コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the formdata based on the input parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reporteeId">the id of the reportee</param>
        /// <param name="reporteeElementId">the id of the reporteeelement</param>
        /// <param name="formId">the id of the form</param>
        /// <returns>the form data for the given parameters</returns>
        public async Task <FormData> GetFormDataFromCollectionAsync(string reporteeId, string reporteeElementId, string formId)
                string sqlQuery = $"SELECT * FROM FORMDATA WHERE FORMDATA.reporteeElementId = '{reporteeElementId}' and FORMDATA.formId = '{formId}'";
                IDocumentQuery <dynamic> query = _client.CreateDocumentQuery(_collectionUri, sqlQuery, new FeedOptions {
                    PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(reporteeId)
                FormData formData = null;
                while (query.HasMoreResults)
                    FeedResponse <FormData> res = await query.ExecuteNextAsync <FormData>();

                    if (res.Count != 0)
                        formData = res.First();
            catch (DocumentClientException e)
                if (e.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a point or polygon is valid using built-in functions. An important thing to note is that since Cosmos DB's query is designed to handle heterogeneous types,
        /// bad input parameters will evaluate to "undefined" and get skipped over instead of returning an error. For debugging and fixing malformed geospatial objects, please
        /// use the built-in functions shown below.
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task CheckIfPointOrPolygonIsValid()
            Console.WriteLine("Checking if a point is valid ...");
            QueryDefinition parameterizedSQLQuery = new QueryDefinition("SELECT ST_ISVALID(@point), ST_ISVALIDDETAILED(@point)")
                                                    .WithParameter("@point", new Point(31.9, -132.8));
            FeedResponse <dynamic> results = await container.GetItemQueryIterator <dynamic>(parameterizedSQLQuery).ReadNextAsync();

            Console.WriteLine($"Point Valid: {results.First()}");

            Console.WriteLine("Checking if a polygon is valid ...");
            QueryDefinition parameterizedSQLQuery2 = new QueryDefinition("SELECT ST_ISVALID(@polygon), ST_ISVALIDDETAILED(@polygon)")
                                                     .WithParameter("@polygon", new Polygon(new[]
                new LinearRing(new[]
                    new Position(31.8, -5),
                    new Position(32, -5),
                    new Position(32, -4.7),
                    new Position(31.8, -4.7)
            FeedResponse <dynamic> results2 = await container.GetItemQueryIterator <dynamic>(parameterizedSQLQuery2).ReadNextAsync();

            Console.WriteLine($"Polygon Valid: {results2.First()}");
コード例 #3
        public async Task <Game> GetGameInfrequentAsync(String gameId)
            //TIP: use cross-partition query for relatively infrequent queries. They're served from the index too
            Uri collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(DatabaseName, PlayerLookupCollectionName);

            FeedOptions feedOptions = new FeedOptions
                EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true,
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism    = -1

            IDocumentQuery <Game> query = client.CreateDocumentQuery <Game>(collectionUri, feedOptions)
                                          .Where(g => g.GameId == gameId).AsDocumentQuery();

            while (query.HasMoreResults)
                FeedResponse <Game> response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync <Game>();

                if (response.Count > 0)

コード例 #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "delete", Route = "Contact/{id}")] HttpRequest req,
            string id)
            IActionResult result = null;

                QueryDefinition queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition(
                    $"SELECT * FROM {_contactContainer.Id} c WHERE c.id = @id")
                                                  .WithParameter("@id", id);

                FeedIterator <Contact> iterator = _contactContainer.GetItemQueryIterator <Contact>
                    requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                    MaxItemCount = 1

                while (iterator.HasMoreResults)
                    FeedResponse <Contact> response = await iterator.ReadNextAsync();

                    Contact contact = response.First();

                    if (contact == null)
                        _logger.LogWarning($"Contact with id: {id} doesn't exist");
                        result = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound);

                    ItemResponse <Contact> itemResponse = await _contactContainer.DeleteItemAsync <Contact>
                        new PartitionKey(contact.ContactType)

                    result = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status204NoContent);
            catch (CosmosException cex)
                var statusCode = cex.StatusCode;
                _logger.LogError($"Cosmos DB Exception. Status code {statusCode}. Error thrown: {cex.Message}");
                result = CosmosExceptionHandler.HandleCosmosException(statusCode);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Internal Server Error. Exception thrown: {ex.Message}");
                result = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError);

コード例 #5
ファイル: GraphRepositoy.cs プロジェクト: gsantana/LGCV
        public bool HasEdge(Attributes.Edge edge, GraphObject from, GraphObject to)
            bool   hasEdge;
            string findEdgeQuery           = $"g.E().hasLabel('{edge.EdgeName}').has('_vertexId', '{ from.GraphKey }').has('_sink', '{to.GraphKey}').count()";
            FeedResponse <dynamic> reponse = ExecuteCommandQueryDynamic(findEdgeQuery);

            hasEdge = Convert.ToInt32(reponse.First()) > 0;

コード例 #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "put", Route = "contacts/{id}")] HttpRequest req,
            string id)
            IActionResult returnValue = null;

            string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();

            var updatedContact = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Contact>(requestBody);

            updatedContact.ContactId = id;

                QueryDefinition getContactQueryDefinition = new QueryDefinition(
                    $"SELECT * FROM {_contactContainer.Id} c WHERE c.id = @id")
                                                            .WithParameter("@id", id);

                FeedIterator <Contact> getResultSet = _contactContainer.GetItemQueryIterator <Contact>
                    requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                    MaxItemCount = 1

                while (getResultSet.HasMoreResults)
                    FeedResponse <Contact> response = await getResultSet.ReadNextAsync();

                    Contact contact = response.First();

                    if (contact == null)
                        _logger.LogError($"Couldn't find contact with {id}");
                        returnValue = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound);

                    var oldItem = await _contactContainer.ReadItemAsync <Contact>(id, new PartitionKey(contact.ContactType));

                    var replaceContact = await _contactContainer.ReplaceItemAsync(updatedContact, oldItem.Resource.ContactId, new PartitionKey(oldItem.Resource.ContactType));

                    returnValue = new OkObjectResult(replaceContact);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Could not update item {id}. Exception thrown: {ex.Message}");
                returnValue = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError);

コード例 #7
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task <int> GetMatchingWorkflowInstanceCountForSubjectsAsync(IEnumerable <string> subjects)
            QueryDefinition spec = BuildFindInstanceIdsSpec(subjects, 1, 0, true);

            FeedIterator <int> iterator = this.Container.GetItemQueryIterator <int>(spec, null, new QueryRequestOptions {
                MaxItemCount = 1

            // There will always be a result so we don't need to check...
            FeedResponse <int> result = await Retriable.RetryAsync(() => iterator.ReadNextAsync()).ConfigureAwait(false);

コード例 #8
        public async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "delete", Route = "TaxiPrediction/{id}")] HttpRequest req,
            string id)
            IActionResult result = null;

                QueryDefinition getContactQueryDefinition = new QueryDefinition(
                    $"SELECT * FROM {_taxiContainer.Id} c WHERE c.id = @id")
                                                            .WithParameter("@id", id);

                FeedIterator <TaxiTripDTO> getResultSet = _taxiContainer.GetItemQueryIterator <TaxiTripDTO>
                    requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                    MaxItemCount = 1

                if (getResultSet == null)
                    _logger.LogInformation($"TaxiTrip {id} not found!");
                    result = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound);

                while (getResultSet.HasMoreResults)
                    FeedResponse <TaxiTripDTO> response = await getResultSet.ReadNextAsync();

                    TaxiTripDTO contact = response.First();
                    ItemResponse <TaxiTripDTO> itemResponse = await _taxiContainer.DeleteItemAsync <TaxiTripDTO>
                                                                  (id : id, partitionKey : new PartitionKey(contact.VendorId));

                    result = new OkResult();
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Internal Server Error. Exception thrown: {ex.Message}");
                result = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError);

コード例 #9
        public async Task DatabaseQueryIterator()
            List <Cosmos.Database> deleteList = new List <Cosmos.Database>();

                string firstDb  = "Abcdefg";
                string secondDb = "Bcdefgh";
                string thirdDb  = "Zoo";

                DatabaseResponse createResponse2 = await this.cosmosClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(secondDb);

                DatabaseResponse createResponse = await this.cosmosClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(firstDb);

                DatabaseResponse createResponse3 = await this.cosmosClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(thirdDb);


                FeedIterator <DatabaseProperties> feedIterator =
                    this.cosmosClient.GetDatabaseQueryIterator <DatabaseProperties>(
                        new QueryDefinition("select c.id From c where c.id = @id ")
                        .WithParameter("@id", createResponse.Database.Id),
                        requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                    MaxItemCount = 1

                FeedResponse <DatabaseProperties> iterator = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken);

                Assert.AreEqual(1, iterator.Resource.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(firstDb, iterator.First().Id);

                foreach (Cosmos.Database database in deleteList)
                    await database.DeleteAsync(cancellationToken : this.cancellationToken);
        public async Task ReportsInstanceNameAndToken()
            string        instanceName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string        leaseToken   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            List <string> ranges       = new List <string>()

            List <DocumentServiceLeaseCore> leases = new List <DocumentServiceLeaseCore>()
                new DocumentServiceLeaseCore()
                    LeaseToken = leaseToken,
                    Owner      = instanceName
            Mock <FeedIterator> mockIterator = new Mock <FeedIterator>();

            mockIterator.Setup(i => i.ReadNextAsync(It.IsAny <CancellationToken>())).ReturnsAsync(GetResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotModified, "0:1"));
            Mock <DocumentServiceLeaseContainer> mockContainer = new Mock <DocumentServiceLeaseContainer>();

            mockContainer.Setup(c => c.GetAllLeasesAsync()).ReturnsAsync(leases);

            Func <string, string, bool, FeedIterator> feedCreator = (string partitionKeyRangeId, string continuationToken, bool startFromBeginning) =>

            ChangeFeedEstimatorIterator remainingWorkEstimator = new ChangeFeedEstimatorIterator(
                Mock.Of <ContainerInternal>(),
                Mock.Of <ContainerInternal>(),

            FeedResponse <ChangeFeedProcessorState> firstResponse = await remainingWorkEstimator.ReadNextAsync(default(CancellationToken));

            ChangeFeedProcessorState remainingLeaseWork = firstResponse.First();

            Assert.AreEqual(instanceName, remainingLeaseWork.InstanceName);
            Assert.AreEqual(leaseToken, remainingLeaseWork.LeaseToken);
コード例 #11
        public async Task <ExportJobOutcome> GetExportJobByHashAsync(string hash, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace(hash, nameof(hash));

                IDocumentQuery <CosmosExportJobRecordWrapper> query = _documentClientScope.Value.CreateDocumentQuery <CosmosExportJobRecordWrapper>(
                    new SqlQuerySpec(
                        new SqlParameterCollection()
                    new SqlParameter(HashParameterName, hash),
                    new FeedOptions {
                    PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(CosmosDbExportConstants.ExportJobPartitionKey)

                FeedResponse <CosmosExportJobRecordWrapper> result = await query.ExecuteNextAsync <CosmosExportJobRecordWrapper>();

                if (result.Count == 1)
                    // We found an existing job that matches the hash.
                    CosmosExportJobRecordWrapper wrapper = result.First();

                    return(new ExportJobOutcome(wrapper.JobRecord, WeakETag.FromVersionId(wrapper.ETag)));

            catch (DocumentClientException dce)
                if (dce.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
                    throw new RequestRateExceededException(dce.RetryAfter);

                _logger.LogError(dce, "Failed to get an export job by hash.");
コード例 #12
        public async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "delete", Route = "contacts/{id}")] HttpRequest req,
            string id)
            IActionResult returnValue = null;

                QueryDefinition getContactQueryDefinition = new QueryDefinition(
                    $"SELECT * FROM {_contactContainer.Id} c WHERE c.id = @id")
                                                            .WithParameter("@id", id);

                FeedIterator <Contact> getResultSet = _contactContainer.GetItemQueryIterator <Contact>
                    requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                    MaxItemCount = 1

                while (getResultSet.HasMoreResults)
                    FeedResponse <Contact> response = await getResultSet.ReadNextAsync();

                    Contact contact = response.First();
                    ItemResponse <Contact> itemResponse = await _contactContainer.DeleteItemAsync <Contact>
                                                              (id : id, partitionKey : new PartitionKey(contact.ContactType));

                    returnValue = new OkResult();
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Couldn't delete contact. Exception thrown: {ex.Message}");
                returnValue = new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError);

コード例 #13
        public async Task <ExportJobOutcome> GetExportJobByHashAsync(string hash, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            EnsureArg.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace(hash, nameof(hash));

                var query = _queryFactory.Create <CosmosExportJobRecordWrapper>(
                    new CosmosQueryContext(
                        new QueryDefinition(GetJobByHashQuery)
                        .WithParameter(HashParameterName, hash),
                        new QueryRequestOptions {
                    PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(CosmosDbExportConstants.ExportJobPartitionKey)

                FeedResponse <CosmosExportJobRecordWrapper> result = await query.ExecuteNextAsync();

                if (result.Count == 1)
                    // We found an existing job that matches the hash.
                    CosmosExportJobRecordWrapper wrapper = result.First();

                    return(new ExportJobOutcome(wrapper.JobRecord, WeakETag.FromVersionId(wrapper.ETag)));

            catch (CosmosException dce)
                if (dce.IsRequestRateExceeded())

                _logger.LogError(dce, "Failed to get an export job by hash.");
コード例 #14
        public async Task IteratorTest()
            string containerName    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string partitionKeyPath = "/users";

            ContainerResponse containerResponse = await this.cosmosDatabase.CreateContainerAsync(containerName, partitionKeyPath);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.Created, containerResponse.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(containerName, containerResponse.Resource.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(partitionKeyPath, containerResponse.Resource.PartitionKey.Paths.First());

            HashSet <string> containerIds = new HashSet <string>();
            FeedIterator <ContainerProperties> resultSet = this.cosmosDatabase.GetContainerQueryIterator <ContainerProperties>();

            while (resultSet.HasMoreResults)
                foreach (ContainerProperties setting in await resultSet.ReadNextAsync())
                    if (!containerIds.Contains(setting.Id))

            Assert.IsTrue(containerIds.Count > 0, "The iterator did not find any containers.");
            Assert.IsTrue(containerIds.Contains(containerName), "The iterator did not find the created container");

            resultSet = this.cosmosDatabase.GetContainerQueryIterator <ContainerProperties>($"select * from c where c.id = \"{containerName}\"");
            FeedResponse <ContainerProperties> queryProperties = await resultSet.ReadNextAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, queryProperties.Resource.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(containerName, queryProperties.First().Id);

            containerResponse = await containerResponse.Container.DeleteContainerAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, containerResponse.StatusCode);
コード例 #15
        private async Task ReplaceDocuments()
            Container container = Shared.Client.GetContainer(_databaseName, _containerName);

            string             sql           = "SELECT VALUE COUNT(c) FROM c WHERE c.isNew = true";
            FeedIterator <int> iterator1     = container.GetItemQueryIterator <int>(sql);
            FeedResponse <int> feedResponse1 = await iterator1.ReadNextAsync();

            int count = feedResponse1.First();

            WriteLine($"Documents with 'isNew' flag: {count}\n");
            WriteLine("Querying for documents to be updated");

            sql = "SELECT * FROM c WHERE STARTSWITH(c.name, 'New Customer') = true";
            FeedIterator <dynamic> feedIterator2 = container.GetItemQueryIterator <dynamic>(sql);
            FeedResponse <dynamic> feedResponse2 = await feedIterator2.ReadNextAsync();

            List <dynamic> documentsList = feedResponse2.ToList();

            WriteLine($"Found {documentsList.Count} documents to be updated");

            foreach (var document in documentsList)
                document.isNew = true;
                dynamic result = await container.ReplaceItemAsync <dynamic>(document, (string)document.id);

                dynamic updatedDocument = result.Resource;
                WriteLine($"Updated document 'isNew' flag: {updatedDocument.isNew}");

            sql = "SELECT VALUE COUNT(c) FROM c WHERE c.isNew = true";
            FeedIterator <int> feedIterator3 = container.GetItemQueryIterator <int>(sql);
            FeedResponse <int> feedResponse3 = await feedIterator3.ReadNextAsync();

            count = feedResponse3.First();

            WriteLine($"Documents with 'isNew' flag: {count}\n");
コード例 #16
        public async Task <String> GetLatestState(String orderId)
            //TIP: Use query to reconstruct the latest state (can also support <= BeforeTimestamp)
            Uri collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(DatabaseName, EventsCollectionName);

            IDocumentQuery <String> query = client.CreateDocumentQuery <OrderEvent>(collectionUri)
                                            .Where(e => e.OrderId == orderId)
                                            .OrderByDescending(e => e.EventTime)
                                            .Select(e => e.CurrentState)

            while (query.HasMoreResults)
                FeedResponse <String> response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync <String>();

                if (response.Count > 0)

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets metadata for the given data element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Include instanceGuid to avoid a cross partition query.
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task <DataElement> GetDataElement(string dataGuid, string instanceGuid = "")
            DataElement dataElement = null;

            Uri            uri    = UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri("Storage", "dataElements", dataGuid);
            DocumentClient client = await _clientProvider.GetDocumentClient(Program.Environment);

            FeedOptions options;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceGuid))
                options = new FeedOptions {
                    PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(instanceGuid)
                options = new FeedOptions {
                    EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true

            IDocumentQuery <DataElement> query = client
                                                 .CreateDocumentQuery <DataElement>(_dataCollectionUri, options)
                                                 .Where(i => i.Id == dataGuid)

            FeedResponse <DataElement> result = await query.ExecuteNextAsync <DataElement>();

            if (result.Count > 0)
                dataElement = result.First();

コード例 #18
        // </ReadItemAsync>

        // <QueryItems>
        private static async Task QueryItems()
            // 1.4 - Query for items by a property other than Id
            // NOTE: Operations like AsEnumerable(), ToList(), ToArray() will make as many trips to the database
            //       as required to fetch the entire result-set. Even if you set MaxItemCount to a smaller number.
            //       MaxItemCount just controls how many results to fetch each trip.
            Console.WriteLine("\n1.4 - Querying for a item using its AccountNumber property");

            QueryDefinition query = new QueryDefinition(
                "select * from sales s where s.AccountNumber = @AccountInput ")
                                    .WithParameter("@AccountInput", "Account1");

            FeedIterator <SalesOrder> resultSet = container.GetItemQueryIterator <SalesOrder>(
                requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("Account1"),
                MaxItemCount = 1

            List <SalesOrder> allSalesForAccount1 = new List <SalesOrder>();

            while (resultSet.HasMoreResults)
                FeedResponse <SalesOrder> response = await resultSet.ReadNextAsync();

                SalesOrder sale = response.First();
                Console.WriteLine($"\n1.4.1 Account Number: {sale.AccountNumber}; Id: {sale.Id};");
                if (response.Diagnostics != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($" Diagnostics {response.Diagnostics.ToString()}");


            Console.WriteLine($"\n1.4.2 Query found {allSalesForAccount1.Count} items.");

            // Use the same query as before but get the cosmos response message to access the stream directly
            FeedIterator streamResultSet = container.GetItemQueryStreamIterator(
                requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                PartitionKey   = new PartitionKey("Account1"),
                MaxItemCount   = 10,
                MaxConcurrency = 1

            List <SalesOrder> allSalesForAccount1FromStream = new List <SalesOrder>();

            while (streamResultSet.HasMoreResults)
                using (ResponseMessage responseMessage = await streamResultSet.ReadNextAsync())
                    // Item stream operations do not throw exceptions for better performance
                    if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        dynamic           streamResponse = FromStream <dynamic>(responseMessage.Content);
                        List <SalesOrder> salesOrders    = streamResponse.Documents.ToObject <List <SalesOrder> >();
                        Console.WriteLine($"\n1.4.3 - Item Query via stream {salesOrders.Count}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Query item from stream failed. Status code: {responseMessage.StatusCode} Message: {responseMessage.ErrorMessage}");

            Console.WriteLine($"\n1.4.4 Query found {allSalesForAccount1FromStream.Count} items.");

            if (allSalesForAccount1.Count != allSalesForAccount1FromStream.Count)
                throw new InvalidDataException($"Both query operations should return the same list");
コード例 #19
        // </ReadItemAsync>

        // <ReadAllItems>
        private static async Task ReadAllItems()
            // 1.3 - Read all items in a container
            // NOTE: Operations like AsEnumerable(), ToList(), ToArray() will make as many trips to the database
            //       as required to fetch the entire result-set. Even if you set MaxItemCount to a smaller number.
            //       MaxItemCount just controls how many results to fetch each trip.
            Console.WriteLine("\n1.3 - Read all items with query using a specific partition key");

            List <SalesOrder> allSalesForAccount1 = new List <SalesOrder>();

            using (FeedIterator <SalesOrder> resultSet = container.GetItemQueryIterator <SalesOrder>(
                       queryDefinition: null,
                       requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("Account1")
                while (resultSet.HasMoreResults)
                    FeedResponse <SalesOrder> response = await resultSet.ReadNextAsync();

                    SalesOrder sale = response.First();
                    Console.WriteLine($"\n1.3.1 Account Number: {sale.AccountNumber}; Id: {sale.Id};");
                    if (response.Diagnostics != null)
                        Console.WriteLine($" Diagnostics {response.Diagnostics.ToString()}");


            Console.WriteLine($"\n1.3.2 Read all items found {allSalesForAccount1.Count} items.");

            // Use the same query as before but get the cosmos response message to access the stream directly
            List <SalesOrder> allSalesForAccount1FromStream = new List <SalesOrder>();

            using (FeedIterator streamResultSet = container.GetItemQueryStreamIterator(
                       queryDefinition: null,
                       requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("Account1")
                while (streamResultSet.HasMoreResults)
                    using (ResponseMessage responseMessage = await streamResultSet.ReadNextAsync())
                        // Item stream operations do not throw exceptions for better performance
                        if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            dynamic           streamResponse = FromStream <dynamic>(responseMessage.Content);
                            List <SalesOrder> salesOrders    = streamResponse.Documents.ToObject <List <SalesOrder> >();
                            Console.WriteLine($"\n1.3.3 - Read all items via stream {salesOrders.Count}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"Read all items from stream failed. Status code: {responseMessage.StatusCode} Message: {responseMessage.ErrorMessage}");

                Console.WriteLine($"\n1.3.4 Read all items found {allSalesForAccount1FromStream.Count} items.");

            if (allSalesForAccount1.Count != allSalesForAccount1FromStream.Count)
                throw new InvalidDataException($"Both read all item operations should return the same list");
コード例 #20
        public async Task <IEnumerable <LogChange> > getLogChangesByType(string userId, TimeLine timeLineArg = null, ActivityType typeOfDocument = ActivityType.None, int count = 100)
            var options = new QueryRequestOptions {
                PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(userId)

            var      collectionParams = new List <Tuple <string, object> >();
            string   sqlQuery         = @"SELECT * FROM c";
            bool     isWhereAlready   = false;
            TimeLine timeline         = timeLineArg.StartToEnd;

            if (userId.isNot_NullEmptyOrWhiteSpace())
                if (!isWhereAlready)
                    sqlQuery      += @" WHERE ";
                    isWhereAlready = true;
                    sqlQuery += " AND ";
                var sqlParam = new Tuple <string, object> ("@UserId", userId);
                sqlQuery += @" c.UserId = @UserId ";

            if (typeOfDocument != ActivityType.None && typeOfDocument.ToString().isNot_NullEmptyOrWhiteSpace())
                if (!isWhereAlready)
                    sqlQuery      += " WHERE ";
                    isWhereAlready = true;
                    sqlQuery += " AND ";
                var sqlParam = new Tuple <string, object>("@TypeOfEvent", typeOfDocument.ToString());
                sqlQuery += " c.TypeOfEvent = @TypeOfEvent ";

            if (timeline != null)
                if (!isWhereAlready)
                    sqlQuery      += " WHERE ";
                    isWhereAlready = true;
                    sqlQuery += " AND ";

                var sqlParamStart = new Tuple <string, object>("@JsTimeOfCreationStart", timeline.Start.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds());
                var sqlParamEnd = new Tuple <string, object>("@JsTimeOfCreationEnd", timeline.End.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds());
                sqlQuery += " c.JsTimeOfCreation >= @JsTimeOfCreationStart and c.JsTimeOfCreation < @JsTimeOfCreationEnd ";

            sqlQuery += @" order by  c.JsTimeOfCreation desc ";
            sqlQuery += @" offset 0 limit " + count + " ";

            QueryDefinition queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition(sqlQuery);

            collectionParams.ForEach((param) =>
                queryDefinition = queryDefinition.WithParameter(param.Item1, param.Item2);

            var       database  = Client.GetDatabase(dbName);
            Container container = database.GetContainer(collectionName);

            List <LogChange> retValue = new List <LogChange>();

            using (FeedIterator <LogChange> resultSet = container.GetItemQueryIterator <LogChange>(
                       requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("Account1"),
                MaxItemCount = 1
                while (resultSet.HasMoreResults)
                    FeedResponse <LogChange> response = await resultSet.ReadNextAsync();

                    LogChange logChange = response.First();
                    Console.WriteLine($"\n Log change UserId is : {logChange.UserId}; Id: {logChange.Id};");

            //var querySpec = new SqlQuerySpec
            //    QueryText = sqlQuery,
            //    Parameters = new SqlParameterCollection(
            //        collectionParams
            //    )

            //var documentCollectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(dbName, collectionName);
            //var query = Client.CreateDocumentQuery<Document>(documentCollectionUri, querySpec, options).AsDocumentQuery();
            //List<LogChange> retValue = new List<LogChange>();

            //while (query.HasMoreResults)
            //    var documents = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<Document>().ConfigureAwait(false);
            //    foreach (var loadedDocument in documents)
            //    {
            //        LogChange logChange = new LogChange();
            //        byte[] allBytesbefore = loadedDocument.GetPropertyValue<byte[]>("ZippedLog");
            //        logChange.ZippedLog = allBytesbefore;
            //        logChange.Id = loadedDocument.GetPropertyValue<string>("Id");
            //        logChange.UserId = loadedDocument.GetPropertyValue<string>("UserId");
            //        logChange.TypeOfEvent = loadedDocument.GetPropertyValue<string>("TypeOfEvent");
            //        logChange.TimeOfCreation = loadedDocument.GetPropertyValue<DateTimeOffset>("TimeOfCreation");
            //        logChange.JsTimeOfCreation = loadedDocument.GetPropertyValue<ulong>("JsTimeOfCreation");
            //        retValue.Add(logChange);
            //    }
コード例 #21
        private async Task DataUpdateStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var orderData = await _orderDataAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new OrderData(), cancellationToken);

            CosmosClient client = new CosmosClient(Startup.CosmosDbEndpoint, Startup.AuthKey);

            database = await client.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(databaseId);

            ContainerProperties containerProperties = new ContainerProperties(containerId, partitionKeyPath: Startup.PartitionKey);

            // Create with a throughput of 1000 RU/s
            container = await database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(
                throughput : 1000);

            //orderNum 가져오기
                FeedIterator <DBdata> feedIterator = container.GetItemQueryIterator <DBdata>("SELECT top 1 * FROM c order by c._ts desc");
                    while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults)
                        FeedResponse <DBdata> result = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync();

                        foreach (var item in result)
                            orderData.OrderNum = Int32.Parse(item.id);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                orderData.OrderNum = 0;

            IPHostEntry host   = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
            string      ipAddr = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < host.AddressList.Length; i++)
                if (host.AddressList[i].AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                    ipAddr = host.AddressList[i].ToString();

            //Order 데이터 삽입
            foreach (Sandwich tempSand in orderData.Sandwiches)
                string sJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tempSand);

                var dbData = new DBdata {
                    id = $"{++orderData.OrderNum}", Contents = tempSand, ETag = "x", AccountNumber = ipAddr

                await container.CreateItemAsync <DBdata>(dbData, new PartitionKey(dbData.AccountNumber));

            //container 변경
            containerProperties = new ContainerProperties(countContainerId, partitionKeyPath: "/AccountNumber");
            // Create with a throughput of 1000 RU/s
            container = await database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(
                throughput : 1000);

            //Count 데이터 삽입
            foreach (Sandwich tempSand in orderData.Sandwiches)
                var    CountId = 0;
                string sauce   = "";
                foreach (string temp in tempSand.Sauce)
                    sauce += temp + " ";

                //CountId 찾기
                    FeedIterator <DBcount> feedIterator = container.GetItemQueryIterator <DBcount>("SELECT top 1 * FROM c order by c._ts desc");
                        while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults)
                            FeedResponse <DBcount> result = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync();

                            foreach (var item in result)
                                CountId = Int32.Parse(item.id) + 1;
                catch (System.Exception e)
                    CountId = 0;

                try {
                    FeedIterator <DBcount> feedIterator = container.GetItemQueryIterator <DBcount>("SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.Sauce='" + sauce + "' and c.Bread ='" + tempSand.Bread + "' and c.Menu ='" + tempSand.Menu + "'");
                        if (feedIterator.HasMoreResults)
                            FeedResponse <DBcount> result = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync();

                            DBcount res                 = result.First();
                            var     count               = res.Count + 1;
                            DBcount countData           = new DBcount(); countData.id = res.id; countData.Count = count; countData.Sauce = sauce; countData.Menu = tempSand.Menu; countData.ETag = "x"; countData.AccountNumber = "0"; countData.Bread = tempSand.Bread;
                            ItemResponse <DBcount> item = await container.DeleteItemAsync <DBcount>(partitionKey : new PartitionKey("0"), id : res.id);

                            await container.CreateItemAsync(countData, new PartitionKey("0"));
                catch (System.Exception e)
                    var countData = new DBcount {
                        id = $"{CountId}", Count = 1, Bread = $"{tempSand.Bread}", Sauce = sauce, Menu = $"{tempSand.Menu}", ETag = "x", AccountNumber = "0"
                    await container.CreateItemAsync <DBcount>(countData, new PartitionKey("0"));
コード例 #22
        public async Task DatabaseQueryIterator()
            List <Cosmos.Database> deleteList = new List <Cosmos.Database>();

                string firstDb  = "Abcdefg";
                string secondDb = "Bcdefgh";
                string thirdDb  = "Zoo";

                DatabaseResponse createResponse2 = await this.cosmosClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(secondDb);

                DatabaseResponse createResponse = await this.cosmosClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(firstDb);

                DatabaseResponse createResponse3 = await this.cosmosClient.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(thirdDb);


                using (FeedIterator <DatabaseProperties> feedIterator =
                           this.cosmosClient.GetDatabaseQueryIterator <DatabaseProperties>(
                               new QueryDefinition("select c.id From c where c.id = @id ")
                               .WithParameter("@id", createResponse.Database.Id),
                               requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                    MaxItemCount = 1
                    FeedResponse <DatabaseProperties> iterator = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken);

                    Assert.AreEqual(1, iterator.Resource.Count());
                    Assert.AreEqual(firstDb, iterator.First().Id);


                using (FeedIterator feedIterator =
                               "select value c.id From c "))
                    while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults)
                        using (ResponseMessage response = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken))
                            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(response.Content))
                                using (JsonTextReader jsonTextReader = new JsonTextReader(streamReader))
                                    // Output will be:
                                    // { "_rid":"","Databases":["Zoo","Abcdefg","Bcdefgh"],"_count":3}
                                    JObject jObject = await JObject.LoadAsync(jsonTextReader);

                                    Assert.IsTrue(jObject["Databases"].ToObject <JArray>().Count > 0);
                                    Assert.IsTrue(jObject["_count"].ToObject <int>() > 0);

                List <string> ids = new List <string>();
                using (FeedIterator <string> feedIterator =
                           this.cosmosClient.GetDatabaseQueryIterator <string>(
                               "select value c.id From c "))
                    while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults)
                        FeedResponse <string> iterator = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync(this.cancellationToken);


                Assert.IsTrue(ids.Count >= 2);
                foreach (Cosmos.Database database in deleteList)
                    await database.DeleteAsync(cancellationToken : this.cancellationToken);
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously checks the current existing leases and calculates an estimate of remaining work per leased partitions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An estimate amount of remaining documents to be processed</returns>
        public async Task <long> GetEstimatedRemainingWork()
            await this.InitializeAsync();

            long remaining            = 0;
            ChangeFeedOptions options = new ChangeFeedOptions
                MaxItemCount = 1

            foreach (DocumentServiceLease existingLease in await this.leaseManager.ListLeases())
                options.PartitionKeyRangeId = existingLease.PartitionId;
                options.RequestContinuation = existingLease.ContinuationToken;
                IDocumentQuery <Document> query    = this.documentClient.CreateDocumentChangeFeedQuery(this.collectionSelfLink, options);
                FeedResponse <Document>   response = null;

                    response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync <Document>();

                    long parsedLSNFromSessionToken = TryConvertToNumber(ParseAmountFromSessionToken(response.SessionToken));
                    long lastSequenceNumber        = response.Count > 0 ? TryConvertToNumber(response.First().GetPropertyValue <string>(LSNPropertyName)) : parsedLSNFromSessionToken;
                    long partitionRemaining        = parsedLSNFromSessionToken - lastSequenceNumber;
                    remaining += partitionRemaining < 0 ? 0 : partitionRemaining;
                catch (DocumentClientException ex)
                    ExceptionDispatchInfo   exceptionDispatchInfo = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);
                    DocumentClientException dcex = (DocumentClientException)exceptionDispatchInfo.SourceException;
                    if ((StatusCode.NotFound == (StatusCode)dcex.StatusCode && SubStatusCode.ReadSessionNotAvailable != (SubStatusCode)GetSubStatusCode(dcex)) ||
                        StatusCode.Gone == (StatusCode)dcex.StatusCode)
                        // We are not explicitly handling Splits here to avoid any collision with an Observer that might have picked this up and managing the split
                        TraceLog.Error(string.Format("GetEstimateWork > Partition {0}: resource gone (subStatus={1}).", existingLease.PartitionId, GetSubStatusCode(dcex)));
                    else if (StatusCode.TooManyRequests == (StatusCode)dcex.StatusCode ||
                             StatusCode.ServiceUnavailable == (StatusCode)dcex.StatusCode)
                        TraceLog.Warning(string.Format("GetEstimateWork > Partition {0}: retriable exception : {1}", existingLease.PartitionId, dcex.Message));
                        TraceLog.Error(string.Format("GetEstimateWork > Partition {0}: Unhandled exception", ex.Error.Message));

コード例 #24
        public async Task  TestJsonSerializerSettings(bool useGateway)
            CosmosClient cosmosClient = TestCommon.CreateCosmosClient((cosmosClientBuilder) => {
                if (useGateway)
                    cosmosClientBuilder.WithCustomJsonSerializer(new CustomJsonSerializer(CustomSerializationTests.GetSerializerWithCustomConverterAndBinder())).WithConnectionModeGateway();
                    cosmosClientBuilder.WithCustomJsonSerializer(new CustomJsonSerializer(CustomSerializationTests.GetSerializerWithCustomConverterAndBinder())).WithConnectionModeDirect();
            Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer(databaseName, partitionedCollectionName);

            var rnd   = new Random();
            var bytes = new byte[100];

            var testDocument = new TestDocument(new KerberosTicketHashKey(bytes));

            //create and read
            ItemResponse <TestDocument> createResponse = await container.CreateItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument);

            ItemResponse <TestDocument> readResponse = await container.ReadItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument.Id, new Cosmos.PartitionKey(testDocument.Name));

            AssertEqual(testDocument, readResponse.Resource);
            AssertEqual(testDocument, createResponse.Resource);

            // upsert
            ItemResponse <TestDocument> upsertResponse = await container.UpsertItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument);

            readResponse = await container.ReadItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument.Id, new Cosmos.PartitionKey(testDocument.Name));

            AssertEqual(testDocument, readResponse.Resource);
            AssertEqual(testDocument, upsertResponse.Resource);

            // replace
            ItemResponse <TestDocument> replacedResponse = await container.ReplaceItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument, testDocument.Id);

            readResponse = await container.ReadItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument.Id, new Cosmos.PartitionKey(testDocument.Name));

            AssertEqual(testDocument, readResponse.Resource);
            AssertEqual(testDocument, replacedResponse.Resource);

            QueryDefinition             sql          = new QueryDefinition("select * from r");
            FeedIterator <TestDocument> feedIterator =
                container.GetItemQueryIterator <TestDocument>(
                    sqlQueryDefinition: sql,
                    requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions()
                MaxItemCount = 1,
                PartitionKey = new Cosmos.PartitionKey(testDocument.Name),
            FeedResponse <TestDocument> queryResponse = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync();

            AssertEqual(testDocument, queryResponse.First());

            //Will add LINQ test once it is available with new V3 OM
            // // LINQ Lambda
            // var query1 = client.CreateDocumentQuery<TestDocument>(partitionedCollectionUri, options)
            //            .Where(_ => _.Id.CompareTo(String.Empty) > 0)
            //            .Select(_ => _.Id);
            // string query1Str = query1.ToString();
            // var result = query1.ToList();
            // Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
            // Assert.AreEqual(testDocument.Id, result[0]);

            // // LINQ Query
            // var query2 =
            //     from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<TestDocument>(partitionedCollectionUri, options)
            //     where f.Id.CompareTo(String.Empty) > 0
            //     select f.Id;
            // string query2Str = query2.ToString();
            // var result2 = query2.ToList();
            // Assert.AreEqual(1, result2.Count);
            // Assert.AreEqual(testDocument.Id, result2[0]);