public TextFileImporter(FileProfile fileToImport, IRepository <T> repository, IDslScriptRunner scriptRunner, ICustomLogicContainer customLogicContainer) { _fileToImport = fileToImport; _repository = repository; _scriptRunner = scriptRunner; _customLogicContainer = customLogicContainer; }
public FileApi( ITokenProvider tokenProvider, string applicationId, string applicationName, string storagePath) { this.authDelegate = new AuthDelegateImpl(tokenProvider); var applicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo( applicationId, applicationName); var settings = new FileProfile.Settings(storagePath, false, authDelegate, applicationInfo); var lateFileProfile = new LateValue <FileProfile>(); FileProfile.LoadAsync(settings, lateFileProfile); this.profile = lateFileProfile.AwaitValue(); FileEngine.Settings engineSettings = new FileEngine.Settings("1234", ""); var lateFileEngine = new LateValue <FileEngine>(); this.profile.AddEngineAsync(engineSettings, lateFileEngine); this.engine = lateFileEngine.AwaitValue(); }
public ITextFileParser GetSchemaParser(FileProfile fileProfile, Stream stream) { if (fileProfile.IsFixedWidth) { var parser = new FixedWidthTextFileParser(stream); if (fileProfile.SchemaDetector.ParseStartPosition.HasValue && fileProfile.SchemaDetector.ParseStartPosition.Value > 0 && fileProfile.SchemaDetector.ParseLength.HasValue && fileProfile.SchemaDetector.ParseLength.Value > 0) { parser.AddFieldWidth(fileProfile.SchemaDetector.ParseStartPosition.Value, fileProfile.SchemaDetector.ParseLength.Value); fileProfile.SchemaDetector.SourceColumnNumber = 1; } return(parser); } else { var parser = new DelimitedTextFileParser(stream); parser.Delimiters = new[] { fileProfile.Delimiter }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileProfile.TextQualifier)) { parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQualifier = true; parser.SetTextQualifier(fileProfile.TextQualifier); } else { parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQualifier = false; } return(parser); } }
private string GetFullPath(FileProfile fileProfile) { var initial = new StringBuilder(fileProfile.LocalPath.Length + 5); initial.Append(fileProfile.LocalPath, 1, fileProfile.LocalPath.Length - 1); initial.Append('.'); initial.Append(fileProfile.FileType.GetExtension()); return(Path.Combine(_hierarchyRoot, initial.ToString()).Replace('\\', '/')); }
private async Task <StreamContent> MakeStreamContent(FileProfile fileProfile) { var steam = await fileProfile.GetData().ConfigureAwait(false); var content = new StreamContent(steam); content.Headers.Add("Extension", fileProfile.FileType.GetExtension()); return(content); }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var DC = new DataClassesDataContext(); var FileName = ""; if (FileProfile.HasFile) { string strPic = FileProfile.FileName; var path = Server.MapPath("ClientUpload/"); DateTime date = DateTime.Now; string strdate = date.ToString(); var charsToRemove = new string[] { "%", "-", ":", " ", "\\", "/" }; foreach (var c in charsToRemove) { strdate = strdate.Replace(c, string.Empty); strPic = strPic.Replace(c, string.Empty); } //filename = strdate + strPic; FileName = strPic; FileProfile.SaveAs(path + "/" + FileName); } else { FileName = hdnImage.Value; } tblClient ClientUpdate = DC.tblClients.Single(ob => ob.ClientID == Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"])); ClientUpdate.ClientName = txtName.Text; ClientUpdate.EmailID = txtEmail.Text; ClientUpdate.ContactNo = txtCNO.Text; ClientUpdate.CompanyName = txtComName.Text; ClientUpdate.WebsiteURL = txtURl.Text; if (FileProfile.FileName != "") { ClientUpdate.ImageName = FileProfile.FileName; } else { ClientUpdate.ImageName = FileName; } DC.SubmitChanges(); BindClient(); Response.Redirect("TrackProject.aspx"); } catch (Exception ex) { int session = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"].ToString()); string PageName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Request.Url.AbsolutePath); string MACAddress = GetMacAddress(); AddErrorLog(ref ex, PageName, "Client", session, 0, MACAddress); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "abc", "alert('Something went wrong! Try again');", true); } }
public TextFileParser(FileProfile fileToProcess, IFileData fileData, IDslScriptRunner scriptRunner, string[] headerFields, int startAtLineNumber = -1) { _table = new Table(); _scriptRunner = scriptRunner; _fileToStreamConverter = new FileToStreamConverter(); _fileToProcess = fileToProcess; _fileData = fileData; _headerFields = headerFields; _headerLines = startAtLineNumber; }
public CompositeTextFileParser(FileProfile fileToProcess, IFileData fileData, IDslScriptRunner scriptRunner, ICustomLogicContainer customLogicContainer, bool isEdiFileFormat = false, int startAtLineNumber = -1) { _result = new FileParsingResult(); _fileToProcess = fileToProcess; _scriptRunner = scriptRunner; _fileToStreamConverter = new FileToStreamConverter(); _writers = new Dictionary <object, StreamWriter>(); _customLogicContainer = customLogicContainer; _fileData = fileData; _isEdiFileFormat = isEdiFileFormat; _startAtLineNumber = startAtLineNumber; SplitSchemas(); }
public async Task <Stream> GetData(FileProfile fileProfile) { var filePathContent = new StringContent(fileProfile.LocalPath, Encoding.UTF8, "text/plain"); var fileTypeContent = new StringContent(fileProfile.FileType.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "text/plain"); var multipartFormDataContent = new MultipartFormDataContent { { filePathContent, "filePath" }, { fileTypeContent, "fileType" }, }; using var httpRequestMessage = await CreateHttpRequestMessageWithAuthHeader(HttpMethod.Get, Endpoints.GetFileEndpoint, multipartFormDataContent).ConfigureAwait(false); var responseMessage = await _httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).ConfigureAwait(false); responseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var dataStream = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return(dataStream); }
private static async Task SyncFile(Config config, CancellationToken token, FileProfile path, ILogger logger, string configSavePath) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path.Path); //needs to be synced if (fileInfo.LastWriteTime > path.LastSynced) { logger.LogDebug($"Syncing {path.Path}"); try { await using var sourceStream = File.OpenRead(path.Path); await using var destinationStream = File.Create(Path.Combine(configSavePath, fileInfo.Name)); //nested try catch is needed for scoping try { await sourceStream.CopyToAsync(destinationStream, 81920, token); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); } catch (OperationCanceledException)//Delete file if cancelled { logger.LogDebug($"deleteing file {Path.Combine(configSavePath, fileInfo.Name)}"); await destinationStream.DisposeAsync();//free up file handles await sourceStream.DisposeAsync(); File.Delete(Path.Combine(configSavePath, fileInfo.Name)); throw; } } catch (IOException e)//file cant be opened { logger.LogCritical($"Failed to open file {fileInfo}"); logger.LogDebug(e.Message); } } else { logger.LogDebug($"Skipping {path.Path}"); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileId">The file identifier.</param> /// <param name="estateId">The estate identifier.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <FileDetails> GetFile(Guid fileId, Guid estateId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { FileAggregate fileAggregate = await this.FileAggregateRepository.GetLatestVersion(fileId, cancellationToken); if (fileAggregate.IsCreated == false) { throw new NotFoundException($"File with Id [{fileId}] not found"); } FileDetails fileDetails = fileAggregate.GetFile(); EstateReportingGenericContext context = await this.DbContextFactory.GetContext(estateId, cancellationToken); Merchant merchant = await context.Merchants.AsAsyncEnumerable() .SingleOrDefaultAsync(m => m.MerchantId == fileDetails.MerchantId, cancellationToken); if (merchant != null) { fileDetails.MerchantName = merchant.Name; } EstateSecurityUser userDetails = await context.EstateSecurityUsers.AsAsyncEnumerable() .SingleOrDefaultAsync(u => u.SecurityUserId == fileDetails.UserId); if (userDetails != null) { fileDetails.UserEmailAddress = userDetails.EmailAddress; } FileProfile fileProfile = await this.GetFileProfile(fileDetails.FileProfileId, cancellationToken); if (fileProfile != null) { fileDetails.FileProfileName = fileProfile.Name; } return(fileDetails); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the process file request. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileProfile">The file profile.</param> /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file.</param> /// <returns></returns> private IRequest CreateProcessFileRequest(FileProfile fileProfile, String fileName) { IRequest request = null; // Extract the file Id var fields = fileName.Split('-'); switch (fileProfile.RequestType) { case "SafaricomTopupRequest": request = new SafaricomTopupRequest(Guid.Parse(fields[1]), fileName, fileProfile.FileProfileId); break; case "VoucherRequest": request = new VoucherRequest(Guid.Parse(fields[1]), fileName, fileProfile.FileProfileId); break; } return(request); }
public ITextFileParser GetParser(FileProfile fileProfile, Stream stream) { if (fileProfile.IsFixedWidth) { var parser = new FixedWidthTextFileParser(stream); int sourceColNum = 1; foreach (RowDefinition rowDefinition in fileProfile.FileTypes[0].RowDefinitions) { if (rowDefinition.ParseStartPosition.HasValue && rowDefinition.ParseStartPosition.Value > 0 && rowDefinition.ParseLength.HasValue && rowDefinition.ParseLength.Value > 0) { parser.AddFieldWidth( rowDefinition.ParseStartPosition.Value, rowDefinition.ParseLength.Value); rowDefinition.SourceColumnNumber = sourceColNum; sourceColNum++; } else { rowDefinition.SourceColumnNumber = null; } } return(parser); } else { var parser = new DelimitedTextFileParser(stream); parser.Delimiters = new[] { fileProfile.Delimiter }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileProfile.TextQualifier)) { parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQualifier = true; parser.SetTextQualifier(fileProfile.TextQualifier); } else { parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQualifier = false; } return(parser); } }
private async Task <bool> SaveFile(FileProfile fileProfile, FileWriteMode writeMode) { using var fileInputStream = await fileProfile.GetData().ConfigureAwait(false); var pathToSave = GetFullPath(fileProfile); if (writeMode == FileWriteMode.CreateNew && File.Exists(pathToSave)) { return(false); } if (writeMode == FileWriteMode.Override && !File.Exists(pathToSave)) { return(false); } var fileMode = writeMode switch { FileWriteMode.Override => FileMode.Create, FileWriteMode.CreateNew => FileMode.CreateNew, _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(writeMode), writeMode, null) }; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(pathToSave) !); using (var outputStream = new FileStream(pathToSave, fileMode)) { await fileInputStream.CopyToAsync(outputStream).ConfigureAwait(false); } File.SetCreationTimeUtc(pathToSave, fileProfile.LastTimeUtc); File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(pathToSave, fileProfile.LastTimeUtc); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public void Initialize(FileProfile fileProfile) { _initialized = true; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileProfile.CustomLogicDllPath) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileProfile.CustomLogicClassName)) { return; } string[] customLogicAssemblyAndType = fileProfile.CustomLogicClassName.Split(new[] { ',' }); if (customLogicAssemblyAndType.Length != 2) { return; } try { AppDomainSetup clads = new AppDomainSetup { ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, PrivateBinPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath, ShadowCopyFiles = "true", DisallowCodeDownload = true }; //TODO: configuration file? _customLogicAppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Secondary Scripting Domain", null, clads); string customLogicDllFile = customLogicAssemblyAndType[0].Trim(); if (!customLogicDllFile.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll")) { customLogicDllFile += ".dll"; } customLogicDllFile = Path.Combine(fileProfile.CustomLogicDllPath, customLogicDllFile); _customLogicInstance = (ICustomParseLogic)_customLogicAppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(customLogicDllFile, customLogicAssemblyAndType[1].Trim()); } catch (Exception e) { _customLogicInstance = null; throw new TypeLoadException("The custom parse logic type could not be loaded. [" + customLogicAssemblyAndType + "]", e); } }
public Task <Stream> GetData(FileProfile fileProfile) { return(Task.FromResult(_dataDictionary[fileProfile.FileType])); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the specified request. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The request.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">File Id [{request.FileId}] has no lines added</exception> /// <exception cref="NotFoundException"> /// File Line Number {request.LineNumber} not found in File Id {request.FileId} /// or /// No file profile found with Id {fileDetails.FileProfileId} /// or /// Merchant not found with Id {fileDetails.MerchantId} on estate Id {fileDetails.EstateId} /// or /// No contracts found for Merchant Id {fileDetails.MerchantId} on estate Id {fileDetails.EstateId} /// or /// No merchant contract for operator Id {fileProfile.OperatorName} found for Merchant Id {merchant.MerchantId} /// or /// No variable value product found on the merchant contract for operator Id {fileProfile.OperatorName} and Merchant Id {merchant.MerchantId} /// </exception> public async Task <Unit> Handle(ProcessTransactionForFileLineRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Get the file aggregate, this tells us the file profile information FileAggregate fileAggregate = await this.FileAggregateRepository.GetLatestVersion(request.FileId, cancellationToken); FileDetails fileDetails = fileAggregate.GetFile(); if (fileDetails.FileLines.Any() == false) { throw new NotSupportedException($"File Id [{request.FileId}] has no lines added"); } FileLine fileLine = fileDetails.FileLines.SingleOrDefault(f => f.LineNumber == request.LineNumber); if (fileLine == null) { throw new NotFoundException($"File Line Number {request.LineNumber} not found in File Id {request.FileId}"); } if (fileLine.ProcessingResult != ProcessingResult.NotProcessed) { // Line already processed return(new Unit()); } FileProfile fileProfile = await this.FileProcessorManager.GetFileProfile(fileDetails.FileProfileId, cancellationToken); if (fileProfile == null) { throw new NotFoundException($"No file profile found with Id {fileDetails.FileProfileId}"); } // Determine if we need to actually process this file line if (this.FileLineCanBeIgnored(fileLine.LineData, fileProfile.FileFormatHandler)) { // Write something to aggregate to say line was explicity ignored fileAggregate.RecordFileLineAsIgnored(fileLine.LineNumber); await this.FileAggregateRepository.SaveChanges(fileAggregate, cancellationToken); return(new Unit()); } // need to now parse the line (based on the file format), this builds the metadata Dictionary <String, String> transactionMetadata = this.ParseFileLine(fileLine.LineData, fileProfile.FileFormatHandler); if (transactionMetadata == null) { // Line failed to parse so record this fileAggregate.RecordFileLineAsRejected(fileLine.LineNumber, "Invalid Format"); await this.FileAggregateRepository.SaveChanges(fileAggregate, cancellationToken); return(new Unit()); } // Add the file data to the request metadata transactionMetadata.Add("FileId", request.FileId.ToString()); transactionMetadata.Add("FileLineNumber", fileLine.LineNumber.ToString()); String operatorName = fileProfile.OperatorName; if (transactionMetadata.ContainsKey("OperatorName")) { // extract the value operatorName = transactionMetadata["OperatorName"]; transactionMetadata = transactionMetadata.Where(x => x.Key != "OperatorName").ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); } this.TokenResponse = await this.GetToken(cancellationToken); Interlocked.Increment(ref FileRequestHandler.TransactionNumber); // Get the merchant details MerchantResponse merchant = await this.EstateClient.GetMerchant(this.TokenResponse.AccessToken, fileDetails.EstateId, fileDetails.MerchantId, cancellationToken); if (merchant == null) { throw new NotFoundException($"Merchant not found with Id {fileDetails.MerchantId} on estate Id {fileDetails.EstateId}"); } List <ContractResponse> contracts = await this.EstateClient.GetMerchantContracts(this.TokenResponse.AccessToken, fileDetails.EstateId, fileDetails.MerchantId, cancellationToken); if (contracts.Any() == false) { throw new NotFoundException($"No contracts found for Merchant Id {fileDetails.MerchantId} on estate Id {fileDetails.EstateId}"); } ContractResponse?contract = null; if (fileProfile.OperatorName == "Voucher") { contract = contracts.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Description.Contains(operatorName)); } else { contract = contracts.SingleOrDefault(c => c.OperatorName == operatorName); } if (contract == null) { throw new NotFoundException($"No merchant contract for operator Id {operatorName} found for Merchant Id {merchant.MerchantId}"); } ContractProduct?product = contract.Products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Value == null); // TODO: Is this enough or should the name be used and stored in file profile?? if (product == null) { throw new NotFoundException($"No variable value product found on the merchant contract for operator Id {fileProfile.OperatorName} and Merchant Id {merchant.MerchantId}"); } // Build a transaction request message SaleTransactionRequest saleTransactionRequest = new SaleTransactionRequest { EstateId = fileDetails.EstateId, MerchantId = fileDetails.MerchantId, TransactionDateTime = fileDetails.FileReceivedDateTime, TransactionNumber = FileRequestHandler.TransactionNumber.ToString(), TransactionType = "Sale", ContractId = contract.ContractId, DeviceIdentifier = merchant.Devices.First().Value, OperatorIdentifier = contract.OperatorName, ProductId = product.ProductId, AdditionalTransactionMetadata = transactionMetadata, }; SerialisedMessage serialisedRequestMessage = new SerialisedMessage { Metadata = new Dictionary <String, String> { { "estate_id", fileDetails.EstateId.ToString() }, { "merchant_id", fileDetails.MerchantId.ToString() } }, SerialisedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(saleTransactionRequest, new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All }) }; Logger.LogInformation(serialisedRequestMessage.SerialisedData); // Send request to transaction processor SerialisedMessage serialisedResponseMessage = await this.TransactionProcessorClient.PerformTransaction(this.TokenResponse.AccessToken, serialisedRequestMessage, cancellationToken); // Get the sale transaction response SaleTransactionResponse saleTransactionResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SaleTransactionResponse>(serialisedResponseMessage.SerialisedData); if (saleTransactionResponse.ResponseCode == "0000") { // record response against file line in file aggregate fileAggregate.RecordFileLineAsSuccessful(request.LineNumber, saleTransactionResponse.TransactionId); } else { fileAggregate.RecordFileLineAsFailed(request.LineNumber, saleTransactionResponse.TransactionId, saleTransactionResponse.ResponseCode, saleTransactionResponse.ResponseMessage); } // Save changes to file aggregate // TODO: Add retry round this save (maybe 3 retries) await this.FileAggregateRepository.SaveChanges(fileAggregate, cancellationToken); return(new Unit()); }
private async Task <Unit> ProcessFile(Guid fileId, Guid fileProfileId, String fileName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { IFileInfo inProgressFile = null; FileProfile fileProfile = null; try { fileProfile = await this.FileProcessorManager.GetFileProfile(fileProfileId, cancellationToken); if (fileProfile == null) { throw new NotFoundException($"No file profile found with Id {fileProfileId}"); } // Check the processed/failed directories exist if (this.FileSystem.Directory.Exists(fileProfile.ProcessedDirectory) == false) { Logger.LogWarning($"Creating Directory {fileProfile.ProcessedDirectory} as not found"); this.FileSystem.Directory.CreateDirectory(fileProfile.ProcessedDirectory); } if (this.FileSystem.Directory.Exists(fileProfile.FailedDirectory) == false) { Logger.LogWarning($"Creating Directory {fileProfile.FailedDirectory} as not found"); this.FileSystem.Directory.CreateDirectory(fileProfile.FailedDirectory); } inProgressFile = this.FileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName(fileName); if (inProgressFile.Exists == false) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"File {inProgressFile.FullName} not found"); } FileAggregate fileAggregate = await this.FileAggregateRepository.GetLatestVersion(fileId, cancellationToken); if (fileAggregate.IsCreated == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"File with Id {fileId} not created"); } String fileContent = null; //Open file for Read\Write using (Stream fs = inProgressFile.Open(FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { //Create object of StreamReader by passing FileStream object on which it needs to operates on using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs)) { //Use ReadToEnd method to read all the content from file fileContent = await sr.ReadToEndAsync(); } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContent) == false) { String[] fileLines = fileContent.Split(fileProfile.LineTerminator); foreach (String fileLine in fileLines) { fileAggregate.AddFileLine(fileLine); } await this.FileAggregateRepository.SaveChanges(fileAggregate, cancellationToken); } Logger.LogInformation( $"About to move file {inProgressFile.Name} to [{fileProfile.ProcessedDirectory}]"); // TODO: Move file now inProgressFile.MoveTo($"{fileProfile.ProcessedDirectory}/{inProgressFile.Name}"); return(new Unit()); } catch (Exception e) { if (inProgressFile != null && fileProfile != null) { inProgressFile.MoveTo($"{fileProfile.FailedDirectory}/{inProgressFile.Name}"); } Logger.LogError(e); throw; } }
// TODO: Create a domain service /// <summary> /// Handles the specified request. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The request.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="NotFoundException">No file profile found with Id {request.FileProfileId}</exception> /// <exception cref="System.IO.FileNotFoundException">File {file.FullName} not found</exception> /// <exception cref="System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">Directory {fileProfile.ListeningDirectory} not found</exception> public async Task <Guid> Handle(UploadFileRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { DateTime importLogDateTime = request.FileUploadedDateTime; // This will now create the import log and add an event for the file being uploaded Guid importLogId = Helpers.CalculateFileImportLogAggregateId(importLogDateTime.Date, request.EstateId); // Get the import log FileImportLogAggregate fileImportLogAggregate = await this.FileImportLogAggregateRepository.GetLatestVersion(importLogId, cancellationToken); if (fileImportLogAggregate.IsCreated == false) { // First file of the day so create fileImportLogAggregate.CreateImportLog(request.EstateId, importLogDateTime); } // Move the file FileProfile fileProfile = await this.FileProcessorManager.GetFileProfile(request.FileProfileId, cancellationToken); if (fileProfile == null) { throw new NotFoundException($"No file profile found with Id {request.FileProfileId}"); } // Copy file from the temp location to file processing listening directory IFileInfo file = this.FileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName(request.FilePath); if (file.Exists == false) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"File {file.FullName} not found"); } String originalName = file.Name; if (this.FileSystem.Directory.Exists(fileProfile.ListeningDirectory) == false) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Directory {fileProfile.ListeningDirectory} not found"); } // Read the file data String fileContent = null; //Open file for Read\Write using (Stream fs = file.Open(FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { //Create object of StreamReader by passing FileStream object on which it needs to operates on using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs)) { //Use ReadToEnd method to read all the content from file fileContent = await sr.ReadToEndAsync(); } } Guid fileId = this.CreateGuidFromFileData(fileContent); String fileDestination = $"{fileProfile.ListeningDirectory}//{request.EstateId:N}-{fileId:N}"; file.MoveTo(fileDestination, overwrite: true); // Update Import log aggregate fileImportLogAggregate.AddImportedFile(fileId, request.MerchantId, request.UserId, request.FileProfileId, originalName, fileDestination, request.FileUploadedDateTime); // Save changes await this.FileImportLogAggregateRepository.SaveChanges(fileImportLogAggregate, cancellationToken); return(fileId); }
public TextFileGenerator(FileProfile fileToGenerate) { _fileToGenerate = fileToGenerate; }
public Task <Stream> GetData(FileProfile fileProfile) { return(_filesGroup.RelatedFiles.First(profile => profile.FileType == fileProfile.FileType).GetData()); }
public T GetSchemaParser <T>(FileProfile fileProfile, Stream stream) where T : class, ITextFileParser { return(GetSchemaParser(fileProfile, stream) as T); }
/// <summary> /// Crawls the passed directory, accumulating the paths of all files in subdirectories /// and the initial directory. /// </summary> /// <returns>A dictionary of directory:files[] where files are the files in that directory</returns> public static Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> > CrawlDirectory(FileProfile path) { var resultDict = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> >();
public string GetSdkVersion() { return(FileProfile.GetSdkVersion()); }
public Task <Stream> GetData(FileProfile fileProfile) { var stream = new FileStream(GetFullPath(fileProfile), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); return(Task.FromResult <Stream>(stream)); }
public async Task <List <FileProfile> > GetProfileFileTypeByTypeAsync(string profileType, int profileId = 0, string webRootPath = null, string mcId = null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileType)) { AddError("Dữ liệu không hợp lệ"); return(null); } profileType = profileType.ToLower(); int type = 0; switch (profileType) { case "common": type = (int)ProfileType.Common; break; case "courier": type = (int)ProfileType.Courier; break; case "mcredit": type = (int)ProfileType.MCredit; break; case "company": type = (int)ProfileType.Company; break; case "revoke": type = (int)ProfileType.RevokeDebt; break; } if (profileType == "mcredit") { return(await GetFileUploadMcreditAsync(profileId, mcId, webRootPath)); } bool isReadOnly = false; if (type == (int)ProfileType.Common) { var profileResult = await _rpProfile.GetByIdAsync(profileId); if (!profileResult.success || == null) { isReadOnly = false; } if ((_process.User.isSale || _process.User.isRsmAsmSS) && != (int)ProfileStatus.Draft) { isReadOnly = true; } } var fileTypes = await _rpFile.GetByType(type); if (fileTypes == null || !fileTypes.Any()) { return(null); } var files = await _rpFile.GetFilesByProfileIdAsync(type, profileId); var result = new List <FileProfile>(); foreach (var kind in fileTypes) { var filesByType = files.Where(p => p.Key == kind.FileKey); //foreach (var f in filesByType) //{ // f.FileUrl = Path.Combine(webRootPath, f.FileUrl); //} var item = new FileProfile { Id = kind.Id, RootPath = webRootPath, FileKey = kind.FileKey, IsRequire = kind.IsRequire, Name = kind.Name, ProfileTypeId = kind.ProfileTypeId, IsReadOnly = isReadOnly, ProfileFiles = filesByType != null?filesByType.ToList() : new List <FileUploadModel>() }; result.Add(item); } return(result); }
private string GetFullPath(FileProfile fileProfile) { return(GetFullPath($"{fileProfile.LocalPath}.{fileProfile.FileType.GetExtension()}")); }