/// <summary> /// 仅仅添加外部b64数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="b64data"></param> public void AddPlain(string item, string b64data) { if (FileNames.Contains(item) == false) { Count++; FileNames.Add(item); FileDatas.Add(item, null); } if (FileStringDatas.ContainsKey(item) == false) { FileStringDatas.Add(item, b64data); } else { FileStringDatas[item] = (b64data); } }
private void UpdateURLs(ref JArray jSource) { foreach (JObject jObj in jSource) { try { JToken oContentID; //Empty PreRequisites should be handled by the Client; Fix after! //try //{ // if (jObj["PreRequisites"] == null) // { // string[] oReq = new string[0]; // jObj.Add("PreRequisites", JToken.FromObject(oReq)); // } // if (!jObj["PreRequisites"].HasValues) // { // string[] oReq = new string[0]; // jObj["PreRequisites"] = JToken.FromObject(oReq); // } //} //catch { } try { jObj["Manufacturer"] = Base.clean(jObj["Manufacturer"].Value <string>()); jObj["ProductName"] = Base.clean(jObj["ProductName"].Value <string>()); jObj["ProductVersion"] = Base.clean(jObj["ProductVersion"].Value <string>()); } catch { } if (jObj.TryGetValue("ContentID", out oContentID)) { string sContentID = oContentID.Value <string>(); List <string> FileNames = new List <string>(); if (_cache.TryGetValue("files-" + sContentID, out FileNames)) { } else { FileNames = new List <string>(); //No need to load blob if local content exists... if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Settings["content"], sContentID))) { CloudBlobContainer oRepoContainer = new CloudBlobContainer(new Uri(Settings["contURL"] + "?" + Settings["contSAS"])); var oDir = oRepoContainer.GetDirectoryReference(sContentID); foreach (CloudBlockBlob oItem in oDir.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(new BlobContinuationToken()).Result.Results) { FileNames.Add(Path.GetFileName(oItem.Name.ToLower())); } var cacheEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions().SetSlidingExpiration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(SlidingExpiration)); //cache hash for x Seconds _cache.Set("files-" + sContentID, FileNames, cacheEntryOptions); } } foreach (JObject oFiles in jObj["Files"]) { //Skip blob if local content folder exists string sContentPath = Path.Combine(Settings["content"], sContentID); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(sContentPath, oFiles["FileName"].Value <string>()))) { string sBase = Base.localURL; if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("localURL") != null) { sBase = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("localURL"); //If hosted in a container, the localURL represensts the server URL } oFiles["URL"] = sBase + "/rest/v2/GetFile/" + oContentID + "/" + oFiles["FileName"].ToString().Replace("\\", "/"); continue; } if (FileNames.Contains(oFiles["FileName"].Value <string>().ToLower())) { //oFiles["URL"] = Base.localURL + "/rest/v2/GetFile/" + sContentID + "/" + oFiles["FileName"].ToString().Replace("\\", "/"); oFiles["URL"] = "https://cdn.ruckzuck.tools/rest/v2/GetFile/" + sContentID + "/" + oFiles["FileName"].ToString().Replace("\\", "/"); } } } else { continue; } } catch { } } }
public bool Contains(string filePath) { return(FileNames.Contains(filePath)); }