protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uploadFileName = ""; string uploadFilePath = ""; if (FU1.HasFile) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(FU1.FileName).ToLower(); if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".gif" || ext == ".png") { uploadFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ext; uploadFilePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/ProfilePic"), uploadFileName); try { FU1.SaveAs(uploadFilePath); imgUpload.ImageUrl = "~/ProfilePic/" + uploadFileName; panCrop.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Text = "Error! Please try again."; } } else { lblMsg.Text = "Selected file type not allowed!"; } } else { lblMsg.Text = "Please select file first!"; } }
protected void cargarImagen(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uploadFileName = ""; string uploadFilePath = ""; if (FU1.HasFile) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(FU1.FileName).ToLower(); if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".gif" || ext == ".png") { uploadFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ext; uploadFilePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Huellas"), uploadFileName); try { FU1.SaveAs(uploadFilePath); imgUpload.ImageUrl = "~/Huellas/" + uploadFileName; } catch (Exception) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script type = 'text/javascript'> window.onload=function(){alert('Error, por favor trate de nuevo ')};</script>"); } } else { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script type = 'text/javascript'> window.onload=function(){alert('El tipo de archivo seleccionado no es válido')};</script>"); } } }
protected void BtnFavicon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FU1.HasFile) { try { if (FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "image/x-icon") { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali("Yanlızca ico dosyası yükleyebilirsiniz.", false); return; } if (Path.GetExtension(FU1.FileName).ToLower() != ".ico") { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali("Yanlızca .ico uzantılı dosyalar yükleyebilirsiniz.", false); return; } FU1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/uploads/images/favicon.ico")); } catch (Exception exc) { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali("Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu. Hata : " + exc.Message, false); return; } } }
protected void btnProdSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Product pd = new Product() { Name = txtProdName.Text, Price = Convert.ToInt32(txtProdPrice.Text), Amount = Convert.ToInt32(txtProdAmount.Text), }; if (FU1.HasFile) { string fileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-hhmmss") + ".jpg"; //1 pd.ImageFileName = fileName; //2 FU1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Upload/" + fileName)); } ProductHandler pdh = new ProductHandler(); pdh.AddToProducts(pd); this.Image1.ImageUrl = "~/Upload/" + FU1.FileName; }
protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { { String filename = Path.GetFileName(FU1.FileName); FU1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/") + filename); BLL obj = new BLL(); BLL.Radio(DD1.SelectedItem.Value, FDate.Text.Trim(), TDate.Text.Trim(), DD2.SelectedItem.Value, TB1.Text.Trim(), DD3.SelectedItem.Value, DD4.SelectedItem.Value, RB1.Text.Trim(), TB2.Text.Trim(), filename); } }
protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Upload Original Image Here string uploadFileName = ""; string uploadFilePath = ""; if (FU1.HasFile) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(FU1.FileName).ToLower(); if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".gif" || ext == ".png") { uploadFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ext; uploadFilePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Fotos"), uploadFileName); try { FU1.SaveAs(uploadFilePath); imgUpload.ImageUrl = "~/Fotos/" + uploadFileName; panCrop.Visible = true; FU1.Visible = false; Label8.Visible = false; picture1.Visible = false; lblMsg.Visible = false; Image3.Visible = false; btnUpload.Visible = false; seleccionarfoto.Visible = false; //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "mensaje", "photo();", true); } catch (Exception ex) { // lblMsg.Text = "Error!" + ex + ". Please try again."; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "problem", "problema();", true); } } else { lblMsg.Text = "Esto no es una foto!"; } } else { lblMsg.Text = "Seleccione una foto!"; } string scriptventana = @"<script type='text/javascript'> $('#popup2').fadeIn('slow'); $('#popup-overlay2').fadeIn('slow'); </script>"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "alerta", scriptventana, false); // ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "ventana", scriptventana, true); }
protected void myUploadFile() //連結資料庫 { try { //SqlCommand myComm = new SqlCommand("", cnn); string folderPath = Server.MapPath("~/photo"); //取得絕對圖檔路徑 //Check whether Directory (Folder) exists. if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { //If Directory (Folder) does not exists Create it. Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); } // 判斷 Server 上檔案名稱是否有重覆情況,有的話必須進行更名 // 使用 Path.Combine 來集合路徑的優點 // 以前發生過儲存 Table 內的是 \\ServerName\Dir(最後面沒有 \ 符號), // 直接跟 FileName 來進行結合,會變成 \\ServerName\DirFileName 的情況, // 資料夾路徑的最後面有沒有 \ 符號變成還需要判斷,但用 Path.Combine 來結合的話, // 資料夾路徑沒有 \ 符號,會自動補上,有的話,就直接結合 string filename = FU1.FileName; string extension = Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLowerInvariant(); // 絶對路徑+檔名 string serverFilePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, filename); string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); int fileCount = 1; while (File.Exists(serverFilePath)) { // 重覆檔案的命名規則為 檔名_1、檔名_2 以此類推 filename = string.Concat(fileNameOnly, "_", fileCount, extension); serverFilePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, filename); fileCount++; } //Save the File to the Directory (Folder). // FU1.SaveAs(folderPath + Path.GetFileName(FU1.FileName)); FU1.SaveAs(serverFilePath); photoFileName = "photo/" + filename; //Display the Picture in Image control. imgPhoto.ImageUrl = photoFileName; //myComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tbSPhotoFileName", photoFileName); //myComm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message); // MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message); } }
protected void Upload(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (GridView1.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // Label7.Visible = true; //} // Upload Original Image Here string uploadFileName = ""; string uploadFilePath = ""; if (FU1.HasFile) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(FU1.FileName).ToLower(); if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".gif" || ext == ".png") { uploadFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ext; uploadFilePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/DynamicImage"), uploadFileName); try { FU1.SaveAs(uploadFilePath); Image2.ImageUrl = "~/DynamicImage/" + uploadFileName; } catch (Exception ex) { //lblMsg.Text = ex.Message; } } else { //lblMsg.Text = "Selected file type not allowed!"; } } else { //lblMsg.Text = "Save Successfully"; } }
protected void LinkKaydet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Snlg_MemberInfo.s_UserId.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(TxtEPost.Text.Trim()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(TAd.Text.Trim())) { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali("Eposta ve isim girmelisiniz.", false, "#" + UserControlClientID); return; } if (!TSifre.Text.Equals(TSifre2.Text)) { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali("İki şifre birbirinden farklı olamaz.", false, "#" + UserControlClientID); return; } #region parametreler Snlg_DBParameter[] DBPrms = new Snlg_DBParameter[5]; try { DBPrms[0] = new Snlg_DBParameter("@UyeAd", SqlDbType.VarChar, TAd.Text); DBPrms[1] = new Snlg_DBParameter("@Eposta", SqlDbType.VarChar, TxtEPost.Text); if (TSifre.Text.ToString() != "") { DBPrms[2] = new Snlg_DBParameter("@Sifre", SqlDbType.VarChar, Snlg_ConfigValues.MD5Olustur(TSifre.Text)); } else { DBPrms[2] = new Snlg_DBParameter("@Sifre", SqlDbType.VarChar, ""); } DBPrms[3] = new Snlg_DBParameter("@Dil", SqlDbType.Int, Snlg_ConfigValues.s_ZDilId); DBPrms[4] = new Snlg_DBParameter("@UyeId", SqlDbType.Int, Snlg_MemberInfo.s_UserId); } catch { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali(Resources._default.ResourceManager.GetString("uyelik_asmx_hata10"), false, "#" + UserControlClientID); if (FU1.HasFile) { if (FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "image/jpeg" && FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "image/png" && FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "image/x-png" && FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "image/pjpeg" && FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "image/gif") { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali("Resim kaydedilmedi. Dosya türü uygun olmadığı için kabul edilmedi. Yanlızca JPG, JPEG, PNG ve GIF resimleri yükleyebilirsiniz.", false, "#" + UserControlClientID); } else if (FU1.PostedFile.ContentLength > 10485760) { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali("Resim kaydedilmedi. Resmin boyutu 10 MB'dan büyük olduğu için resim kabuledilmedi.", true, "#" + UserControlClientID); } else { string resimAdi = Resim_ismi_olustur(Path.GetExtension(FU1.FileName), "~/uploads/user/"); resimAdi = "/uploads/user/" + resimAdi; FU1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(resimAdi)); try { File.Delete(Server.MapPath(ImgRes.ImageUrl)); } catch { } DBPrms = new Snlg_DBParameter[2]; DBPrms[0] = new Snlg_DBParameter("@UyeId", SqlDbType.Int, Snlg_MemberInfo.s_UserId); DBPrms[1] = new Snlg_DBParameter("@Resim", SqlDbType.VarChar, resimAdi); vt.SorguCalistir("UPDATE snlg_V1.TblUyeDetay SET Resim = @Resim FROM snlg_V1.TblUyeDetay AS TUD INNER JOIN snlg_V1.TblUyeApp AS TUA ON TUA.UyeId = TUD.UyeId WHERE TUD.UyeId = @UyeId ", CommandType.Text, DBPrms); ImgRes.ImageUrl = resimAdi; } } return; } #endregion try { vt.SorguCalistir("snlg_V1.zsp_UyeGuncelle", CommandType.StoredProcedure, DBPrms); Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterBasarili(Resources._default.ResourceManager.GetString("uyelik_asmx_hata05"), true, "#" + UserControlClientID); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl, false); } catch (Exception exc) { if (exc.Message.Contains("$#sqlhata1#$")) { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali(Resources._default.ResourceManager.GetString("uyelik_asmx_hata04"), false, "#" + UserControlClientID); } else if (exc.Message.Contains("$#sqlhata2#$")) { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali(Resources._default.ResourceManager.GetString("uyelik_asmx_hata03"), false, "#" + UserControlClientID); } else { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.ExceptionLogla(exc); Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali(Resources._default.ResourceManager.GetString("hataBeklenmeyen") + exc.Message, false, "#" + UserControlClientID); } } }
protected void LinkZip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!YetkiKontrol(pageName + "-Update")) { return; } try { string temaPath = Server.MapPath("~/uploads/temp/temp-uploaded"); try { Directory.Delete(temaPath, true); } catch { } if (FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "application/x-zip-compressed" && FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "application/octet-stream" && FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "application/zip" && FU1.PostedFile.ContentType != "application/x-rar-compressed") { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali(Resources.admin_language.theme_01, false); return; } if (Path.GetExtension(FU1.FileName).ToLower() != ".zip") { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali(Resources.admin_language.theme_02, false); return; } FU1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/uploads/temp/")); FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.ExtractZip(Server.MapPath("~/uploads/temp/"), temaPath, null); File.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/uploads/temp/")); bool exist = false; StringBuilder sbHtml = new StringBuilder(); ListExistsFile(temaPath, sbHtml, 0, ref exist, temaPath); if (exist) { LtrList.Text = sbHtml.ToString(); Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali(Resources.admin_language.theme_03, false); } else { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterBasarili(Resources.admin_language.theme_04, false); } if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(temaPath, "sql-scripts"))) { string[] sqlFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(temaPath, "sql-scripts"), "*.sql"); if (sqlFiles.Length > 0) { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterUyari(Resources.admin_language.theme_05.Replace("{0}", sqlFiles.Length.ToString()), false); } else { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterBasarili(Resources.admin_language.theme_06, false); } } else { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterBasarili(Resources.admin_language.theme_07, false); } divButon.Visible = true; } catch (Exception exc) { Snlg_Hata.ziyaretci.HataGosterHatali(Resources.admin_language.theme_08 + exc.Message, false); return; } }
protected void btnHide_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { #region Code string CG = string.Empty; lblMsg.Text = ""; if (Convert.ToInt16(hfGradeExam.Value) == 1) { CG = "CG"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FU4.FileName)) { string examName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FU4.FileName); examName = examName.Substring(0, examName.IndexOf("_")); CG += "_" + examName; } } AlertSuccess.Visible = false; AlertWarning.Visible = false; if (FU1.HasFile) { spanFName1.InnerText = ""; f1 = FU1; string NameOfFile = ValidateNameOfFile(f1); //Validate FileName string Tab = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f1.FileName); Tab = Tab.Substring(Tab.IndexOf("_")); Tab = Tab.Split('_')[1].Split('_')[0]; Tab = Tab.Substring(3); if (Tab != "1") { spanFName1.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName1.InnerText = "File Should be _TAB1_" + NameOfFile; return; } if (NameOfFile != "true") { spanFName1.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName1.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB1_" + NameOfFile;//"File name does not match with selected Session & Year"; return; } string SessionOfFile = ValidateCategoryNameOfFile(f1); if (SessionOfFile != "true") { lblMsg.Text = "You Have Not Selected Soft Data File According To Exam Category."; lblMsg.Style.Add("color", "red"); FU1.Focus(); return; } StructUpload FUData = ConvertCSVtoDataTable(f1); FUData.TableName = "Tbl_" + ddlExamYear.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + ddlSession.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + CG + "_File1"; //spanFName1.InnerText = FU1.FileName; #region Implement //string TableName = "Tbl_" + ddlExamYear.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + ddlSession.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + "_File1"; //DataTable dtColumnCheck = dlFU.DtColumnCheck(TableName); //int i = 0; //foreach (DataRow dr in dtColumnCheck.Rows) //{ // foreach (DataColumn item in FUData.BulkDT.Columns) // { // if (dr[0].ToString() != item.ColumnName) // { // lblException.Text += "<br />" + item + " is not matching with " + dr[0]; // } // } // if (dr[i] == ) // { // } //} #endregion listStruct.SetValue(FUData, 0); spanFName1.Attributes.Add("class", "text-primary"); spanFName1.InnerText = FUData.DataCount.ToString(); spanFName1.InnerText += " - " + FU1.FileName; } else if (FU2.HasFile) { spanFName2.InnerText = ""; f2 = FU2; string NameOfFile = ValidateNameOfFile(f2); //Validate FileName string Tab = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f2.FileName); Tab = Tab.Substring(Tab.IndexOf("_")); Tab = Tab.Split('_')[1].Split('_')[0]; Tab = Tab.Substring(3); if (Tab != "2") { spanFName2.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName2.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB2_" + NameOfFile; return; } if (NameOfFile != "true") { spanFName2.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName2.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB2_" + NameOfFile; return; } string SessionOfFile = ValidateCategoryNameOfFile(f2); if (SessionOfFile != "true") { lblMsg.Text = "You Have Not Selected Soft Data File According To Exam Category."; lblMsg.Style.Add("color", "red"); FU2.Focus(); return; } StructUpload FUData = ConvertCSVtoDataTable(f2); FUData.TableName = "Tbl_" + ddlExamYear.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + ddlSession.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + CG + "_File2"; listStruct.SetValue(FUData, 1); spanFName2.Attributes.Add("class", "text-primary"); spanFName2.InnerText = FUData.DataCount.ToString(); spanFName2.InnerText += " - " + FU2.FileName; } else if (FU3.HasFile) { spanFName3.InnerText = ""; f3 = FU3; string NameOfFile = ValidateNameOfFile(f3); //Validate FileName string Tab = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f3.FileName); Tab = Tab.Substring(Tab.IndexOf("_")); Tab = Tab.Split('_')[1].Split('_')[0]; Tab = Tab.Substring(3); if (Tab != "3") { spanFName3.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName3.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB3_" + NameOfFile; return; } if (NameOfFile != "true") { spanFName3.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName3.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB3_" + NameOfFile; return; } string SessionOfFile = ValidateCategoryNameOfFile(f3); if (SessionOfFile != "true") { lblMsg.Text = "You Have Not Selected Soft Data File According To Exam Category."; lblMsg.Style.Add("color", "red"); FU3.Focus(); return; } StructUpload FUData = ConvertCSVtoDataTable(f3); FUData.TableName = "Tbl_" + ddlExamYear.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + ddlSession.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + CG + "_File3"; listStruct.SetValue(FUData, 2); spanFName3.InnerText = FUData.DataCount.ToString(); spanFName3.InnerText += " - " + FU3.FileName; spanFName3.Attributes.Add("class", "text-primary"); } else if (FU4.HasFile) { spanFName4.InnerText = ""; f4 = FU4; string NameOfFile = ValidateNameOfFile(f4); //Validate FileName string Tab = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f4.FileName); Tab = Tab.Substring(Tab.IndexOf("_")); Tab = Tab.Split('_')[1].Split('_')[0]; Tab = Tab.Substring(3); if (Tab != "4") { spanFName4.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName4.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB4_" + NameOfFile; return; } if (NameOfFile != "true") { spanFName4.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName4.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB4_" + NameOfFile; return; } string SessionOfFile = ValidateCategoryNameOfFile(f4); if (SessionOfFile != "true") { lblMsg.Text = "You Have Not Selected Soft Data File According To Exam Category."; lblMsg.Style.Add("color", "red"); FU4.Focus(); return; } StructUpload FUData = ConvertCSVtoDataTable(f4); FUData.TableName = "Tbl_" + ddlExamYear.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + ddlSession.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + CG + "_File4"; listStruct.SetValue(FUData, 3); //listStruct.Insert(3, FUData); spanFName4.InnerText = FUData.DataCount.ToString(); spanFName4.InnerText += " - " + FU4.FileName; spanFName4.Attributes.Add("class", "text-primary"); } else if (FU5.HasFile) { spanFName5.InnerText = ""; f5 = FU5; string NameOfFile = ValidateNameOfFile(f5); //Validate FileName string Tab = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f5.FileName); Tab = Tab.Substring(Tab.IndexOf("_")); Tab = Tab.Split('_')[1].Split('_')[0]; Tab = Tab.Substring(3); if (Tab != "5") { spanFName5.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName5.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB5_" + NameOfFile; return; } if (NameOfFile != "true") { spanFName5.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName5.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB5_" + NameOfFile; return; } string SessionOfFile = ValidateCategoryNameOfFile(f5); if (SessionOfFile != "true") { lblMsg.Text = "You Have Not Selected Soft Data File According To Exam Category."; lblMsg.Style.Add("color", "red"); FU5.Focus(); return; } StructUpload FUData = ConvertCSVtoDataTable(f5); FUData.TableName = "Tbl_" + ddlExamYear.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + ddlSession.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + CG + "_File5"; listStruct.SetValue(FUData, 4); //listStruct.Insert(4, FUData); spanFName5.InnerText = FUData.DataCount.ToString(); spanFName5.InnerText += " - " + FU5.FileName; spanFName5.Attributes.Add("class", "text-primary"); } else if (FU6.HasFile) { spanFName6.InnerText = ""; f6 = FU6; string NameOfFile = ValidateNameOfFile(f6); //Validate FileName string Tab = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f6.FileName); Tab = Tab.Substring(Tab.IndexOf("_")); Tab = Tab.Split('_')[1].Split('_')[0]; Tab = Tab.Substring(3); if (Tab != "6") { spanFName6.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName6.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB6_" + NameOfFile; return; } if (NameOfFile != "true") { spanFName6.Attributes.Add("class", "text-danger"); spanFName6.InnerText = "File Should be .._TAB6_" + NameOfFile; return; } string SessionOfFile = ValidateCategoryNameOfFile(f6); if (SessionOfFile != "true") { lblMsg.Text = "You Have Not Selected Soft Data File According To Exam Category."; lblMsg.Style.Add("color", "red"); FU6.Focus(); return; } StructUpload FUData = ConvertCSVtoDataTable(f6); FUData.TableName = "Tbl_" + ddlExamYear.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + ddlSession.SelectedItem.Text + "_" + CG + "_File6"; listStruct.SetValue(FUData, 5); //listStruct.Insert(4, FUData); spanFName6.InnerText = FUData.DataCount.ToString(); spanFName6.InnerText += " - " + FU6.FileName; spanFName6.Attributes.Add("class", "text-primary"); } else { lblException.Text += "File is empty please check!"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "ShowException", "ShowException()", true); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { lblException.Text += ex.Message; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "ShowException", "ShowException()", true); } finally { if (listStruct != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listStruct[0].FileName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(listStruct[1].FileName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(listStruct[2].FileName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(listStruct[3].FileName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(listStruct[4].FileName)) { if (Convert.ToInt16(hfGradeExam.Value) == 1) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listStruct[5].FileName)) { btnSave.Visible = true; } } else { btnSave.Visible = true; } } } else { listStruct = new StructUpload[6]; spanFName1.InnerText = spanFName2.InnerText = spanFName3.InnerText = spanFName4.InnerText = spanFName5.InnerText = spanFName6.InnerText = ""; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alert", "alert('All files has empty. please file choose again')", true); } //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "ShowConfirmation", "ShowConfirmation()", true); } }
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean fileOk = false; String savePath = DAL.SystemSet.savePath(Session["DatabaseName"].ToString()); if (FU1.HasFile == false) { return; } // FU1.FileName 只有 "檔案名稱.附檔名",並沒有 Client 端的完整理路徑 string filename = FU1.FileName; string extension = Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLowerInvariant(); // 判斷是否為允許上傳的檔案附檔名 String fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FU1.FileName).ToLower(); //取得上傳的檔案類型 //檢查檔案大小 string[] allowExtension = { ".jpg", ".gif", ".png", ".jpeg" }; //对上传的文件的类型进行一个个匹对 for (int i = 0; i < allowExtension.Length; i++) { if (fileExtension == allowExtension[i]) { fileOk = true; break; } } // if (fileOk) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript((System.Web.UI.Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler, this.GetType(), "ShowMessage", "alert('只允許上傳圖片');", true); } // 限制檔案大小,限制為 2MB /** * int filesize = FU1.PostedFile.ContentLength; * if (filesize > 2100000) * { * lblMessage.Text = "檔案大小上限為 2MB,該檔案無法上傳"; * return; * } **/ // 檢查 Server 上該資料夾是否存在,不存在就自動建立 //string serverDir = @"G:\FileUploadDemo"; if (Directory.Exists(savePath) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(savePath); } // 判斷 Server 上檔案名稱是否有重覆情況,有的話必須進行更名 // 使用 Path.Combine 來集合路徑的優點 // 以前發生過儲存 Table 內的是 \\ServerName\Dir(最後面沒有 \ 符號), // 直接跟 FileName 來進行結合,會變成 \\ServerName\DirFileName 的情況, // 資料夾路徑的最後面有沒有 \ 符號變成還需要判斷,但用 Path.Combine 來結合的話, // 資料夾路徑沒有 \ 符號,會自動補上,有的話,就直接結合 string serverFilePath = Path.Combine(savePath, filename); string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); int fileCount = 1; while (File.Exists(serverFilePath)) { // 重覆檔案的命名規則為 檔名_1、檔名_2 以此類推 filename = string.Concat(fileNameOnly, "_", fileCount, extension); serverFilePath = Path.Combine(savePath, filename); fileCount++; } // 把檔案傳入指定的 Server 內路徑 // try //{ if (fileOk) { String DBName = Session["DatabaseName"].ToString(); SqlConnection connStr = new SqlConnection(Utility.DBconnection.connect_string(DBName)); connStr.Open(); //開啟資料庫的連結 String select = "INSERT INTO KCheckListLostUpload(KCheckListLostId,DateTime,UploadAddress,Remark,Status) Values('" + Label1.Text + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "','" + filename + "','" + TextBox1.Text + "','" + DropDownList1.Text + "')"; //宣告SQL語法的字串,這邊可依照自行需求修改 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(select, connStr); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); string tempName = tempPath + FU1.FileName; //string imageName = savePath + FU1.FileName; // 儲存暫存檔 FU1.SaveAs(tempName); // System.Web.UI.WebControls 與 System.Drawing 同時擁有 Image 類別 // 所以以下程式碼明確指定要使用的是 System.Drawing.Image System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort callBack = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback); Bitmap image = new Bitmap(tempName); // 計算維持比例的縮圖大小 int[] thumbnailScale = getThumbnailImageScale(300, 300, image.Width, image.Height); // 產生縮圖 System.Drawing.Image smallImage = image.GetThumbnailImage(thumbnailScale[0], thumbnailScale[1], callBack, IntPtr.Zero); // 將縮圖存檔 smallImage.Save(serverFilePath); // 釋放並刪除暫存檔 image.Dispose(); System.IO.File.Delete(tempName); //FU1.SaveAs(serverFilePath); lblMessage.Text = "檔案上傳成功"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript((System.Web.UI.Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler, this.GetType(), "ShowMessage", "alert('檔案上傳成功');", true); } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // lblMessage.Text = ex.Message; // } }