// Resets the starting values private void ResetValues() { funnel.Reset(); nozzle.Reset(); water.Reset(); tank.Reset(); // Set some starting values. seconds = 0.0f; totalDropsCaught = 0; levelDropsCaught = 0; currentLevel = 1; gameState = 0; // -- CHANGE ANY DEFAULT STARTING VALUES HERE -- waterInterval = 2.0f; levelDropRequirement = 5; speedMultiplier = 1.4f; startingAnimation.Reset(); endingAnimation.Reset(); FadeInAnimation.Reset(); LevelChangeAnimation.Reset(); MediaPlayer.Play(titleMusic); }
private async Task SetupMap() { MapControlls.Opacity = 0; Map.Opacity = 0; Map.ZoomLevel = 16; Map.MapServiceToken = "UOBcq7qYTGSBYjpdwGvJ~ZoDecyJEsIhjGowIczjaTg~AmjcaSnBVS38715lpzn_KgdYiQf1AZ5KG-mLQHi0QWfPcl0xmo9WftqZ4fZtVUyO"; Map.StyleSheet = MapStyleSheet.RoadDark(); Map.TrafficFlowVisible = false; switch (await Geolocator.RequestAccessAsync()) { case GeolocationAccessStatus.Unspecified: break; case GeolocationAccessStatus.Allowed: _geolocator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High; var position = await _geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync(); Model.CurrentPosition = position.Coordinate.Point; Map.Center = Model.CurrentPosition; FadeInAnimation.Begin(); _geolocator.PositionChanged += OnGeoPositionChanged; break; case GeolocationAccessStatus.Denied: break; default: break; } }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs eventArgs) { UpdateDockIndicators(); // Start fade-in animation as soon as overlay is loaded. FadeInAnimation?.Begin(this, true); }
/// <summary> /// This is called when the game should draw itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); spriteBatch.Begin(); switch (gameState) { case 0: // Title Screen title.Draw(spriteBatch); DrawText(); break; case 1: // Starting Animation startingAnimation.Draw(spriteBatch); break; case 2: // Game Started // Drawing the background first. spriteBatch.Draw(gameplayBackgroundTexture, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White); funnel.Draw(spriteBatch); nozzle.Draw(spriteBatch); water.Draw(spriteBatch); border.Draw(spriteBatch); tank.Draw(spriteBatch); DrawText(); FadeInAnimation.Draw(blackTexture, spriteBatch, windowAreaRectangle); if (FadeInAnimation.IsFadeCompleted()) { LevelChangeAnimation.Draw(spriteBatch, levelFont, currentLevel); } break; case 3: // Ending Animation endingAnimation.Draw(spriteBatch); break; case 4: // High Scores spriteBatch.Draw(highScoresBackgroundTexture, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White); DrawText(); FadeInAnimation.Draw(blackTexture, spriteBatch, windowAreaRectangle); break; } spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); }
public AnimationDefinition GetAnimation() { AnimationDefinition animationDefinition = null; var randomIndex = new Random().Next(0, 10); switch (randomIndex) { case 0: animationDefinition = new FadeInUpAnimation(); break; case 1: animationDefinition = new BounceInLeftAnimation(); break; case 2: animationDefinition = new BounceInUpAnimation(); break; case 3: animationDefinition = new BounceInDownAnimation(); break; case 4: animationDefinition = new FadeInDownAnimation(); break; case 5: animationDefinition = new FadeInLeftAnimation(); break; case 6: animationDefinition = new FadeInRightAnimation(); break; case 7: animationDefinition = new BounceInRightAnimation(); break; case 8: animationDefinition = new FadeInAnimation(); break; case 9: animationDefinition = new BounceInAnimation(); break; } return(animationDefinition); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { if (!SystemProtection.ScreenLocked) { ((App)App.Current).wasLocked = false; timer.Stop(); videoTimer.Stop(); NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/SettingsPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); } else { ((App)App.Current).wasLocked = true; FadeInAnimation.Begin(); } base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }
private async void grid_DataContextChanged(FrameworkElement sender, DataContextChangedEventArgs args) { //虚拟化会重新执行此方法绑定数据 //await grid.AnimateAsync(new FadeInLeftAnimation()); //await grid.AnimateAsync(new BounceInDownAnimation()); var g = sender as Grid; if (g != null && !isLoaded) { await Task.Delay(100); var animationName = new FadeInAnimation(); //animationName.Distance = 150; g.AnimateAsync(animationName); isLoaded = true; } }
protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e) { base.OnClosing(e); var fadeOutAnimation = FadeOutAnimation; if (!_fadeOutAnimationCompleted && fadeOutAnimation != null) { // Stop fade-in animation. FadeInAnimation?.Stop(this); // Start fade-out animation and prevent window from closing until // fade-out animation has finished. Storyboard clonedAnimation = fadeOutAnimation.Clone(); clonedAnimation.Completed += OnFadeOutAnimationCompleted; clonedAnimation.Begin(this); e.Cancel = true; } }
//public event PropertyChangedEventHandler TimeElapsedPercentageChanged; //void NotifySelectedPresetChanged(string info) //{ // TimeElapsedPercentageChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info)); //} public TimerBackground() { this.InitializeComponent(); if (Settings.Current.ColorModeIndex == 1) { SetRandomColor(); } if (Settings.Current.BackgroundModeIndex == 2) { VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "LinesMode", true); } else if (Settings.Current.BackgroundModeIndex == 1) { VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "CirclesMode", true); } else { VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "SquaresMode", true); } FadeInAnimation.Begin(); }
private void VideoInfoView_Loaded(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Loaded -= VideoInfoView_Loaded; FadeInAnimation.Begin(); }
private void ExtendedSplash_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FadeInAnimation.Begin(); }
private void NoConnectionPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FadeInAnimation.Begin(); }
private async void ExecuteRemaining(int?id) { App.Locator.CollectionArtist.SetArtist((int)id); FadeInAnimation.Begin(); await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(1); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); switch (gameState) { case 0: // Title screen this.IsMouseVisible = true; gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One); // Start the game if (title.isStartButtonPressed(mouseState)) { this.IsMouseVisible = false; MediaPlayer.Stop(); startingAnimation.Start(); gameState = 1; } if (title.isMuteButtonPressed(mouseState)) { if (MediaPlayer.IsMuted == false) { MediaPlayer.IsMuted = true; } else { MediaPlayer.IsMuted = false; } startingAnimation.ChangeMute(); endingAnimation.ChangeMute(); } break; case 1: // Starting animation if (startingAnimation.isFinished() || mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { startingAnimation.Stop(); MediaPlayer.Play(gameplayMusic); gameState = 2; } break; case 2: // Game Started // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { this.Exit(); } // Take care of the fade from black first if (!FadeInAnimation.IsFadeCompleted()) { break; } if (!LevelChangeAnimation.IsAnimationCompleted()) { funnel.Update(); border.Update(totalDropsCaught); break; } // Update all objects to new positions funnel.Update(); nozzle.Update(); water.Update(); border.Update(totalDropsCaught); // Release a drop during every specified interval seconds += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; // seconds += Elapsed time since last update if (seconds > waterInterval) { seconds = 0.0; water.releaseDrop(nozzle.GetBounds()); } // Increase counters for any water-funnel collisions. // From level 8 onward, return the entire funnel collision bounds because the water // droplets move too fast between frames for collisions to be detected. int collisions; if (currentLevel < 8) { collisions = water.getFunnelCollisions(funnel.GetCollisionBounds()); } else { collisions = water.getFunnelCollisions(funnel.GetBounds()); } totalDropsCaught += collisions; levelDropsCaught += collisions; // Update the tank threshold int misses = water.getFunnelMisses(); tank.updateThreshold(levelDropRequirement, misses); // Next level! if (levelDropsCaught == levelDropRequirement) { currentLevel += 1; levelDropRequirement += 5; levelDropsCaught = 0; // Increase speeds nozzle.increaseSpeed(speedMultiplier); water.increaseSpeed(speedMultiplier); waterInterval /= speedMultiplier; // Decrease the multiplier so that the speed increases per level don't become drastic. if (speedMultiplier > 1.0f) { speedMultiplier *= 0.98f; } LevelChangeAnimation.Reset(); } // Game Over if (tank.getTankLevel() == 3) { MediaPlayer.Stop(); endingAnimation.Start(); gameState = 3; } base.Update(gameTime); break; case 3: // Game Ended if (endingAnimation.isFinished() || mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { endingAnimation.Stop(); FadeInAnimation.Reset(); MediaPlayer.Play(gameplayMusic); highScores = new HighScores(totalDropsCaught); gameState = 4; } break; case 4: // High Scores this.IsMouseVisible = true; //keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); if ((mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && mouseState.X > retryButton.X && mouseState.X < retryButton.X + retryButton.Width && mouseState.Y > retryButton.Y && mouseState.Y < retryButton.Y + retryButton.Height) { MediaPlayer.Stop(); gameState = 0; ResetValues(); } break; } }
public static void PushFadeIn(GameObject go, float delay = 0) { FadeInAnimation anim = new FadeInAnimation(go, delay); sSingleton._PushAnimation(anim); }
public override void StopAnimations() { base.StopAnimations(); FadeInAnimation.Stop(); FadeOutAnimation.Stop(); }
private static AnimationDefinition GetAnimationDefinition(string animationName) { AnimationDefinition animationDefinition = null; if (animationName != null) { switch (animationName.ToLower()) { case "flash": animationDefinition = new FlashAnimation(); break; case "bounce": animationDefinition = new BounceAnimation(); break; case "shake": animationDefinition = new ShakeAnimation(); break; case "tada": animationDefinition = new TadaAnimation(); break; case "swing": animationDefinition = new SwingAnimation(); break; case "wobble": animationDefinition = new WobbleAnimation(); break; case "pulse": animationDefinition = new PulseAnimation(); break; case "breathing": animationDefinition = new BreathingAnimation(); break; case "jump": animationDefinition = new JumpAnimation(); break; case "flip": animationDefinition = new FlipAnimation(); break; case "flipinx": animationDefinition = new FlipInXAnimation(); break; case "flipoutx": animationDefinition = new FlipOutXAnimation(); break; case "flipiny": animationDefinition = new FlipInYAnimation(); break; case "flipouty": animationDefinition = new FlipOutYAnimation(); break; case "fadein": animationDefinition = new FadeInAnimation(); break; case "fadeout": animationDefinition = new FadeOutAnimation(); break; case "fadeinleft": animationDefinition = new FadeInLeftAnimation(); break; case "fadeinright": animationDefinition = new FadeInRightAnimation(); break; case "fadeinup": animationDefinition = new FadeInUpAnimation(); break; case "fadeindown": animationDefinition = new FadeInDownAnimation(); break; case "fadeoutleft": animationDefinition = new FadeOutLeftAnimation(); break; case "fadeoutright": animationDefinition = new FadeOutRightAnimation(); break; case "fadeoutup": animationDefinition = new FadeOutUpAnimation(); break; case "fadeoutdown": animationDefinition = new FadeOutDownAnimation(); break; case "bouncein": animationDefinition = new BounceInAnimation(); break; case "bounceout": animationDefinition = new BounceOutAnimation(); break; case "bounceinleft": animationDefinition = new BounceInLeftAnimation(); break; case "bounceinright": animationDefinition = new BounceInRightAnimation(); break; case "bounceinup": animationDefinition = new BounceInUpAnimation(); break; case "bounceindown": animationDefinition = new BounceInDownAnimation(); break; case "bounceoutleft": animationDefinition = new BounceOutLeftAnimation(); break; case "bounceoutright": animationDefinition = new BounceOutRightAnimation(); break; case "bounceoutup": animationDefinition = new BounceOutUpAnimation(); break; case "bounceoutdown": animationDefinition = new BounceOutDownAnimation(); break; case "scalein": animationDefinition = new ScaleInAnimation(); break; case "scaleout": animationDefinition = new ScaleOutAnimation(); break; case "lightspeedinleft": animationDefinition = new LightSpeedInLeftAnimation(); break; case "lightspeedinright": animationDefinition = new LightSpeedInRightAnimation(); break; case "lightspeedoutleft": animationDefinition = new LightSpeedOutLeftAnimation(); break; case "lightspeedoutright": animationDefinition = new LightSpeedOutRightAnimation(); break; case "hinge": animationDefinition = new HingeAnimation(); break; case "reset": animationDefinition = new ResetAnimation(); break; } } return(animationDefinition); }
private void FadeOutCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetImageSource(currentIndex); FadeInAnimation.Begin(); }
public void Show() { UIAnimationHelper.FadeIn(this); FadeInAnimation.Begin(); }
private void TransferView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Loaded -= TransferView_Loaded; FadeInAnimation.Begin(); }
public override void NavigatedTo(NavigationMode mode, object parameter) { base.NavigatedTo(mode, parameter); FadeInAnimation.Begin(); }
/// <summary> /// Clones all the animations provided to this animator, so the original /// scriptable objects don't get changed. /// </summary> private void CloneAnimations() { if (moveInAnimation != null) { moveInAnimation = Instantiate(moveInAnimation) as MoveInAnimation; } if (moveOutAnimation != null) { moveOutAnimation = Instantiate(moveOutAnimation) as MoveOutAnimation; } if (movePingPongAnimation != null) { movePingPongAnimation = Instantiate(movePingPongAnimation) as MovePingPongAnimation; } if (rotateInAnimation != null) { rotateInAnimation = Instantiate(rotateInAnimation) as RotateInAnimation; } if (rotateOutAnimation != null) { rotateOutAnimation = Instantiate(rotateOutAnimation) as RotateOutAnimation; } if (rotatePingPongAnimation != null) { rotatePingPongAnimation = Instantiate(rotatePingPongAnimation) as RotatePingPongAnimation; } if (scaleInAnimation != null) { scaleInAnimation = Instantiate(scaleInAnimation) as ScaleInAnimation; } if (scaleOutAnimation != null) { scaleOutAnimation = Instantiate(scaleOutAnimation) as ScaleOutAnimation; } if (scalePingPongAnimation != null) { scalePingPongAnimation = Instantiate(scalePingPongAnimation) as ScalePingPongAnimation; } if (fadeInAnimation != null) { fadeInAnimation = Instantiate(fadeInAnimation) as FadeInAnimation; } if (fadeOutAnimation != null) { fadeOutAnimation = Instantiate(fadeOutAnimation) as FadeOutAnimation; } if (fadePingPongAnimation != null) { fadePingPongAnimation = Instantiate(fadePingPongAnimation) as FadePingPongAnimation; } }
private void AudioAlbumView_Loaded(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Loaded -= AudioAlbumView_Loaded; FadeInAnimation.Begin(); }