コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method checks whether the Registry is correctly setup to associate PP data files with the PP.exe app.
        /// If it isn't then it makes it so.
        /// Note: In the future we could make the Check more sophisticated to determine whether the Registry is already
        ///       setup but simply pointing toward another application (like a future competitor of Pocket Pollster).
        ///       Then we should ask whether to change the file association settings.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CheckFileAssociations()
            FileAssociation FA = new FileAssociation();

            FA.Extension   = "pp";
            FA.ContentType = "data/PocketPollster";
            FA.FullName    = "PocketPollster Data File";
            FA.ProperName  = "PocketPollster";

            string path = Tools.EnsureFullPath(Application.StartupPath); // Points to the location of the executable

            FA.AddCommand("open", path + SysInfo.Data.Admin.AppFilename + " %1");
            FA.IconPath  = path + SysInfo.Data.Admin.AppFilename;
            FA.IconIndex = 0;

            if (FA.Check(path + SysInfo.Data.Admin.AppFilename + " %1") == false)