コード例 #1
        private JObject ProcessStructObject(JToken structItem, FhirParquetSchemaNode schemaNode)
            if (structItem is not JObject fhirJObject)
                _logger.LogError($"Current FHIR object is not a valid JObject: {schemaNode.GetNodePath()}.");
                throw new ParquetDataProcessorException($"Current FHIR object is not a valid JObject: {schemaNode.GetNodePath()}.");

            JObject processedObject = new JObject();

            foreach (var subItem in fhirJObject)
                JToken subObject = subItem.Value;

                // Process choice type FHIR resource.
                if (schemaNode.ContainsChoiceDataType(subItem.Key))
                    var choiceTypeName     = schemaNode.ChoiceTypeNodes[subItem.Key].Item1;
                    var choiceTypeDataType = schemaNode.ChoiceTypeNodes[subItem.Key].Item2;

                    if (!schemaNode.SubNodes[choiceTypeName].SubNodes.ContainsKey(choiceTypeDataType))
                        _logger.LogError($"Data type \"{choiceTypeDataType}\" cannot be found in choice type property, {schemaNode.GetNodePath()}.");
                        throw new ParquetDataProcessorException($"Data type \"{choiceTypeDataType}\" cannot be found in choice type property, {schemaNode.GetNodePath()}.");

                    var dataTypeNode = schemaNode.SubNodes[choiceTypeName].SubNodes[choiceTypeDataType];
                    processedObject.Add(choiceTypeName, ProcessChoiceTypeObject(subObject, dataTypeNode));
                    // Ignore FHIR data node if it doesn't exist in schema.
                    if (schemaNode.SubNodes == null || !schemaNode.SubNodes.ContainsKey(subItem.Key))

                    FhirParquetSchemaNode subNode = schemaNode.SubNodes[subItem.Key];

                    if (subNode.IsRepeated)
                        // Process array FHIR resource.
                        processedObject.Add(subNode.Name, ProcessArrayObject(subObject, subNode));
                    else if (subNode.IsLeaf)
                        // Process leaf FHIR resource.
                        processedObject.Add(subNode.Name, ProcessLeafObject(subObject, subNode));
                        // Process struct FHIR resource.
                        processedObject.Add(subNode.Name, ProcessStructObject(subObject, subNode));

コード例 #2
        private static Dictionary <string, FhirParquetSchemaNode> CreateSchemaMap()
            var schemaMap = new Dictionary <string, FhirParquetSchemaNode>();

            // Mock Patient schema node
            var idSchemaNode = new FhirParquetSchemaNode
                ChoiceTypeNodes = null,
                Depth           = 1,
                Name            = "id",
                NodePaths       = new List <string> {
                    "Patient", "id"
                IsRepeated = false,
                SubNodes   = null,
                Type       = "id",

            schemaMap["Patient"] = new FhirParquetSchemaNode
                ChoiceTypeNodes = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> >
                    { "deceasedBoolean", new Tuple <string, string>("deceased", "boolean") },
                    { "deceasedDateTime", new Tuple <string, string>("deceased", "dateTime") },
                Depth      = 0,
                Name       = "Patient",
                IsRepeated = false,
                SubNodes   = new Dictionary <string, FhirParquetSchemaNode>
                    { "id", idSchemaNode },
                Type = "Patient",

            // Mock Observation schema node
            idSchemaNode.NodePaths[0] = "Observation";
            schemaMap["Observation"]  = new FhirParquetSchemaNode
                ChoiceTypeNodes = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> >
                    { "effectiveDateTime", new Tuple <string, string>("effective", "dateTime") },
                    { "effectivePeriod", new Tuple <string, string>("effective", "period") },
                Depth     = 0,
                Name      = "Observation",
                NodePaths = new List <string> {
                IsRepeated = false,
                SubNodes   = new Dictionary <string, FhirParquetSchemaNode>
                    { "id", idSchemaNode },
                Type = "Observation",

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The input json schema itself "type" should be object.
        /// And the "type" for each property of json schema should be basic types, which means the Json data must be one layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schemaType">The schema type.</param>
        /// <param name="jsonSchema">The json schema.</param>
        /// <returns>A FhirParquetSchemaNode instance.</returns>
        public static FhirParquetSchemaNode ParseJSchema(string schemaType, JSchema jsonSchema)
            if (jsonSchema.Type == null || jsonSchema.Type == JSchemaType.Null)
                throw new GenerateFhirParquetSchemaNodeException(string.Format("The \"{0}\" customized schema have no \"type\" keyword or \"type\" is null.", schemaType));

            if (jsonSchema.Type != JSchemaType.Object)
                throw new GenerateFhirParquetSchemaNodeException(string.Format("The \"{0}\" customized schema type \"{1}\" should be \"object\".", schemaType, jsonSchema.Type));

            var fhirPath = new List <string>()

            var customizedSchemaNode = new FhirParquetSchemaNode()
                Name      = schemaType,
                Type      = schemaType,
                Depth     = 0,
                NodePaths = new List <string>(fhirPath),
                SubNodes  = new Dictionary <string, FhirParquetSchemaNode>(),

            foreach (var property in jsonSchema.Properties)

                if (property.Value.Type == null || property.Value.Type == JSchemaType.Null)
                    throw new GenerateFhirParquetSchemaNodeException(string.Format("Property \"{0}\" for \"{1}\" customized schema have no \"type\" keyword or \"type\" is null.", property.Key, schemaType));

                if (!FhirParquetSchemaConstants.BasicJSchemaTypeMap.ContainsKey(property.Value.Type.Value))
                    throw new GenerateFhirParquetSchemaNodeException(string.Format("Property \"{0}\" type \"{1}\" for \"{2}\" customized schema is not basic type.", property.Key, property.Value.Type.Value, schemaType));

                    BuildLeafNode(property.Key, FhirParquetSchemaConstants.BasicJSchemaTypeMap[property.Value.Type.Value], 1, fhirPath));

                fhirPath.RemoveAt(fhirPath.Count - 1);

コード例 #4
        private JObject ProcessChoiceTypeObject(JToken fhirObject, FhirParquetSchemaNode schemaNode)
            JObject choiceRootObject = new JObject();

            if (schemaNode.IsLeaf)
                choiceRootObject.Add(schemaNode.Name, ProcessLeafObject(fhirObject, schemaNode));
                choiceRootObject.Add(schemaNode.Name, ProcessStructObject(fhirObject, schemaNode));

コード例 #5
        private JValue ProcessLeafObject(JToken fhirObject, FhirParquetSchemaNode schemaNode)
            if (schemaNode.Type == FhirParquetSchemaConstants.JsonStringType)
                return(new JValue(fhirObject.ToString(Formatting.None)));

            if (fhirObject is not JValue fhirLeafObject)
                _logger.LogError($"Invalid data: complex object found in leaf schema node {schemaNode.GetNodePath()}.");
                throw new ParquetDataProcessorException($"Invalid data: complex object found in leaf schema node {schemaNode.GetNodePath()}.");

コード例 #6
        public void GivenArrowSchemaManager_WhenAddSchema_SchemaShouldBeAddedWithoutException()
            // Mock Organization schema node
            var organizationSchemaNode = new FhirParquetSchemaNode
                ChoiceTypeNodes = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> >(),
                Depth           = 0,
                Name            = "Organization",
                NodePaths       = new List <string> {
                IsRepeated = false,
                SubNodes   = new Dictionary <string, FhirParquetSchemaNode>(),
                Type       = "Organization",

            var arrowSchemaManager = new ArrowSchemaManager(TestConstants.TestSchemaMap);

            arrowSchemaManager.AddOrUpdateArrowSchema("Organization", organizationSchemaNode);
コード例 #7
        private JArray ProcessArrayObject(JToken arrayItem, FhirParquetSchemaNode schemaNode)
            if (arrayItem is not JArray fhirArrayObject)
                _logger.LogError($"Current FHIR object is not a valid JArray: {schemaNode.GetNodePath()}.");
                throw new ParquetDataProcessorException($"Current FHIR object is not a valid JArray: {schemaNode.GetNodePath()}.");

            JArray arrayObject = new JArray();

            foreach (var item in fhirArrayObject)
                if (schemaNode.IsLeaf)
                    arrayObject.Add(ProcessLeafObject(item, schemaNode));
                    arrayObject.Add(ProcessStructObject(item, schemaNode));
