コード例 #1
ファイル: Fbx.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
        public static void ExportFbx([DefaultVar] Animator animator, object[] meshes, object[] animationClips, int startKeyframe, int endKeyframe, bool linear, bool EulerFilter, double filterPrecision, string path, string exportFormat, bool allFrames, bool allBones, bool skins, float boneSize, bool morphs, bool flatInbetween, bool compatibility)
            List <MeshRenderer> meshList  = null;
            List <int[]>        morphList = null;

            if (meshes != null)
                MeshRenderer[] meshArray = Utility.Convert <MeshRenderer>(meshes);
                meshList = new List <MeshRenderer>(meshArray);

                if (morphs)
                    morphList = new List <int[]>(meshes.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Length; i++)

            ImageFileFormat preferredUncompressedFormat = (string)Properties.Settings.Default["ExportUncompressedAs"] == "BMP"
                                ? ImageFileFormat.Bmp : (ImageFileFormat)(-1);

            Operations.UnityConverter imp = new Operations.UnityConverter(animator, meshList, skins, morphList, flatInbetween, preferredUncompressedFormat);
            if (animationClips != null)
                AnimationClip[]      clipArray = Utility.Convert <AnimationClip>(animationClips);
                List <AnimationClip> clipList  = new List <AnimationClip>(clipArray);

            FbxUtility.Export(path, imp, startKeyframe, endKeyframe, linear, EulerFilter, (float)filterPrecision, exportFormat, allFrames, allBones, skins, boneSize, flatInbetween, compatibility);
コード例 #2
        public static void ExportFbx([DefaultVar] UnityParser parser, object[] skinnedMeshRendererIDs, object[] animationParsers, int startKeyframe, int endKeyframe, bool linear, bool EulerFilter, double filterPrecision, string path, string exportFormat, bool allFrames, bool allBones, bool skins, bool compatibility)
            List <double>       sMeshIDList = new List <double>(Utility.Convert <double>(skinnedMeshRendererIDs));
            List <MeshRenderer> sMeshes     = new List <MeshRenderer>(sMeshIDList.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < sMeshIDList.Count; i++)
                int sMeshID = (int)sMeshIDList[i];
                if (i > 0 && sMeshID < 0)
                    for (sMeshID = (int)sMeshIDList[i - 1] + 1; sMeshID < -(int)sMeshIDList[i]; sMeshID++)
                        SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh = parser.Cabinet.LoadComponent(sMeshID);
                        if (sMesh == null)
                    SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh = parser.Cabinet.LoadComponent(sMeshID);
                    if (sMesh == null)

            UnityConverter imp = new UnityConverter(parser, sMeshes, skins);

            FbxUtility.Export(path, imp, startKeyframe, endKeyframe, linear, EulerFilter, (float)filterPrecision, exportFormat, allFrames, allBones, skins, compatibility);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Replace.cs プロジェクト: zhangxv12138/SB3Utility
        public static Transform CreateTransformTree(Animator parser, ImportedFrame frame, Transform parent)
            Transform  trans   = new Transform(parser.file);
            GameObject gameObj = new GameObject(parser.file);

            gameObj.m_Name = (string)frame.Name.Clone();
            UniqueName(parser, gameObj);

            parser.m_Avatar.instance.AddBone(parent, trans);

            Vector3    t, s;
            Quaternion r;

            frame.Matrix.Decompose(out s, out r, out t);
            t.X *= -1;
            Vector3 euler = FbxUtility.QuaternionToEuler(r);

            euler.Y *= -1;
            euler.Z *= -1;
            trans.m_LocalRotation = FbxUtility.EulerToQuaternion(euler);
            trans.m_LocalPosition = t;
            trans.m_LocalScale    = s;

            for (int i = 0; i < frame.Count; i++)
                trans.AddChild(CreateTransformTree(parser, frame[i], trans));

コード例 #4
            private void ConvertFrames(Transform trans, ImportedFrame parent)
                ImportedFrame frame = new ImportedFrame();

                frame.Name = trans.m_GameObject.instance.m_Name;
                Vector3 euler = FbxUtility.QuaternionToEuler(trans.m_LocalRotation);

                euler.Y *= -1;
                euler.Z *= -1;
                Quaternion mirroredRotation = FbxUtility.EulerToQuaternion(euler);

                frame.Matrix = Matrix.Scaling(trans.m_LocalScale) * Matrix.RotationQuaternion(mirroredRotation) * Matrix.Translation(-trans.m_LocalPosition.X, trans.m_LocalPosition.Y, trans.m_LocalPosition.Z);
                if (parent == null)
                    FrameList = new List <ImportedFrame>();

                foreach (Transform child in trans)
                    ConvertFrames(child, frame);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Replace.cs プロジェクト: zhangxv12138/SB3Utility
        public static List <PPtr <Transform> > CreateBoneList(Transform root, Matrix meshTransform, List <ImportedBone> boneList, List <Matrix> poseMatrices)
            List <PPtr <Transform> > uBoneList = new List <PPtr <Transform> >(boneList.Count);
            string message = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < boneList.Count; i++)
                Transform boneFrame = FindFrame(boneList[i].Name, root);
                if (boneFrame == null)
                    message += " " + boneList[i].Name;

                Vector3    s, t;
                Quaternion q;
                boneList[i].Matrix.Decompose(out s, out q, out t);
                t.X *= -1;
                Vector3 euler = FbxUtility.QuaternionToEuler(q);
                euler.Y *= -1;
                euler.Z *= -1;
                q        = FbxUtility.EulerToQuaternion(euler);
                Matrix m = Matrix.Scaling(s) * Matrix.RotationQuaternion(q) * Matrix.Translation(t);
                poseMatrices.Add(Matrix.Transpose(meshTransform * m));

                uBoneList.Add(new PPtr <Transform>(boneFrame));
            if (message != string.Empty)
                throw new Exception("Boneframe(s) not found:" + message);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Fbx.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
        public static void ExportMorphFbx([DefaultVar] Animator animator, object[] meshes, object[] morphs, bool flatInbetween, string path, string exportFormat, bool morphMask, bool skins, float boneSize, bool compatibility)
            MeshRenderer[]      meshArray = Utility.Convert <MeshRenderer>(meshes);
            List <MeshRenderer> meshList  = new List <MeshRenderer>(meshArray);

            object[][]   morphArray = Utility.Convert <object[]>(morphs);
            List <int[]> morphList  = new List <int[]>(morphs.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < morphArray.Length; i++)
                int[] morphIndices = null;
                if (morphArray[i] != null)
                    double[] doubles = Utility.Convert <double>(morphArray[i]);
                    morphIndices = new int[doubles.Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < doubles.Length; j++)
                        morphIndices[j] = (int)doubles[j];
            ImageFileFormat preferredUncompressedFormat = (string)Properties.Settings.Default["ExportUncompressedAs"] == "BMP"
                                ? ImageFileFormat.Bmp : (ImageFileFormat)(-1);

            Operations.UnityConverter imp = new Operations.UnityConverter(animator, meshList, skins, morphList, flatInbetween, preferredUncompressedFormat);

            FbxUtility.ExportMorph(path, imp, exportFormat, morphMask, flatInbetween, skins, boneSize, compatibility);
コード例 #7
        public static void ReplaceAnimation(WorkspaceAnimation wsAnimation, odfParser parser, int resampleCount, bool linear, ReplaceAnimationMethod replaceMethod, string clip, int insertPos, bool negateQuaternionFlips)
            if (parser.AnimSection == null)
                Report.ReportLog(Path.GetFileName(parser.ODFPath) + " doesn't have an animation section. Skipping this animation");
            if (!(wsAnimation.importedAnimation is ImportedKeyframedAnimation))
                Report.ReportLog("The animation has incompatible keyframes.");

            Report.ReportLog("Replacing animation ...");
            List <KeyValuePair <string, ImportedAnimationKeyframe[]> > newTrackList = FbxUtility.CopyKeyframedAnimation(wsAnimation, resampleCount, linear);

            List <odfTrack>            animationNodeList = odf.FindClip(clip, parser).ChildList;
            ImportedKeyframedAnimation iAnim             = new ImportedKeyframedAnimation();

            iAnim.TrackList = new List <ImportedAnimationKeyframedTrack>(animationNodeList.Count);
            Dictionary <string, ImportedAnimationKeyframedTrack> animationNodeDic = null;

            if (replaceMethod != ReplaceAnimationMethod.Replace)
                animationNodeDic = new Dictionary <string, ImportedAnimationKeyframedTrack>();
                foreach (odfTrack animationNode in animationNodeList)
                    ImportedAnimationKeyframedTrack iTrack = new ImportedAnimationKeyframedTrack();
                    iTrack.Name      = odf.FindFrame(animationNode.BoneFrameId, parser.FrameSection.RootFrame).Name;
                    iTrack.Keyframes = Plugins.ODFConverter.ConvertTrack(animationNode.KeyframeList);
                    animationNodeDic.Add(odf.FindFrame(animationNode.BoneFrameId, parser.FrameSection.RootFrame).Name, iTrack);

            foreach (var newTrack in newTrackList)
                ImportedAnimationKeyframe[] keyframes = newTrack.Value;
                Quaternion q = keyframes[0].Rotation;
                keyframes[0].Rotation *= -1;

/*	if (keyframes[0].Rotation.Angle == 0 || q.Angle == 0)
 *      {
 *              Report.ReportLog("track " + newTrack.Key + " r=" + keyframes[0].Rotation.Angle + " q=" + q.Angle);
 *      }*/
            FbxUtility.ReplaceAnimation(replaceMethod, insertPos, newTrackList, iAnim, animationNodeDic, negateQuaternionFlips);

            foreach (var newTrack in iAnim.TrackList)
                ImportedAnimationKeyframe[] keyframes = ((ImportedAnimationKeyframedTrack)newTrack).Keyframes;
                odfTrack animationNode = new odfTrack(keyframes.Length);
                animationNode.KeyframeList = Plugins.ODFConverter.ConvertTrack(keyframes);
                animationNode.BoneFrameId  = odf.FindFrame(newTrack.Name, parser.FrameSection.RootFrame).Id;
コード例 #8
ファイル: remEditor.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
        public void SetBoneSRT(int meshIdx, int boneIdx, double sX, double sY, double sZ, double rX, double rY, double rZ, double tX, double tY, double tZ)
            remMesh        mesh        = Parser.MESC[meshIdx];
            remSkin        skin        = rem.FindSkin(mesh.name, Parser.SKIC);
            remBoneWeights boneWeights = skin[boneIdx];

            boneWeights.matrix = FbxUtility.SRTToMatrix(new Vector3((float)sX, (float)sY, (float)sZ), new Vector3((float)rX, (float)rY, (float)rZ), new Vector3((float)tX, (float)tY, (float)tZ));
コード例 #9
        public static void ExportMorphFbx([DefaultVar] Animator animator, object[] meshes, string path, string exportFormat, bool oneBlendShape, bool compatibility)
            MeshRenderer[]      meshArray = Utility.Convert <MeshRenderer>(meshes);
            List <MeshRenderer> meshList  = new List <MeshRenderer>(meshArray);
            UnityConverter      imp       = new UnityConverter(animator, meshList, false, true);

            FbxUtility.ExportMorph(path, imp, exportFormat, oneBlendShape, compatibility);
コード例 #10
        public static void ExportFbx([DefaultVar] Animator animator, object[] meshes, object[] animationParsers, int startKeyframe, int endKeyframe, bool linear, bool EulerFilter, double filterPrecision, string path, string exportFormat, bool allFrames, bool allBones, bool skins, bool compatibility)
            MeshRenderer[]      meshArray = Utility.Convert <MeshRenderer>(meshes);
            List <MeshRenderer> meshList  = new List <MeshRenderer>(meshArray);

            UnityConverter imp = new UnityConverter(animator, meshList, skins, false);

            FbxUtility.Export(path, imp, startKeyframe, endKeyframe, linear, EulerFilter, (float)filterPrecision, exportFormat, allFrames, allBones, skins, compatibility);
コード例 #11
ファイル: remEditor.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
        public void SetBoneSRT(string boneFrame, double sX, double sY, double sZ, double rX, double rY, double rZ, double tX, double tY, double tZ)
            remId  boneFrameId = new remId(boneFrame);
            Matrix m           = FbxUtility.SRTToMatrix(new Vector3((float)sX, (float)sY, (float)sZ), new Vector3((float)rX, (float)rY, (float)rZ), new Vector3((float)tX, (float)tY, (float)tZ));

            foreach (remSkin skin in Parser.SKIC)
                foreach (remBoneWeights boneWeights in skin)
                    if (boneWeights.bone == boneFrameId)
                        boneWeights.matrix = m;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Fbx.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
        public static void ExportFbx([DefaultVar] UnityParser parser, object[] skinnedMeshRendererIDs, object[] animationParsers, int startKeyframe, int endKeyframe, bool linear, bool EulerFilter, double filterPrecision, string path, string exportFormat, bool allFrames, bool allBones, bool skins, float boneSize, bool compatibility)
            List <double>       sMeshIDList = new List <double>(Utility.Convert <double>(skinnedMeshRendererIDs));
            List <MeshRenderer> sMeshes     = new List <MeshRenderer>(sMeshIDList.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < sMeshIDList.Count; i++)
                int sMeshID = (int)sMeshIDList[i];
                if (i > 0 && sMeshID < 0)
                    for (sMeshID = (int)sMeshIDList[i - 1] + 1; sMeshID < -(int)sMeshIDList[i]; sMeshID++)
                        SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh = parser.Cabinet.LoadComponent(sMeshID);
                        if (sMesh == null)
                    SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh = parser.Cabinet.LoadComponent(sMeshID);
                    if (sMesh == null)

            ImageFileFormat preferredUncompressedFormat = (string)Properties.Settings.Default["ExportUncompressedAs"] == "BMP"
                                ? ImageFileFormat.Bmp : (ImageFileFormat)(-1);

            Operations.UnityConverter imp = new Operations.UnityConverter(parser, sMeshes, skins, preferredUncompressedFormat);

            FbxUtility.Export(path, imp, startKeyframe, endKeyframe, linear, EulerFilter, (float)filterPrecision, exportFormat, allFrames, allBones, skins, boneSize, false, compatibility);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Fbx.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
        public static void ExportFbx([DefaultVar] remParser parser, object[] meshNames, object[] reaParsers, int startKeyframe, int endKeyframe, bool linear, bool EulerFilter, double filterPrecision, string path, string exportFormat, bool allFrames, bool skins, bool compatibility)
            List <reaParser> reaParserList = null;

            if (reaParsers != null)
                reaParserList = new List <reaParser>(Utility.Convert <reaParser>(reaParsers));

            List <string>  meshStrList = new List <string>(Utility.Convert <string>(meshNames));
            List <remMesh> meshes      = new List <remMesh>(meshStrList.Count);

            foreach (string meshName in meshStrList)
                remMesh mesh = rem.FindMesh(new remId(meshName), parser.MESC);
                if (mesh != null)
                    Report.ReportLog("Mesh " + meshName + " not found.");

            REMConverter imp = new REMConverter(parser, meshes);

            if (reaParserList != null)
                foreach (reaParser reaParser in reaParserList)
                    imp.ConvertAnimation(reaParser.ANIC, parser);

            FbxUtility.Export(path, imp, startKeyframe, endKeyframe, linear, EulerFilter, (float)filterPrecision, exportFormat, allFrames, false, skins, compatibility);
コード例 #14
ファイル: reaEditor.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
        public static void ReplaceAnimation(WorkspaceAnimation wsAnimation, List <ImportedFrame> wsSkeleton, reaParser parser, int resampleCount, bool linear, ReplaceAnimationMethod replaceMethod, int insertPos, bool negateQuaternionFlips)
            Report.ReportLog("Replacing animation ...");
            List <KeyValuePair <string, ImportedAnimationSampledTrack> > newTrackList = FbxUtility.CopySampledAnimation(wsAnimation, resampleCount, linear);

            reaANICsection           animationNodeList = parser.ANIC;
            ImportedSampledAnimation iAnim             = new ImportedSampledAnimation();

            iAnim.TrackList = new List <ImportedAnimationSampledTrack>(animationNodeList.Count);
            Dictionary <string, ImportedAnimationSampledTrack> animationNodeDic = null;

            if (replaceMethod != ReplaceAnimationMethod.Replace)
                animationNodeDic = new Dictionary <string, ImportedAnimationSampledTrack>();
                foreach (reaAnimationTrack animationNode in animationNodeList)
                    ImportedFrame boneFrame              = ImportedHelpers.FindFrame(animationNode.boneFrame, wsSkeleton[0]);
                    bool          isTopFrame             = boneFrame != null && boneFrame.Parent == wsSkeleton[0];
                    ImportedAnimationSampledTrack iTrack = Plugins.REMConverter.ConvertTrack(animationNode, isTopFrame);
                    iTrack.Name = animationNode.boneFrame;
                    animationNodeDic.Add(animationNode.boneFrame, iTrack);

            FbxUtility.ReplaceAnimation(replaceMethod, insertPos, newTrackList, iAnim, animationNodeDic, negateQuaternionFlips);

            foreach (var newTrack in iAnim.TrackList)
                ImportedFrame     boneFrame     = ImportedHelpers.FindFrame(newTrack.Name, wsSkeleton[0]);
                bool              isTopFrame    = boneFrame != null && boneFrame.Parent == wsSkeleton[0];
                reaAnimationTrack animationNode = Plugins.REMConverter.ConvertTrack(newTrack, isTopFrame);
コード例 #15
ファイル: remEditor.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
 public void SetFrameSRT(int idx, double sX, double sY, double sZ, double rX, double rY, double rZ, double tX, double tY, double tZ)
     Parser.BONC[idx].matrix = FbxUtility.SRTToMatrix(new Vector3((float)sX, (float)sY, (float)sZ), new Vector3((float)rX, (float)rY, (float)rZ), new Vector3((float)tX, (float)tY, (float)tZ));
コード例 #16
ファイル: odfEditor.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
        public void SetBoneSRT(int boneListIdx, int boneIdx, double sX, double sY, double sZ, double rX, double rY, double rZ, double tX, double tY, double tZ)
            odfBone bone = Parser.EnvelopeSection[boneListIdx][boneIdx];

            bone.Matrix = FbxUtility.SRTToMatrix(new Vector3((float)sX, (float)sY, (float)sZ), new Vector3((float)rX, (float)rY, (float)rZ), new Vector3((float)tX, (float)tY, (float)tZ));
コード例 #17
            private void ConvertMeshRenderers(List <MeshRenderer> meshList, bool skins, bool morphs)
                MeshList     = new List <ImportedMesh>(meshList.Count);
                MaterialList = new List <ImportedMaterial>(meshList.Count);
                TextureList  = new List <ImportedTexture>(meshList.Count);
                MorphList    = new List <ImportedMorph>(meshList.Count);
                foreach (MeshRenderer meshR in meshList)
                    Mesh mesh = Operations.GetMesh(meshR);
                    if (mesh == null)
                        Report.ReportLog("skipping " + meshR.m_GameObject.instance.m_Name + " - no mesh");

                    ImportedMesh iMesh         = new ImportedMesh();
                    Transform    meshTransform = meshR.m_GameObject.instance.FindLinkedComponent(UnityClassID.Transform);
                    iMesh.Name        = meshTransform.GetTransformPath();
                    iMesh.SubmeshList = new List <ImportedSubmesh>(mesh.m_SubMeshes.Count);
                    using (BinaryReader vertReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(mesh.m_VertexData.m_DataSize)),
                           indexReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(mesh.m_IndexBuffer)))
                        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_SubMeshes.Count; i++)
                            SubMesh         submesh  = mesh.m_SubMeshes[i];
                            ImportedSubmesh iSubmesh = new ImportedSubmesh();
                            iSubmesh.Index   = i;
                            iSubmesh.Visible = true;

                            Material mat = meshR.m_Materials[i].instance;
                            iSubmesh.Material = mat.m_Name;

                            iSubmesh.VertexList = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)submesh.vertexCount);
                            for (int str = 0; str < mesh.m_VertexData.m_Streams.Count; str++)
                                StreamInfo sInfo = mesh.m_VertexData.m_Streams[str];
                                if (sInfo.channelMask == 0)

                                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].vertexCount; j++)
                                    ImportedVertex iVertex;
                                    if (iSubmesh.VertexList.Count < mesh.m_SubMeshes[i].vertexCount)
                                        iVertex = new ImportedVertex();
                                        iVertex = iSubmesh.VertexList[j];

                                    for (int chn = 0; chn < mesh.m_VertexData.m_Channels.Count; chn++)
                                        ChannelInfo cInfo = mesh.m_VertexData.m_Channels[chn];
                                        if ((sInfo.channelMask & (1 << chn)) == 0)

                                        vertReader.BaseStream.Position = sInfo.offset + (submesh.firstVertex + j) * sInfo.stride + cInfo.offset;
                                        switch (chn)
                                        case 0:
                                            iVertex.Position = new SlimDX.Vector3(-vertReader.ReadSingle(), vertReader.ReadSingle(), vertReader.ReadSingle());

                                        case 1:
                                            iVertex.Normal = new SlimDX.Vector3(-vertReader.ReadSingle(), vertReader.ReadSingle(), vertReader.ReadSingle());

                                        case 3:
                                            iVertex.UV = new float[2] {
                                                vertReader.ReadSingle(), vertReader.ReadSingle()

                                        case 5:
                                            iVertex.Tangent = new SlimDX.Vector4(-vertReader.ReadSingle(), vertReader.ReadSingle(), vertReader.ReadSingle(), -vertReader.ReadSingle());

                                    if (skins && iVertex.BoneIndices == null && mesh.m_Skin.Count > 0)
                                        BoneInfluence inf = mesh.m_Skin[(int)submesh.firstVertex + j];
                                        iVertex.BoneIndices = new byte[inf.boneIndex.Length];
                                        for (int k = 0; k < iVertex.BoneIndices.Length; k++)
                                            iVertex.BoneIndices[k] = (byte)inf.boneIndex[k];
                                        iVertex.Weights = (float[])inf.weight.Clone();

                            int numFaces = (int)(submesh.indexCount / 3);
                            iSubmesh.FaceList = new List <ImportedFace>(numFaces);
                            indexReader.BaseStream.Position = submesh.firstByte;
                            for (int j = 0; j < numFaces; j++)
                                ImportedFace face = new ImportedFace();
                                face.VertexIndices    = new int[3];
                                face.VertexIndices[0] = indexReader.ReadUInt16() - (int)submesh.firstVertex;
                                face.VertexIndices[2] = indexReader.ReadUInt16() - (int)submesh.firstVertex;
                                face.VertexIndices[1] = indexReader.ReadUInt16() - (int)submesh.firstVertex;


                    if (skins && meshR is SkinnedMeshRenderer)
                        SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh = (SkinnedMeshRenderer)meshR;
                        if (sMesh.m_Bones.Count >= 256)
                            throw new Exception("Too many bones (" + mesh.m_BindPose.Count + ")");
                        if (sMesh.m_Bones.Count != mesh.m_BindPose.Count || sMesh.m_Bones.Count != mesh.m_BoneNameHashes.Count)
                            throw new Exception("Mismatching number of bones bind pose=" + mesh.m_BindPose.Count + " hashes=" + mesh.m_BoneNameHashes.Count + " numBones=" + sMesh.m_Bones.Count);
                        iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(sMesh.m_Bones.Count);
                        for (int i = 0; i < sMesh.m_Bones.Count; i++)
                            ImportedBone bone     = new ImportedBone();
                            uint         boneHash = mesh.m_BoneNameHashes[i];
                            bone.Name = avatar.FindBoneName(boneHash);

                            Matrix     m = Matrix.Transpose(mesh.m_BindPose[i]);
                            Vector3    s, t;
                            Quaternion q;
                            m.Decompose(out s, out q, out t);
                            t.X *= -1;
                            Vector3 euler = FbxUtility.QuaternionToEuler(q);
                            euler.Y    *= -1;
                            euler.Z    *= -1;
                            q           = FbxUtility.EulerToQuaternion(euler);
                            bone.Matrix = Matrix.Scaling(s) * Matrix.RotationQuaternion(q) * Matrix.Translation(t);


                    if (morphs && mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Count > 0)
                        ImportedMorph morph = new ImportedMorph();
                        morph.Name         = iMesh.Name;
                        morph.ClipName     = Operations.BlendShapeName(mesh);
                        morph.KeyframeList = new List <ImportedMorphKeyframe>(mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Count);
                        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Count; i++)
                            ImportedMorphKeyframe keyframe = new ImportedMorphKeyframe();
                            keyframe.Name                 = Operations.BlendShapeKeyframeName(mesh, i);
                            keyframe.VertexList           = new List <ImportedVertex>((int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[i].vertexCount);
                            keyframe.MorphedVertexIndices = new List <ushort>((int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[i].vertexCount);
                            int lastVertIndex = (int)(mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[i].firstVertex + mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[i].vertexCount);
                            for (int j = (int)mesh.m_Shapes.shapes[i].firstVertex; j < lastVertIndex; j++)
                                BlendShapeVertex morphVert = mesh.m_Shapes.vertices[j];
                                ImportedVertex   vert      = GetSourceVertex(iMesh.SubmeshList, (int)morphVert.index);
                                ImportedVertex   destVert  = new ImportedVertex();
                                Vector3          morphPos  = morphVert.vertex;
                                morphPos.X       *= -1;
                                destVert.Position = vert.Position + morphPos;
                                Vector3 morphNormal = morphVert.normal;
                                morphNormal.X  *= -1;
                                destVert.Normal = morphNormal;
                                Vector4 morphTangent = new Vector4(morphVert.tangent, 0);
                                morphTangent.X  *= -1;
                                destVert.Tangent = morphTangent;

コード例 #18
ファイル: Fbx.cs プロジェクト: kkdevs/sb3u
        public static void ExportFbx([DefaultVar] odfParser parser, object[] meshNames, object[] animations, int startKeyframe, int endKeyframe, bool linear, bool EulerFilter, double filterPrecision, string path, string exportFormat, bool allFrames, bool skins, bool odaSkeleton, bool compatibility)
            List <string>  meshStrList = new List <string>(Utility.Convert <string>(meshNames));
            List <odfMesh> meshes      = new List <odfMesh>(meshStrList.Count);

            foreach (string meshName in meshStrList)
                odfMesh mesh = odf.FindMeshListSome(meshName, parser.MeshSection);
                if (mesh != null || (mesh = odf.FindMeshListSome(new ObjectID(meshName), parser.MeshSection)) != null)
                    Report.ReportLog("Mesh " + meshName + " not found.");

            ODFConverter imp = new ODFConverter(parser, meshes);

            if (animations != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < animations.Length; i++)
                    odfParser odaParser = animations[i] as odfParser;
                    if (odaParser != null)
                        string animName = animations[++i] as string;
                        if (animName == null)
                            imp.ConvertAnimations((odfParser)odaParser, odaSkeleton);
                            if (animName == "ANIM")
                                imp.ConvertAnimation(odaParser.AnimSection, odaParser, odaSkeleton);
                                bool found = false;
                                if (odaParser.BANMList != null)
                                    foreach (odfANIMSection anim in odaParser.BANMList)
                                        if (anim.Name == animName)
                                            imp.ConvertAnimation(anim, odaParser, odaSkeleton);
                                            found = true;
                                if (!found)
                                    Report.ReportLog("animation \"" + animName + "\" not found");
                        Report.ReportLog("bad argument type for parameter 'animations' " + odaParser.GetType().ToString());

            FbxUtility.Export(path, imp, startKeyframe, endKeyframe, linear, EulerFilter, (float)filterPrecision, exportFormat, allFrames, false, skins, compatibility);