コード例 #1
 *      private void GenerateReports(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
 *      {
 *          String CurrencySelect = (this.rbtBase.Checked ? MFinanceConstants.CURRENCY_BASE : MFinanceConstants.CURRENCY_INTERNATIONAL);
 *          bool DoGenerateHOSAReports = chkHOSAReport.Checked;
 *          bool DoEmailHOSAReports = chkEmailHOSAReport.Checked;
 *          bool DoGenerateHOSAFiles = chkHOSAFile.Checked;
 *          bool DoEmailHOSAFiles = chkEmailHOSAFile.Checked;
 *          TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResults;
 *          string msg = string.Empty;
 *          string SuccessfullCostCentres = string.Empty;
 *          string FailedCostCentres = string.Empty;
 *          int SelectedReportPeriod = cmbReportPeriod.GetSelectedInt32();
 *          int SelectedICHNumber = cmbICHNumber.GetSelectedInt32();
 *          if (!ValidReportPeriod())
 *          {
 *              return;
 *          }
 *          String HOSAFilePrefix = txtHOSAPrefix.Text;
 *          if (HOSAFilePrefix.Length == 0)
 *          {
 *              HOSAFilePrefix = Catalog.GetString("HOSAFilesExportFor");
 *          }
 *          else
 *          {
 *              Int32 IndexOfInvalidFilenameCharacter = HOSAFilePrefix.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars());
 *              if (IndexOfInvalidFilenameCharacter >= 0)
 *              {
 *                  msg = String.Format("The HOSA File Prefix: '{0}', contains characters not valid in a filename: {1}{2}{2}Please remove and retry.",
 *                      HOSAFilePrefix,
 *                      String.Join(", ", Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()),
 *                      Environment.NewLine);
 *                  MessageBox.Show(msg, "Generate HOSA Reports and Files", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
 *                  txtHOSAPrefix.Focus();
 *                  txtHOSAPrefix.Select(IndexOfInvalidFilenameCharacter, 1);
 *                  return;
 *              }
 *          }
 *          try
 *          {
 *              Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
 *              DataTable ICHNumbers = TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.ICHStewardshipList, FLedgerNumber);
 *              //Filter for current period
 *              if (SelectedICHNumber != 0)
 *              {
 *                  ICHNumbers.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0}={1} And {2}={3}",
 *                      AIchStewardshipTable.GetPeriodNumberDBName(),
 *                      SelectedReportPeriod,
 *                      AIchStewardshipTable.GetIchNumberDBName(),
 *                      SelectedICHNumber);
 *              }
 *              else
 *              {
 *                  ICHNumbers.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0}={1}",
 *                      AIchStewardshipTable.GetPeriodNumberDBName(),
 *                      SelectedReportPeriod);
 *              }
 *              ICHNumbers.DefaultView.Sort = AIchStewardshipTable.GetCostCentreCodeDBName();
 *              foreach (DataRowView tmpRow in ICHNumbers.DefaultView)
 *              {
 *                  AIchStewardshipRow ichRow = (AIchStewardshipRow)tmpRow.Row;
 *                  bool HOSASuccess = false;
 *                  String CostCentreCode = ichRow.CostCentreCode;
 *                  if (DoGenerateHOSAReports)
 *                  {
 *                      //TODO code to generate the HOSA reports
 *                      TRemote.MFinance.ICH.WebConnectors.GenerateHOSAReports(FLedgerNumber,
 *                          cmbReportPeriod.GetSelectedInt32(),
 *                          cmbICHNumber.GetSelectedInt32(),
 *                          CurrencySelect,
 *                          out VerificationResults);
 *                      HOSASuccess = !VerificationResults.HasCriticalErrors;
 *                  }
 *                  else if (DoGenerateHOSAFiles)
 *                  {
 *                      String FileName = TClientSettings.PathTemp + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + HOSAFilePrefix + CostCentreCode + ".csv";
 *                      HOSASuccess = TRemote.MFinance.ICH.WebConnectors.GenerateHOSAFiles(FLedgerNumber, cmbReportPeriod.GetSelectedInt32(),
 *                          cmbICHNumber.GetSelectedInt32(), CostCentreCode, CurrencySelect, FileName, out VerificationResults);
 *                  }
 *                  if (HOSASuccess)
 *                  {
 *                      if (SuccessfullCostCentres.Length == 0)
 *                      {
 *                          SuccessfullCostCentres = CostCentreCode;
 *                      }
 *                      else
 *                      {
 *                          SuccessfullCostCentres += ", " + CostCentreCode;
 *                      }
 *                  }
 *                  else
 *                  {
 *                      if (FailedCostCentres.Length == 0)
 *                      {
 *                          FailedCostCentres = CostCentreCode;
 *                      }
 *                      else
 *                      {
 *                          FailedCostCentres += ", " + CostCentreCode;
 *                      }
 *                  }
 *              }
 *              Cursor = Cursors.Default;
 *              if (SuccessfullCostCentres.Length > 0)
 *              {
 *                  msg = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("HOSA file generated successfully for Cost Centre(s):{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}"),
 *                      Environment.NewLine,
 *                      SuccessfullCostCentres);
 *              }
 *              if (FailedCostCentres.Length > 0)
 *              {
 *                  msg += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("HOSA generation FAILED for Cost Centre(s):{0}{0}{1}"),
 *                      Environment.NewLine,
 *                      FailedCostCentres);
 *              }
 *              if (msg.Length == 0)
 *              {
 *                  msg = Catalog.GetString("Stewardship Calculations haven't been run or no transactions to process.");
 *              }
 *              MessageBox.Show(msg, Catalog.GetString("Generate Reports"));
 *          }
 *          finally
 *          {
 *              Cursor = Cursors.Default;
 *          }
 *      }
 *      private bool ValidReportPeriod()
 *      {
 *          if (cmbReportPeriod.SelectedIndex > -1)
 *          {
 *              return true;
 *          }
 *          else if (cmbReportPeriod.Count > 0)
 *          {
 *              MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please select a valid reporting period first."));
 *              cmbReportPeriod.Focus();
 *          }
 *          return false;
 *      }
        private void ViewReportTemplate(TRptCalculator ACalc)
            String ReportName = "";

            if (chkRecipient.Checked)
                ReportName = "Recipient Gift Statement";

            if (chkFees.Checked)
                ReportName = "Fees";

            if (chkStewardship.Checked)
                ReportName = "Stewardship";

            if (chkHOSA.Checked)
                ReportName = "HOSA";

            if (ReportName == "")

            MyFastReportsPlugin = new FastReportsWrapper(ReportName);
コード例 #2
        // New methods using the Fast-reports DLL:
        // This form generates a clutch of different reports.

        // In this method, a new FastReportsWrapper is used for each selected report type.

        private void GenerateAllSelectedReports(TRptCalculator ACalc)
            // "Stewardship";
            MyFastReportsPlugin = new FastReportsWrapper("Stewardship");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Print or reprint the posting report for this batch.
        /// </summary>
        public static void PrintPostingRegister(Int32 ALedgerNumber, Int32 ABatchNumber, Boolean AEditTemplate = false)
            FastReportsWrapper ReportingEngine = new FastReportsWrapper("Batch Posting Register");

            if (!ReportingEngine.LoadedOK)

            GLBatchTDS     BatchTDS  = TRemote.MFinance.GL.WebConnectors.LoadABatchAndContent(ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber);
            TRptCalculator Calc      = new TRptCalculator();
            ALedgerRow     LedgerRow = BatchTDS.ALedger[0];

            //Call RegisterData to give the data to the template
            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(BatchTDS.ABatch, "ABatch");
            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(BatchTDS.AJournal, "AJournal");
            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(BatchTDS.ATransaction, "ATransaction");

            Calc.AddParameter("param_batch_number_i", ABatchNumber);
            Calc.AddParameter("param_ledger_number_i", ALedgerNumber);
            String LedgerName = TRemote.MFinance.Reporting.WebConnectors.GetLedgerName(ALedgerNumber);

            Calc.AddStringParameter("param_ledger_name", LedgerName);

            if (AEditTemplate)
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Print out the Motivation Details using FastReports template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FilePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FastReportsWrapper ReportingEngine = new FastReportsWrapper("Motivation Details");

            if (!ReportingEngine.LoadedOK)

            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(FMainDS.AMotivationDetail, "MotivationDetail");
            TRptCalculator Calc      = new TRptCalculator();
            ALedgerRow     LedgerRow = FMainDS.ALedger[0];

            Calc.AddParameter("param_ledger_number_i", LedgerRow.LedgerNumber);
            Calc.AddStringParameter("param_ledger_name", LedgerRow.LedgerName);

            if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control))
コード例 #5
        // New methods using the Fast-reports DLL:
        // This form generates a clutch of different reports.

        // In this method, a new FastReportsWrapper is used for each selected report type.

        private void GenerateAllSelectedReports(TRptCalculator ACalc)
            FStatusMsg = "";

            if (chkHOSA.Enabled && chkHOSA.Checked)
                FStatusMsg         += Catalog.GetString("\r\nAll HOSAs:");
                MyFastReportsPlugin = new FastReportsWrapper("HOSA");

            if (chkStewardship.Enabled && chkStewardship.Checked)
                FStatusMsg         += Catalog.GetString("\r\nStewardship Report:");
                MyFastReportsPlugin = new FastReportsWrapper("Stewardship");

            if (chkFees.Enabled && chkFees.Checked)
                FStatusMsg         += Catalog.GetString("\r\nFees Report:");
                MyFastReportsPlugin = new FastReportsWrapper("Fees");

            // complex way of stepping around the Windows non-thread-safe controls problem!
            FStatusMsg += Catalog.GetString("\r\n\r\nReport generation complete.");
            this.Invoke(new CrossThreadUpdate(ShowReportStatus));
コード例 #6
        } // Initialise Dictionary

        private Boolean LoadHosaReportData(TRptCalculator ACalc)
            ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_cost_centre_codes", "ALL");
            ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_filter_cost_centres", "");
            ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_linked_partner_cc", ""); // Used for auto-emailing HOSAs, this is usually blank.
            ACalc.AddParameter("param_include_rgs", !chkRecipient.Enabled || chkRecipient.Checked);
            Boolean DataOk = TFrmHOSA.LoadReportDataStaticInner(this, FPetraUtilsObject, MyFastReportsPlugin, ACalc);

            if ((!ACalc.GetParameters().Get("param_design_template").ToBool()) &&
                ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_currency", "Base"); // Always email HOSAs in Base Currency
                FStatusMsg += FastReportsWrapper.AutoEmailReports(FPetraUtilsObject, MyFastReportsPlugin, ACalc, FLedgerNumber, "Foreign");

        }  // Load Hosa Report Data
コード例 #7
        private void ViewReportTemplate(TRptCalculator ACalc)
            String ReportName = "";

            if (chkFees.Enabled && chkFees.Checked)
                ReportName = "Fees";

            if (chkStewardship.Enabled && chkStewardship.Checked)
                ReportName = "Stewardship";

            if (chkHOSA.Enabled && chkHOSA.Checked)
                ReportName = "HOSA";

            if (ReportName == "")

            MyFastReportsPlugin = new FastReportsWrapper(ReportName);

            if (chkFees.Enabled && chkFees.Checked)

            if (chkStewardship.Enabled && chkStewardship.Checked)

            if (chkHOSA.Enabled && chkHOSA.Checked)

コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Print out the Hierarchy using FastReports template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FilePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FastReportsWrapper ReportingEngine = new FastReportsWrapper("Duplicate Address Check");

            if (!ReportingEngine.LoadedOK)

            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(FDuplicateLocations, "DuplicateLocations");
            TRptCalculator Calc = new TRptCalculator();

            if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control))
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Print out the Hierarchy using FastReports template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FilePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FastReportsWrapper ReportingEngine = new FastReportsWrapper("Account Hierarchy");

            if (!ReportingEngine.LoadedOK)

            if (!FMainDS.AAccount.Columns.Contains("AccountPath"))
                FMainDS.AAccount.Columns.Add("AccountPath", typeof(String));
                FMainDS.AAccount.Columns.Add("AccountLevel", typeof(Int32));

            DataView PathView = new DataView(FMainDS.AAccountHierarchyDetail);

            PathView.Sort = "a_reporting_account_code_c";

            DataView AccountView = new DataView(FMainDS.AAccount);

            AccountView.Sort = "a_account_code_c";

            // I need to make the "AccountPath" field that will be used to sort the table for printout:
            foreach (DataRowView rv in PathView)
                DataRow Row         = rv.Row;
                String  AccountCode = Row["a_reporting_account_code_c"].ToString();
                String  Path        = Row["a_report_order_i"] + "-" + AccountCode + '~';
                Int32   Level       = 0;
                String  ReportsTo   = Row["a_account_code_to_report_to_c"].ToString();

                while (ReportsTo != "")
                    Int32 ParentIdx = PathView.Find(ReportsTo);

                    if (ParentIdx >= 0)
                        DataRow ParentRow = PathView[ParentIdx].Row;
                        ReportsTo = ParentRow["a_account_code_to_report_to_c"].ToString();
                        Path      = ParentRow["a_report_order_i"] + "-" + ParentRow["a_reporting_account_code_c"].ToString() + "~" + Path;

                        if (Level > 100) // Surely this is a fault. If I just break here,
                            break;       // the report will print and I should be able to see what the fault is.
                        ReportsTo = "";

                Int32   AccountIdx = AccountView.Find(AccountCode);
                DataRow AccountRow = AccountView[AccountIdx].Row;
                AccountRow["AccountPath"]  = Path;
                AccountRow["AccountLevel"] = Level;

            AccountView.Sort = "AccountPath";
            DataTable SortedByPath = AccountView.ToTable();

            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(SortedByPath, "AccountHierarchy");
            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(FMainDS.AAnalysisAttribute, "AnalysisAttribute");
            TRptCalculator Calc      = new TRptCalculator();
            ALedgerRow     LedgerRow = FMainDS.ALedger[0];

            Calc.AddParameter("param_ledger_number_i", LedgerRow.LedgerNumber);
            Calc.AddStringParameter("param_ledger_name", LedgerRow.LedgerName);

            if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control))
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Print out the Hierarchy using FastReports template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FilePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TLogging.Log("CostCentreHierarchy.File Print..");
            FastReportsWrapper ReportingEngine = new FastReportsWrapper("Cost Centre Hierarchy");

            if (!ReportingEngine.LoadedOK)

            if (!FMainDS.ACostCentre.Columns.Contains("CostCentrePath"))
                FMainDS.ACostCentre.Columns.Add("CostCentrePath", typeof(String));
                FMainDS.ACostCentre.Columns.Add("CostCentreLevel", typeof(Int32));

            DataView PathView = new DataView(FMainDS.ACostCentre);
            PathView.Sort = "a_cost_centre_code_c";
            TLogging.Log("CostCentreHierarchy.File Print calculating paths..");

            // I need to make the "CostCentrePath" field that will be used to sort the table for printout:
            foreach (DataRowView rv in PathView)
                DataRow Row = rv.Row;
                String Path = Row["a_cost_centre_code_c"].ToString() + '~';
                Int32 Level = 0;
                String ReportsTo = Row["a_cost_centre_to_report_to_c"].ToString();

                while (ReportsTo != "")
                    Int32 ParentIdx = PathView.Find(ReportsTo);

                    if (ParentIdx >= 0)
                        DataRow ParentRow = PathView[ParentIdx].Row;
                        ReportsTo = ParentRow["a_cost_centre_to_report_to_c"].ToString();
                        Path = ParentRow["a_cost_centre_code_c"].ToString() + "~" + Path;

                        if (Level > 100) // Surely this is a fault. If I just break here,
                            break;  // the report will print and I should be able to see what the fault is.
                        ReportsTo = "";

                Row["CostCentrePath"] = Path;
                Row["CostCentreLevel"] = Level;

            PathView.Sort = "CostCentrePath";
            DataTable SortedByPath = PathView.ToTable();

            TLogging.Log("CostCentreHierarchy.File Print paths all done.");

            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(SortedByPath, "CostCentreHierarchy");
            TRptCalculator Calc = new TRptCalculator();
            ALedgerRow LedgerRow = FMainDS.ALedger[0];
            Calc.AddParameter("param_ledger_nunmber", LedgerRow.LedgerNumber);
            Calc.AddStringParameter("param_ledger_name", LedgerRow.LedgerName);

            TLogging.Log("CostCentreHierarchy.File Print calling FastReport...");

            if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control))
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Print out the Motivation Details using FastReports template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FilePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FastReportsWrapper ReportingEngine = new FastReportsWrapper("Motivation Details");

            if (!ReportingEngine.LoadedOK)

            // Add in the Fees applicable for each row:

            if (!FMainDS.AMotivationDetail.Columns.Contains("Fees"))
                FMainDS.AMotivationDetail.Columns.Add("Fees", typeof(String));
                FMainDS.AMotivationDetail.Columns.Add("KeyMin", typeof(String));

            foreach (AMotivationDetailRow Row in FMainDS.AMotivationDetail.Rows)
                FMainDS.AMotivationDetailFee.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format(
                    "a_motivation_group_code_c='{0}' AND a_motivation_detail_code_c='{1}'",
                String Fees = "";

                foreach (DataRowView rv in FMainDS.AMotivationDetailFee.DefaultView)
                    AMotivationDetailFeeRow FeeRow = (AMotivationDetailFeeRow)rv.Row;

                    if (Fees != "")
                        Fees += ", ";

                    Fees += FeeRow.FeeCode;

                Row["Fees"] = Fees;

                if (Row.RecipientKey != 0)
                    String        mPartnerShortName;
                    TPartnerClass mPartnerClass;

                    if (TServerLookup.TMPartner.GetPartnerShortName(Row.RecipientKey, out mPartnerShortName, out mPartnerClass, true))
                        Row["KeyMin"] = mPartnerShortName;
            } // foreach

            // Ensure the proper sorting for the printout:

            FMainDS.AMotivationDetail.DefaultView.Sort = "a_motivation_group_code_c, a_motivation_detail_code_c";
            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(FMainDS.AMotivationDetail.DefaultView.ToTable(), "MotivationDetail");
            TRptCalculator Calc      = new TRptCalculator();
            ALedgerRow     LedgerRow = FMainDS.ALedger[0];

            Calc.AddParameter("param_ledger_number_i", LedgerRow.LedgerNumber);
            Calc.AddStringParameter("param_ledger_name", LedgerRow.LedgerName);
            Calc.AddParameter("param_TD", FTaxDeductiblePercentageEnabled);

            if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control))
コード例 #12
        // This will be called if the Fast Reports Wrapper loaded OK.
        // Returns True if the data apparently loaded OK and the report should be printed.
        private bool LoadReportData(TRptCalculator ACalc)
            ArrayList reportParam = ACalc.GetParameters().Elems;

            Dictionary <String, TVariant> paramsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, TVariant>();

            foreach (Shared.MReporting.TParameter p in reportParam)
                if (p.name.StartsWith("param") && (p.name != "param_calculation") && (!paramsDictionary.ContainsKey(p.name)))
                    paramsDictionary.Add(p.name, p.value);

            Int32  ParamNestingDepth = 99;
            String DepthOption       = paramsDictionary["param_depth"].ToString();

            if (DepthOption == "Summary")
                ParamNestingDepth = 2;

            if (DepthOption == "Standard")
                ParamNestingDepth = 3;

            paramsDictionary.Add("param_nesting_depth", new TVariant(ParamNestingDepth));

            // The table contains Actual and Budget figures, both this period and YTD, also last year and budget last year.
            // It does not contain any variance (actual / budget) figures - these are calculated in the report.

            DataTable ReportTable = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportDataTable("IncomeExpense", paramsDictionary);

            if (this.IsDisposed) // There's no cancel function as such - if the user has pressed Esc the form is closed!

            if (ReportTable == null)
                FPetraUtilsObject.WriteToStatusBar("Report Cancelled.");

            FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportTable, "IncomeExpense");

            // I need to get the name of the current ledger..

            DataTable LedgerNameTable = TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.LedgerNameList);
            DataView  LedgerView      = new DataView(LedgerNameTable);

            LedgerView.RowFilter = "LedgerNumber=" + FLedgerNumber;
            String LedgerName = "";

            if (LedgerView.Count > 0)
                LedgerName = LedgerView[0].Row["LedgerName"].ToString();

            ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_ledger_name", LedgerName);
            ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_linked_partner_cc", ""); // I may want to use this for auto_email, but usually it's unused.

            // For reports that must be sent on email, one page at a time,
            // I'm using the AutoEmailReports method which calls the FastReports plugin multiple times,
            // and then I'm going to return false, which will prevent the default action using this dataset.

            Shared.MReporting.TParameterList pm = ACalc.GetParameters();

            if ((pm.Get("param_auto_email").ToBool()) &&
                String CostCentreFilter  = "";
                String CostCentreOptions = pm.Get("param_costcentreoptions").ToString();

                if (CostCentreOptions == "SelectedCostCentres")
                    String CostCentreList = pm.Get("param_cost_centre_codes").ToString();
                    CostCentreList   = CostCentreList.Replace(",", "','");                           // SQL IN List items in single quotes
                    CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre_code_c in ('" + CostCentreList + "')";

                if (CostCentreOptions == "CostCentreRange")
                    CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre_code_c >='" + pm.Get("param_cost_centre_code_start").ToString() +
                                       "' AND a_cost_centre_code_c >='" + pm.Get("param_cost_centre_code_end").ToString() + "'";

                List <String> Status = FastReportsWrapper.AutoEmailReports(FPetraUtilsObject,
                MessageBox.Show(String.Join("\n", Status), Catalog.GetString("Auto Email") + " " + Catalog.GetString("Income Expense Report"));

コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Data loader for HOSA data,
        /// Made static so it can be called from Stewardship Reports
        /// </summary>
        public static Boolean LoadReportDataStaticInner(Form ParentForm,
                                                        TFrmPetraReportingUtils UtilsObject,
                                                        FastReportsWrapper ReportingEngine,
                                                        TRptCalculator ACalc)
            Shared.MReporting.TParameterList pm = ACalc.GetParameters();
            String Csv = "";

            // My "a_transaction" table forms the lower half of the HOSA:
            // All transactions for all the "Expense" accounts for the selected Cost Centre within the selected dates or periods.

            String LedgerFilter     = "a_ledger_number_i=" + pm.Get("param_ledger_number_i").ToInt32();
            String TranctDateFilter = ""; // Optional Date Filter, as periods or dates
            String CostCentreCodes  = pm.Get("param_cost_centre_codes").ToString();

            if (CostCentreCodes == String.Empty)
                MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please select one or more Cost Centres."), "HOSA");

            String CostCentreFilter = "";

            if (CostCentreCodes == "ALL")
                CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_type_c='Foreign' ";
                CostCentreCodes = CostCentreCodes.Replace('"', '\'');
                ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_cost_centre_codes", CostCentreCodes);
                CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_code_c IN (" + CostCentreCodes + ") ";

            if (pm.Get("param_period").ToBool() == true)
                Int32 PeriodStart = pm.Get("param_start_period_i").ToInt32();
                Int32 PeriodEnd   = pm.Get("param_end_period_i").ToInt32();

                DateTime DateStart = pm.Get("param_start_date").ToDate();
                DateTime DateEnd   = pm.Get("param_end_date").ToDate();

                ALedgerTable LedgerDetailsTable = (ALedgerTable)TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(
                ALedgerRow LedgerRow = LedgerDetailsTable[0];
                Boolean    IsClosed  = (!pm.Get("param_current_financial_year").ToBool() || (PeriodEnd < LedgerRow.CurrentPeriod));
                ACalc.AddParameter("param_period_closed", IsClosed);
                Boolean IsCurrent = (pm.Get("param_current_financial_year").ToBool() && (PeriodEnd == LedgerRow.CurrentPeriod));
                ACalc.AddParameter("param_period_current", IsCurrent);

                String PeriodTitle = " (" + DateStart.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " - " + DateEnd.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + ")";

                if (PeriodEnd > PeriodStart)
                    PeriodTitle = String.Format("{0} - {1}", PeriodStart, PeriodEnd) + PeriodTitle;
                    PeriodTitle = String.Format("{0}", PeriodStart) + PeriodTitle;

                pm.Add("param_date_title", PeriodTitle);
                String PeriodTitle = " " + pm.Get("param_start_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " - " +

                pm.Add("param_date_title", PeriodTitle);

            TranctDateFilter = "a_transaction_date_d>='" + pm.Get("param_start_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") +
                               "' AND a_transaction_date_d<='" + pm.Get("param_end_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";

            Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv,
                                      "AAccount/SELECT * FROM a_account WHERE " + LedgerFilter + " AND a_posting_status_l=true AND a_account_active_flag_l=true");
            Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv,
                                      "ACostCentre/SELECT * FROM a_cost_centre WHERE " + LedgerFilter + CostCentreFilter +
                                      " AND a_posting_cost_centre_flag_l=true AND a_cost_centre_active_flag_l=true");
            Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(
                "ATransaction/SELECT a_transaction.* FROM a_transaction, a_cost_centre WHERE a_transaction." + LedgerFilter +
                " AND " + TranctDateFilter +
                " AND NOT (a_system_generated_l = true AND (a_narrative_c LIKE 'Gifts received - Gift Batch%' OR a_narrative_c LIKE 'GB - Gift Batch%' OR a_narrative_c LIKE 'Year end re-allocation%'))"
                " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i = a_cost_centre.a_ledger_number_i " +
                " AND a_transaction.a_cost_centre_code_c = a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_code_c " +
                CostCentreFilter +
                " ORDER BY a_account_code_c, a_transaction_date_d");

            GLReportingTDS ReportDs    = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportingDataSet(Csv);
            ArrayList      reportParam = ACalc.GetParameters().Elems;
            Dictionary <String, TVariant> paramsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, TVariant>();

            foreach (Shared.MReporting.TParameter p in reportParam)
                if (p.name.StartsWith("param") && (p.name != "param_calculation"))
                    paramsDictionary.Add(p.name, p.value);

            DataTable GiftsTable       = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportDataTable("HOSA", paramsDictionary);
            DataTable KeyMinGiftsTable = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportDataTable("FieldGifts", paramsDictionary);

            // I'm going to get rid of any Cost Centres that saw no activity in the requested period:
            for (Int32 Idx = ReportDs.ACostCentre.Rows.Count - 1; Idx >= 0; Idx--)
                ACostCentreRow Row = ReportDs.ACostCentre[Idx];
                ReportDs.ATransaction.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("a_cost_centre_code_c='{0}'", Row.CostCentreCode);
                GiftsTable.DefaultView.RowFilter            = String.Format("CostCentre='{0}'", Row.CostCentreCode);

                if ((ReportDs.ATransaction.DefaultView.Count == 0) && (GiftsTable.DefaultView.Count == 0))

            if (ParentForm.IsDisposed)

            if (GiftsTable == null)
                UtilsObject.WriteToStatusBar("Report Cancelled.");

            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(GiftsTable, "Gifts");
            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(KeyMinGiftsTable, "FieldGifts");
            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(ReportDs.AAccount, "a_account");
            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(ReportDs.ACostCentre, "a_costCentre");
            ReportingEngine.RegisterData(ReportDs.ATransaction, "a_transaction");

            Boolean HasData = (ReportDs.ATransaction.Rows.Count > 0) || (GiftsTable.Rows.Count > 0);

            if (!HasData)
                MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("No Transactions found for selected Cost Centres."), "HOSA");

コード例 #14
        // This will be called if the Fast Reports Wrapper loaded OK.
        // Returns True if the data apparently loaded OK and the report should be printed.
        // (Returns FALSE if the user has selected "auto-email" and this method drives the email sending process itself, leaving nothing for the default process to do.)
        private bool LoadReportData(TRptCalculator ACalc)
            Shared.MReporting.TParameterList parameters = ACalc.GetParameters();
            String LedgerFilter = "a_ledger_number_i=" + parameters.Get("param_ledger_number_i").ToInt32();

            String    AccountCodeFilter      = ""; // Account Filter, as range or list:
            String    TransAccountCodeFilter = "";
            String    GlmAccountCodeFilter   = "";
            DataTable Balances = new DataTable();

            ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_linked_partner_cc", ""); // I may want to use this later, for auto_email, but usually it's unused.

            if (parameters.Get("param_rgrAccounts").ToString() == "AccountList")
                String Filter = "'" + parameters.Get("param_account_codes") + "'";
                Filter                 = Filter.Replace(",", "','");
                AccountCodeFilter      = "AND a_account_code_c in (" + Filter + ")";
                TransAccountCodeFilter = "AND a_transaction.a_account_code_c in (" + Filter + ")";
                GlmAccountCodeFilter   = " AND glm.a_account_code_c in (" + Filter + ")";

            if (parameters.Get("param_rgrAccounts").ToString() == "AccountRange")
                AccountCodeFilter = "AND a_account_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_account_code_start") + "' AND '" +
                                    parameters.Get("param_account_code_end") + "'";
                TransAccountCodeFilter = "AND a_transaction.a_account_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_account_code_start") + "' AND '" +
                                         parameters.Get("param_account_code_end") + "'";
                GlmAccountCodeFilter = " AND glm.a_account_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_account_code_start") + "' AND '" +
                                       parameters.Get("param_account_code_end") + "'";

            String CostCentreFilter      = ""; // Cost Centre Filter, as range or list:
            String TransCostCentreFilter = "";
            String GlmCostCentreFilter   = "";

            if (parameters.Get("param_rgrCostCentres").ToString() == "CostCentreList")
                String Filter = "'" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_codes") + "'";
                Filter                = Filter.Replace(",", "','");
                CostCentreFilter      = " AND a_cost_centre_code_c in (" + Filter + ")";
                TransCostCentreFilter = " AND a_transaction.a_cost_centre_code_c in (" + Filter + ")";
                GlmCostCentreFilter   = " AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c in (" + Filter + ")";

            if (parameters.Get("param_rgrCostCentres").ToString() == "CostCentreRange")
                CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_start") +
                                   "' AND  '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_end") + "'";
                TransCostCentreFilter = " AND a_transaction.a_cost_centre_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_start") +
                                        "' AND  '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_end") + "'";
                GlmCostCentreFilter = " AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_start") +
                                      "' AND '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_end") + "'";

            String TranctDateFilter = "a_transaction_date_d BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_start_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") +
                                      "' AND '" + parameters.Get("param_end_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";

            String ReferenceFilter    = "";
            String AnalysisTypeFilter = " ";
            String OrderByClause      = "AccountCode, a_cost_centre_code_c, TransactionDate";
            String Sortby             = parameters.Get("param_sortby").ToString();

            if (Sortby == "Cost Centre")
                OrderByClause = "a_cost_centre_code_c, AccountCode, TransactionDate";

            if (Sortby == "Reference")
                OrderByClause = "a_reference_c, a_cost_centre_code_c, AccountCode, TransactionDate";
                String FilterItem = parameters.Get("param_reference_start").ToString();

                if (FilterItem != "")
                    ReferenceFilter = " AND a_reference_c >='" + FilterItem + "'";

                FilterItem = parameters.Get("param_reference_end").ToString();

                if (FilterItem != "")
                    ReferenceFilter += " AND a_reference_c <='" + FilterItem + "'";

            if (Sortby == "Analysis Type")
                OrderByClause = "AnalysisTypeCode, AnalysisValue, TransactionDate";
                String FilterItem = parameters.Get("param_analyis_type_start").ToString();

                if (FilterItem != "")
                    AnalysisTypeFilter = " AND a_analysis_type.a_analysis_type_code_c >='" + FilterItem + "' ";

                FilterItem = parameters.Get("param_analyis_type_end").ToString();

                if (FilterItem != "")
                    AnalysisTypeFilter += " AND a_analysis_type.a_analysis_type_code_c <='" + FilterItem + "' ";

            parameters.Add("param_groupfield", OrderByClause);

            String Csv = "";

            Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv, "ALedger/SELECT * FROM a_ledger WHERE " + LedgerFilter);
            Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(
                "AAccount/SELECT * FROM a_account WHERE " + LedgerFilter + AccountCodeFilter +
                " AND a_posting_status_l=true AND a_account_active_flag_l=true");
            Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(
                "ACostCentre/SELECT * FROM a_cost_centre WHERE " + LedgerFilter + CostCentreFilter +
                " AND a_posting_cost_centre_flag_l=true AND a_cost_centre_active_flag_l=true");

            String CurrencySelected = parameters.Get("param_currency").ToString();

            // FX Reval transactions should not be shown if "Transaction" currency was selected,
            // since these transactions only take place in Base currency; they're 0 in the account currency.
            String RevalFilter = "";

            if (CurrencySelected == "Transaction")
                RevalFilter =
                    " AND ((a_account.a_foreign_currency_flag_l=FALSE) OR (a_account.a_foreign_currency_code_c = a_journal.a_transaction_currency_c))";

            String AmountField = CurrencySelected.StartsWith("Int") ? "a_amount_in_intl_currency_n" :
                                 CurrencySelected.StartsWith("Trans") ? "a_transaction_amount_n" : "a_amount_in_base_currency_n";

            String CurrencyField = CurrencySelected.StartsWith("Int") ? "a_ledger.a_intl_currency_c" :
                                   CurrencySelected.StartsWith("Trans") ? "a_journal.a_transaction_currency_c" : "a_ledger.a_base_currency_c";

            if (Sortby == "Analysis Type")  // To sort by analysis type, I need a different (and more horible) query:
                Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(
                    "Transactions/" +
                    "SELECT a_transaction.a_account_code_c AS AccountCode," +
                    "a_transaction.a_cost_centre_code_c AS CostCentreCode," +
                    "a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d AS TransactionDate," +
                    "a_transaction." + AmountField + " AS Amount," +
                    CurrencyField + " AS Currency," +
                    "a_transaction.a_debit_credit_indicator_l AS Debit," +
                    "a_transaction.a_narrative_c AS Narrative," +
                    "a_transaction.a_reference_c AS Reference," +
                    "a_trans_anal_attrib.a_analysis_type_code_c AS AnalysisTypeCode," +
                    "a_analysis_type.a_analysis_type_description_c AS AnalysisTypeDescr," +
                    "a_trans_anal_attrib.a_analysis_attribute_value_c AS AnalysisValue" +
                    " FROM a_transaction, a_journal, a_trans_anal_attrib, a_analysis_type, a_ledger, a_account" +
                    " WHERE a_transaction." + LedgerFilter +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i = a_account.a_ledger_number_i " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_account_code_c = a_account.a_account_code_c " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i = a_ledger.a_ledger_number_i " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i = a_journal.a_ledger_number_i " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_batch_number_i = a_journal.a_batch_number_i " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_journal_number_i = a_journal.a_journal_number_i " +
                    RevalFilter +
                    " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_ledger_number_i = a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i " +
                    " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_batch_number_i = a_transaction.a_batch_number_i" +
                    " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_journal_number_i = a_transaction.a_journal_number_i" +
                    " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_transaction_number_i = a_transaction.a_transaction_number_i" +
                    " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_analysis_type_code_c = a_analysis_type.a_analysis_type_code_c " +
                    AnalysisTypeFilter +
                    TransAccountCodeFilter + TransCostCentreFilter + " AND " + TranctDateFilter +
                    " AND a_transaction_status_l=true AND NOT (a_system_generated_l=true AND a_narrative_c LIKE 'Year end re-allocation%')" +
                    " ORDER BY " + OrderByClause + ", a_transaction_date_d");
                Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(
                    "Transactions/" +
                    "SELECT a_transaction.a_account_code_c AS AccountCode," +
                    "a_transaction.a_cost_centre_code_c AS CostCentreCode," +
                    "a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d AS TransactionDate," +
                    "a_transaction." + AmountField + " AS Amount," +
                    CurrencyField + " AS Currency," +
                    "a_transaction.a_debit_credit_indicator_l AS Debit," +
                    "a_transaction.a_narrative_c AS Narrative," +
                    "a_transaction.a_reference_c AS Reference," +
                    "'' AS AnalysisTypeCode," +
                    "'' AS AnalysisTypeDescr," +
                    "'' AS AnalysisValue" +
                    " FROM a_transaction, a_journal, a_ledger, a_account WHERE " +
                    " a_transaction." + LedgerFilter +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i = a_account.a_ledger_number_i " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_account_code_c = a_account.a_account_code_c " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i = a_ledger.a_ledger_number_i " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i = a_journal.a_ledger_number_i " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_batch_number_i = a_journal.a_batch_number_i " +
                    " AND a_transaction.a_journal_number_i = a_journal.a_journal_number_i " +
                    RevalFilter +
                    TransAccountCodeFilter +
                    TransCostCentreFilter + " AND " +
                    TranctDateFilter + ReferenceFilter +
                    " AND a_transaction_status_l=true AND NOT (a_system_generated_l=true AND a_narrative_c LIKE 'Year end re-allocation%')" +
                    " ORDER BY " + OrderByClause);

            GLReportingTDS ReportDs = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportingDataSet(Csv);

            if ((this.IsDisposed) || // If the user has pressed Esc the form is closed!

            // I want to include opening and closing balances for each Cost Centre / Account, in the selected currency.
            // Following a revision in Oct 2014, this table is the master table, and the transactions are the slave.

            Int32 Year = parameters.Get("param_year_i").ToInt32();

            Balances = TRemote.MFinance.Reporting.WebConnectors.GetPeriodBalances(

            if ((this.IsDisposed) || (Balances == null))

            // My report doesn't need a ledger row - only the name of the ledger. And I need the currency formatter..
            DataTable LedgerNameTable = TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.LedgerNameList);
            DataView  LedgerView      = new DataView(LedgerNameTable);

            LedgerView.RowFilter = "LedgerNumber=" + FLedgerNumber;
            String LedgerName = "";

            if (LedgerView.Count > 0)
                LedgerName = LedgerView[0].Row["LedgerName"].ToString();

            ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_ledger_name", LedgerName);
            ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_currency_formatter", "0,0.000");
            ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_base_currency_name", uco_GeneralSettings.GetBaseCurrency());

            if (TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.DataTableGenerationWasCancelled())

            // If I need to show Analysis Attributes, I need to get the rows that pertain to the Transactions I've selected above.
            if (ReportDs.ATransaction.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataView BatchSorted = new DataView(ReportDs.ATransaction);
                BatchSorted.Sort = "a_batch_number_i";
                ATransactionRow Row        = (ATransactionRow)BatchSorted[0].Row;
                Int32           FirstBatch = Row.BatchNumber;
                Row = (ATransactionRow)BatchSorted[BatchSorted.Count - 1].Row;
                Int32 LastBatch = Row.BatchNumber;

                Csv = "";
                Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(
                    "ATransAnalAttrib/SELECT * FROM a_trans_anal_attrib WHERE " + LedgerFilter +
                    " AND a_batch_number_i >= " + FirstBatch +
                    " AND a_batch_number_i <= " + LastBatch);
                Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv, "AAnalysisType/SELECT * FROM a_analysis_type");

            if (TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.DataTableGenerationWasCancelled())

            FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.ATransAnalAttrib, "a_trans_anal_attrib");
            FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.AAnalysisType, "a_analysis_type");
            FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.AAccount, "a_account");
            FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.ACostCentre, "a_costCentre");
            FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.Tables["Transactions"], "Transactions");
            FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(Balances, "balances");

            // For Account Detail reports that must be sent on email, one page at a time,
            // I'm calling the FastReports plugin multiple times,
            // and then I'm going to return false, which will prevent the default action using this dataset.

            if ((parameters.Get("param_sortby").ToString() == "Cost Centre") &&
                (parameters.Get("param_auto_email").ToBool()) &&
                String Status = FastReportsWrapper.AutoEmailReports(FPetraUtilsObject,
                MessageBox.Show(Status, Catalog.GetString("Account Detail Report"));
