/// <summary> /// 2013-Sep-20 /// [email protected] /// dic.Clear(); /// dic.Add("AddRow", ""); /// dic.Add("iRow", "1"); /// dic.Add("ServiceBasedOn", "$Service"); /// dic.Add("AgeBasedOn", "$Age"); /// pFromToAge._StandardTable_DE(dic); /// </summary> /// <param name="dic"></param> public void _StandardTable_DE(MyDictionary dic) { string sFunctionName = "_StandardTable_DE"; _gLib._Report(_PassFailStep.Step, "Function <" + sFunctionName + "> Starts:"); _gLib._SetSyncUDWin("AddRow", this.wRetirementStudio.wAddRow.btnAddRow, dic["AddRow"], 0); int iRow = Convert.ToInt32(dic["iRow"]); _gLib._SetSyncUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "Click", 0, false, 40, 38); _gLib._SendKeysUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "{End}{End}", 0, ModifierKeys.Control, false); if (dic["ServiceBasedOn"] != "") { _gLib._SetSyncUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "Click", 0, false, 40, 38); _gLib._SendKeysUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "{End}", 0, ModifierKeys.Control, false); _gLib._SendKeysUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "{Tab}{Tab}", 0, ModifierKeys.Shift, false); int iActual = _fp._ReturnSelectRowIndex(this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid); if (iActual + 1 != iRow) { _gLib._MsgBox("", "Fail to locate the assigned row, please set <ServiceBasedOn> as <" + dic["ServiceBasedOn"] + "> in line; " + iRow); } else { _gLib._SetSyncUDWin("ServiceBasedOn", this.wRetirementStudio.wCommonCombo_FPGrid.cbo, dic["ServiceBasedOn"], 0); } } if (dic["AgeBasedOn"] != "") { _gLib._SetSyncUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "Click", 0, false, 40, 38); _gLib._SendKeysUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "{End}", 0, ModifierKeys.Control, false); _gLib._SendKeysUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "{Tab}", 0, ModifierKeys.Shift, false); int iActual = _fp._ReturnSelectRowIndex(this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid); if (iActual + 1 != iRow) { _gLib._MsgBox("", "Fail to locate the assigned row, please set <AgeBasedOn> as <" + dic["AgeBasedOn"] + "> in line; " + iRow); } else { _gLib._SetSyncUDWin("AgeBasedOn", this.wRetirementStudio.wCommonCombo_FPGrid.cbo, dic["AgeBasedOn"], 0); } } if (dic["Comparison"] != "") { _gLib._SetSyncUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "Click", 0, false, 40, 38); _gLib._SendKeysUDWin("Standard Table", this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid, "{End}", 0, ModifierKeys.Control, false); int iActual = _fp._ReturnSelectRowIndex(this.wRetirementStudio.wFPGrid.grid); if (iActual + 1 != iRow) { _gLib._MsgBox("", "Fail to locate the assigned row, please set <Comparison> as <" + dic["Comparison"] + "> in line; " + iRow); } else { _gLib._SetSyncUDWin("Comparison", this.wRetirementStudio.wCommonCombo_FPGrid.cbo, dic["Comparison"], 0); } } _gLib._Report(_PassFailStep.Step, "Function <" + sFunctionName + "> Ends:"); }