn't already present in the library:


                // If we already have this file in the "cache since we started", skip it
                if (folder_watcher_manager.TypedTarget.HaveProcessedFile(obj.FullPath))
                    Logging.Debug("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it has already been processed", obj.FullPath);

                if (have_we_slept)
                    // As we have slept a while, it's quite unsure whether that file still exists.
                    // Include it only when it still exists and otherwise be sure to retrigger a scan to follow up
                    // any other directory changes.
                    if (!File.Exists(obj.FullPath))
                        Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it has disappeared while we were sleeping", obj.FullPath);
                        FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                // ignore zero-length and tiny sized files as those sure are buggy/illegal PDFs:
                // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17279712/what-is-the-smallest-possible-valid-pdf
                if (obj.FileSize <= 66)
                    Logging.Warn("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it is too small to be a valid PDF file @ {1} bytes", obj.FullPath, obj.FileSize);

                // Check that the file is not still locked - if it is, mark that the folder is still "changed" and come back later.
                // We do this at the same time as calculating the file fingerprint as both actions require (costly) File I/O
                // and can be folded together: if the fingerprint fails, that's 99.9% sure a failure in the File I/O, hence
                // a locked or otherwise inaccessible file.
                string fingerprint;
                    fingerprint = StreamFingerprint.FromFile(obj.FullPath);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Error(ex, "Watched folder contains file '{0}' which is locked, so coming back later...", obj.FullPath);
                    FolderContentsHaveChanged = true;

                // check if the PDF is already known:
                PDFDocument doc = Library.GetDocumentByFingerprint(fingerprint);

                if (doc != null)
                    // Add this file to the list of processed files...
                    Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it already exists in the library as fingerprint {1}, title: {2}", obj.FullPath, fingerprint, doc.TitleCombined);

                if (watch_stats.file_hashes_added.TryGetValue(fingerprint, out var dupe_file_path))
                    Logging.Info("FolderWatcher is skipping {0} as it has already been included in the import set as file {1} which has the same fingerprint {2}", obj.FullPath, dupe_file_path, fingerprint);

                watch_stats.file_hashes_added.Add(fingerprint, obj.FullPath);

