コード例 #1
        protected override void DrawModel(Player p)
            // TODO: using 'is' is ugly, but means we can avoid creating
            // a string every single time held block changes.
            if (p is FakePlayer)
                Player realP = game.LocalPlayer;
                col = game.World.IsLit(realP.EyePosition)
                                        ? game.World.Env.Sunlight : game.World.Env.Shadowlight;

                // Adjust pitch so angle when looking straight down is 0.
                float adjPitch = realP.PitchDegrees - 90;
                if (adjPitch < 0)
                    adjPitch += 360;

                // Adjust colour so held block is brighter when looking straght up
                float t        = Math.Abs(adjPitch - 180) / 180;
                float colScale = Utils.Lerp(0.9f, 0.7f, t);
                col   = FastColour.Scale(col, colScale);
                block = ((FakePlayer)p).Block;
                block = Utils.FastByte(p.ModelName);

            colPacked = col.Pack();
            if (game.BlockInfo.IsAir[block])

            lastTexId = -1;
            atlas     = game.TerrainAtlas1D;
            bool sprite = game.BlockInfo.IsSprite[block];

            if (index == 0)

            IGraphicsApi api = game.Graphics;


            if (sprite)
                api.FaceCulling = true;
            if (sprite)
                api.FaceCulling = false;
コード例 #2
        void CalculateCaretData()
            if (caretPos >= buffer.Length)
                caretPos = -1;
            buffer.MakeCoords(caretPos, partLens, out indexX, out indexY);
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, true);

            if (indexX == LineLength)
                caretTex.X1    = 10 + sizes[indexY].Width;
                caretCol       = FastColour.Yellow;
                caretTex.Width = defaultCaretWidth;
                args.Text = parts[indexY].Substring(0, indexX);
                Size trimmedSize = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args);
                if (indexY == 0)
                    trimmedSize.Width += defaultWidth;
                caretTex.X1 = 10 + trimmedSize.Width;
                caretCol    = FastColour.Scale(FastColour.White, 0.8f);

                string line = parts[indexY];
                args.Text      = indexX < line.Length ? new String(line[indexX], 1) : "";
                caretTex.Width = indexX < line.Length ?
                                 game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args).Width : defaultCaretWidth;
            caretTex.Y1 = sizes[0].Height * indexY + Y;
コード例 #3
        protected void DrawPart(ModelPart part)
            VertexP3fT2fC4b vertex = default(VertexP3fT2fC4b);

            for (int i = 0; i < part.Count; i++)
                ModelVertex v = vertices[part.Offset + i];
                float       t = cosYaw * v.X - sinYaw * v.Z; v.Z = sinYaw * v.X + cosYaw * v.Z; v.X = t;           // Inlined RotY
                v.X *= scale; v.Y *= scale; v.Z *= scale;
                v.X += pos.X; v.Y += pos.Y; v.Z += pos.Z;

                FastColour col = part.Count == boxVertices ?
                                 cols[i >> 2] : FastColour.Scale(this.col, 0.7f);
                vertex.X = v.X; vertex.Y = v.Y; vertex.Z = v.Z;
                vertex.R = col.R; vertex.G = col.G; vertex.B = col.B; vertex.A = 255;

                vertex.U = v.U * uScale; vertex.V = v.V * vScale;
                int quadI = i & 3;
                if (quadI == 0 || quadI == 3)
                    vertex.V -= 0.01f * vScale;
                if (quadI == 2 || quadI == 3)
                    vertex.U -= 0.01f * uScale;
                cache.vertices[index++] = vertex;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary> Renders the model based on the given entity's position and orientation. </summary>
        public void Render(Player p)
            index = 0;
            pos   = p.Position;
            if (Bobbing)
                pos.Y += p.anim.bobYOffset;
            World map = game.World;

            col    = game.World.IsLit(p.EyePosition) ? map.Env.Sunlight : map.Env.Shadowlight;
            uScale = 1 / 64f; vScale = 1 / 32f;
            scale  = p.ModelScale;

            cols[0] = col;
            cols[1] = FastColour.Scale(col, FastColour.ShadeYBottom);
            cols[2] = FastColour.Scale(col, FastColour.ShadeZ); cols[3] = cols[2];
            cols[4] = FastColour.Scale(col, FastColour.ShadeX); cols[5] = cols[4];

            cosYaw  = (float)Math.Cos(p.YawDegrees * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            sinYaw  = (float)Math.Sin(p.YawDegrees * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            cosHead = (float)Math.Cos(p.HeadYawDegrees * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            sinHead = (float)Math.Sin(p.HeadYawDegrees * Utils.Deg2Rad);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary> Calculates the location and size of the caret character </summary>
        public void UpdateCaret()
            int maxChars = UsedLines * MaxCharsPerLine;

            if (caret >= maxChars)
                caret = -1;
            Text.GetCoords(caret, lines, out caretX, out caretY);
            DrawTextArgs args   = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, false);
            IDrawer2D    drawer = game.Drawer2D;

            caretAccumulator = 0;

            if (caretX == MaxCharsPerLine)
                caretTex.X1    = X + Padding + lineSizes[caretY].Width;
                caretColour    = FastColour.Yellow;
                caretTex.Width = (ushort)caretWidth;
                args.Text = lines[caretY].Substring(0, caretX);
                Size trimmedSize = drawer.MeasureSize(ref args);
                if (caretY == 0)
                    trimmedSize.Width += prefixWidth;

                caretTex.X1 = X + Padding + trimmedSize.Width;
                caretColour = FastColour.Scale(FastColour.White, 0.8f);

                string line = lines[caretY];
                if (caretX < line.Length)
                    args.Text      = new String(line[caretX], 1);
                    args.UseShadow = true;
                    caretTex.Width = (ushort)drawer.MeasureSize(ref args).Width;
                    caretTex.Width = (ushort)caretWidth;
            caretTex.Y1 = lineSizes[0].Height * caretY + inputTex.Y1 + 2;

            // Update the colour of the caret
            char code = GetLastColour(caretX, caretY);

            if (code != '\0')
                caretColour = IDrawer2D.GetCol(code);
コード例 #6
 unsafe void CalculatePalette(int *palette)
     for (int i = 0; i < Palette.Length; i++)
         FastColour col = Palette[i];
         if (!Active)
             col = FastColour.Scale(col, 0.7f);
         palette[i] = col.ToArgb();
コード例 #7
        protected override void DrawModel(Player p)
            // TODO: using 'is' is ugly, but means we can avoid creating
            // a string every single time held block changes.
            if (p is FakePlayer)
                Vector3I   eyePos  = Vector3I.Floor(game.LocalPlayer.EyePosition);
                FastColour baseCol = game.Map.IsLit(eyePos) ? game.Map.Sunlight : game.Map.Shadowlight;
                col   = FastColour.Scale(baseCol, 0.8f);
                block = ((FakePlayer)p).Block;
                block = Byte.Parse(p.ModelName);

            if (game.BlockInfo.IsAir[block])
            lastTexId = -1;
            atlas     = game.TerrainAtlas1D;

            if (game.BlockInfo.IsSprite[block])
                SpriteXQuad(TileSide.Right, false);
                SpriteZQuad(TileSide.Back, false);

                SpriteZQuad(TileSide.Back, true);
                SpriteXQuad(TileSide.Right, true);
                YQuad(0, TileSide.Bottom, FastColour.ShadeYBottom);
                XQuad(maxBB.X - 0.5f, TileSide.Right, true, FastColour.ShadeX);
                ZQuad(minBB.Z - 0.5f, TileSide.Front, true, FastColour.ShadeZ);

                ZQuad(maxBB.Z - 0.5f, TileSide.Back, false, FastColour.ShadeZ);
                YQuad(height, TileSide.Top, 1.0f);
                XQuad(minBB.X - 0.5f, TileSide.Left, false, FastColour.ShadeX);

            if (index == 0)
            graphics.UpdateDynamicIndexedVb(DrawMode.Triangles, cache.vb, cache.vertices, index, index * 6 / 4);
コード例 #8
        void YQuad(float y, int side, float shade)
            int        texId = game.BlockInfo.GetTextureLoc(block, side), texIndex = 0;
            TextureRec rec = atlas.GetTexRec(texId, 1, out texIndex);

            FastColour col = bright ? FastColour.White : FastColour.Scale(this.col, shade);

            float vOrigin = (texId % atlas.elementsPerAtlas1D) * atlas.invElementSize;

            rec.U1 = minBB.X; rec.U2 = maxBB.X;
            rec.V1 = vOrigin + minBB.Z * atlas.invElementSize;
            rec.V2 = vOrigin + maxBB.Z * atlas.invElementSize * 15.99f / 16f;

            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexP3fT2fC4b(minBB.X - 0.5f, y, minBB.Z - 0.5f, rec.U1, rec.V1, col);
            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexP3fT2fC4b(maxBB.X - 0.5f, y, minBB.Z - 0.5f, rec.U2, rec.V1, col);
            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexP3fT2fC4b(maxBB.X - 0.5f, y, maxBB.Z - 0.5f, rec.U2, rec.V2, col);
            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexP3fT2fC4b(minBB.X - 0.5f, y, maxBB.Z - 0.5f, rec.U1, rec.V2, col);
コード例 #9
 FastColour GetCol(int i, int count)
     if (count != boxVertices)
         return(FastColour.Scale(col, 0.7f));
     if (i >= 4 && i < 8)
         return(FastColour.Scale(col, FastColour.ShadeYBottom));
     if (i >= 8 && i < 16)
         return(FastColour.Scale(col, FastColour.ShadeZ));
     if (i >= 16 && i < 24)
         return(FastColour.Scale(col, FastColour.ShadeX));
コード例 #10
        void XQuad(float x, int side, bool swapU, float shade)
            int        texId = game.BlockInfo.GetTextureLoc(block, side), texIndex = 0;
            TextureRec rec = atlas.GetTexRec(texId, 1, out texIndex);

            FastColour col = bright ? FastColour.White : FastColour.Scale(this.col, shade);

            float vOrigin = (texId % atlas.elementsPerAtlas1D) * atlas.invElementSize;

            rec.U1 = minBB.Z; rec.U2 = maxBB.Z;
            rec.V1 = vOrigin + (1 - minBB.Y) * atlas.invElementSize;
            rec.V2 = vOrigin + (1 - maxBB.Y) * atlas.invElementSize * 15.99f / 16f;
            if (swapU)

            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexP3fT2fC4b(x, 0, minBB.Z - 0.5f, rec.U1, rec.V1, col);
            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexP3fT2fC4b(x, height, minBB.Z - 0.5f, rec.U1, rec.V2, col);
            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexP3fT2fC4b(x, height, maxBB.Z - 0.5f, rec.U2, rec.V2, col);
            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexP3fT2fC4b(x, 0, maxBB.Z - 0.5f, rec.U2, rec.V1, col);
コード例 #11
        void ZQuad(float z, int side, bool swapU, float shade)
            int        texId = game.BlockInfo.GetTextureLoc(block, side), texIndex = 0;
            TextureRec rec = atlas.GetTexRec(texId, 1, out texIndex);

            FastColour col = bright ? FastColour.White : FastColour.Scale(this.col, shade);

            float vOrigin = rec.V1;

            rec.U1 = minBB.X; rec.U2 = maxBB.X;
            rec.V1 = vOrigin + minBB.Y * atlas.invElementSize;
            rec.V2 = vOrigin + maxBB.Y * atlas.invElementSize * 15.99f / 16f;
            if (swapU)

            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(minBB.X - 0.5f, 0, z, rec.U1, rec.V2, col);
            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(minBB.X - 0.5f, height, z, rec.U1, rec.V1, col);
            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(maxBB.X - 0.5f, height, z, rec.U2, rec.V1, col);
            cache.vertices[index++] = new VertexPos3fTex2fCol4b(maxBB.X - 0.5f, 0, z, rec.U2, rec.V2, col);
コード例 #12
 public static void GetShadedAngleShadow(FastColour normal, out int xSide, out int zSide, out int yBottom)
     xSide   = FastColour.Scale(normal, ShadeAHX).Pack();
     zSide   = FastColour.Scale(normal, ShadeAHZ).Pack();
     yBottom = FastColour.Scale(normal, ShadeAHYBottom).Pack();
コード例 #13
        protected void DrawRotated(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ, ModelPart part, bool head)
            float           cosX = (float)Math.Cos(-angleX), sinX = (float)Math.Sin(-angleX);
            float           cosY = (float)Math.Cos(-angleY), sinY = (float)Math.Sin(-angleY);
            float           cosZ = (float)Math.Cos(-angleZ), sinZ = (float)Math.Sin(-angleZ);
            float           x = part.RotX, y = part.RotY, z = part.RotZ;
            VertexP3fT2fC4b vertex = default(VertexP3fT2fC4b);

            for (int i = 0; i < part.Count; i++)
                ModelVertex v = vertices[part.Offset + i];
                v.X -= x; v.Y -= y; v.Z -= z;
                float t = 0;

                // Rotate locally
                if (Rotate == RotateOrder.ZYX)
                    t = cosZ * v.X + sinZ * v.Y; v.Y = -sinZ * v.X + cosZ * v.Y; v.X = t;                     // Inlined RotZ
                    t = cosY * v.X - sinY * v.Z; v.Z = sinY * v.X + cosY * v.Z; v.X = t;                      // Inlined RotY
                    t = cosX * v.Y + sinX * v.Z; v.Z = -sinX * v.Y + cosX * v.Z; v.Y = t;                     // Inlined RotX
                else if (Rotate == RotateOrder.XZY)
                    t = cosX * v.Y + sinX * v.Z; v.Z = -sinX * v.Y + cosX * v.Z; v.Y = t;                     // Inlined RotX
                    t = cosZ * v.X + sinZ * v.Y; v.Y = -sinZ * v.X + cosZ * v.Y; v.X = t;                     // Inlined RotZ
                    t = cosY * v.X - sinY * v.Z; v.Z = sinY * v.X + cosY * v.Z; v.X = t;                      // Inlined RotY

                // Rotate globally
                if (!head)
                    v.X += x; v.Y += y; v.Z += z;
                    t    = cosYaw * v.X - sinYaw * v.Z; v.Z = sinYaw * v.X + cosYaw * v.Z; v.X = t;                      // Inlined RotY
                    t = cosHead * v.X - sinHead * v.Z; v.Z = sinHead * v.X + cosHead * v.Z; v.X = t;                     // Inlined RotY
                    float tX = x, tZ = z;
                    t    = cosYaw * tX - sinYaw * tZ; tZ = sinYaw * tX + cosYaw * tZ; tX = t;                            // Inlined RotY
                    v.X += tX; v.Y += y; v.Z += tZ;
                v.X *= scale; v.Y *= scale; v.Z *= scale;
                v.X += pos.X; v.Y += pos.Y; v.Z += pos.Z;

                FastColour col = part.Count == boxVertices ?
                                 cols[i >> 2] : FastColour.Scale(this.col, 0.7f);
                vertex.X = v.X; vertex.Y = v.Y; vertex.Z = v.Z;
                vertex.R = col.R; vertex.G = col.G; vertex.B = col.B; vertex.A = 255;

                vertex.U = v.U * uScale; vertex.V = v.V * vScale;
                int quadI = i & 3;
                if (quadI == 0 || quadI == 3)
                    vertex.V -= 0.01f * vScale;
                if (quadI == 2 || quadI == 3)
                    vertex.U -= 0.01f * vScale;
                cache.vertices[index++] = vertex;