/// <summary>
        ///     Method that will fetch all dummy data.
        /// </summary>
        public void FetchInitialPatients()
                var client = new FhirClient("https://apps.hdap.gatech.edu/gt-fhir/fhir");

                var query = new SearchParams();

                var backPainCode = "279039007";

                query.Add("code", backPainCode);

                var bundle = client.Search <Condition>(query);

                foreach (Bundle.EntryComponent entry in bundle.Entry)
                    if (entry.Resource is Condition c)
                        var patientString = c.Subject.Reference;
                        var id            = Regex.Match(patientString, @"\d+");
                        var patientQuery  = new string[] { $"_id={id.Value}" };

                        var patientBundle = client.Search <FhirPatient>(patientQuery);
                        var patient       = patientBundle.Entry.First().Resource as FhirPatient;
                        var patientToAdd  = new Patient
                            Name          = patient.Name.First().ToString(),
                            BirthDate     = patient.BirthDate,
                            Id            = patient.Id,
                            Gender        = patient.Gender?.ToString(),
                            MaritalStatus = patient.MaritalStatus?.Text ?? "Unknown"

                        this.patientRepo.TryAdd(patient.Id, patientToAdd);
                Console.Write("Unable to fetch patients");
 /// <summary>
 ///     Updates the patient with the given id.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">Id of the patient.</param>
 /// <param name="patient">The patient model.</param>
 public void Update(string id, Patient patient)
     this.patientRepo[id] = patient;