private static void OnDllLoaded() { var versionInfo = FBBuildVersionAttribute.GetVersionAttributeOfType(FacebookImpl.GetType()); if (versionInfo == null) { FbDebug.Warn("Finished loading Facebook dll, but could not find version info"); } else { FbDebug.Log(string.Format("Finished loading Facebook dll. Version {0} Build {1}", versionInfo.SdkVersion, versionInfo.BuildVersion)); } FacebookImpl.Init( OnInitComplete, appId, cookie, logging, status, xfbml, FBSettings.ChannelUrl, authResponse, frictionlessRequests, OnHideUnity ); }
public static void Warn(string msg) { if (allowLogging) { FbDebug.Warn(msg); } }
/** * onInitComplete - Delegate is called when FB.Init() finished initializing everything. * By passing in a delegate you can find out when you can safely call the other methods. */ public static void Init(Facebook.InitDelegate onInitComplete, Facebook.HideUnityDelegate onHideUnity = null, string authResponse = null) { if (!isInitCalled) { FB.authResponse = authResponse; FB.OnInitComplete = onInitComplete; FB.OnHideUnity = onHideUnity; FbDebug.Info(String.Format("Using SDK {0}, Build {1}", FBBuildVersionAttribute.SDKVersion, FBBuildVersionAttribute.GetBuildVersionOfType(typeof(IFacebook)))); #if UNITY_EDITOR FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <EditorFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_WEBPLAYER FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <CanvasFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_IOS FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <IOSFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_ANDROID FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <AndroidFacebookLoader>(); #else throw new NotImplementedException("Facebook API does not yet support this platform"); #endif FB.isInitCalled = true; return; } FbDebug.Warn("FB.Init() has already been called. You only need to call this once and only once."); // Init again if possible just in case something bad actually happened. if (FacebookImpl != null) { OnDllLoaded(); } }
/** * If you need a more programmatic way to set the facebook app id and other setting call this function. * Useful for a build pipeline that requires no human input. */ public static void Init( InitDelegate onInitComplete, string appId, bool cookie = true, bool logging = true, bool status = true, bool xfbml = false, bool frictionlessRequests = true, HideUnityDelegate onHideUnity = null, string authResponse = null) { FB.appId = appId; FB.cookie = cookie; FB.logging = logging; FB.status = status; FB.xfbml = xfbml; FB.frictionlessRequests = frictionlessRequests; FB.authResponse = authResponse; FB.OnInitComplete = onInitComplete; FB.OnHideUnity = onHideUnity; if (!isInitCalled) { var versionInfo = FBBuildVersionAttribute.GetVersionAttributeOfType(typeof(IFacebook)); if (versionInfo == null) { FbDebug.Warn("Cannot find Facebook SDK Version"); } else { FbDebug.Info(String.Format("Using SDK {0}, Build {1}", versionInfo.SdkVersion, versionInfo.BuildVersion)); } #if UNITY_EDITOR FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <EditorFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_WEBPLAYER FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <CanvasFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_IOS FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <IOSFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_ANDROID FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <AndroidFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_WP8 FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <WindowsPhoneFacebookLoader>(); #else throw new NotImplementedException("Facebook API does not yet support this platform"); #endif isInitCalled = true; return; } FbDebug.Warn("FB.Init() has already been called. You only need to call this once and only once."); // Init again if possible just in case something bad actually happened. if (FacebookImpl != null) { OnDllLoaded(); } }
public override void Login(string scope = "", FacebookDelegate callback = null) { if (isLoggedIn) { FbDebug.Warn("User is already logged in. You don't need to call this again."); } userId = "0"; accessToken = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; isLoggedIn = true; }
public override void API( string query, HttpMethod method, Dictionary <string, string> formData = null, FacebookDelegate callback = null) { if (query.StartsWith("me")) { FbDebug.Warn(" does not work within the Unity Editor"); } if (!query.Contains("access_token=") && (formData == null || !formData.ContainsKey("access_token"))) { FbDebug.Warn("Without an access_token param explicitly passed in formData, some API graph calls will 404 error in the Unity Editor."); } fb.API(query, method, formData, callback); }
public static void UpdateManifest(string fullPath) { string appId = FBSettings.AppId; if (!FBSettings.IsValidAppId) { Debug.LogError("You didn't specify a Facebook app ID. Please add one using the Facebook menu in the main Unity editor."); return; } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(fullPath); if (doc == null) { Debug.LogError("Couldn't load " + fullPath); return; } XmlNode manNode = FindChildNode(doc, "manifest"); XmlNode dict = FindChildNode(manNode, "application"); if (dict == null) { Debug.LogError("Error parsing " + fullPath); return; } string ns = dict.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("android"); //change //<activity android:name="com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerProxyActivity" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:label="@string/app_name" android:configChanges="fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|locale|mnc|mcc|navigation|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|uiMode|touchscreen" android:screenOrientation="portrait"> //to //<activity android:name="com.facebook.unity.FBUnityPlayerActivity" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:label="@string/app_name" android:configChanges="fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|locale|mnc|mcc|navigation|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|uiMode|touchscreen" android:screenOrientation="portrait"> XmlElement mainActivity = FindMainActivityNode(dict); var mainActivityName = mainActivity.GetAttribute("name", ns); if (mainActivityName != "com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerProxyActivity" && mainActivityName != "com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity" && mainActivityName != ActivityName) { FbDebug.Warn("FBUnityPlayerActivity was not detected as the main activity in the AndroidManifest.xml! Be sure to have your activity extend " + ActivityName + " for the Facebook SDK to work"); } else { mainActivity.SetAttribute("name", ns, ActivityName); } //add the login activity //<activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity" android:screenOrientation="portrait" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation"> //</activity> XmlElement loginElement = FindElementWithAndroidName("activity", "name", ns, "com.facebook.LoginActivity", dict); if (loginElement == null) { loginElement = doc.CreateElement("activity"); loginElement.SetAttribute("name", ns, "com.facebook.LoginActivity"); loginElement.SetAttribute("screenOrientation", ns, "portrait"); loginElement.SetAttribute("configChanges", ns, "keyboardHidden|orientation"); loginElement.InnerText = "\n "; //be extremely anal to make diff tools happy dict.AppendChild(loginElement); } //add the app id //<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="\ 409682555812308" /> XmlElement appIdElement = FindElementWithAndroidName("meta-data", "name", ns, "com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId", dict); if (appIdElement == null) { appIdElement = doc.CreateElement("meta-data"); appIdElement.SetAttribute("name", ns, "com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId"); dict.AppendChild(appIdElement); } appIdElement.SetAttribute("value", ns, "\\ " + appId); //stupid hack so that the id comes out as a string doc.Save(fullPath); }