static void Main(string[] args) { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { string strippedArg = args[i].ToLower(); if (Directory.Exists(args[i])) { _directory = args[i]; } else if (File.Exists(args[i])) { _directory = args[i]; } strippedArg = strippedArg.TrimStart('-', '/', '\\'); if (strippedArg == "verbose" || strippedArg == "v" || strippedArg == "developer" || strippedArg == "dev" || strippedArg == "debug") { _verbose = true; } else if (strippedArg == "password" || strippedArg == "p" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { _password = args[i + 1]; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_passwordHint) && (strippedArg == "hint" || strippedArg == "passwordhint" || strippedArg == "h") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { _passwordHint = args[i + 1]; } else if (strippedArg == "purgetemp" || strippedArg == "deletetemp") { _purgeTemp = true; } else if (strippedArg == "headless" || strippedArg == "cli" || strippedArg == "commandline") { _headless = true; } else if (strippedArg == "showprogress" || strippedArg == "progress" || strippedArg == "prog") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1]) && UInt16.TryParse(args[i + 1], out _progressSleep)) { } _showProgress = true; } else if (strippedArg == "faesversion" || strippedArg == "faes" || strippedArg == "faesver") { _getFaesVersion = true; } else if (strippedArg == "faesguiversion" || strippedArg == "faesguiver" || strippedArg == "faesgui" || strippedArg == "guiver" || strippedArg == "ver") { _getVersion = true; _getFaesVersion = true; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_compressionMethod) && (strippedArg == "compression" || strippedArg == "compressionmethod" || strippedArg == "c") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { _compressionMethod = args[i + 1].ToUpper(); } else if ((strippedArg == "level" || strippedArg == "compressionlevel" || strippedArg == "l") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { Int32.TryParse(args[i + 1], out _compressionLevel); } else if (strippedArg == "overwrite" || strippedArg == "overwriteduplicates" || strippedArg == "o") { _overwriteDuplicates = true; } else if (strippedArg == "preserveoriginal" || strippedArg == "original" || strippedArg == "po") { _deleteOriginalFile = false; } else if (strippedArg == "genfullinstallconfig") { _genFullInstallConfig = true; } else if (strippedArg == "associatefiletypes" || strippedArg == "filetypes") { _associateFileTypes = true; } else if (strippedArg == "startmenushortcuts" || strippedArg == "startmenu") { _startMenuShortcuts = true; } else if (strippedArg == "contextmenus" || strippedArg == "context") { _contextMenus = true; } else if (strippedArg == "installbranch" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { _installBranch = args[i + 1]; } else if (strippedArg == "peek" || strippedArg == "filepeek") { _doFilePeek = true; } _strippedArgs.Add(strippedArg); } FileAES_Utilities.SetVerboseLogging(_verbose); SSM.SetVerboseLogging(_verbose); try { if (File.Exists("FAES-Updater.exe")) { File.Delete("FAES-Updater.exe"); } } catch { // ignored } if (_purgeTemp) { FileAES_Utilities.PurgeTempFolder(); } if (_getVersion) { Console.WriteLine("Current FileAES Version: {0}", GetVersion()); Console.WriteLine("Current FileAES Build Date: {0}", GetBuildDateFormatted()); } if (_getFaesVersion) { Console.WriteLine("Current FAES Version: {0}", FileAES_Utilities.GetVersion()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_directory) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password) && _headless) { faesFile = new FAES_File(_directory); Console.WriteLine("FileAES-GUI (FileAES) only has basic command-line support. Use FileAES-CLI for improved command-line functionality."); try { if (_compressionLevel < 0 || _compressionLevel > 9) { Console.WriteLine("You have not specified a valid compression level! Please choose a value between 0 and 9."); } else { if (faesFile.IsFileEncryptable()) { FileAES_Encrypt encrypt = new FileAES_Encrypt(faesFile, _password, _passwordHint, Optimise.Balanced, null, _deleteOriginalFile, _overwriteDuplicates); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_compressionMethod)) { switch (_compressionMethod) { case "ZIP": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.ZIP, _compressionLevel); break; case "TAR": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.TAR, _compressionLevel); break; case "LZMA": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.LZMA, _compressionLevel); break; case "GZIP": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.GZIP, _compressionLevel); break; case "LGYZIP": case "LEGACYZIP": case "LEGACY": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.LGYZIP, _compressionLevel); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown Compression Method: {0}", _compressionMethod); return; } } Thread progressThread = new Thread(() => { while (_showProgress) { ushort percentComplete = Convert.ToUInt16(encrypt.GetEncryptionPercentComplete()); Console.WriteLine(_verbose ? "[INFO] Progress: {0}%" : "Progress: {0}%", percentComplete); Thread.Sleep(_progressSleep); } }); Thread eThread = new Thread(() => { try { if (encrypt.EncryptFile()) { if (_showProgress) { Console.WriteLine(_verbose ? "[INFO] Progress: 100%" : "Progress: 100%"); } Console.WriteLine("Encryption on {0} succeeded!", faesFile.getFaesType().ToLower()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Encryption on {0} failed!", faesFile.getFaesType().ToLower()); } } catch (Exception e) { progressThread.Abort(); HandleException(e); } }); if (_showProgress) { progressThread.Start(); } eThread.Start(); while (eThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running) { } progressThread.Abort(); } else { FileAES_Decrypt decrypt = new FileAES_Decrypt(faesFile, _password, _deleteOriginalFile, _overwriteDuplicates); Thread progressThread = new Thread(() => { while (_showProgress) { ushort percentComplete = Convert.ToUInt16(decrypt.GetDecryptionPercentComplete()); Console.WriteLine(_verbose ? "[INFO] Progress: {0}%" : "Progress: {0}%", percentComplete); Thread.Sleep(_progressSleep); } }); Thread dThread = new Thread(() => { try { if (decrypt.DecryptFile()) { if (_showProgress) { Console.WriteLine(_verbose ? "[INFO] Progress: 100%" : "Progress: 100%"); } Console.WriteLine("Decryption on {0} succeeded!", faesFile.getFaesType().ToLower()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Decryption on {0} failed!", faesFile.getFaesType().ToLower()); Console.WriteLine("Ensure that you entered the correct password!"); Console.WriteLine("Password Hint: {0}", faesFile.GetPasswordHint()); } } catch (Exception e) { progressThread.Abort(); HandleException(e); } }); if (_showProgress) { progressThread.Start(); } dThread.Start(); while (dThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running) { } progressThread.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception e) { HandleException(e); } } else if (_genFullInstallConfig) { programManager = new ProgramManager(ProgramManager.InstallType.FullInstall); programManager.SetBranch(_installBranch); programManager.SetAssociateFileTypes(_associateFileTypes); programManager.SetStartMenuShortcuts(_startMenuShortcuts); programManager.SetContextMenus(_contextMenus); Application.Exit(); } else { programManager = new ProgramManager(); if (!FileAES_Utilities.GetVerboseLogging()) { FileAES_Utilities.SetVerboseLogging(programManager.GetDevMode()); } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_directory)) { faesFile = new FAES_File(_directory); if (faesFile.IsFileEncryptable()) { Application.Run(new EncryptForm(faesFile)); } else if (faesFile.IsFileDecryptable()) { if (_doFilePeek && IsFileValidForPeek(faesFile)) { Application.Run(new PeekForm(faesFile)); } else { Application.Run(new DecryptForm(faesFile)); } } } else { Application.Run(new MainForm()); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { string strippedArg = args[i].ToLower(); if (Directory.Exists(args[i])) { _directory = args[i]; } else if (File.Exists(args[i])) { _directory = args[i]; } strippedArg = strippedArg.TrimStart('-', '/', '\\'); if (strippedArg == "verbose" || strippedArg == "v") { _verbose = true; FileAES_Utilities.SetVerboseLogging(_verbose); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password) && (strippedArg == "password" || strippedArg == "p") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { _password = args[i + 1]; } else if (strippedArg == "purgetemp" || strippedArg == "deletetemp") { _purgeTemp = true; } else if (strippedArg == "help") { _help = true; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_passwordHint) && (strippedArg == "hint" || strippedArg == "passwordhint" || strippedArg == "h") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { _passwordHint = args[i + 1]; } else if (strippedArg == "gethint" || strippedArg == "getpasswordhint") { _getHint = true; } else if (strippedArg == "gettimestamp" || strippedArg == "timestamp" || strippedArg == "encryptiondate") { _getEncryptTimestamp = true; } else if (strippedArg == "getcompression" || strippedArg == "getcompressionmethod") { _getEncryptCompression = true; } else if (strippedArg == "showprogress" || strippedArg == "progress" || strippedArg == "prog") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1]) && UInt16.TryParse(args[i + 1], out _progressSleep)) { } _showProgress = true; } else if (strippedArg == "faesversion" || strippedArg == "faes" || strippedArg == "faesver") { _getFaesVersion = true; } else if (strippedArg == "faescliversion" || strippedArg == "faescliver" || strippedArg == "faescli" || strippedArg == "cliver" || strippedArg == "ver" || strippedArg == "version") { _getVersion = true; _getFaesVersion = true; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_compressionMethod) && (strippedArg == "compression" || strippedArg == "compressionmethod" || strippedArg == "c") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { _compressionMethod = args[i + 1].ToUpper(); } else if ((strippedArg == "level" || strippedArg == "compressionlevel" || strippedArg == "l") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { Int32.TryParse(args[i + 1], out _compressionLevel); } else if (strippedArg == "buffer" || strippedArg == "cryptostreambuffer" || strippedArg == "csbuffer" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { UInt32.TryParse(args[i + 1], out _csBuffer); } else if (strippedArg == "overwrite" || strippedArg == "overwriteduplicates" || strippedArg == "o") { _overwriteDuplicates = true; } else if (strippedArg == "preserveoriginal" || strippedArg == "original" || strippedArg == "po") { _deleteOriginalFile = false; } else if (strippedArg == "showallmetadata" || strippedArg == "showmetadata" || strippedArg == "metadata") { _showAllMetadata = true; } else if (strippedArg == "showallutf8metadata" || strippedArg == "showutf8metadata" || strippedArg == "utf8metadata") { _showAllMetadataString = true; } else if (strippedArg == "" || strippedArg == "showutf8metadata" || strippedArg == "utf8metadata") { _showAllMetadataString = true; } else if (strippedArg == "tempencrypt" || strippedArg == "temp") { _useLocalEncrypt = false; } else if (strippedArg == "localencrypt" || strippedArg == "local") { _useLocalEncrypt = true; } else if (strippedArg == "showlatest" || strippedArg == "getlatest" || strippedArg == "getlatestversion" || strippedArg == "latestversion" || strippedArg == "latest") { _showLatestVer = true; if (args.Length > (i + 1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { string arg = args[i + 1]; if (arg.ToLower() == "dev" || arg.ToLower() == "developer" || arg.ToLower() == "d") { _showLatestBranch = "dev"; } else if (arg.ToLower() == "beta" || arg.ToLower() == "b") { _showLatestBranch = "beta"; } else if (arg.ToLower() == "stable" || arg.ToLower() == "s" || arg.ToLower() == "release" || arg.ToLower() == "r") { _showLatestBranch = "stable"; } } } else if (strippedArg == "noupdatecheck" || strippedArg == "nocheck" || strippedArg == "offline" || strippedArg == "noupdate") { _checkForUpdate = false; } else if (strippedArg == "update" || strippedArg == "u") { string branch = ""; string version = ""; if (args.Length > (i + 1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { string arg = args[i + 1]; { BranchFinder: switch (arg.ToLower()) { case "dev": case "developer": case "d": branch = "dev"; break; case "beta": case "b": branch = "beta"; break; case "stable": case "s": case "release": case "r": branch = "stable"; break; default: { if (args.Length > (i + 2) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 2]) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(version)) { version = args[i + 1]; arg = args[i + 2]; goto BranchFinder; } break; } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branch) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(version) && args.Length > (i + 1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1])) { version = args[i + 1]; } } if (args.Length > (i + 1) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 1]) && args[i + 1].ToLower() == "force") { _forceUpdate = true; } else if (args.Length > (i + 2) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 2]) && args[i + 2].ToLower() == "force") { _forceUpdate = true; } else if (args.Length > (i + 3) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[i + 3]) && args[i + 3].ToLower() == "force") { _forceUpdate = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(branch)) { _updateBranch = branch; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(version)) { _updateToVer = version; } _doUpdate = true; } _strippedArgs.Add(strippedArg); } if (_checkForUpdate) { if (_updateBranch == "unknown") { if (IsDevBuild()) { _updateBranch = "dev"; } else if (IsBetaBuild()) { _updateBranch = "beta"; } else { _updateBranch = "stable"; } } _update = new Update("dev"); } if (_showLatestBranch == "unknown") { _showLatestBranch = _updateBranch; } if (_help) { Logging.Log("A FAES-based tool for encrypting and decrypting files using the command-line.\n\nPossible Launch Parameters:\n'--verbose' or '-v': Show more debugging information in the console (WIP)." + "\n'--purgeTemp' or '-p': Purge the FileAES Temp folder to resolve possible errors.\n'--password <password>' or '-p <password>': Sets the password that will be used to encrypt/decrypt the file/folder." + "\n'--hint <Password Hint>' or '-h <Password Hint>': Sets a password hint.\n'--compression <ZIP/TAR/LZMA/LEGACYZIP>' or '-c <ZIP/TAR/LZMA/LEGACYZIP>': Sets the compression method that will be used to encrypt the file/folder." + "\n'--level <0-9>' or '-l <0-9>': Sets the compression level that will be used to encrypt the file/folder. (Only works for with the ZIP compression method)" + ".\n'--getHint': Gets the password hint for the encrypted file.\n'--getTimestamp': Gets the encryption timestamp of the encrypted file." + "\n'--getCompression': Gets the compression method of the encrypted file.\n'--ver': Gets the current version of FileAES-CLI and FAES being used." + "\n'--FAES': Gets the current version of FAES being used.\n'--overwrite' or '-o': Overwrites any duplicate files found within the FAES process." + "\n'--original' or '-po': Preserves the original file used in the encrypt/decrypt process." + "\n'--progress [<Polling Rate (ms)>]': Outputs the current encryption/decryption progress to the console after desired time (Leaving polling rate blank defaults to 5000ms)." + "\n'--buffer <Size (bytes)>': Sets the size of the FAES CryptoStream buffer.\n'--metadata': Shows the raw metadeta (Hex) of the encrypted file." + "\n'--utf8metadata': Shows the raw metadeta (Decoded UTF8) of the encrypted file.\n'--offline': Disables auto-update checking." + "\n'--latest [<branch>]': Outputs the latest version of FileAES-CLI on that branch (Leaving branch blank defaults to current builds branch)." + "\n'--update [<version>] [<branch>] [force]': Updates FileAES-CLI as specified. Using no arguments updates to the latest version on the current branch.\n\n" + "\n'--localEncrypt' or '-local': Encrypt files within the same folder as the source file (Default behaviour).\n\n" + "\n'--tempEncrypt' or '-temp': Encrypt files within the OS' Temp folder (Old behaviour).\n\n" + "File/Folder names can be entered as a launch parameter to select what to encrypt/decrypt (also allows for dragging/dropping a file/folder on the .exe).\n\n" + "Example: 'FileAES-CLI.exe File.txt -p password123'"); return; } if (_doUpdate) { if (_update != null && _checkForUpdate) { _update.CheckForUpdateNonThreadded(true); bool doUpdate = false; if ((!_forceUpdate && _update.IsUpdate()) || _forceUpdate || _updateToVer != "latest") { if (_updateToVer == "latest") { string latestVer = _update.GetLatestVersion(); Logging.Log($"Installing FileAES-CLI {latestVer}..."); doUpdate = true; } else if (_update.DoesVersionExist(_updateToVer, "dev")) { Logging.Log($"Installing FileAES-CLI {_updateToVer}..."); doUpdate = true; } else { Logging.Log($"Could not find FileAES-CLI {_updateToVer}!", Severity.WARN); } if (doUpdate) { _update.UpdateSelf(true, _updateToVer); return; } } } } else if (_checkForUpdate) { _update.CheckForUpdate(); } if (_purgeTemp) { FileAES_Utilities.PurgeTempFolder(); } if (_getVersion) { Logging.Log($"Current FileAES-CLI Version: {GetVersion()}"); if (!_getFaesVersion) { return; } } if (_getFaesVersion) { Logging.Log($"Current FAES Version: {FileAES_Utilities.GetVersion()}"); return; } if (_showLatestVer) { if (_checkForUpdate) { _update.SetBranch(_showLatestBranch); string latestVer = _update.GetLatestVersion(); if (latestVer != "v0.0.0") { Logging.Log( $"The latest FileAES-CLI version on branch '{_showLatestBranch.ToUpper()}' is: {latestVer}"); } else { Logging.Log("The latest FileAES-CLI version could not be found! Please check your internet connection.", Severity.WARN); } _update.SetBranch(_updateBranch); } else { Logging.Log("The latest version cannot be displayed when the program is in offline mode!"); } return; } if (_getHint) { if (File.Exists(_directory) && FileAES_Utilities.IsFileDecryptable(_directory)) { string passHint = FileAES_Utilities.GetPasswordHint(_directory); if (passHint != "No Password Hint Set") { Logging.Log($"The hint for '{Path.GetFileName(_directory)}' is: {passHint}"); } else { Logging.Log($"'{Path.GetFileName(_directory)}' does not contain a password hint!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password) && (!_getEncryptTimestamp || !_getEncryptCompression)) { return; } } else { Logging.Log("You have not specified a valid encrypted file!", Severity.WARN); return; } } if (_getEncryptTimestamp) { if (File.Exists(_directory) && FileAES_Utilities.IsFileDecryptable(_directory)) { long timestamp = FileAES_Utilities.GetEncryptionTimeStamp(_directory); if (timestamp >= 0) { DateTime dateTime = FileAES_Utilities.UnixTimeStampToDateTime((double)timestamp); Logging.Log( $"'{Path.GetFileName(_directory)}' was encrypted on {dateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")} at {dateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt")}."); } else { Logging.Log("This file does not contain a encryption date. This is likely due to this file being encrypted using an older FAES version."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password) && !_getEncryptCompression) { return; } } else { Logging.Log("You have not specified a valid encrypted file!", Severity.WARN); return; } } if (_getEncryptCompression) { if (File.Exists(_directory) && FileAES_Utilities.IsFileDecryptable(_directory)) { string compressionMode = FileAES_Utilities.GetCompressionMode(_directory); if (compressionMode != "LGYZIP") { Logging.Log( $"The Compression Mode used for '{Path.GetFileName(_directory)}' is: {compressionMode}"); } else { Logging.Log( $"The Compression Mode used for '{Path.GetFileName(_directory)}' is: LGYZIP (LEGACYZIP)"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password)) { return; } } else { Logging.Log("You have not specified a valid encrypted file!", Severity.WARN); return; } } if (_showAllMetadata) { if (File.Exists(_directory) && FileAES_Utilities.IsFileDecryptable(_directory)) { string compressionMode = FileAES_Utilities.GetCompressionMode(_directory); MetaData faesMetaData = new MetaData(_directory); if (faesMetaData.IsLegacyVersion()) { Logging.Log( $"The metadata (bytes) for '{Path.GetFileName(_directory)}' is (FAESv2):\n{BitConverter.ToString(faesMetaData.GetMetaData())}"); } else { Logging.Log( $"The metadata (bytes) for '{Path.GetFileName(_directory)}' is (FAESv3):\n{BitConverter.ToString(faesMetaData.GetMetaData())}"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password)) { return; } } else { Logging.Log("You have not specified a valid encrypted file!", Severity.WARN); return; } } if (_showAllMetadataString) { if (File.Exists(_directory) && FileAES_Utilities.IsFileDecryptable(_directory)) { string compressionMode = FileAES_Utilities.GetCompressionMode(_directory); MetaData faesMetaData = new MetaData(_directory); if (faesMetaData.IsLegacyVersion()) { Logging.Log( $"The metadata (string) for '{Path.GetFileName(_directory)}' is (FAESv2):\n{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(faesMetaData.GetMetaData())}"); } else { Logging.Log( $"The metadata (string) for '{Path.GetFileName(_directory)}' is (FAESv3):\n{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(faesMetaData.GetMetaData())}"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password)) { return; } } else { Logging.Log("You have not specified a valid encrypted file!", Severity.WARN); return; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_directory)) { while (true) { Console.Write("File/Folder: "); _directory = Console.ReadLine(); if (File.Exists(_directory) || Directory.Exists(_directory)) { break; } Logging.Log("You have not specified a valid file or folder!", Severity.WARN); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password)) { while (true) { Console.Write("Password: "******"\nConf. Password: "******"Passwords do not match!"); } else { Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); _password = password; break; } } } if (!File.Exists(_directory) && !Directory.Exists(_directory)) { Logging.Log("You have not specified a valid file or folder!", Severity.WARN); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password)) { Logging.Log("Please specify a password!", Severity.WARN); } else { FAES_File faesFile = new FAES_File(_directory); FileAES_Utilities.SetCryptoStreamBuffer(_csBuffer); try { if (_compressionLevel < 0 || _compressionLevel > 9) { Logging.Log("You have not specified a valid compression level! Please choose a value between 0 and 9.", Severity.WARN); return; } else { if (_verbose) { Logging.Log( $"CryptoStream Buffer Size: {FileAES_Utilities.GetCryptoStreamBuffer()} bytes", Severity.DEBUG); } if (faesFile.IsFileEncryptable()) { FileAES_Utilities.LocalEncrypt = _useLocalEncrypt; FileAES_Encrypt encrypt = new FileAES_Encrypt(faesFile, _password, _passwordHint, Optimise.Balanced, null, _deleteOriginalFile, _overwriteDuplicates); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_compressionMethod)) { switch (_compressionMethod) { case "ZIP": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.ZIP, _compressionLevel); break; case "TAR": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.TAR, _compressionLevel); break; case "LZMA": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.LZMA, _compressionLevel); break; case "GZIP": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.GZIP, _compressionLevel); break; case "LGYZIP": case "LEGACYZIP": case "LEGACY": encrypt.SetCompressionMode(CompressionMode.LGYZIP, _compressionLevel); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown Compression Method: {0}", _compressionMethod); return; } } Thread progressThread = new Thread(() => { while (_showProgress) { ushort percentComplete = Convert.ToUInt16(encrypt.GetEncryptionPercentComplete()); Logging.Log($"Progress: {percentComplete}%"); Thread.Sleep(_progressSleep); } }); Thread eThread = new Thread(() => { try { if (encrypt.EncryptFile()) { if (_showProgress) { Logging.Log("Progress: 100%"); } Logging.Log($"Encryption on {faesFile.getFaesType().ToLower()} succeeded!"); } else { Logging.Log($"Encryption on {faesFile.getFaesType().ToLower()} failed!"); } } catch (Exception e) { #if NETFRAMEWORK progressThread.Abort(); #endif HandleException(e); } }); if (_showProgress) { progressThread.Start(); } eThread.Start(); while (eThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running) { } #if NETFRAMEWORK progressThread.Abort(); #endif } else { FileAES_Decrypt decrypt = new FileAES_Decrypt(faesFile, _password, _deleteOriginalFile, _overwriteDuplicates); Thread progressThread = new Thread(() => { while (_showProgress) { ushort percentComplete = Convert.ToUInt16(decrypt.GetDecryptionPercentComplete()); Logging.Log($"Progress: {percentComplete}%"); Thread.Sleep(_progressSleep); } }); Thread dThread = new Thread(() => { try { if (decrypt.DecryptFile()) { if (_showProgress) { Logging.Log("Progress: 100%"); } Logging.Log($"Decryption on {faesFile.getFaesType().ToLower()} succeeded!"); } else { Logging.Log($"Decryption on {faesFile.getFaesType().ToLower()} failed!"); Logging.Log("Ensure that you entered the correct password!"); Logging.Log($"Password Hint: {faesFile.GetPasswordHint()}"); } } catch (Exception e) { #if NETFRAMEWORK progressThread.Abort(); #endif HandleException(e); } }); if (_showProgress) { progressThread.Start(); } dThread.Start(); while (dThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running) { } #if NETFRAMEWORK progressThread.Abort(); #endif } } } catch (Exception e) { HandleException(e); } } }
private void Encrypt() { string password = passTextbox.Text; string passHint = passHintTextbox.Text; int compressIndex = compressMode.SelectedIndex; bool delAfterEnc = deleteOriginal.Checked; bool ovDup = overwriteDuplicate.Checked; Logging.Log("FAES_GUI(Encrypt): Started!'", Severity.DEBUG); SetNote("Encrypting... Please wait.", 0); _inProgress = true; _encryptSuccessful = false; _mainEncryptThread = new Thread(() => { try { FileAES_Utilities.SetCryptoStreamBuffer(Program.programManager.GetCryptoStreamBufferSize()); FileAES_Utilities.TempEncrypt = Program.programManager.GetUseOSTemp(); FileAES_Encrypt encrypt = new FileAES_Encrypt(_fileToEncrypt, password, passHint, FAES.Packaging.CompressionUtils.GetAllOptimiseModes()[compressIndex]); encrypt.SetDeleteAfterEncrypt(delAfterEnc); encrypt.SetOverwriteDuplicate(ovDup); encrypt.DebugMode = FileAES_Utilities.GetVerboseLogging(); _faesThread = new Thread(() => { try { _encryptSuccessful = encrypt.EncryptFile(); } catch (Exception e) { SetNote(FileAES_Utilities.FAES_ExceptionHandling(e, Program.IsVerbose()).Replace("ERROR:", ""), 3); } }); _faesThread.Start(); while (_faesThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running) { _progress = encrypt.GetPercentComplete(); } { _inProgress = false; Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => Locked(false))); if (_encryptSuccessful) { Logging.Log("FAES_GUI(Encrypt): Finished successfully!'", Severity.DEBUG); SetNote("Encryption Complete", 0); progressBar.CustomText = "Done"; progressBar.VisualMode = CustomControls.ProgressBarDisplayMode.TextAndPercentage; if (_closeAfterOp) { Application.Exit(); } else { ResetFile(); } } else { Logging.Log("FAES_GUI(Encrypt): Finished unsuccessfully!'", Severity.DEBUG); if (!statusInformation.Text.ToLower().Contains("error")) { SetNote("Encryption Failed. Try again later.", 1); } } } } catch (Exception e) { SetNote(FileAES_Utilities.FAES_ExceptionHandling(e, Program.IsVerbose()).Replace("ERROR:", ""), 3); } }); _mainEncryptThread.Start(); }