private void getXLContent(FileSpecs fs) { //TODO: try blocks for error handling Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Worksheet wkSht = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(fs.Path).Worksheets[1]; Excel.Range ur = wkSht.UsedRange; int columnEnd = ur.Columns.Count + 1; int rowEnd = ur.Rows.Count + 1; //Console.WriteLine("columEnd: " + columnEnd); //Console.WriteLine("rowEnd: " + rowEnd); Excel.Range end = wkSht.Cells[rowEnd, columnEnd]; ur = wkSht.Range["A1", end]; List <string> line = new List <string>(); fd = new FileData(fs.Name); for (int row = 1; row < ur.Rows.Count; row++) { line = new List <string>(); for (int col = 1; col < ur.Columns.Count; col++) { //Console.WriteLine("Row: " + row); //Console.WriteLine("Col: " + col); line.Add(Convert.ToString( (wkSht.Cells[row, col] as Excel.Range).Value2 )); //Console.WriteLine("Add: " + line[col - 1]); } fd.Add(line); } xlApp.Quit(); }
private void GetFilePath(object o, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button b = (Button)e.Source; FileSpecs fs = (FileSpecs)b.DataContext; fs.Path = fps.GetFilePath(); }
public void RepoFactory_get_data_first_element_equal_csharp() { FileSpecs fs = new FileSpecs { Name = "sysName", Path = @"C:\Users\leonardebarnes\Documents\AuditTestData1.xlsx" }; var fdr = new RepositoryFactory().GetFileDataRepository(fs); var fd = fdr.GetAllData(); Assert.IsTrue(fd[0][0] == "csharp"); }
//NOT //public async Task<IActionResult> GetDocumentStats(string fileName) public IActionResult GetDocumentStats(string fileName) { //get the indicated file from the DICTIONARY using the DAO var file = dataAccessObject.GetFileAsString(fileName); //get the word count with the helper FileSpecs fileSpecs = new FileSpecs(fileName); //send the data back to the web page (SPA) as an Http response var obj = fileSpecs.GetSpecsFromStringFile(file); var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); return(Ok(json)); }
private void AddFileSpecs() { SystemNameDialogViewModel vm = new SystemNameDialogViewModel(); FileSpecs fs = new FileSpecs(); SystemNameRequest.Raise( new Notification { Title = "Enter Systems Name", Content = new SystemNameDialogView(vm) }, i => fs.Name = vm.FilePath ); fs.Path = fps.GetFilePath(); fileSpecs.Add(fs); }
private void getContent(FileSpecs fs) { string[] fileParts = fs.Path.Split('.'); string ext = fileParts[fileParts.Length - 1]; switch (ext) { case "csv": case "txt": getCSVContent(fs); break; default: //excel file getXLContent(fs); break; } }
private void getCSVContent(FileSpecs fs) { string[] fileContent; List <string> fileRow; FileData fd = new FileData(fs.Name); int row, col = 0; fileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fs.Path); row = fileContent.Length; if (row > 0) { col = fileContent[0].Split(',').Length; } for (int r = 0; r < row; r++) { fileRow = fileContent[r].Split(',').ToList <string>(); fd.Add(fileRow); } }
public IFileDataRepository GetFileDataRepository(FileSpecs fileSpecs) { return(new FileDataRepository(fileSpecs)); }
public FileDataRepository(FileSpecs fileSpecs) { getContent(fileSpecs); }
private void AddFilePath(object obj) { FileSpecs fs = (FileSpecs)obj; fs.Path = fps.GetFilePath(); }
public void LoadData(FileSpecs fileSpecs) { fddr[fileSpecs.Name] = rf.GetFileDataRepository(fileSpecs); }