コード例 #1
        private string EmitCloseStatement(CloseStatement closeStatement)
            string r         = "";
            string className = "__CobolProgram";

            //Console.WriteLine("Emitting Close Statement");
            foreach (string fd in closeStatement.Files)
                FileAndSortDescriptionEntry fsde = GetFSDE(fd);

                //Work out if it's read or write mode
                r += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldarg.0\n";
                r += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                r += "ldfld class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamWriter " + className + "::_writer_" + ILIdentifier(fd) + "\n";
                r += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldnull\n";
                r += "        " + ILAddress(5) + "bne.un ";

                //Read mode...
                string r2 = "";
                r2 += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldarg.0\n";
                r2 += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                r2 += "ldfld class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamReader " + className + "::_reader_" + ILIdentifier(fd) + "\n";
                r2 += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                r2 += "callvirt instance void class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamReader::Close()\n";
                r2 += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldarg.0\n";
                r2 += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldnull\n";
                r2 += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                r2 += "stfld class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamReader " + className + "::_reader_" + ILIdentifier(fd) + "\n";
                r2 += "        " + ILAddress(5) + "br ";

                //Write mode...
                r += ILAddress() + "\n";
                string r3 = "";
                r3 += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldarg.0\n";
                r3 += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                r3 += "ldfld class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamWriter " + className + "::_writer_" + ILIdentifier(fd) + "\n";
                r3 += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                r3 += "callvirt instance void class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamWriter::Close()\n";
                r3 += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldarg.0\n";
                r3 += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldnull\n";
                r3 += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                r3 += "stfld class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamWriter " + className + "::_writer_" + ILIdentifier(fd) + "\n";

                r2 += ILAddress() + "\n";
                r  += r2;
                r  += r3;
コード例 #2
        private string EmitOpenStatement(OpenStatement openStatement)
            string r         = "";
            string className = "__CobolProgram";

            //Console.WriteLine("Emitting Open Statement");
            foreach (string fd in openStatement.Files)
                FileAndSortDescriptionEntry fsde = GetFSDE(fd);
                //Console.WriteLine("FD = "+fd);

                //Pointer to this...
                r += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldarg.0\n";

                //TODO: Load filename
                r += EmitLoadSource(fsde.FileControlEntry.Assign.Source, false, false);

                if (openStatement.IsInput)
                    //Open for read...
                    r += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                    r += "newobj instance void class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamReader::.ctor(string)\n";
                    r += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                    r += "stfld class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamReader " + className + "::_reader_" + ILIdentifier(fd) + "\n";
                    //Open for write...
                    r += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                    r += "newobj instance void class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamWriter::.ctor(string)\n";
                    r += "        " + ILAddress(5);
                    r += "stfld class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamWriter " + className + "::_writer_" + ILIdentifier(fd) + "\n";
コード例 #3
        private string EmitReadStatement(ReadStatement readStatement)
            string r         = "\n        //Begin read statement...\n";
            string className = "__CobolProgram";

            FileAndSortDescriptionEntry fsde = GetFSDE(readStatement.Filename.Name);

            //fsde.DataDescriptions is a list of items that the data should be read into

            //Check for End of Stream...
            r += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldarg.0\n";
            r += "        " + ILAddress(5);
            r += "ldfld class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamReader " + className + "::_reader_" + ILIdentifier(readStatement.Filename.Name) + "\n";
            r += "        " + ILAddress(5);
            r += "callvirt instance bool class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamReader::get_EndOfStream()\n";
            r += "        " + ILAddress(5);
            r += "brtrue "; //Jump to IsAtEndOfStream

            string r2 = "";

            //Execute NotEndStatements...
            if (readStatement.NotEndStatements.Count > 0)
                foreach (Sentence sentence in readStatement.NotEndStatements)
                    r2 += EmitSentence(sentence);

            //Read from file...
            r2 += "        " + ILAddress(1) + "ldarg.0\n";
            r2 += "        " + ILAddress(5);
            r2 += "ldfld class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamReader " + className + "::_reader_" + ILIdentifier(readStatement.Filename.Name) + "\n";
            r2 += "        " + ILAddress(5);
            r2 += "callvirt instance string class [mscorlib]System.IO.StreamReader::ReadLine()\n";
            Identifier id = new Identifier();

            id.Definition = fsde.DataDescriptions[0] as DataDescription;
            r2           += EmitStore(id, null);
            //EmitStore calls EmitStoreGroup which needs to loop through the elements of a record.
            //This should be changed to call ListElements like DISPLAY does.

            //Jump to EndRead
            r2 += "        " + ILAddress(5);
            r2 += "br ";

            //If we're at the end of the stream, the first branch jumps to here
            r += ILAddress() + "\n";

            //Execute NotEndStatements...
            string r3 = "";

            if (readStatement.EndStatements.Count > 0)
                foreach (Sentence sentence in readStatement.EndStatements)
                    r3 += EmitSentence(sentence);

            //End Read
            //The branch after reading data jumps to here
            r2 += ILAddress() + "\n";
            r  += r2;
            r  += r3;

            r += "        //End of read statement\n";