/// <summary> /// Creates a job to manage the collection and delivery of the orders. /// </summary> private void CreateJob() { string userName = ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName; // Ensure the orders are all of the correct business type. Facade.IOrderGroup facOrderGroup = new Facade.Order(); var businessTypeID = facOrderGroup.DetermineBusinessType(OrderGroup.OrderGroupID, false, userName); Facade.IJob facJob = new Facade.Job(); Entities.FacadeResult res = facJob.CreateJobForOrderGroup(businessTypeID, this.OrderGroup, userName); if (res.Success) { int jobID = res.ObjectId; string jobDetailsRelativeURL = string.Format("~/Job/Job.aspx?wiz=true&jobID={0}", jobID); string jobDetailsURL = Page.ResolveClientUrl(jobDetailsRelativeURL); string jobDetailsJS = string.Format("openResizableDialogWithScrollbars('{0}' + getCSID(), 1220, 930);", jobDetailsURL); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "viewJob", jobDetailsJS, true); } else { this.DisplayInfringments(res); } // Update the UI of the page. RebindPage(); }