static void pollRanges(int[] ranges, String[] args, String filename = "") { if (ranges.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Please provide at least 2 values!"); Console.WriteLine(msg_help); Environment.Exit(0); } bool export = false; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) == false) { export = true; } String tag = getTag(args); String custom_search = ""; queryArg("search", args, out custom_search); String output = ""; FandomQuery query = new FandomQuery(tag); query.custom = custom_search; for (int i = 0; i < (ranges.Length - 1); i++) { query.minimum = ranges[i]; query.maximum = ranges[i + 1]; query.BeginQuery(); output = Exporter.addColumn(output, query.minimum.ToString(), query.maximum.ToString(), query.results.ToString()); } if (export == true) { Exporter.writeFile(filename, output); } else { Console.WriteLine(output); } Environment.Exit(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (queryArg("help", args) || queryArg("h", args)) { Console.WriteLine(msg_help); return; } String filename = ""; queryArg("export", args, out filename); if (queryArg("work", args)) { String id_str; int id; queryArg("work", args, out id_str); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id_str) == false && Int32.TryParse(id_str, out id)) { try { Work result = WorkQuery.BeginQuery(id); String output = "Work:\t\t" + result.title + " by " + + "\nPublished\t" + result.published.ToLongDateString() + "\nUpdated\t\t" + result.updated.ToLongDateString() + "\nWords\t\t" + result.words + "\nChapters\t" + result.chapters + "\nKudos\t\t" + result.kudos + "\nComments\t" + result.comments + "\nBookmarks\t" + result.bookmarks + "\nHits\t\t" + result.hits + "\nLanguage:\t" + result.language.ToString().Replace("_", " "); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) == false) { Exporter.writeFile(filename, output); } else { Console.WriteLine(output); } } catch (System.ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("Work could not be found! Please enter a valid work ID."); } return; } } String range_str; if (queryArg("range", args, out range_str) == true && String.IsNullOrEmpty(range_str) == false) { int[] ranges = getRanges(range_str); pollRanges(ranges, args, filename); } String custom_search = ""; queryArg("search", args, out custom_search); String tag = getTag(args); int min = -1; String a_min; if (queryArg("min", args, out a_min) == true && a_min != null) { Int32.TryParse(a_min, out min); } int max = -1; String a_max; if (queryArg("max", args, out a_max) == true && a_max != null) { Int32.TryParse(a_max, out max); } if (max > 5000000) { max = 5000000; } if (max < min) // min is actually max { int temp = max; // max and temp are both actually min max = min; // max is now truly max min = temp; // min gets new value from temp, the former max } FandomQuery query = new FandomQuery(tag); query.minimum = min; query.maximum = max; query.custom = custom_search; query.BeginQuery(); int works = query.results; if (min < 0) { min = 0; } if (max < 0) { max = 5000000; } if (queryArg("simple", args) == true) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{1}\t\t{2}", min, max, works); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) == false) { Exporter.writeFile(filename, Exporter.addColumn(tag, min.ToString(), max.ToString(), works.ToString())); } else { Console.WriteLine("There are {0} works tagged '{1}' between {2} and {3} words that fit your query.", works, tag, min, max); } }