コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// <b>Description:</b>
        /// This will iterate the file system on the given path.
        /// Prepare the list of files which has passed fileAgeToValidate limit and to be
        /// deleted.
        /// Prepare the list of files which yet to pass fileAgeToValidate limit and to be
        /// stored.
        /// Check File is not open.
        /// Delete the file.
        /// if file has passed fileAgeToValidate and still cannot be deleted, mark file as
        /// failed to delete and record to database.
        /// Return the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileAgeLimit"></param>
        /// <param name="cOfFiles"></param>
        public ScannedFiles ProcessScannedFiles(int fileAgeLimit, FileDateProperty enumFileProperty, ScannedFiles cOfFiles)
            processedFile.DatabaseType = DatabaseType;
            processedFile.SaveToCSVFile = SaveToCSVFile;

            DateTime fileAuditDate = DateTime.Today;
            foreach (ScannedFile currentFile in cOfFiles)
                string fullFilePath = currentFile.Filepath + currentFile.Filename;
                if (IsFileExists(fullFilePath))
                    if (enumFileProperty == FileDateProperty.DateAdded)
                    { fileAuditDate = currentFile.LastAccessTime; }
                    else if (enumFileProperty == FileDateProperty.DateModified)
                    { fileAuditDate = currentFile.LastWriteTime; }                    

                    //compulsory check on file accessed and file created date.
                    //IsFilePassedAgeLimit(fileAuditDate, fileAgeLimit) is depreceted
                    if (IsFilePassedAgeLimit(currentFile.LastWriteTime, currentFile.LastAccessTime, fileAgeLimit))
                        if (IsFileReadyForDelete(fullFilePath))
                            if (DeleteFile(fullFilePath))
                                currentFile.performedAction = ActionToPerform.FileDeleted;
                                processedFile.AddFile(ActionToPerform.FileDeleted, currentFile);
                                currentFile.performedAction = ActionToPerform.FileFailedToDelete;
                                processedFile.AddFile(ActionToPerform.FileFailedToDelete, currentFile);
                            currentFile.performedAction = ActionToPerform.FileFailedToDelete;
                            processedFile.AddFile(ActionToPerform.FileFailedToDelete, currentFile);

                        currentFile.performedAction = ActionToPerform.FileForNextIteration;
                        processedFile.AddFile(ActionToPerform.FileForNextIteration, currentFile);

                    currentFile.performedAction = ActionToPerform.FileFailedToDelete;
                    processedFile.AddFile(ActionToPerform.FileFailedToDelete, currentFile);
            return processedFile.Get();
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// <b>Description:</b>
        /// This will iterate the file system on the given path.
        /// Prepare the list of files which has passed fileAgeToValidate limit and to be
        /// deleted.
        /// Prepare the list of files which yet to pass fileAgeToValidate limit and to be
        /// stored.
        /// Check File is not open.
        /// Delete the file.
        /// if file has passed fileAgeToValidate and still cannot be deleted, mark file as
        /// failed to delete and record to database.
        /// Return the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directoryLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="enumFileProperty"></param>
        /// <param name="fileAgeToValidate"></param>
        public ScannedFiles ScanFiles(string directoryLocation, FileDateProperty enumFileProperty, int fileAgeToValidate)

            //create an array of files using FileInfo object
            FileInfo[] directoryFiles;

            //Create a Directory object using DirectoryInfo 
            DirectoryInfo currentDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryLocation);

            //get all files for the current directory
            directoryFiles = currentDirectory.GetFiles("*.*");

            //iterate through the directory and print the files
            foreach (FileInfo file in directoryFiles)
                ScannedFile scannedFileInfo = new ScannedFile();
                //get details of each file using file object
                scannedFileInfo.Filename = file.FullName.Replace(file.DirectoryName+@"\", String.Empty);
                scannedFileInfo.Filesize = file.Length;
                scannedFileInfo.LastWriteTime = file.LastWriteTime;
                scannedFileInfo.LastAccessTime = file.LastAccessTime;
                scannedFileInfo.CreationTime = file.CreationTime;
                scannedFileInfo.Filepath = file.DirectoryName + @"\";

            //get sub-folders for the current directory
            DirectoryInfo[] subDirectories = currentDirectory.GetDirectories("*.*");

            //This is the code that calls 
            //the getDirsFiles (calls itself recursively)
            //This is also the stopping point 
            //(End Condition) for this recursion function 
            //as it loops through until 
            //reaches the child folder and then stops.
            foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirectory in subDirectories)
                ScanFiles(subDirectory.FullName, enumFileProperty, fileAgeToValidate);

            return _filesToProcess;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// <b>Description:</b>
 /// With already scanned files to check, iterate through and validate each file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="allowedAgeLimit">allowed age limit, in days, to check.</param>
 /// <param name="filesToCheck"></param>
 public ScannedFiles RunScan(int allowedAgeLimit, FileDateProperty fileProperty, ScannedFiles filesToCheck)
     ScannedFiles cOfProcessedFiles = this.ProcessScannedFiles(allowedAgeLimit, fileProperty, filesToCheck);
     return cOfProcessedFiles;
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// <b>Description:</b>
 /// With pass in allowed age limit on specified date access property on specific
 /// location, scan through the files and prepare for files to delete, and add it to
 /// collection of scanned files.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="allowedAgeLimit">allowed age limit, in days, to check.</param>
 /// <param name="fileDateProperty">allowed age limit, in days, to check on
 /// specified file date property. date created, accessed, modified.</param>
 /// <param name="directoryLocation">directory location to access.</param>
 public ScannedFiles RunScan(int allowedAgeLimit, FileDateProperty fileProperty, string directoryLocation)
     ScannedFiles cOfScannedFiles = ScanFiles(directoryLocation, fileProperty, allowedAgeLimit);
     ScannedFiles cOfProcessedFiles = ProcessScannedFiles(allowedAgeLimit, fileProperty, cOfScannedFiles);
     return cOfProcessedFiles;