コード例 #1
            public FetchPayload OpenStream()
                var retRec = new FetchPayload();

                var filter = Builders <BakedVolumes> .Filter.Eq("_id", Volume);

                VolumeRec = Bvs.FindSync(filter).FirstOrDefault();
                if (VolumeRec == null)
                    retRec.Error = $"Volume: {Volume} does not exist";

                if (!VolumeRec.Parts.ContainsKey(Part))
                    retRec.Error = $"Volume: {Volume} Part {Part} does not exist";

                var p = VolumeRec.Parts[Part];

                fName = Path.Combine(p.Path, p.Name);

                    binOpen      = new BinaryReader(File.Open(fName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
                    VolumeStream = binOpen.BaseStream;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    retRec.Error = ex.Message;
                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.LogError(ex, $"Cannot open file {fName} for {Volume}/{Part}");

                //Console.WriteLine($"[Open Volume: {fName}]");

コード例 #2
        public FetchPayload GetRecord(FetchRequest request)
            var volume = request.BakedVolume;
            var part   = request.Part;

            if (bvs == null)
                bvs = NeoMongo.NeoDb.BakedVolumes();

            var         cacheKey = volume + "/" + part;
            VolCacheRec cache;

            if (!openFileCache.TryGetValue <VolCacheRec>(cacheKey, out cache))
                cache = new VolCacheRec(bvs, volume, part, _logger);

            openFileCache.Set <VolCacheRec>(cacheKey, cache);

            // Our caches work, but we're not really managing any kind of residency.
            // We'll play with this and see how they work, but it's trivial to
            // simply DDOS the cache into insanity.

            // We're also not handling error retry, though that may not be our job.
            // We may have to make some specific errors flow back so the client can
            // deal with a moved file or a service down.   It theoretically can even
            // use the X file if one of the main 4 is not available to regen the
            // data flow with XOR (in degraded mode).   This service will read any part.

            var retRec = new FetchPayload();

            retRec.Error = String.Empty;

            if (cache.VolumeStream == null)
                retRec = cache.OpenStream();
            if (retRec.Error != String.Empty)
                Console.WriteLine($"? Encountered error: {retRec.Error}");

            // Now if the file is gone/moved we might get an error seeking

            var didSeek = cache.VolumeStream.Seek(request.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            var length = Math.Min(BUFSIZ, request.RequestCount);
            var count  = cache.VolumeStream.Read(buffer, 0, length);

            retRec.Length  = count; // Not sure what's efficient here - nice if we didn't have to copy
            retRec.Payload = ByteString.CopyFrom(buffer, 0, count);

            Console.WriteLine($"[Read: {request.BakedVolume}/{request.Part} Count={count} Offset={request.Offset} (actual={didSeek}, newpos={cache.VolumeStream.Position})");
