コード例 #1
 // return r - c*x
 private static FieldZqElement ComputeResponse(FieldZqElement r, FieldZqElement c, FieldZqElement x)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new pre-issuance proof.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pipp">The prover parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="beta0">The random blinding value used to create the proof, output so that the prover can use it during the issuance protocol</param>
        /// <param name="message">An optional message to sign while creating the proof.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PreIssuanceProof CreateProof(ProverPreIssuanceParameters pipp, out FieldZqElement beta0, byte[] message)
            // validate paramters first

            bool supportDevice = (pipp.DevicePublicKey == null) ? false : true;

            IssuerParameters ip = pipp.IP;
            FieldZq          Zq = ip.Zq;
            Group            Gq = ip.Gq;
            Dictionary <string, FieldZqElement> responses = new Dictionary <string, FieldZqElement>();

            // these will be used if there is a carry-over attribute
            CommitmentPrivateValues cpv       = null;
            PresentationProof       presProof = null;

            GroupElement[]   C      = null;
            GroupElement[]   tildeC = null;
            FieldZqElement[] tildeR = null;

            // extension by Fablei -> needs to calculate the ip.G.Length -> pipp.Attributes.Length + 2
            int ipGLength = pipp.Attributes.Length + 2;

            // Generate random values
            beta0 = Zq.GetRandomElement(true);
            FieldZqElement tildeBeta0 = Zq.GetRandomElement(true);
            FieldZqElement rho        = Zq.GetRandomElement(true);
            FieldZqElement tildeRho   = Zq.GetRandomElement(true);
            FieldZqElement tilde_d    = Zq.GetRandomElement(true);

            FieldZqElement[] tildeX = new FieldZqElement[ipGLength - 1];
            for (int i = 1; i < ipGLength - 1; i++)
                if (!pipp.K.Contains(i))
                    tildeX[i] = Zq.GetRandomElement(true);

            // Compute the U-Prove presentation proof, if there are carry-over attributes
            if (pipp.HasCarryOverAttributes)
                // generate the presentation proof
                int[] disclosed = new int[] { };
                ProverPresentationProtocolParameters pppp = new ProverPresentationProtocolParameters(pipp.SourceIP, disclosed, message, pipp.KeyAndToken, pipp.SourceAttributes);
                pppp.Committed = pipp.Corig;

                // TODO: What if the source token is device protected?  need to handle this as well. (a pointer to the device should be included in pipp
                //if (device != null)
                //    pppp.SetDeviceData(deviceMessage, device.GetPresentationContext());
                // For now just fail:
                if (pipp.KeyAndToken.Token.IsDeviceProtected)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Device protected tokens may not be used for carry-over attributes");

                presProof = PresentationProof.Generate(pppp, out cpv);

                //set C
                C = new GroupElement[pipp.C.Length];
                // Generate random values for the commitment randomizers
                tildeR = Zq.GetRandomElements(pipp.C.Length, true);
                tildeC = new GroupElement[C.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < C.Length; i++)
                    C[i]      = presProof.Commitments[i].TildeC;
                    tildeC[i] = Gq.MultiExponentiate(Gq.G, ip.G[1], tildeX[pipp.C[i]], tildeR[i]);
            }   // end if cary-over attributes

            // Compute gamma
            GroupElement gamma = ProtocolHelper.ComputeIssuanceInput(ip, pipp.Attributes, pipp.TI, pipp.DevicePublicKey);

            // Compute h0, Cgamma, Ch0, tildeD, tildeT:
            GroupElement h0     = gamma.Exponentiate(beta0);
            GroupElement Cgamma = gamma.Multiply(Gq.G.Exponentiate(rho));        // Cgamma = gamma*(g^rho)
            GroupElement Ch0    = Cgamma.Exponentiate(beta0);
            GroupElement tildeD = Gq.G.Exponentiate(tilde_d);

            GroupElement tildeT = Cgamma.Exponentiate(tildeBeta0);

            // Compute tildeCgamma:
            List <GroupElement>   bases     = new List <GroupElement>();
            List <FieldZqElement> exponents = new List <FieldZqElement>();

            for (int i = 1; i < ipGLength - 1; i++)
                if (!pipp.K.Contains(i))     // i \not\in K
            GroupElement tildeCgamma = Gq.MultiExponentiate(bases.ToArray(), exponents.ToArray());

            // TODO: if device protected, then multiply tildeCgamma by the public key
            // Note: We leave TI out, (i.e., (g_t)^(x_t) because t \in K implicitly.

            // Compute the challenge
            byte[]         c    = ComputeChallenge(ip, h0, Cgamma, Ch0, C, tildeD, tildeCgamma, tildeT, tildeC, message);
            FieldZqElement negc = Zq.GetElementFromDigest(c).Negate();

            // Compute the responses
            responses.Add("sBeta0", tildeBeta0.Add(beta0.Multiply(negc)));          // sBeta0 = tildeBeta0 - beta0*c
            responses.Add("sD", tilde_d.Add(beta0.Multiply(rho).Multiply(negc)));   // sD = tilde_d - beta0*rho*c
            responses.Add("sRho", tildeRho.Add(rho.Multiply(negc)));                // sRho = tildeRho - rho*c

            for (int i = 1; i < ipGLength - 1; i++)
                if (!pipp.K.Contains(i)) // in \not\in K
                    FieldZqElement xi = ProtocolHelper.ComputeXi(ip, i - 1, pipp.Attributes[i - 1]);
                    responses.Add("sx" + i, tildeX[i].Add(xi.Multiply(negc)));          // sxi = tildeX[i] - xi*c

            if (pipp.HasCarryOverAttributes)
                for (int i = 0; i < C.Length; i++)
                    responses.Add("sR" + i, tildeR[i].Add(cpv.TildeO[i].Multiply(negc)));      // sRi = tildeR[i] - tildeO[i]*c

            return(new PreIssuanceProof(h0, Cgamma, Ch0, c, responses,
                                        pipp.HasCarryOverAttributes ? presProof : null, pipp.Attributes.Length));