public RandomMovingSystem() { foreach (GameObject go in _randomMovingGO) { onGOEnter(go); } _randomMovingGO.addEntryCallback(onGOEnter); gameBorders = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Borders))).First().GetComponent <Borders>(); }
// lance le projectile public void triggerShoot() { foreach (GameObject go in _projectile) { Move mv = go.GetComponent <Move> (); mv.inMovement = true; } DestroyedStruct destStruct = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(DestroyedStruct))).First().GetComponent <DestroyedStruct>(); destStruct.nb_shoot += 1; }
void activateButtons() { _mutation_buttonsGO = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Button)), new AnyOfTags("mutation_button")); foreach (GameObject mutGO in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button mutBT = mutGO.GetComponent <Button>(); mutBT.interactable = true; } _mutation_buttonsGO = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Button)), new AnyOfTags("mutation_button_selected")); foreach (GameObject mutGO in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button mutBT = mutGO.GetComponent <Button>(); mutBT.interactable = true; } }
protected override void onProcess(int familiesUpdateCount) { _mutation_buttons_selectedGO = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Button)), new AnyOfTags("mutation_button_selected")); _mutation_buttonsGO = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Button)), new AnyOfTags("mutation_button")); Level l = env.GetComponent <Level>(); foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttonsGO) { foreach (String s in l.components) { BonusAndMalus bn = go.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>(); if ( == s) { GameObjectManager.setGameObjectTag(go, "mutation_button_selected"); Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); switchColorButton(bt); } } } foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttons_selectedGO) { bool selected = false; foreach (String s in l.components) { BonusAndMalus bn = go.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>(); if ( == s) { selected = true; break; } } if (!selected) { GameObjectManager.setGameObjectTag(go, "mutation_button"); Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); switchColorButton(bt); } } }
protected override void onProcess(int familiesUpdateCount) { _mutation_buttonsGO = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Button)), new AnyOfTags("mutation_button")); _mutation_buttons_selectedGO = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Button)), new AnyOfTags("mutation_button_selected")); foreach (GameObject mutGO in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button bt = mutGO.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.interactable) { var colors = bt.colors; colors.normalColor = new Color32(24, 82, 99, 255); bt.colors = colors; } else { var colors = bt.colors; colors.disabledColor = new Color32(24, 82, 99, 140); bt.colors = colors; } } foreach (GameObject mutGO in _mutation_buttons_selectedGO) { Button bt = mutGO.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.interactable) { var colors = bt.colors; colors.normalColor = new Color32(102, 233, 216, 255); bt.colors = colors; } else { var colors = bt.colors; colors.disabledColor = new Color32(102, 233, 216, 140); bt.colors = colors; } } }
// Use to process your families. protected override void onProcess(int familiesUpdateCount) { GameObject nextLvl = dest.First(); TotalScore ts = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(TotalScore))).First().GetComponent <TotalScore>(); foreach (GameObject go in structures) { Destroyed d = go.GetComponent <Destroyed> (); if (d.destroyed == false && d.transform.position.y < nextLvl.GetComponent <DestroyedStruct> ().destroyed_treshold) { d.destroyed = true; nextLvl.GetComponent <DestroyedStruct> ().nb_destroyed_struct++; } } if (FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Collect))).Count == 0) { //NIVEAU TERMINE : affichage d'un message if (nextLvl.GetComponent <DestroyedStruct> ().nb_destroyed_struct > 0) { nextLvl.GetComponent <DestroyedStruct> ().ended_lvl = true; nextLvl.AddComponent <ChangeLevelAndNotDestroyed> (); } if (nextLvl.GetComponent <DestroyedStruct> ().ended_lvl == false) { ts.score_total += 50; // bonus si on a effectué le nombre de tir minimum // 100 - (différence entre min et nb tir)*20 ; int score = 100 - (Mathf.Abs(nextLvl.GetComponent <DestroyedStruct> ().nb_shoot - nextLvl.GetComponent <DestroyedStruct> ().nb_min_shoot)) * 20; score = (score < 0) ? 0 : score; ts.score_total += score; nextLvl.GetComponent <DestroyedStruct> ().ended_lvl = true; GameObject winText = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("win"); winText.GetComponent <Canvas>().sortingOrder = 2; nextLvl.AddComponent <ChangeLevelAndNotDestroyed> (); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // Because we are not inside a system we init families inside Start f_vlr = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(VolumetricLightRenderer))); f_postProcessBehaviour = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(PostProcessingBehaviour))); f_postProcessProfiles = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(PostProcessingProfiles))); f_particles = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(ParticleSystem))); f_reflectionProbe = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(ReflectionProbe))); Resolution[] resolutions = Screen.resolutions; resolutionDropDown.ClearOptions(); resolutionDropDown.value = 0; // Set dropdown with 16:9 resolutions foreach (Resolution resolution in resolutions) { TMP_Dropdown.OptionData newOption = new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(resolution.width + " x " + resolution.height); // check if this resolution is already included into dropdown bool found = false; foreach (TMP_Dropdown.OptionData option in resolutionDropDown.options) { if (option.text == newOption.text) { found = true; } } if (!found && resolution.width / resolution.height == 16 / 9) { resolutionDropDown.options.Add(newOption); if (resolution.width == Screen.width && resolution.height == Screen.height) { resolutionDropDown.value = resolutionDropDown.options.Count - 1; } } } if (resolutionDropDown.options.Count == 0) { // No 16:9 resolution found we propose all others resolutions foreach (Resolution resolution in resolutions) { TMP_Dropdown.OptionData newOption = new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(resolution.width + " x " + resolution.height); // check if this resolution is already included into dropdown bool found = false; foreach (TMP_Dropdown.OptionData option in resolutionDropDown.options) { if (option.text == newOption.text) { found = true; } } if (!found) { resolutionDropDown.options.Add(newOption); if (resolution.width == Screen.width && resolution.height == Screen.height) { resolutionDropDown.value = resolutionDropDown.options.Count - 1; } } } } string[] qualities = QualitySettings.names; // Set dropdown qualities qualityDropDown.ClearOptions(); qualityDropDown.value = 2; foreach (string quality in qualities) { qualityDropDown.options.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(quality)); if (qualityDropDown.options.Count - 1 == QualitySettings.GetQualityLevel()) { qualityDropDown.value = resolutionDropDown.options.Count - 1; } } toggle.isOn = !Screen.fullScreen; optimizeQuality(); }
public ControllableSystem() { gameBorders = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Borders))).First().GetComponent <Borders>(); }
void enableOrNot(string s) { _mutation_buttonsGO = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Button)), new AnyOfTags("mutation_button")); _mutation_buttons_selectedGO = FamilyManager.getFamily(new AllOfComponents(typeof(Button)), new AnyOfTags("mutation_button_selected")); switch (s) { case "Queue courte": foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>().name == "Queue longue") { bt.interactable = false; } } break; case "Queue longue": foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>().name == "Queue courte") { bt.interactable = false; } } break; case "Cou court": foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>().name == "Cou long") { bt.interactable = false; } } break; case "Cou long": foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>().name == "Cou court") { bt.interactable = false; } } break; case "Plumes longues": foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>().name == "Plumes courtes") { bt.interactable = false; } } break; case "Plumes courtes": foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>().name == "Plumes longues") { bt.interactable = false; } } break; case "Pas de sternum": foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>().name == "Sternum développé") { bt.interactable = false; } } break; case "Sternum développé": foreach (GameObject go in _mutation_buttonsGO) { Button bt = go.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt.GetComponent <BonusAndMalus>().name == "Pas de sternum") { bt.interactable = false; } } break; } }