/// <summary> /// Activate the options on the file appender. /// </summary> public override void ActivateOptions() { if (this.m_rollDate && (this.m_datePattern != null)) { this.m_now = this.m_dateTime.Now; this.m_rollPoint = this.ComputeCheckPeriod(this.m_datePattern); if (this.m_rollPoint == RollPoint.InvalidRollPoint) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid RollPoint, unable to parse [" + this.m_datePattern + "]"); } this.m_nextCheck = this.NextCheckDate(this.m_now, this.m_rollPoint); } else if (this.m_rollDate) { this.ErrorHandler.Error("Either DatePattern or rollingStyle options are not set for [" + base.Name + "]."); } if (base.SecurityContext == null) { base.SecurityContext = SecurityContextProvider.DefaultProvider.CreateSecurityContext(this); } using (base.SecurityContext.Impersonate(this)) { base.File = FileAppender.ConvertToFullPath(base.File.Trim()); this.m_baseFileName = base.File; } if ((this.m_rollDate && (this.File != null)) && (this.m_scheduledFilename == null)) { this.m_scheduledFilename = this.File + this.m_now.ToString(this.m_datePattern, DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } this.ExistingInit(); base.ActivateOptions(); }