コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// DeleteRule: typeof(FactSetConstraint), FireTime=LocalCommit, Priority=ORMCoreDomainModel.BeforeDelayValidateRulePriority;
        /// Block internal constraints from being removed from a subtype
        /// after it is included in a model.
        /// </summary>
        private static void LimitSubtypeConstraintsDeleteRule(ElementDeletedEventArgs e)
            FactSetConstraint link = (FactSetConstraint)e.ModelElement;
            SubtypeFact       subtypeFact;

            if (link.SetConstraint.Constraint.ConstraintIsInternal &&
                null != (subtypeFact = link.FactType as SubtypeFact) &&
                !subtypeFact.IsDeleted &&
                subtypeFact.ResolvedModel != null)
                // Allow before adding to model, not afterwards
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// AddRule: typeof(FactSetConstraint)
        /// Block internal constraints from being added to a subtype
        /// after it is included in a model.
        /// </summary>
        private static void LimitSubtypeConstraintsAddRule(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
            FactSetConstraint link = (FactSetConstraint)e.ModelElement;
            SubtypeFact       subtypeFact;
            Store             store;

            if (link.SetConstraint.Constraint.ConstraintIsInternal &&
                null != (subtypeFact = link.FactType as SubtypeFact) &&
                subtypeFact.ResolvedModel != null &&
                CopyMergeUtility.GetIntegrationPhase(store = link.Store) == CopyClosureIntegrationPhase.None)
                // Allow before adding to model, not afterwards,
                // unless there is an active copy operation.
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Set this mouse action as the active action on the
        /// diagram of the given shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachToShape">The shape the constraint is being attached to.</param>
        /// <param name="constraint">The constraint being connected.</param>
        /// <param name="clientView">The active DiagramClientView</param>
        public void ChainMouseAction(FactTypeShape attachToShape, UniquenessConstraint constraint, DiagramClientView clientView)
            DiagramView activeView = Diagram.ActiveDiagramView;

            if (activeView != null)
                // Move on to the selection action
                clientView.ActiveMouseAction = this;

                // Now emulate a mouse click in the middle of the added constraint. The click
                // actions provide a starting point for the connect action, so a mouse move
                // provides a drag line.
                Point emulateClickPoint = clientView.WorldToDevice(attachToShape.GetAbsoluteConstraintAttachPoint(constraint, FactSetConstraint.GetLink(constraint, attachToShape.AssociatedFactType)));
                DiagramMouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs = new DiagramMouseEventArgs(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, 0), clientView);
                Click(new DiagramPointEventArgs(emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, PointRelativeTo.Client, clientView));

                // An extra move lets us chain when the mouse is not on the design surface,
                // such as when we are being activated via the task list.

                ORMDiagram.SelectToolboxItem(activeView, ResourceStrings.ToolboxInternalUniquenessConstraintItemId);
                FactTypeShape.ActiveInternalUniquenessConstraintConnectAction = this;