protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { Response.Redirect("~/login.aspx?return=Views/DepartmentHead/DEMO_ViewAllPending.aspx"); } UserModel user = new UserModel(User.Identity.Name); List <RequestModel> pendings; using (SSISEntities context = new SSISEntities()) { pendings = FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).getAllPendingRequestsOfDepartment(user.Department.dept_code).ToList(); } if (pendings.Count > 0) { gvPendings.DataSource = pendings; gvPendings.DataBind(); lblInfo.Text = pendings.Count + " requests."; } else { lblInfo.Text = "No pending requests."; } Session[SESSION_PENDINGS] = pendings; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // Hide buttons first panelApproval.Visible = false; string requestedStr = Request.QueryString["id"]; int requestId; if (requestedStr == null) { return; } int.TryParse(requestedStr, out requestId); if (requestId == 0) { return; } RequestModel request; using (SSISEntities context = new SSISEntities()) { request = FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).findRequestById(requestId); if (request == null) { lblInfo.Text = "Could not find that request"; return; } } Session[SESSION_REQUEST_ID] = requestId; lblRequestId.Text += requestedStr; lblEmployeeName.Text += request.Username; lblReason.Text += request.Reason; lblInfo.Text = "Status: " + request.Status; Dictionary <string, int> items = request.Items .Where(w => w.Value > 0) .ToDictionary(k => k.Key.Description, v => v.Value); if (request.Status == RequestStatus.PENDING || request.Status == RequestStatus.UPDATED) { panelApproval.Visible = true; } gvItems.DataSource = items; gvItems.DataBind(); } }
protected void btnReject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SSISEntities context = new SSISEntities()) { RequestModel request = FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).findRequestById((int)Session[SESSION_REQUEST_ID]); FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).rejectRequest(request, "Low Kway Boo"); context.SaveChanges(); } Response.Redirect("DEMO_ApproveRequest.aspx?id=" + (int)Session[SESSION_REQUEST_ID]); }
protected void btnCancelRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int requestId = (int)Session[SESSION_REQ_EDIT_ID]; string username = User.Identity.Name; using (SSISEntities context = new SSISEntities()) { FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).setRequestToCancelled(requestId, username); context.SaveChanges(); } Response.Redirect("EmpRequestHistory.aspx", false); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = "Hello, World"; RequestModel r = new RequestModel(); using (SSISEntities context = new SSISEntities()) { r = FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).findRequestById(1); } Label1.Text = r.Items.Keys.First().ItemCode; ItemModel a = new ItemModel(); ItemModel b = new ItemModel(); Dictionary <ItemModel, int> cc = new Dictionary <ItemModel, int>(); a.ItemCode = "happy"; b.ItemCode = "happy"; cc.Add(a, 0); Label2.Text = cc.ContainsKey(b).ToString(); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _checkQtyRows(); UserModel currentUserModel; List <MakeNewRequestModel> models = _getModelsFromSession(); using (SSISEntities context = new SSISEntities()) { currentUserModel = new UserModel(User.Identity.Name); Dictionary <string, int> items = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var model in models) { // If the user didn't add a quantity, just SKIP if (model.Quantity == 0) { continue; } if (items.ContainsKey(model.CurrentItem)) { int qty = items[model.CurrentItem]; items.Remove(model.CurrentItem); items.Add(model.CurrentItem, model.Quantity + qty); } else { items.Add(model.CurrentItem, model.Quantity); } } Dictionary <ItemModel, int> itemModels = new Dictionary <ItemModel, int>(); foreach (var item in items) { Stock_Inventory stock = context.Stock_Inventory.Find(item.Key); ItemModel im = new ItemModel(stock); itemModels.Add(im, item.Value); } UserModel user = (UserModel)Session[SESSION_USER_MODEL]; RequestModel newReq = new RequestModel(); newReq.Items = itemModels; newReq.Reason = tbReason.Text; newReq.Department = user.Department; newReq.Status = RequestStatus.PENDING; newReq.UserModel = user; bool isEditing = (Session[SESSION_IS_EDITING] as bool?).Value; if (isEditing) { newReq.RequestId = (int)Session[SESSION_REQ_EDIT_ID]; FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).updateRequestChanges(newReq); } else { FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).saveNewRequest(newReq); } context.SaveChanges(); } /* Email logic */ string fromEmail = currentUserModel.Email; string fromName = currentUserModel.Fullname; UserModel deptHead = currentUserModel.FindDelegateOrDeptHead(); string toEmail = deptHead.Email; string toName = deptHead.Fullname; string subject = string.Format("New pending request from {0}", fromName); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Dear " + toName + ","); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} has requested for some items, pending your approval.", fromName)); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("The request's reason is: {0}", tbReason.Text)); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Please <a href=\"{0}\">follow this link to view the request</a>.", "")); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("Thank you."); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<i>This message was auto-generated by the Stationery Store Inventory System.</i>"); string body = sb.ToString(); new Emailer(fromEmail, fromName).SendEmail(toEmail, toName, subject, body); /* End of email logic */ //Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString(), false); Response.Redirect("EmpRequestHistory.aspx", false); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // New entry into page // Check that user is not a d head or dlg head or whatever UserModel userModel = new UserModel(User.Identity.Name); if (userModel.isDelegateHead() || userModel.isDeptHead() || userModel.isStoreManager()) { Response.Redirect("~/Views/notauthorized.aspx"); } int requestId = 0; // Get any request string string requestToEdit = Request.QueryString["edit"]; int.TryParse(requestToEdit, out requestId); // 0 if fails //if (requestId > 0) //{ // lblPageTitle.Text = "Update Request (Id " + requestId + ")"; // isEditing = true; //} Session[SESSION_IS_EDITING] = false; List <MakeNewRequestModel> models = new List <MakeNewRequestModel>(); using (SSISEntities context = new SSISEntities()) { List <Category> cats = context.Categories.Where(w => w.deleted != "Y").ToList(); Session[SESSION_CATEGORIES] = cats; List <Stock_Inventory> stocks = context.Stock_Inventory.Where(w => w.deleted != "Y").ToList(); Session[SESSION_STOCKS] = stocks; RequestModelCollection requests; /* * if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) * { * Response.Redirect("~/login.aspx?return=Views/StoreClerk/MakeNewRequest.aspx"); * }*/ UserModel currentUser = new UserModel(User.Identity.Name); //UserModel currentUser = new UserModel("Sally"); try { string deptCode = currentUser.Department.dept_code; requests = FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).getAllApprovedRequests() .fromDepartment(deptCode); } catch (ItemNotFoundException) { requests = null; } Session[SESSION_USER_MODEL] = currentUser; Session[SESSION_APPROVED_REQS] = requests; if (requestId == 0) { // Making a new request MakeNewRequestModel model = _makeNewModel(0); models.Add(model); panelCannotChange.Visible = false; panelNormalBtns.Visible = true; btnCancelRequest.Visible = false; } else { Request found = context.Requests.Find(requestId); // Set to cannot update first panelCannotChange.Visible = true; panelNormalBtns.Visible = false; string reason = ""; if (found == null) { reason = "That request could not be found."; } else if (found.username != currentUser.Username) { reason = "You did not make this request."; } else if (found.current_status != RequestStatus.PENDING && found.current_status != RequestStatus.UPDATED) { // status is neither pending nor updated switch (found.current_status) { case RequestStatus.CANCELLED: reason = "The request was cancelled."; break; case RequestStatus.REJECTED: reason = "The request was already rejected."; break; default: // Approved or others reason = "The request was already approved."; break; } } else { // Request can be updated panelCannotChange.Visible = false; panelNormalBtns.Visible = true; btnCancelRequest.Visible = true; RequestModel rModel = FacadeFactory.getRequestService(context).findRequestById(requestId); tbReason.Text = rModel.Reason; int numIter = 0; foreach (var item in rModel.Items) { if (item.Value == 0) { continue; } MakeNewRequestModel model = _makeNewModel(numIter, item.Key.Category.cat_id, item.Key.ItemCode, item.Value); models.Add(model); numIter++; } lblPageTitle.Text = "Update Request (Id " + requestId + ")"; //isEditing = true; Session[SESSION_IS_EDITING] = true; Session[SESSION_REQ_EDIT_ID] = requestId; btnSubmit.Text = "Save Changes"; } lblCannotChangeInfo.Text = reason; } } Session[SESSION_MODELS] = models; _refreshGrid(models); } // end of isPostBack }