コード例 #1
        } // end of ProcessStatesAndTransitions

        /// <summary>
        /// Process the CQ properties for USER type field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cqFieldType">ClearQuest field type</param>
        /// <param name="witField">WIT Field handle</param>
        /// <param name="fldMap">Field Map handle (will be populated with Field Map)</param>
        private void ProcessUserFieldProperties(int cqFieldType,
                                                FieldDefinition witField,
                                                ref FieldMapsFieldMap fldMap)
            // set the type explicitly as string for user type field
            witField.type = CQConstants.WITFieldTypes[CQConstants.FIELD_SHORT_STRING];

            fldMap = new FieldMapsFieldMap();
            if (cqFieldType == CQConstants.FIELD_REFERENCE)
                // set the VALIDUSER constraint only if its a single reference
                // for reference list of users, migrate as simple string field bug#399176
                witField.VALIDUSER     = new ValidUserRule();
                fldMap.ValueMaps       = new FieldMapsFieldMapValueMaps();
                fldMap.ValueMaps.refer = CQConstants.UserMapXMLValue;
                string warningMsg = UtilityMethods.Format(CQResource.CQ_USER_LIST_CHANGED, witField.OldFieldName);
                ConverterMain.MigrationReport.WriteIssue(String.Empty, warningMsg,
                                                         CQWrapper.GetEntityDefName(this.cqEntity), null, IssueGroup.Witd.ToString(), ReportIssueType.Warning);

                Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Warning, warningMsg);

            // check only for requiredness for User field
            ProcessFieldProperties(witField, cqFieldType, true);

            fldMap.from    = witField.OldFieldName;
            fldMap.to      = witField.name; // new field name.. if changed
            fldMap.exclude = "false";
コード例 #2
        } // end of GetUniqueInstallationId

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the set of internal field maps which has to be imposed for all the entities..
        /// Used for internal purpose.. in case user already defines some field maps, this will be superseeded
        /// with that
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fldMaps"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static FieldMapsFieldMap[] GetInternalFieldMaps(FieldMaps fldMaps)
            // add the pre defined field mappings for history items
            FieldMapsFieldMap[] newFldMaps = new FieldMapsFieldMap[fldMaps.FieldMap.Length + CQConstants.InternalMap.Count];
            int currindex = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> map in CQConstants.InternalMap)
                FieldMapsFieldMap newMap = new FieldMapsFieldMap();
                newMap.from = map.Key;
                newMap.to   = map.Value;

                if (currindex < CQConstants.NoOfUserFldsInInternalMap)
                    // add the User Map section
                    newMap.ValueMaps              = new FieldMapsFieldMapValueMaps();
                    newMap.ValueMaps.refer        = CQConstants.UserMapXMLValue;
                    newMap.ValueMaps.defaultValue = Environment.UserName;

                // add from the end
                newFldMaps[newFldMaps.Length - currindex - 1] = newMap;

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Process and add Fields to the WIT
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wit">Handle to WIT to add the fields</param>
        private void ProcessFields(WorkItemType wit)
            Logger.EnteredMethod(LogSource.CQ, wit);

            // add vsts_sourcedb and vsts_sourceid fields
            FieldDefinition vstsIdField       = AddInternalFields(wit, CQConstants.IdFieldName, FieldType.Integer);
            FieldDefinition vstsSourceIdField = AddInternalFields(wit, CommonConstants.VSTSSrcIdField, FieldType.String);

            vstsSourceIdField.READONLY = new PlainRule();
            AddInternalFields(wit, CommonConstants.VSTSSrcDbField, FieldType.String);

            // add id and vsts_sourceid in form
            CreateDefaultControl(vstsIdField.name, vstsIdField.refname, FieldType.Integer, wit);
            CreateDefaultControl(CQConstants.SourceFieldLabel, vstsSourceIdField.refname, FieldType.String, wit);

            // get all the fields from CQ
            object[] cqFields = (object[])CQWrapper.GetFieldDefNames(cqEntityDef);

            FieldDefinition witField;

            if (cqFields.Length > 0)
                foreach (object ob in cqFields)
                    string fldName = (string)ob;
                    if (CQConstants.InternalFieldTypes.ContainsKey(fldName))
                        // these are internal clearquest fields
                        // we dont want to migrate these
                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Info, "Skipping CQ Internal Field '{0}'", fldName);

                    int cqFieldType = CQWrapper.GetFieldDefType(cqEntityDef, fldName);

                    string suggestedFldMap = (string)CQConstants.SuggestedMap[fldName];
                    if (suggestedFldMap != null)
                        // this field name matched to one the suggested mappings to one of the core field
                        // generate the field in schema and also a field map for this..
                        witField = new FieldDefinition();
                        witField.OldFieldName = fldName;
                        witField.name         = suggestedFldMap;
                        witField.type         = CQConstants.WITFieldTypes[cqFieldType];

                        // use the core field refname and type
                        for (int coreFieldIndex = 0; coreFieldIndex < CQConstants.CurrituckCoreFields.Length; coreFieldIndex++)
                            string coreFieldName = CQConstants.CurrituckCoreFields[coreFieldIndex].Name;
                            if (TFStringComparer.WorkItemFieldFriendlyName.Equals(coreFieldName, suggestedFldMap))
                                // use the refname and type from the core fields
                                witField.refname = CQConstants.CurrituckCoreFields[coreFieldIndex].ReferenceName;
                                witField.type    = (FieldType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FieldType),


                        FieldMapsFieldMap fldMap = null;
                        // process the field properties to set rules for Required/Read Only and list of values
                        // check if it requires UserMap also
                        if (cqFieldType == CQConstants.FIELD_REFERENCE ||
                            cqFieldType == CQConstants.FIELD_REFERENCE_LIST)
                            OAdEntityDef refEntity = CQWrapper.GetFieldReferenceEntityDef(cqEntityDef, witField.OldFieldName);
                            if (TFStringComparer.WorkItemType.Equals(CQWrapper.GetEntityDefName(refEntity), "users"))
                                ProcessUserFieldProperties(cqFieldType, witField, ref fldMap);
                            ProcessFieldProperties(witField, cqFieldType, false);
                            fldMap         = new FieldMapsFieldMap();
                            fldMap.from    = witField.OldFieldName;
                            fldMap.to      = witField.name;
                            fldMap.exclude = "false";

                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Info, "Using Suggested Field Map {0} to {1}",
                                     witField.OldFieldName, suggestedFldMap.ToString());

                        if (TFStringComparer.WorkItemFieldFriendlyName.Equals(fldMap.to, VSTSConstants.DescriptionField))
                            CreateDefaultControl(witField.OldFieldName, witField.refname, FieldType.PlainText, wit);
                            CreateDefaultControl(witField.OldFieldName, witField.refname, FieldType.String, wit);

                    switch (cqFieldType)
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_ID:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_SHORT_STRING:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_MULTILINE_STRING:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_INT:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_DATE_TIME:
                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "Migrating Field '{0}'", fldName);
                        witField = new FieldDefinition();
                        witField.OldFieldName = witField.name = fldName;
                        witField.type         = CQConstants.WITFieldTypes[cqFieldType];

                        // find the set of allowed values and populate in the xml
                        ProcessFieldProperties(witField, cqFieldType, false);


                        FieldMapsFieldMap fldMap = new FieldMapsFieldMap();
                        fldMap.from    = witField.OldFieldName;
                        fldMap.to      = witField.name;    // new field name.. if changed
                        fldMap.exclude = "false";

                        // add the field map

                        // add in FORM
                        CreateDefaultControl(witField.OldFieldName, witField.refname, witField.type, wit);

                    case CQConstants.FIELD_REFERENCE_LIST:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_REFERENCE:
                        // find the referenced entity name
                        OAdEntityDef refEntity = CQWrapper.GetFieldReferenceEntityDef(cqEntityDef, fldName);
                        if (TFStringComparer.WorkItemType.Equals(CQWrapper.GetEntityDefName(refEntity), "users"))
                            // add the refer keyword in the FieldMap file for this field
                            // and generate the field information for this field..
                            // as User is a core functionality in currituck..
                            // handle is in special way
                            // there are no chances that a "users" field will be of REFERENCE_LIST type..
                            // in case we see a requirement for REFERENCE_LIST also, add this code there also
                            Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "Migrating User Field '{0}'", fldName);
                            FieldMapsFieldMap fldMap = null;
                            witField = new FieldDefinition();
                            witField.OldFieldName = witField.name = fldName;
                            ProcessUserFieldProperties(cqFieldType, witField, ref fldMap);

                            // add in FIELD, FieldMap and FORM

                            // fix for bug# 15769
                            // set new "To" field name in the field map in case the field name got changed as part of AddField() call
                            fldMap.to = witField.name;

                            CreateDefaultControl(witField.OldFieldName, witField.refname, witField.type, wit);

                    case CQConstants.FIELD_STATE:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_ATTACHMENT_LIST:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_JOURNAL:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_DBID:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_STATETYPE:
                    case CQConstants.FIELD_RECORDTYPE:
                        // not migrating these fields as they are CQ internal fields
                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Info, "Skipping the Field migration for Internal Field Type '{0}'",

                    } // switch (cqFieldType)
                }     // end of foreach (object ob in cqFields)
            }   //if (cqFields.Length > 0)
                Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Warning, "No Fields present in the current Entity Definition '{0}'", wit.name);

            // add all the core fields in the FIELDS section as these fields are being used in the FORM section
            // as per Currituck implementation, any field existing in FORM section has to be in the FIELDS also
            // even if it is a core field
            FieldDefinition coreFldDef = null;

            for (int coreFieldIndex = 0; coreFieldIndex < CQConstants.CurrituckCoreFields.Length; coreFieldIndex++)
                string coreFieldName = CQConstants.CurrituckCoreFields[coreFieldIndex].Name;
                bool   fieldExist    = false;
                foreach (FieldDefinition fldDef in wit.FIELDS)
                    if (TFStringComparer.WorkItemFieldFriendlyName.Equals(fldDef.name, coreFieldName))
                        fieldExist = true;

                if (fieldExist == true)
                    // skip this field.. its already added in the FIELDS section

                coreFldDef         = new FieldDefinition();
                coreFldDef.name    = coreFieldName;
                coreFldDef.refname = CQConstants.CurrituckCoreFields[coreFieldIndex].ReferenceName;
                coreFldDef.type    = (FieldType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FieldType),

                if (coreFieldIndex < CQConstants.NoOfUserFldsInCoreFields)
                    //add VALIDUSER rule for all user fields
                    coreFldDef.VALIDUSER = new ValidUserRule();


            int         pos;
            ControlType reasonFld = wit.FindFieldInForm(CQConstants.ReasonField, out pos);

            if (reasonFld == null)
                // Bug# 50492: reason field is not yet added .. add it after the State field
                // look for state field position
                wit.FindFieldInForm(CQConstants.StateField, out pos);
                if (pos >= 0)
                    FieldDefinition reasonFldDef = AddInternalFields(wit, CQConstants.ReasonFieldName, FieldType.String);
                    wit.FORM.Layout.WITDItems.Insert(pos + 1, CreateDefaultControl(reasonFldDef.name, CQConstants.ReasonField, FieldType.String, null));

        } // end of ProcessFields
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Currituck field name from the Field Map
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Source field name</param>
        /// <param name="fvalue">Field value if changed because of some value map</param>
        /// <returns>Currituck Field Name</returns>
        private string GetMappedFieldName(string fName, ref object fValue)
            string            toval = string.Empty;
            FieldMapsFieldMap nmap  = (FieldMapsFieldMap)m_fieldMappings[fName];

            if (nmap != null)
                FieldMapsFieldMapValueMaps fvmaps = null;
                toval = nmap.to;
                // check if there are value mappings for this field!
                if (nmap.ValueMaps != null)
                    fvmaps = nmap.ValueMaps;
                    if (fvmaps.refer != null && !TFStringComparer.XmlAttributeValue.Equals(fvmaps.refer, "UserMap"))
                        fvmaps = (FieldMapsFieldMapValueMaps)m_valueMappings[nmap.ValueMaps.refer];

                    if (TFStringComparer.XmlAttributeValue.Equals(fvmaps.refer, "UserMap"))
                        string currUser = fValue.ToString();
                        string toUser   = currUser;
                        if (m_userMappings != null && m_userMappings.UserMap != null)
                            foreach (UserMappingsUserMap userMap in m_userMappings.UserMap)
                                if (TFStringComparer.UserName.Equals(userMap.From, currUser))
                                    toUser = userMap.To;
                        if (m_vstsConnection.store.UserDisplayMode == UserDisplayMode.AccountName)
                            // for alias mode, no resolution is ever required
                            fValue = toUser;
                            // resolve the user for Display Name mode
                            if (VSTSUtil.ResolvedUsers.Contains(toUser))
                                fValue = VSTSUtil.ResolvedUsers[toUser];
                                Identity userIdentity = VSTSUtil.ResolveUser(m_vstsConnection, toUser);
                                if (userIdentity == null)
                                    CommonConstants.UnresolvedUsers.Append(string.Concat(toUser, ", "));
                                    VSTSUtil.ResolvedUsers.Add(toUser, toUser);
                                    fValue = toUser;
                                    VSTSUtil.ResolvedUsers.Add(toUser, userIdentity.DisplayName);
                                    fValue = userIdentity.DisplayName;
                    else if (fvmaps.ValueMap != null)
                        int      score     = 0;
                        ValueMap bestMatch = null;
                        string   fldVal    = fValue.ToString();
                        foreach (ValueMap fvmap in fvmaps.ValueMap)
                            if (fldVal.StartsWith(fvmap.from, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                // found one candidate
                                if (fvmap.from.Length > score)
                                    score     = fvmap.from.Length;
                                    bestMatch = fvmap;
                        if (score > 0)
                            fValue = String.Concat(bestMatch.to, fValue.ToString().Substring(bestMatch.from.Length));
                // If it is Area Path, calculate the Area ID and update that field
                if (TFStringComparer.WorkItemFieldFriendlyName.Equals(nmap.to, VSTSConstants.AreaPathField) ||
                    TFStringComparer.WorkItemFieldFriendlyName.Equals(nmap.to, VSTSConstants.IterationPathField))
                    Node.TreeType type = Node.TreeType.Area;
                    if (TFStringComparer.WorkItemFieldFriendlyName.Equals(nmap.to, VSTSConstants.AreaPathField))
                        toval = VSTSConstants.AreaIdField;
                        type  = Node.TreeType.Area;
                        toval = VSTSConstants.IterationIdField;
                        type  = Node.TreeType.Iteration;

                    Node   tmpNode   = null;
                    string fValueStr = fValue.ToString().Trim();

                    if (fValueStr.Length != 0)
                        tmpNode = VSTSUtil.FindNodeInSubTree(m_vstsConnection, fValueStr, type);
                    if (tmpNode != null)
                        if (type == Node.TreeType.Area)
                            // update the current work item structure with this area id
                            m_vstsWorkItem.areaId = tmpNode.Id;
                        fValue = tmpNode.Id;
                        if (fvmaps != null && fvmaps.defaultValue != null && fvmaps.defaultValue.Trim().Length > 0)
                            string defaultValueStr = fvmaps.defaultValue.Trim();
                            tmpNode = VSTSUtil.FindNodeInSubTree(m_vstsConnection, defaultValueStr, type);
                            if (tmpNode != null)
                                Logger.Write(LogSource.WorkItemTracking, TraceLevel.Warning,
                                                 "Using: '{0}' instead of: '{1}' for: '{2}'",
                                                 defaultValueStr, fValueStr, nmap.to));
                                ConverterMain.MigrationReport.WriteIssue("MigrationCheck", ReportIssueType.Info,
                                                                             defaultValueStr, fValueStr, nmap.to));
                                fValue = tmpNode.Id;
                                string errMsg = UtilityMethods.Format(
                                    m_sourceWorkItemId, nmap.to, fValueStr,
                                throw new ConverterException(errMsg);
                            string errMsg = UtilityMethods.Format(
                                m_sourceWorkItemId, nmap.to, fValueStr,
                            throw new ConverterException(errMsg);