public async Task DownloadAsync(FileModel fileModel, Stream output, long from = 0, long to = 0, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { if (to == 0) { to = fileModel.Length - 1; } var fileLocator = await FileStore.FileLocatorGetAsync(fileModel.Identifier); var evt = new FileDownloadEvent { FileIdentifier = fileModel.Identifier }; evt.Populate(fileModel); await EventSender.SendAsync(evt); await BackendClient.ReadFileAsync( await LoadConfigurationAsync(fileModel.Identifier as OrganizationIdentifier), fileLocator, output, from, to, fileModel.Length, cancellationToken ); }
public void DeserializeFileDownloadEvent() { /* GIVEN */ var deserialized = new FileDownloadEvent(); /* WHEN */ deserialized.Deserialize(serializedEvent); /* THEN */ TestCommonAttributes(deserialized); Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(""), deserialized.FileURL); Assert.AreEqual("JSON", deserialized.MIMEType); }