public void CheckIfFileName_IsValid(string fileName, bool answer) { // Act bool isValid = FileExts.IsFileNameValid(fileName); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(answer, isValid); }
public static string GetFileNameFrom(Uri uri) { string filename; filename = uri.LocalPath.Split('/').Last(); filename = FileExts.ToSafeFileName(filename); return(filename); }
public void ConvertFileName_ToSafeFileName_ShouldPass_IsValidFileNameTest(string invalidFileName) { // Act string validFileName = FileExts.ToSafeFileName(invalidFileName); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(validFileName); Assert.IsFalse(FileExts.IsFileNameValid(invalidFileName)); Assert.IsTrue(FileExts.IsFileNameValid(validFileName)); }
public static string DoUpload(string fileUri, HttpRequest request) { _fileName = GetCorrectName(Path.GetFileName(fileUri)); var curExt = (Path.GetExtension(_fileName) ?? "").ToLower(); if (!FileExts.Contains(curExt)) { throw new Exception("File type is not supported"); } var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fileUri); try { // hack. if (IsMono) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (s, ce, ca, p) => true; } using (var stream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) { if (stream == null) { throw new Exception("stream is null"); } const int bufferSize = 4096; using (var fs = File.Open(StoragePath(_fileName, null), FileMode.Create)) { var buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int readed; while ((readed = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) != 0) { fs.Write(buffer, 0, readed); } } } var histDir = HistoryDir(StoragePath(_fileName, null)); Directory.CreateDirectory(histDir); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(histDir, "createdInfo.json"), new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "created", DateTime.Now.ToString() }, { "id", request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uid", "uid-1") }, { "name", request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uname", "John Smith") } })); } catch (Exception) { } return(_fileName); }
public static string DoUpload(string fileUri, HttpRequest request) { _fileName = GetCorrectName(Path.GetFileName(fileUri)); var curExt = (Path.GetExtension(_fileName) ?? "").ToLower(); if (!FileExts.Contains(curExt)) { throw new Exception("File type is not supported"); } var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fileUri); try { // hack. if (IsMono) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (s, ce, ca, p) => true; } using (var stream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) { if (stream == null) { throw new Exception("stream is null"); } const int bufferSize = 4096; using (var fs = File.Open(StoragePath(_fileName, null), FileMode.Create)) { var buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int readed; while ((readed = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) != 0) { fs.Write(buffer, 0, readed); } } } DocEditor.CreateMeta(_fileName, request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uid", "uid-1"), request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uname", "John Smith"), null); } catch (Exception) { } return(_fileName); }
// uploading a file by the file url and the request public static string DoUpload(string fileUri, HttpRequest request) { _fileName = GetCorrectName(Path.GetFileName(fileUri)); // get the correct file name if such a name already exists var curExt = (Path.GetExtension(_fileName) ?? "").ToLower(); if (!FileExts.Contains(curExt)) // check if the file extension is supported by the editor { throw new Exception("File type is not supported"); } var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fileUri); try { VerifySSL(); using (var stream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) // get response stream of the uploading file { if (stream == null) { throw new Exception("stream is null"); } const int bufferSize = 4096; using (var fs = File.Open(StoragePath(_fileName, null), FileMode.Create)) { var buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int readed; while ((readed = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) != 0) { fs.Write(buffer, 0, readed); // write bytes to the output stream } } } // get file meta information or create the default one var id = request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uid", null); var user = Users.getUser(id); // get the user DocEditor.CreateMeta(_fileName,,, null); } catch (Exception) { } return(_fileName); }
public static string DoUpload(HttpContext context) { var httpPostedFile = context.Request.Files[0]; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "IE") { var files = httpPostedFile.FileName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); _fileName = files[files.Length - 1]; } else { _fileName = httpPostedFile.FileName; } var curSize = httpPostedFile.ContentLength; if (MaxFileSize < curSize || curSize <= 0) { throw new Exception("File size is incorrect"); } var curExt = (Path.GetExtension(_fileName) ?? "").ToLower(); if (!FileExts.Contains(curExt)) { throw new Exception("File type is not supported"); } _fileName = GetCorrectName(_fileName); var savedFileName = StoragePath(_fileName, null); httpPostedFile.SaveAs(savedFileName); var histDir = HistoryDir(savedFileName); Directory.CreateDirectory(histDir); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(histDir, "createdInfo.json"), new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "created", DateTime.Now.ToString() }, { "id", context.Request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uid", "uid-1") }, { "name", context.Request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uname", "John Smith") } })); return(_fileName); }
// uploading a file by the HtthContext object public static string DoUpload(HttpContext context) { var httpPostedFile = context.Request.Files[0]; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "IE") // check from which browser the request came for { var files = httpPostedFile.FileName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); _fileName = files[files.Length - 1]; // get file name } else { _fileName = httpPostedFile.FileName; } var curSize = httpPostedFile.ContentLength; if (MaxFileSize < curSize || curSize <= 0) // check if the file size exceeds the maximum file size { throw new Exception("File size is incorrect"); } var curExt = (Path.GetExtension(_fileName) ?? "").ToLower(); if (!FileExts.Contains(curExt)) // check if the file extension is supported by the editor { throw new Exception("File type is not supported"); } _fileName = GetCorrectName(_fileName); // get the correct file name if such a name already exists var savedFileName = StoragePath(_fileName, null); // get the storage path to the uploading file httpPostedFile.SaveAs(savedFileName); // and save it // get file meta information or create the default one var id = context.Request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uid", null); var user = Users.getUser(id); // get the user DocEditor.CreateMeta(_fileName,,, null); return(_fileName); }
public static string DoUpload(string fileUri) { _fileName = GetCorrectName(Path.GetFileName(fileUri)); var curExt = (Path.GetExtension(_fileName) ?? "").ToLower(); if (!FileExts.Contains(curExt)) { throw new Exception("File type is not supported"); } var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fileUri); try { using (var stream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) { if (stream == null) { throw new Exception("stream is null"); } const int bufferSize = 4096; using (var fs = File.Open(StoragePath + _fileName, FileMode.Create)) { var buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int readed; while ((readed = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) != 0) { fs.Write(buffer, 0, readed); } } } } catch (Exception) { } return(_fileName); }
public static string DoUpload(HttpContext context) { var httpPostedFile = context.Request.Files[0]; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Browser.ToUpper() == "IE") { var files = httpPostedFile.FileName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); _fileName = files[files.Length - 1]; } else { _fileName = httpPostedFile.FileName; } var curSize = httpPostedFile.ContentLength; if (MaxFileSize < curSize || curSize <= 0) { throw new Exception("File size is incorrect"); } var curExt = (Path.GetExtension(_fileName) ?? "").ToLower(); if (!FileExts.Contains(curExt)) { throw new Exception("File type is not supported"); } _fileName = GetCorrectName(_fileName); var savedFileName = StoragePath(_fileName, null); httpPostedFile.SaveAs(savedFileName); DocEditor.CreateMeta(_fileName, context.Request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uid", "uid-1"), context.Request.Cookies.GetOrDefault("uname", "John Smith"), null); return(_fileName); }