public virtual FaultHandlerList VisitFaultHandlerList(FaultHandlerList faultHandlers, FaultHandlerList changes, FaultHandlerList deletions, FaultHandlerList insertions){ if (changes == null || deletions == null || insertions == null) return faultHandlers; int n = faultHandlers == null ? 0 : faultHandlers.Count; if (n > changes.Count){Debug.Assert(false); n = changes.Count;} if (n > deletions.Count){Debug.Assert(false); n = deletions.Count;} if (n > insertions.Count){Debug.Assert(false); n = insertions.Count;} if (faultHandlers != null) for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) faultHandlers[i] = this.VisitFaultHandler(faultHandlers[i], changes[i], deletions[i], insertions[i]); FaultHandlerList result = new FaultHandlerList(insertions.Count-n); for (int i = n, m = insertions.Count; i < m; i++) result.Add(insertions[i]); return result; }
public virtual Differences VisitFaultHandlerList(FaultHandlerList list1, FaultHandlerList list2, out FaultHandlerList changes, out FaultHandlerList deletions, out FaultHandlerList insertions){ changes = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone(); deletions = list1 == null ? null : list1.Clone(); insertions = list1 == null ? new FaultHandlerList() : list1.Clone(); //^ assert insertions != null; Differences differences = new Differences(); for (int j = 0, n = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < n; j++){ //^ assert list2 != null; FaultHandler nd2 = list2[j]; if (nd2 == null) continue; insertions.Add(null); } TrivialHashtable savedDifferencesMapFor = this.differencesMapFor; this.differencesMapFor = null; TrivialHashtable matchedNodes = new TrivialHashtable(); for (int i = 0, k = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){ //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null; FaultHandler nd1 = list1[i]; if (nd1 == null) continue; Differences diff; int j; FaultHandler nd2 = this.GetClosestMatch(nd1, list1, list2, i, ref k, matchedNodes, out diff, out j); if (nd2 == null || diff == null){Debug.Assert(nd2 == null && diff == null); continue;} matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] = nd1; matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] = nd2; changes[i] = diff.Changes as FaultHandler; deletions[i] = diff.Deletions as FaultHandler; insertions[i] = diff.Insertions as FaultHandler; insertions[n+j] = nd1; //Records the position of nd2 in list2 in case the change involved a permutation Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes[i] && diff.Deletions == deletions[i] && diff.Insertions == insertions[i]); differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences; differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities; } //Find deletions for (int i = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count; i < n; i++){ //^ assert list1 != null && changes != null && deletions != null; FaultHandler nd1 = list1[i]; if (nd1 == null) continue; if (matchedNodes[nd1.UniqueKey] != null) continue; changes[i] = null; deletions[i] = nd1; insertions[i] = null; differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1; } //Find insertions for (int j = 0, n = list1 == null ? 0 : list1.Count, m = list2 == null ? 0 : list2.Count; j < m; j++){ //^ assert list2 != null; FaultHandler nd2 = list2[j]; if (nd2 == null) continue; if (matchedNodes[nd2.UniqueKey] != null) continue; insertions[n+j] = nd2; //Records nd2 as an insertion into list1, along with its position in list2 differences.NumberOfDifferences += 1; //REVIEW: put the size of the tree here? } if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){ changes = null; deletions = null; insertions = null; } this.differencesMapFor = savedDifferencesMapFor; return differences; }