コード例 #1
        protected override void OnAssetPropertyChanged(string propertyName, IGraphNode node, NodeIndex index, object oldValue, object newValue)
            base.OnAssetPropertyChanged(propertyName, node, index, oldValue, newValue);

            var memberNode = node as IMemberNode;

            if (memberNode != null && !PropertyGraph.UpdatingPropertyFromBase && !UndoRedoService.UndoRedoInProgress)
                // If Dither changed, clamp Quality to the new valid range
                // Note: other part of the behavior is in GraphicsCompositorAssetNodeUpdater (hide Quality if Dither set to None)
                // TODO: This should be moved to FXAA-specific code to be plugin-ready (asset property changed works only at asset level)
                var ownerNode = memberNode.Parent;
                if (typeof(FXAAEffect).IsAssignableFrom(ownerNode.Type) && propertyName == nameof(FXAAEffect.Dither))
                    var qualityNode = ownerNode[nameof(FXAAEffect.Quality)];
                    var dither      = (FXAAEffect.DitherType)memberNode.Retrieve();

                    // Get new valid quality range
                    var(minQuality, maxQuality) = FXAAEffect.GetQualityRange(dither);

                    // Clamp and set it back (if different)
                    var quality = (int)qualityNode.Retrieve();
                    if (quality < minQuality)
                    else if (quality > maxQuality)
コード例 #2
        public override void UpdateNode(INodePresenter node)
            // Adjust Quality range depending on Dither mode
            // Note: other part of the behavior is in GraphicsCompositorViewModel.OnAssetPropertyChanged (clamp Quality based on Dither)
            var fxaaEffect = node.Value as FXAAEffect;

            if (fxaaEffect != null)
                var ditherNode = node[nameof(FXAAEffect.Dither)];

                // If dither type changes, we will need to update quality sliders again
                node.AddDependency(ditherNode, false);

                // Adjust quality range according to dither level
                var(minQuality, maxQuality) = FXAAEffect.GetQualityRange(fxaaEffect.Dither);
                node[nameof(FXAAEffect.Quality)].AttachedProperties[NumericData.MinimumKey] = minQuality;
                node[nameof(FXAAEffect.Quality)].AttachedProperties[NumericData.MaximumKey] = maxQuality;

                // FXAA: Hide Quality if Dither is set to None (only 9 is a valid value)
                if (fxaaEffect.Dither == FXAAEffect.DitherType.None)
                    node[nameof(FXAAEffect.Quality)].IsVisible = false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: AntiAliasing.cs プロジェクト: ykafia/Aether.Extras
        private void CreateEffect()
            Viewport viewport = _graphicsDevice.Viewport;

            try // try to create a 9_3 shader.
                fxaaGreenLumaLowEffect = new FXAAGreenLumaLowEffect(_graphicsDevice);
                SetEffectParameters(fxaaGreenLumaLowEffect, 0.5f, viewport);
            catch (Exception ex1) { }

                        #if (WINDOWS || W8_1 || W10)
                if (_graphicsDevice.GraphicsProfile >= GraphicsProfile.HiDef)
                    fxaaGreenLumaMediumEffect = new FXAAGreenLumaMediumEffect(_graphicsDevice);
                    fxaaGreenLumaHighEffect   = new FXAAGreenLumaHighEffect(_graphicsDevice);
                    SetEffectParameters(fxaaGreenLumaMediumEffect, 0.5f, viewport);
                    SetEffectParameters(fxaaGreenLumaHighEffect, 0.5f, viewport);
            catch (Exception ex2) {}

コード例 #4
ファイル: AntiAliasing.cs プロジェクト: ykafia/Aether.Extras
        public void DrawRenderTarget(int antiAliasingLevel, Viewport viewport, bool clearRenderTarget)
            FXAAEffect fxaaEffect = fxaaGreenLumaLowEffect;

            #if (WINDOWS || W8_1 || W10)
            if (antiAliasingLevel == 1)
                fxaaEffect = fxaaGreenLumaLowEffect;
            if (antiAliasingLevel == 2)
                fxaaEffect = fxaaGreenLumaMediumEffect;
            if (antiAliasingLevel == 3)
                fxaaEffect = fxaaGreenLumaHighEffect;
            fxaaEffect.AntialiasingEnabled = (antiAliasingLevel != 0);

            if (clearRenderTarget)

            Rectangle srcRect;
            srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(_renderTarget.Width), (int)(_renderTarget.Height));

            Viewport oldViewport = _graphicsDevice.Viewport;
            _graphicsDevice.Viewport = viewport;

            Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, viewport.Width, viewport.Height);
            _spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.Opaque, SamplerState.LinearClamp, null, null, fxaaEffect);
            _spriteBatch.Draw(_renderTarget, destRect, srcRect, Color.White);

            _graphicsDevice.Viewport = oldViewport;
コード例 #5
ファイル: AntiAliasing.cs プロジェクト: ykafia/Aether.Extras
 private void SetEffectParameters(FXAAEffect effect, float N, Viewport viewport)
     effect.SetDefaultParameters(viewport.Width, viewport.Height);
     effect.AntialiasingEnabled = true;