public void SaveFXP(string filePath) { bool UseChunk = false; if ((PluginContext.PluginInfo.Flags & VstPluginFlags.ProgramChunks) == 0) { // Chunks not supported. UseChunk = false; } else { // Chunks supported. UseChunk = true; } FXP fxp = new FXP(); fxp.ChunkMagic = "CcnK"; fxp.ByteSize = 0; // will be set correctly by FXP class if (UseChunk) { // Preset (Program) (.fxp) with chunk (magic = 'FPCh') fxp.FxMagic = "FPCh"; // FPCh = FXP (preset), FBCh = FXB (bank) fxp.Version = 1; // Format Version (should be 1) fxp.FxID = PluginIDNumberToIDString(PluginContext.PluginInfo.PluginID); fxp.FxVersion = PluginContext.PluginInfo.PluginVersion; fxp.ProgramCount = PluginContext.PluginInfo.ProgramCount; fxp.Name = PluginContext.PluginCommandStub.GetProgramName(); byte[] chunkData = PluginContext.PluginCommandStub.GetChunk(true); fxp.ChunkSize = chunkData.Length; fxp.ChunkDataByteArray = chunkData; } else { // Preset (Program) (.fxp) without chunk (magic = 'FxCk') fxp.FxMagic = "FxCk"; // FxCk = FXP (preset), FxBk = FXB (bank) fxp.Version = 1; // Format Version (should be 1) fxp.FxID = PluginIDNumberToIDString(PluginContext.PluginInfo.PluginID); fxp.FxVersion = PluginContext.PluginInfo.PluginVersion; fxp.ParameterCount = PluginContext.PluginInfo.ParameterCount; fxp.Name = PluginContext.PluginCommandStub.GetProgramName(); // variable no. of parameters float[] parameters = new float[fxp.ParameterCount]; for (int i = 0; i < fxp.ParameterCount; i++) { parameters[i] = PluginContext.PluginCommandStub.GetParameter(i); } fxp.Parameters = parameters; } fxp.WriteFile(filePath); }
public bool WriteFXP(string filePath) { FXP fxp = new FXP(); fxp.ChunkMagic = "CcnK"; fxp.ByteSize = 0; // will be set correctly by FXP class // Preset (Program) (.fxp) with chunk (magic = 'FPCh') fxp.FxMagic = "FPCh"; // FPCh = FXP (preset), FBCh = FXB (bank) fxp.Version = 1; // Format Version (should be 1) fxp.FxID = "J9AU"; fxp.FxVersion = 1; fxp.ProgramCount = 36; // I.e. nummber of parameters fxp.Name = PresetName; byte[] chunkData = GetChunkData(); fxp.ChunkSize = chunkData.Length; fxp.ChunkDataByteArray = chunkData; fxp.WriteFile(filePath); return(true); }
public static bool Convert2ReaEQ(REWEQFilters filters, string filePath) { List <ReaEQBand> ReaEqBands = new List <ReaEQBand>(); foreach (REWEQBand filter in filters) { ReaEQBand band = new ReaEQBand(); band.LogScaleAutoFreq = true; band.FilterFreq = filter.FilterFreq; band.FilterGain = filter.FilterGain; band.FilterBWOct = filter.FilterBWOct; band.Enabled = filter.Enabled; switch (filter.FilterType) { case REWEQFilterType.PK: band.FilterType = ReaEQFilterType.Band; break; case REWEQFilterType.LP: band.FilterType = ReaEQFilterType.LowPass; break; case REWEQFilterType.HP: band.FilterType = ReaEQFilterType.HighPass; break; case REWEQFilterType.LS: band.FilterType = ReaEQFilterType.LowShelf; break; case REWEQFilterType.HS: band.FilterType = ReaEQFilterType.HighShelf; break; default: band.FilterType = ReaEQFilterType.Band; break; } ReaEqBands.Add(band); } // store to file FXP fxp = new FXP(); fxp.ChunkMagic = "CcnK"; fxp.ByteSize = 0; // will be set correctly by FXP class fxp.FxMagic = "FPCh"; // FPCh = FXP (preset), FBCh = FXB (bank) fxp.Version = 1; // Format Version (should be 1) fxp.FxID = "reeq"; fxp.FxVersion = 1100; fxp.ProgramCount = 1; fxp.Name = ""; using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(10)) { BinaryFile binFile = new BinaryFile(memStream, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian); binFile.Write((int)33); binFile.Write((int)ReaEqBands.Count); foreach (ReaEQBand band in ReaEqBands) { binFile.Write((int)band.FilterType); binFile.Write((int)(band.Enabled ? 1 : 0)); binFile.Write((double)band.FilterFreq); binFile.Write((double)Decibel2AmplitudeRatio(band.FilterGain)); binFile.Write((double)band.FilterBWOct); binFile.Write((byte)1); } binFile.Write((int)1); binFile.Write((int)1); binFile.Write((double)Decibel2AmplitudeRatio(0.00)); binFile.Write((int)0); memStream.Flush(); byte[] chunkData = memStream.GetBuffer(); fxp.ChunkSize = chunkData.Length; fxp.ChunkDataByteArray = chunkData; } fxp.WriteFile(filePath); return(true); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { FrontendInitializer.RegisterTypes(ServiceLocator.Default); FrontendInitializer.Initialize(ServiceLocator.Default); var vendorPresetParserService = ServiceLocator.Default.ResolveType <VendorPresetParserService>(); var logger = new RollingInMemoryLogListener(); LogManager.AddListener(logger); var pluginTestDirectory = @"C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins"; var testResults = new List <PluginTestResult>(); var presetParserDictionary = vendorPresetParserService.GetPresetHandlerListByPlugin(); var testData = ReadTestData(); var ignoredPlugins = ReadIgnoredPlugins(); List <string> IgnoredPresetParsers = new List <string>(); IgnoredPresetParsers.Add("VoidPresetParser"); var localLogger = new MiniConsoleLogger(); var hasIgnored = false; localLogger.SetConsoleLogLevelFilter(new HashSet <LogLevel> { LogLevel.Error, LogLevel.Warning }); if (args.Length > 0) { foreach (var key in presetParserDictionary.Keys.ToList()) { if (!presetParserDictionary[key].PresetParserType.ToLower().Contains(args[0].ToLower())) { presetParserDictionary.Remove(key); hasIgnored = true; } } } foreach (var presetParserKeyValue in presetParserDictionary) { var presetParser = presetParserKeyValue.Value; var pluginId = presetParserKeyValue.Key; if (IgnoredPresetParsers.Contains(presetParser.PresetParserType)) { continue; } if (IsIgnored(ignoredPlugins, presetParser.PresetParserType, pluginId)) { continue; } Console.Write(presetParser.PresetParserType + ": "); var start = DateTime.Now; var pluginLocation = new PluginLocation { DllPath = @"C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\Foobar.dll", IsPresent = true }; var plugin = new Plugin { VstPluginId = pluginId, PluginLocation = pluginLocation, PluginInfo = new VstPluginInfoSurrogate { ProgramCount = 1, Flags = VstPluginFlags.ProgramChunks, PluginID = pluginId } }; var stubProcess = new StubVstHostProcess(); stubProcess.PluginId = pluginId; var remoteInstance = new RemotePluginInstance(stubProcess, plugin); presetParser.DataPersistence = new NullPresetPersistence(); presetParser.PluginInstance = remoteInstance; presetParser.RootBank = plugin.RootBank.First(); presetParser.Logger.Clear(); presetParser.Logger.MirrorTo(localLogger); var testResult = new PluginTestResult { VendorPresetParser = presetParser.PresetParserType, PluginId = plugin.VstPluginId }; double timeForNumPresets = 0; double timeForDoScan = 0; double totalTime = 0; try { presetParser.Init(); testResult.ReportedPresets = presetParser.GetNumPresets(); timeForNumPresets = (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds; start = DateTime.Now; presetParser.DoScan().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); timeForDoScan = (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds; totalTime = timeForNumPresets + timeForDoScan; } catch (Exception e) { testResult.Error = "Errored"; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } testResult.Presets = plugin.Presets.Count; var timePerPreset = (totalTime / testResult.Presets) * 1000; // ReSharper disable once LocalizableElement Console.WriteLine( $"{testResult.Presets} parsed in {totalTime:F3}s (avg {timePerPreset:F3}ms / Preset, DoScan {timeForDoScan:F3}s, NumPresets {timeForNumPresets:F3}s"); var testDataEntries = GetTestDataEntries(testData, presetParser.PresetParserType, pluginId); var hasTestDataEntries = testDataEntries.Count > 0; var testDataOk = true; foreach (var preset in plugin.Presets) { if (preset.Metadata.BankPath == "") { testResult.BankMissing++; } foreach (var testDataEntry in testDataEntries.ToList()) { if (preset.Metadata.PresetName == testDataEntry.ProgramName && preset.Metadata.BankPath == testDataEntry.BankPath) { var testFilename = PathUtils.SanitizeFilename( testDataEntry.PresetParser + "." + preset.OriginalMetadata.PresetName + ".testdata"); var myDocumentsTestDataFile = Path.Combine(GetPatchFilesDirectory(), testFilename); var localTestDataFile = Path.Combine("TestData", testFilename); var presetHash = testDataEntry.Hash.TrimEnd(); if (preset.PresetHash != presetHash) { var fileMessage = ""; var wrongPresetData = myDocumentsTestDataFile + ".wrong"; testDataOk = false; if (File.Exists(myDocumentsTestDataFile)) { fileMessage = $"Original preset data in {myDocumentsTestDataFile}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Current (wrong) preset data in {wrongPresetData}"; } else { fileMessage = $"Original preset data not found (expected in {myDocumentsTestDataFile})" + Environment.NewLine + $"Current (wrong) preset data in {wrongPresetData}"; } File.WriteAllBytes(wrongPresetData, LZ4Pickler.Unpickle( NullPresetPersistence.PresetData[preset.OriginalMetadata.SourceFile])); testResult.DetailedErrors.Add( $"Found preset {testDataEntry.ProgramName} with bank path " + $"{testDataEntry.BankPath} but the preset hashes were different. " + $"Expected hash {presetHash} but found hash {preset.PresetHash}" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + $"{fileMessage}"); } else { // Check if the file exists in the output directory if (!File.Exists(myDocumentsTestDataFile)) { if (File.Exists(localTestDataFile)) { File.Copy(localTestDataFile, myDocumentsTestDataFile); } else { File.WriteAllBytes(myDocumentsTestDataFile, LZ4Pickler.Unpickle( NullPresetPersistence.PresetData[preset.OriginalMetadata.SourceFile])); } } else { if (!File.Exists(localTestDataFile)) { testResult.DetailedErrors.Add( $"Warning: The preset data file {testFilename} exists in the documents " + "folder but not in the source folder. Copy from documents to git folder. " + "If already done, remember to clean the presetparsertest project."); } } var hash = HashUtils.getIxxHash(File.ReadAllBytes(myDocumentsTestDataFile)); if (hash != presetHash) { testResult.DetailedErrors.Add( $"Warning: The preset data file {myDocumentsTestDataFile} exists but does not match the " + $"preset hash from the reference presets. Expected: {testDataEntry.Hash} found {hash}"); } } testDataEntries.Remove(testDataEntry); } } } if (testDataEntries.Count > 0) { foreach (var missingTestDataEntry in testDataEntries) { var presetHash = missingTestDataEntry.Hash.TrimEnd(); testResult.DetailedErrors.Add( $"Did not find preset {missingTestDataEntry.ProgramName} with bank path " + $"{missingTestDataEntry.BankPath} and hash {presetHash}"); } testResult.IsOK = false; } if (plugin.Presets.Count > 0) { var randomPreset = plugin.Presets.OrderBy(qu => Guid.NewGuid()).First(); testResult.RndHash = randomPreset.PresetHash; testResult.RndPresetName = randomPreset.Metadata.PresetName; testResult.RndBankPath = randomPreset.Metadata.BankPath; } var mockFxp = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "mock.fxp"); var fxp = new FXP(); fxp.ReadFile(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "test.fxp")); fxp.FxID = VstUtils.PluginIdNumberToIdString(pluginId); fxp.WriteFile(mockFxp); // Test additional banks var bankFile = new BankFile(); bankFile.Path = mockFxp; bankFile.BankName = "Default"; plugin.AdditionalBankFiles.Clear(); plugin.AdditionalBankFiles.Add(bankFile); bool additionalBankFileCountOk = false; if (presetParser.GetNumPresets() == testResult.ReportedPresets + 1) { additionalBankFileCountOk = true; } else { testResult.Error += " additionalBankFileCount failed"; } plugin.Presets.Clear(); NullPresetPersistence.PresetData.Clear(); presetParser.DoScan().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); var additionalBankFileScanOk = false; if (plugin.Presets.Count == testResult.Presets + 1) { additionalBankFileScanOk = true; } else { testResult.Error += " additionalBankFileScan failed"; } bool bankMissingOk = false; if (NumBankMissingsOk.ContainsKey(testResult.PluginId)) { if (testResult.BankMissing <= NumBankMissingsOk[testResult.PluginId]) { bankMissingOk = true; } } else { if (testResult.BankMissing < 2) { bankMissingOk = true; } } if (hasTestDataEntries && testDataOk && testResult.Presets > 5 && bankMissingOk && testResult.Presets == testResult.ReportedPresets && additionalBankFileCountOk && additionalBankFileScanOk) { testResult.IsOK = true; } testResults.Add(testResult); NullPresetPersistence.PresetData.Clear(); } var consoleTable = ConsoleTable.From(from testRes in testResults where testRes.IsOK == false orderby testRes.Presets select testRes); Console.WriteLine(consoleTable.ToMinimalString()); foreach (var testRes in (from testRes in testResults where testRes.DetailedErrors.Count > 0 orderby testRes.Presets select testRes)) { Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine($"Detailed Errors for {testRes.VendorPresetParser}"); Console.WriteLine($"------------------------------------------------------------"); foreach (var detailedError in testRes.DetailedErrors) { Console.WriteLine($"Error #{testRes.DetailedErrors.IndexOf(detailedError)}: {detailedError}"); } } Console.WriteLine($"Stuff left: {consoleTable.Rows.Count} / {presetParserDictionary.Count}"); foreach (var data in GlobalMethodTimeLogger.GetTopMethods()) { Console.WriteLine($"{data.Name}: {data.Duration.TotalSeconds.ToString()}ms"); } if (hasIgnored) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Filter active!!"); Console.WriteLine("Warning: Filter active!!"); Console.WriteLine("Warning: Filter active!!"); Console.WriteLine("Warning: Filter active!!"); Console.WriteLine("Warning: Filter active!!"); Console.WriteLine("Warning: Filter active!!"); Console.WriteLine("Warning: Filter active!!"); } }