コード例 #1
        //Undoes value(sets to null)
        private void Unset(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int       index = ParameterGrid.SelectedIndex;
            Parameter a     = ParameterGrid.Items[index] as Parameter;

            a.Value = null;
            if (TempSettings != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < TempSettings.Length; i++)
                    FileSpecificSettings b = TempSettings.GetValue(i) as FileSpecificSettings;
                    switch (index)
                    case 0:
                        b.Protease = null;

                    case 1:
                        b.ConserveMemory = null;

                    case 2:
                        b.Max_mods_for_peptide = null;

                    case 3:
                        b.DeconvolutionIntensityRatio = null;

                    case 4:
                        b.DoPrecursorDeconvolution = null;

                    case 5:
                        b.UseProvidedPrecursorInfo = null;

                    case 6:
                        b.ScoreCutoff = null;

                    case 7:
                        b.ProductMassTolerance = null;

                    case 8:
                        b.DeconvolutionMaxAssumedChargeState = null;

                    case 9:
                        b.TotalPartitions = null;

                    case 10:
                        b.MaxModificationIsoforms = null;

                    case 11:
                        b.MaxPeptideLength = null;

                    case 12:
                        b.MinPeptideLength = null;

                    case 13:
                        b.MaxMissedCleavages = null;

                    case 14:
                        b.InitiatorMethionineBehavior = 0;

                    case 15:
                        b.DeconvolutionMassTolerance = null;

                    case 16:
                        b.TrimMsMsPeaks = null;

                    case 17:
                        b.TrimMs1Peaks = null;

                    case 18:
                        b.MinRatio = null;

                    case 19:
                        b.TopNpeaks = null;

                    case 20:
                        b.ToleranceType = null;

コード例 #2
        //Window that is opened if user wishes to change file specific settings (TOML) for
        //individual or multiple spectra files. Creates a toml file where settings can be
        //viewed, loaded, and changed from it.
        public ChangeParametersWindow(ObservableCollection <RawDataForDataGrid> selectedRaw)
            SelectedRaw = selectedRaw;
            FileSpecificSettingsList = new FileSpecificSettings[selectedRaw.Count];
            tempParamList = InitializeParameterList();
            paramList     = InitializeParameterList();
            for (int i = 0; i < paramList.Count(); i++)

            FileSpecificSettingsList = new FileSpecificSettings[selectedRaw.Count];

            //If changing settins of single file
            if (selectedRaw.Count == 1)
                string tomlFileName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(SelectedRaw[0].FilePath, ".toml");
                Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, Nett.TomlObject> > tomlSettingsList;
                if (File.Exists(tomlFileName))
                    var paramFile = Toml.ReadFile(tomlFileName, MetaMorpheusTask.tomlConfig);
                    tomlSettingsList = paramFile.ToDictionary(p => p.Key);
                    FileSpecificSettings settings = new FileSpecificSettings(tomlSettingsList);
                    Array.Copy(paramList, tempParamList, paramList.Length);
                    tomlSettingsList = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, TomlObject> >();
                    FileSpecificSettings settings = new FileSpecificSettings(tomlSettingsList);
                    settings.ConserveMemory           = null;
                    settings.DoPrecursorDeconvolution = null;
                    settings.UseProvidedPrecursorInfo = null;
                    Array.Copy(paramList, tempParamList, paramList.Length);

            //if more than one file selected have to do processing to check equality.
                string[]      tomlFileNames      = new string[SelectedRaw.Count];
                List <string> nonEqualValueNames = new List <string>();
                List <Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, Nett.TomlObject> > > tomlSettingsListList = new List <Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, Nett.TomlObject> > >();

                //Set tomlSettingListList (list of tomlSettings)
                for (int i = 0; i < selectedRaw.Count; i++)
                    tomlFileNames[i] = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(SelectedRaw[i].FilePath, ".toml");
                    if (File.Exists(tomlFileNames[i]))
                        var paramFile = Toml.ReadFile(tomlFileNames[i], MetaMorpheusTask.tomlConfig);
                        tomlSettingsListList.Add(paramFile.ToDictionary(p => p.Key));
                        tomlSettingsListList.Add(new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, TomlObject> >());

                //check every value against every other value; if same, then add to list to set 'different in multiple files' later in Parameter Object
                for (int i = 0; i < tomlSettingsListList.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < tomlSettingsListList.Count; j++)
                        foreach (var key in tomlSettingsListList[j].Keys)
                            if (tomlSettingsListList[i].ContainsKey(key))
                                if (tomlSettingsListList[j].ContainsKey(tomlSettingsListList[i][key].Key))
                                    //Need to convert first letter to uppercase to match Type
                                    string h = tomlSettingsListList[j][key].Value.ReadableTypeName;
                                    //convert string to appropritate format
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(h))
                                        h = h.First().ToString().ToUpper() + h.Substring(1);
                                    if (h == "Int")
                                        h = "Int32";
                                    if (h == "Bool")
                                        h = "Boolean";
                                    if (h == "Float")
                                        h = "Single";

                                    Type typeAsString = Type.GetType("System." + h);
                                    var  a            = tomlSettingsListList[j][key].Value.Get(typeAsString);

                                    var b = tomlSettingsListList[i][key].Value.Get(typeAsString);

                                    if (!a.Equals(b))
                            //add different checked if null and others are not

                //now set settings so that it reflects if values are different
                FileSpecificSettings settings = new FileSpecificSettings(tomlSettingsListList[0]);
                foreach (string key in nonEqualValueNames)
                    if (key == "Protease")
                        paramList[0].Different = true;

                    if (key == "ConserveMemory")
                        paramList[1].Different = true;

                    if (key == "Max_mods_for_peptide")
                        paramList[2].Different = true;

                    if (key == "DeconvolutionIntensityRatio")
                        paramList[3].Different = true;

                    if (key == "DoPrecursorDeconvolution")
                        paramList[4].Different = true;

                    if (key == "UseProvidedPrecursorInfo")
                        paramList[5].Different = true;

                    if (key == "ScoreCutoff")
                        paramList[6].Different = true;

                    if (key == "ProductMassTolerance")
                        paramList[7].Different = true;

                    if (key == "DeconvolutionMaxAssumedChargeState")
                        paramList[8].Different = true;

                    if (key == "TotalPartitions")
                        paramList[9].Different = true;

                    if (key == "MaxModificationIsoforms")
                        paramList[10].Different = true;

                    if (key == "MaxPeptideLength")
                        paramList[11].Different = true;

                    if (key == "MinPeptideLength")
                        paramList[12].Different = true;

                    if (key == "MaxMissedCleavages")
                        paramList[13].Different = true;

                    if (key == "InitiatorMethionineBehavior")
                        paramList[14].Different = true;

                    if (key == "DeconvolutionMassTolerance")
                        paramList[15].Different = true;

                    if (key == "TrimMsMsPeaks")
                        paramList[16].Different = true;

                    if (key == "TrimMs1Peaks")
                        paramList[17].Different = true;

                    if (key == "MinRatio")
                        paramList[18].Different = true;

                    if (key == "TopNpeaks")
                        paramList[19].Different = true;

                    if (key == "ToleranceType")
                        paramList[20].Different = true;
                TempSettings = new FileSpecificSettings[selectedRaw.Count];
                Array.Copy(paramList, tempParamList, paramList.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < tomlSettingsListList.Count(); i++)
                    TempSettings[i] = new FileSpecificSettings(tomlSettingsListList[i]);

コード例 #3
        //upon clicking save button, settings are saved to memory in FileSettingsList in order to be
        //written to a toml file later
        private void Save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Array.Copy(tempParamList, paramList, paramList.Length);
            for (int file = 0; file < FileSpecificSettingsList.Count(); file++)
                FileSpecificSettingsList[file] = new FileSpecificSettings();
                int?index  = paramList[0].Value as int?;
                int?index2 = paramList[20].Value as int?;
                //Cases for each Parameter:
                //1. If one file with Changed value: write value to File settings
                //2. If one file with unchanged Value: Do nothing; will be null
                //3. If multiple files editing the same setting: write same setting to each file

                /* 4. If multiple files with different values for an attribute that is unchanged, then get each paramter setting
                 * from Temporary Settings. If this parameter is changed, then it will be the same so going to temp settings
                 * is Not necesarry

                //Tolerance Type
                if (index2.HasValue && index2 >= 0)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ToleranceType = paramList[20].ProductMassToleranceList[index2.Value];
                else if ((index2 == -1 || !index2.HasValue) && (paramList[7].Value != null || paramList[15].Value != null))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please Select a Tolerance Type", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Hand);
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].ToleranceType != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ToleranceType == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ToleranceType = TempSettings[file].ToleranceType;

                if (index.HasValue && index >= 0 && paramList[0].HasChanged)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].Protease = paramList[0].ProtList[index.Value];
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].Protease != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].Protease == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].Protease = TempSettings[file].Protease;

                //Conserve Memory
                if (paramList[1].Value != null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ConserveMemory = paramList[1].Value as bool?;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].ConserveMemory != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ConserveMemory == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ConserveMemory = TempSettings[file].ConserveMemory;

                //Max Mods for Peptide
                if (paramList[2].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[2].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].Max_mods_for_peptide = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].Max_mods_for_peptide != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].Max_mods_for_peptide == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].Max_mods_for_peptide = TempSettings[file].Max_mods_for_peptide;

                //Deconvolution Intensity Ratio
                if (paramList[3].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[3].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DeconvolutionIntensityRatio = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].DeconvolutionIntensityRatio != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DeconvolutionIntensityRatio == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DeconvolutionIntensityRatio = TempSettings[file].DeconvolutionIntensityRatio;

                //Precursor Deconvolution
                if (paramList[4].Value != null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DoPrecursorDeconvolution = paramList[4].Value as bool?;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].DoPrecursorDeconvolution != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DoPrecursorDeconvolution == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DoPrecursorDeconvolution = TempSettings[file].DoPrecursorDeconvolution;

                //Use Provided Precursor Info
                if (paramList[5].Value != null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].UseProvidedPrecursorInfo = paramList[5].Value as bool?;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].UseProvidedPrecursorInfo != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].UseProvidedPrecursorInfo == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].UseProvidedPrecursorInfo = TempSettings[file].UseProvidedPrecursorInfo;

                //Score Cutoff
                if (paramList[6].Value != null)
                    double.TryParse(paramList[6].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ScoreCutoff = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].ScoreCutoff != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ScoreCutoff == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ScoreCutoff = TempSettings[file].ScoreCutoff;

                //Product Mass Tolerance
                if (paramList[7].Value != null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ProductMassTolerance = Tolerance.ParseToleranceString(paramList[7].Value + " " + FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ToleranceType);
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].ProductMassTolerance != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ProductMassTolerance == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ProductMassTolerance = TempSettings[file].ProductMassTolerance;

                //Deconvolution Max ASsumed Charge State
                if (paramList[8].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[8].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DeconvolutionMaxAssumedChargeState = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].DeconvolutionMaxAssumedChargeState != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DeconvolutionMaxAssumedChargeState == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DeconvolutionMaxAssumedChargeState = TempSettings[file].DeconvolutionMaxAssumedChargeState;

                //Total Partitions
                if (paramList[9].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[9].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TotalPartitions = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].TotalPartitions != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TotalPartitions == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TotalPartitions = TempSettings[file].TotalPartitions;

                //Max Modification Isoforms
                if (paramList[10].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[10].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MaxModificationIsoforms = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].MaxModificationIsoforms != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MaxModificationIsoforms == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MaxModificationIsoforms = TempSettings[file].MaxModificationIsoforms;

                //Max Pep Length
                if (paramList[11].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[11].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MaxPeptideLength = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].MaxPeptideLength != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MaxPeptideLength == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MaxPeptideLength = TempSettings[file].MaxPeptideLength;

                //Min Pep Length
                if (paramList[12].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[12].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MinPeptideLength = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].MinPeptideLength != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MinPeptideLength == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MinPeptideLength = TempSettings[file].MinPeptideLength;

                //Max Missed Cleavages
                if (paramList[13].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[13].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MaxMissedCleavages = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].MaxMissedCleavages != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MaxMissedCleavages == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MaxMissedCleavages = TempSettings[file].MaxMissedCleavages;

                //Init Methonine Behavior
                if (paramList[14].Value != null)
                    if (!paramList[14].Value.Equals("Undefined"))
                        FileSpecificSettingsList[file].InitiatorMethionineBehavior = (InitiatorMethionineBehavior)paramList[14].Value;
                        paramList[14].Value = null;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].InitiatorMethionineBehavior != 0 && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].InitiatorMethionineBehavior == 0)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].InitiatorMethionineBehavior = TempSettings[file].InitiatorMethionineBehavior;

                //Deconvolution Mass Tolerance
                if (paramList[15].Value != null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DeconvolutionMassTolerance = Tolerance.ParseToleranceString(paramList[15].Value + " " + FileSpecificSettingsList[file].ToleranceType);
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].DeconvolutionMassTolerance != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DeconvolutionMassTolerance == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].DeconvolutionMassTolerance = TempSettings[file].DeconvolutionMassTolerance;

                //Trim Ms/Ms Peaks
                if (paramList[16].Value != null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TrimMsMsPeaks = paramList[16].Value as bool?;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].TrimMsMsPeaks != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TrimMsMsPeaks == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TrimMsMsPeaks = TempSettings[file].TrimMsMsPeaks;

                if (paramList[17].Value != null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TrimMs1Peaks = paramList[17].Value as bool?;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].TrimMs1Peaks != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TrimMs1Peaks == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TrimMs1Peaks = TempSettings[file].TrimMs1Peaks;

                //min Ratio
                if (paramList[18].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[18].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MinRatio = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].MinRatio != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MinRatio == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].MinRatio = TempSettings[file].MinRatio;

                //Top N Peaks
                if (paramList[19].Value != null)
                    int.TryParse(paramList[19].Value.ToString(), out var a);
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TopNpeaks = a;
                else if (FileSpecificSettingsList.Count() > 1 && TempSettings[file].TopNpeaks != null && FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TopNpeaks == null)
                    FileSpecificSettingsList[file].TopNpeaks = TempSettings[file].TopNpeaks;

            DialogResult = true;
コード例 #4
        //Updates fields of display so that it reflects current settings
        private void UpdateAndPopulateFields(FileSpecificSettings settings)
            var a     = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(0) as Parameter;
            int?index = paramList[0].ProtList.IndexOf(settings.Protease);

            if (index.HasValue)
                a.Value = index;
            if (paramList[0].Different)
                a.Value = null;
            var b = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(1) as Parameter;

            b.Value = settings.ConserveMemory;
            if (paramList[1].Different)
                b.Value = null;
            var c = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(2) as Parameter;

            c.Value = settings.Max_mods_for_peptide;
            if (paramList[2].Different)
                c.Value = null;
            var d = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(3) as Parameter;

            d.Value            = settings.DeconvolutionIntensityRatio;
            paramList[3].Value = d.Value;
            if (paramList[3].Different)
                d.Value = null;
            var e = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(4) as Parameter;

            e.Value = settings.DoPrecursorDeconvolution;
            if (paramList[4].Different)
                e.Value = null;
            var f = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(5) as Parameter;

            f.Value = settings.UseProvidedPrecursorInfo;
            if (paramList[5].Different)
                f.Value = null;
            var g = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(6) as Parameter;

            g.Value = settings.ScoreCutoff;
            if (paramList[6].Different)
                g.Value = null;
            var h = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(7) as Parameter;

            if (settings.ProductMassTolerance != null)
                h.Value = settings.ProductMassTolerance.Value;
            if (paramList[7].Different)
                h.Value = null;
            var i = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(8) as Parameter;

            i.Value = settings.DeconvolutionMaxAssumedChargeState;
            if (paramList[8].Different)
                i.Value = null;
            var j = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(9) as Parameter;

            j.Value = settings.TotalPartitions;
            if (paramList[9].Different)
                j.Value = null;
            var k = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(10) as Parameter;

            k.Value = settings.MaxModificationIsoforms;
            if (paramList[10].Different)
                k.Value = null;
            var l = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(11) as Parameter;

            l.Value = settings.MaxPeptideLength;
            if (paramList[11].Different)
                l.Value = null;
            var m = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(12) as Parameter;

            m.Value = settings.MinPeptideLength;
            if (paramList[12].Different)
                m.Value = null;
            var n = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(13) as Parameter;

            n.Value = settings.MaxMissedCleavages;
            if (paramList[13].Different)
                n.Value = null;
            int?index2 = paramList[0].InitList.IndexOf(settings.InitiatorMethionineBehavior.ToString());
            var o      = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(14) as Parameter;

            if (index2.HasValue && index2.Value != 0)
                o.Value = index2;
                o.Value = null;
            if (paramList[14].Different)
                o.Value = null;
            var p = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(15) as Parameter;

            if (settings.DeconvolutionMassTolerance != null)
                p.Value = settings.DeconvolutionMassTolerance.Value;
            if (paramList[15].Different)
                p.Value = null;
            var q = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(16) as Parameter;

            q.Value = settings.TrimMsMsPeaks;
            if (paramList[16].Different)
                q.Value = null;
            var r = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(17) as Parameter;

            r.Value = settings.TrimMs1Peaks;
            if (paramList[17].Different)
                r.Value = null;
            var s = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(18) as Parameter;

            s.Value = settings.MinRatio;
            if (paramList[18].Different)
                s.Value = null;
            var t = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(19) as Parameter;

            t.Value = settings.TopNpeaks;
            if (paramList[19].Different)
                t.Value = null;
            //tolerance type
            int?index3 = paramList[20].ProductMassToleranceList.IndexOf(settings.ToleranceType);
            var w      = ParameterGrid.Items.GetItemAt(20) as Parameter;

            if (index.HasValue)
                w.Value = index3;
            if (paramList[20].Different)
                w.Value = null;
