コード例 #1
ファイル: FastConstants.cs プロジェクト: radtek/Gradual
 static FastConstants()
     ANY_TYPE                       = new QName("any");
     ERROR                          = FastAlertSeverity.ERROR;
     WARN                           = FastAlertSeverity.WARN;
     FATAL                          = FastAlertSeverity.FATAL;
     DYNAMIC                        = new ErrorType("Dynamic");
     STATIC                         = new ErrorType("Static");
     REPORTABLE                     = new ErrorType("Reportable");
     S1_INVALID_XML                 = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 1, "ERR S1", "Invalid XML", ERROR);
     S2_OPERATOR_TYPE_INCOMP        = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 2, "ERR S2", "Incompatible operator and type", ERROR);
     S3_INITIAL_VALUE_INCOMP        = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 3, "ERR S3", "Incompatible initial value", ERROR);
     S4_NO_INITIAL_VALUE_FOR_CONST  = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 4, "ERR S4", "Fields with constant operators must have a default value defined.", ERROR);
     S5_NO_INITVAL_MNDTRY_DFALT     = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 5, "ERR S5", "No initial value for mandatory field with default operator", ERROR);
     D1_FIELD_APP_INCOMP            = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 1, "ERR D1", "Field cannot be converted to type of application field", ERROR);
     D2_INT_OUT_OF_RANGE            = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 2, "ERR D2", "The integer value is out of range for the specified integer type.", WARN);
     D3_CANT_ENCODE_VALUE           = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 3, "ERR D3", "The value cannot be encoded for the given operator.", ERROR);
     D4_INVALID_TYPE                = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 4, "ERR D4", "The previous value is not the same type as the type of the current field.", ERROR);
     D5_NO_DEFAULT_VALUE            = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 5, "ERR D5", "If no prior value is set and the field is not present, there must be a default value or the optional flag must be set.", ERROR);
     D6_MNDTRY_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT    = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 6, "ERR D6", "A mandatory field must have a value", ERROR);
     D7_SUBTRCTN_LEN_LONG           = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 7, "ERR D7", "The subtraction length is longer than the base value.", ERROR);
     D8_TEMPLATE_NOT_EXIST          = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 8, "ERR D8", "The referenced template does not exist.", ERROR);
     D9_TEMPLATE_NOT_REGISTERED     = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 9, "ERR D9", "The template has not been registered.", ERROR);
     R1_LARGE_DECIMAL               = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 1, "ERR R1", "Decimal exponent does not fit into range -63...63", WARN);
     R4_NUMERIC_VALUE_TOO_LARGE     = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 4, "ERR R4", "The value is too large.", WARN);
     R5_DECIMAL_CANT_CONVERT_TO_INT = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 5, "ERR R5", "The decimal value cannot convert to an integer because of trailing decimal part.", WARN);
     R7_PMAP_OVERLONG               = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 7, "ERR R7", "The presence map is overlong.", WARN);
     R8_PMAP_TOO_MANY_BITS          = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 8, "ERR R8", "The presence map has too many bits.", WARN);
     R9_STRING_OVERLONG             = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 9, "ERR R9", "The string is overlong.", ERROR);
     GENERAL_ERROR                  = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 100, "GENERAL", "An error has occurred.", ERROR);
     IMPOSSIBLE_EXCEPTION           = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 101, "IMPOSSIBLE", "This should never happen.", ERROR);
     IO_ERROR                       = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 102, "IOERROR", "An IO error occurred.", FATAL);
     PARSE_ERROR                    = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 103, "PARSEERR", "An exception occurred while parsing.", ERROR);
     LENGTH_FIELD                   = new QName("length", TEMPLATE_DEFINITION_1_1);
コード例 #2
 static FastConstants()
     ANY_TYPE = new QName("any");
     ERROR = FastAlertSeverity.ERROR;
     WARN = FastAlertSeverity.WARN;
     FATAL = FastAlertSeverity.FATAL;
     DYNAMIC = new ErrorType("Dynamic");
     STATIC = new ErrorType("Static");
     REPORTABLE = new ErrorType("Reportable");
     S1_INVALID_XML = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 1, "ERR S1", "Invalid XML", ERROR);
     S2_OPERATOR_TYPE_INCOMP = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 2, "ERR S2", "Incompatible operator and type", ERROR);
     S3_INITIAL_VALUE_INCOMP = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 3, "ERR S3", "Incompatible initial value", ERROR);
     S4_NO_INITIAL_VALUE_FOR_CONST = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 4, "ERR S4", "Fields with constant operators must have a default value defined.", ERROR);
     S5_NO_INITVAL_MNDTRY_DFALT = new ErrorCode(STATIC, 5, "ERR S5", "No initial value for mandatory field with default operator", ERROR);
     D1_FIELD_APP_INCOMP = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 1, "ERR D1", "Field cannot be converted to type of application field", ERROR);
     D2_INT_OUT_OF_RANGE = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 2, "ERR D2", "The integer value is out of range for the specified integer type.", WARN);
     D3_CANT_ENCODE_VALUE = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 3, "ERR D3", "The value cannot be encoded for the given operator.", ERROR);
     D4_INVALID_TYPE = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 4, "ERR D4", "The previous value is not the same type as the type of the current field.", ERROR);
     D5_NO_DEFAULT_VALUE = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 5, "ERR D5", "If no prior value is set and the field is not present, there must be a default value or the optional flag must be set.", ERROR);
     D6_MNDTRY_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 6, "ERR D6", "A mandatory field must have a value", ERROR);
     D7_SUBTRCTN_LEN_LONG = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 7, "ERR D7", "The subtraction length is longer than the base value.", ERROR);
     D8_TEMPLATE_NOT_EXIST = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 8, "ERR D8", "The referenced template does not exist.", ERROR);
     D9_TEMPLATE_NOT_REGISTERED = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 9, "ERR D9", "The template has not been registered.", ERROR);
     R1_LARGE_DECIMAL = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 1, "ERR R1", "Decimal exponent does not fit into range -63...63", WARN);
     R4_NUMERIC_VALUE_TOO_LARGE = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 4, "ERR R4", "The value is too large.", WARN);
     R5_DECIMAL_CANT_CONVERT_TO_INT = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 5, "ERR R5", "The decimal value cannot convert to an integer because of trailing decimal part.", WARN);
     R7_PMAP_OVERLONG = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 7, "ERR R7", "The presence map is overlong.", WARN);
     R8_PMAP_TOO_MANY_BITS = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 8, "ERR R8", "The presence map has too many bits.", WARN);
     R9_STRING_OVERLONG = new ErrorCode(REPORTABLE, 9, "ERR R9", "The string is overlong.", ERROR);
     GENERAL_ERROR = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 100, "GENERAL", "An error has occurred.", ERROR);
     IMPOSSIBLE_EXCEPTION = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 101, "IMPOSSIBLE", "This should never happen.", ERROR);
     IO_ERROR = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 102, "IOERROR", "An IO error occurred.", FATAL);
     PARSE_ERROR = new ErrorCode(DYNAMIC, 103, "PARSEERR", "An exception occurred while parsing.", ERROR);
     LENGTH_FIELD = new QName("length", TEMPLATE_DEFINITION_1_1);
コード例 #3
 public ErrorCode(ErrorType type, int code, string shortName, string description, FastAlertSeverity severity)
     ALERT_CODES[code] = this;
     this.type = type;
     this.code = code;
     this.shortName = shortName;
     this.description = description;
     this.severity = severity;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ErrorCode.cs プロジェクト: radtek/Gradual
 public ErrorCode(ErrorType type, int code, string shortName, string description, FastAlertSeverity severity)
     ALERT_CODES[code] = this;
     this.type         = type;
     this.code         = code;
     this.shortName    = shortName;
     this.description  = description;
     this.severity     = severity;