コード例 #1
        private SlicedBlobReader(Stream outputStream, FPTag t, int threads)
            int sliceSize = (int)(t.BlobSize / threads);
            int lastSlice = (int)(t.BlobSize - (sliceSize * (threads - 1)));
            int i, numBytes = sliceSize;

            Thread[] readThread = new Thread[threads];

            for (i = 0; i < threads; i++)
                if (i == (threads - 1))
                    numBytes = lastSlice;

                readThread[i] = new PartialBlobReadThread(t, outputStream, i * sliceSize, numBytes);

            // Wait for all the threads to complete
            for (i = 0; i < threads; i++)

            FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\n** finished");
コード例 #2
        private SlicedBlobWriter(Stream inputStream, FPTag tag, int threads)
            int sliceSize = (int)(inputStream.Length / threads);
            int lastSlice = (int)(inputStream.Length - (sliceSize * (threads - 1)));

            int numBytes = sliceSize;
            int i;

            Thread[] writeThread = new Thread[threads];
            //PartialBlobWriteStream[] slices = new PartialBlobWriteStream[threads];

            for (i = 0; i < threads; i++)
                if (i == (threads - 1))
                    numBytes = lastSlice;

                writeThread[i] = new PartialBlobWriteThread(tag, i, inputStream, (i * sliceSize), numBytes);

            for (i = 0; i < threads; i++)

コード例 #3
        // Standard ctor - Stream to be used to buffer, the Tag we read the data from
        public BlobReadStream(Stream s, FPTag t)
            : base(s, t)
            myCallbacks = new Callbacks(holdingArea);

            fpStream           = new FPGenericStream(holdingArea, FPStream.StreamDirection.OutputFromCentera, myCallbacks, IntPtr.Zero);
            fpStream.StreamLen = t.BlobSize;

            FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nStarting blob read thread");
            blobThread      = new Thread(delegate() { t.BlobRead(fpStream); });
            blobThread.Name = "BlobReadThread";
コード例 #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nCluster to connect to [" + defaultCluster + "] : ");
                String clusterAddress = System.Console.ReadLine();
                if ("" == clusterAddress)
                    clusterAddress = defaultCluster;

                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nEnter the name of the file containing the clip to be restored: ");
                String fileName = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!fileName.EndsWith(".xml"))
                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nInvalid file name format - should be <clipID>.xml");

                String clipID  = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 4);
                FPPool thePool = new FPPool(clusterAddress);

                FPStream fpStream = new FPStream(fileName, 16 * 1024);

                // Create the clip
                FPClip clipRef = thePool.ClipRawOpen(clipID, fpStream, FPMisc.OPTION_DEFAULT_OPTIONS);

                FPTag t = clipRef.NextTag;
                fpStream = new FPStream(clipID + ".Tag.0", 16 * 1024);
                t.BlobWrite(fpStream, FPMisc.OPTION_DEFAULT_OPTIONS);

                t        = clipRef.NextTag;
                fpStream = new FPStream(clipID + ".Tag.1", 16 * 1024);
                t.BlobWrite(fpStream, FPMisc.OPTION_DEFAULT_OPTIONS);


                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nClip and Blobs successfully restored to Cluster");
            catch (FPLibraryException e)
                ErrorInfo err = e.errorInfo;
                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nException thrown in FP Library: Error " + err.error + " " + err.message);
コード例 #5
            internal PartialBlobWriteThread(FPTag t, int sequenceNum, Stream s, int offset, int numBytes)
                : base(t, sequenceNum)
                myWriteThread = new Thread(delegate()
                    BinaryReader myReader = new BinaryReader(new FPPartialInputStream(s, offset, numBytes));
                    BinaryWriter myWriter = new BinaryWriter(this);

                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nStarted sliced write thread " + GetHashCode() + " at " + offset + " size " + numBytes);
コード例 #6
        // Standard ctor - Stream to be used to buffer, the Tag we write the data to
        public BlobWriteStream(Stream s, FPTag t)
            : base(s, t)
            myCallbacks = new Callbacks(holdingArea);
            fpStream    = new FPGenericStream(holdingArea, FPStream.StreamDirection.InputToCentera, myCallbacks, (IntPtr)this.GetHashCode());

            blobThread      = new Thread(delegate() { theTag.BlobWrite(fpStream); });
            blobThread.Name = "BlobWriteThread";

            FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nStarted stream " + this.GetHashCode() + " blob write thread " + blobThread.GetHashCode());

            // We keep track of the current "open" streams being used in a hashtable
            // When user closes the stream we remove this to signal the callback that we are done writing
            openStreams.Add(this.GetHashCode(), blobThread.GetHashCode());
コード例 #7
            internal PartialBlobReadThread(FPTag t, Stream s, int offset, int numBytes)
                : base(t, offset, numBytes)
                myReadThread = new Thread(delegate()
                    BinaryReader myReader = new BinaryReader(this);
                    BinaryWriter myWriter = new BinaryWriter(new FPPartialOutputStream(s, offset, numBytes));

                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nStarted sliced read thread " + GetHashCode() + " at " + offset + " size " + numBytes);
                    // Wait until we have all the read content back in the buffer

コード例 #8
        // Standard ctor - as for BlobReadStream but also specify the offset and number of bytes for the partial read.
        public PartialBlobReadStream(Stream s, FPTag t, long offset, long numBytes)
            // We cannot call the base constructor because we need use the additional offset and numBytes parameters
            // Even if we split out some of the functionality using a virtual init method with no
            // parameters, these paraameters will not be initialized when the virtual function was called
            // by the base constructor. So we just have to duplicate the (small)initialization code.
            holdingArea = s;
            theTag      = t;
            myCallbacks = new Callbacks(holdingArea, 16 * 1024);

            fpStream           = new FPGenericStream(holdingArea, FPStream.StreamDirection.OutputFromCentera, myCallbacks, IntPtr.Zero);
            fpStream.StreamLen = numBytes;

            blobThread      = new Thread(delegate() { theTag.BlobReadPartial(fpStream, offset, numBytes); });
            blobThread.Name = "PartialBlobReadThread";
コード例 #9
        // Standard ctor - as for BlobWriteStream but also specify the sequence number of the segment.
        public PartialBlobWriteStream(Stream s, FPTag t, int id)
            // We cannot call the base constructor because we need use the additional id parameter
            // Even if we split out some of the functionality using a virtual init method with no
            // parameters, the sequenceId will not be initialized when the virtual function was called
            // by the base constructor. So we just have to duplicate the (small)initialization code.
            holdingArea = s;
            theTag      = t;
            sequenceId  = id;

            myCallbacks = new Callbacks(holdingArea);
            fpStream    = new FPGenericStream(holdingArea, FPStream.StreamDirection.InputToCentera, myCallbacks, (IntPtr)this.GetHashCode());

            FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\n ** Partial blob write stream with sequence id = " + sequenceId);
            blobThread      = new Thread(delegate() { theTag.BlobWritePartial(fpStream, sequenceId); });
            blobThread.Name = "PartialBlobWriteThread";
コード例 #10
 public static void Instance(Stream inputStream, FPTag tag, int threads)
     SlicedBlobWriter writer = new SlicedBlobWriter(inputStream, tag, threads);
コード例 #11
 // Default ctor using a MemoryStream for the buffer
 public PartialBlobWriteStream(FPTag t, int id) : this(new MemoryStream(), t, id)
コード例 #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IntPtr       userData = new IntPtr(0);
            string       clipID;
            BinaryReader myReader;
            BinaryWriter myWriter;
            BlobStream   myStream;

            // For thsi test we are using a file as the input. *Any* stream could be used.
            // This would be your test PDF - in a file or memory stream.
            FileStream inputStream = new FileStream("e:\\testfile", FileMode.Open);

            FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nInput file length " + inputStream.Length);

                FPLogger log = new FPLogger();
                log.LogPath = "C:\\GenStreamsLog.txt";

                // Create a test clip demonstrating how to write a blob using a stream
                FPPool myPool = new FPPool("cse1.centera.lab.emc.com");
                FPClip myClip = myPool.ClipCreate("GenericStreamWrite_testClip");
                FPTag  myTag  = myClip.AddTag("testTag");

                // Simple test of the BlobWriteStream - write contents of a local file
                // to Centera using a StreamReader and StreamWriter
                // We are using a temporary MemoryStream for our staging area
                myStream = new BlobWriteStream(myTag);
                myReader = new BinaryReader(inputStream);
                myWriter = new BinaryWriter(myStream);

                long writeTime1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                ((BlobWriteStream)myStream).Close(); // If we don't do this it will stay open forever with keep alives!

                writeTime1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks - writeTime1;

                // If we assign values to existing FP objects we must explicitly close
                // them first to avoid potential "Object In Use" errors on future closure

                myTag = myClip.AddTag("SlicedBlob");

                inputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                long writeTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                SlicedBlobWriter.Instance(inputStream, myTag, 8);

                writeTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks - writeTime;

                clipID = myClip.Write();

                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nGenericStreamWrite test succeeded " + clipID);

                // Now we will test reading it back from the Centera			{
                myClip = myPool.ClipOpen(clipID, FPMisc.OPEN_ASTREE);
                myTag  = myClip.NextTag;

                // Here we create a stream to read back the blob
                long readTime1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                myStream = new BlobReadStream(myTag);

                // This is only to test to verify when we read the content back it is the same as the
                // input file i.e. we are going to store it on the file system and then use file system tools
                // to compare the files
                myReader = new BinaryReader(myStream);
                myWriter = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream("c:\\testfile2.out", FileMode.Create));



                readTime1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks - readTime1;


                // This shows how to read content back using multiple threads
                myTag = myClip.NextTag;
                long readTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                SlicedBlobReader.Instance(new FileStream("c:\\testfile2.out.sliced", FileMode.Create), myTag, 8);
                readTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks - readTime;


                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nSerial tests - Write time: " + TimeSpan.FromTicks(writeTime1) + " Read time " + TimeSpan.FromTicks(readTime1));
                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nMulti threaded tests - Write time: " + TimeSpan.FromTicks(writeTime) + " Read time " + TimeSpan.FromTicks(readTime));
            catch (FPLibraryException e)
                ErrorInfo err = e.errorInfo;
                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nException thrown in FP Library: Error " + err.error + " " + err.message);
コード例 #13
 // Default ctor that uses a MemoryStream for the temporary buffer
 public BlobReadStream(FPTag t) : this(new MemoryStream(), t)
コード例 #14
 // Default ctor that uses a MemoryStream for the temporary buffer
 public BlobWriteStream(FPTag t) : this(new MemoryStream(), t)
コード例 #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nCluster to connect to [" + defaultCluster + "] :");
                String clusterAddress = System.Console.ReadLine();
                if ("" == clusterAddress)
                    clusterAddress = defaultCluster;

                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nEnter the CA of the content to be restored: ");
                String clipID = System.Console.ReadLine();

                FPPool thePool = new FPPool(clusterAddress);

                FPClip clipRef = new FPClip(thePool, clipID, FPMisc.OPEN_ASTREE);

                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nThe clip retention expires on " + clipRef.RetentionExpiry);

                // Iterate across the  clip metadata
                foreach (FPAttribute attr in clipRef.Attributes)
                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage(attr.ToString() + "\n");

                // Iterate across the Tag (and their Attr) collections
                foreach (FPTag tg in clipRef.Tags)
                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage(tg.ToString() + "\n");

                    foreach (FPAttribute a in tg.Attributes)
                        FPLogger.ConsoleMessage(a.ToString() + "\n");

                FPTag t = (FPTag)clipRef.Tags[0];

                if (t.ToString() == "StoreContentObject")
                    String   outfile   = clipRef.ClipID + ".Tag." + 0;
                    FPStream streamRef = new FPStream(outfile, "wb");

                    t.BlobRead(streamRef, FPMisc.OPTION_DEFAULT_OPTIONS);

                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nThe Blob has been stored into " + outfile);


                    t = (FPTag)clipRef.Tags[1];

                    //Do the same for the second tag
                    outfile   = clipRef.ClipID + ".Tag." + 1;
                    streamRef = new FPStream(outfile, "wb");

                    t.BlobRead(streamRef, FPMisc.OPTION_DEFAULT_OPTIONS);

                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nThe Blob has been stored into " + outfile);

                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nThe CDF has been saved to " + clipRef.ClipID + ".xml");
                    streamRef = new FPStream(clipRef.ClipID + ".xml", "wb");

                    // We could retrieve the blob into a buffer - we know we stored
                    // a string in the StoreContent sample so let's get it back..
                    int          blobSize  = (int)t.BlobSize;
                    UTF8Encoding converter = new UTF8Encoding();

                    byte[] buffer = new byte[blobSize];
                    IntPtr source = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(blobSize);
                    streamRef = new FPStream(source, blobSize, FPStream.StreamDirection.OutputFromCentera);

                    Marshal.Copy(source, buffer, 0, blobSize);
                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\n" + converter.GetString(buffer));
                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nApplication Error: Not A C-Clip Created By StoreContent Example");
            catch (FPLibraryException e)
                ErrorInfo err = e.errorInfo;
                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nException thrown in FP Library: Error " + err.error + " " + err.message);
コード例 #16
 public static void Instance(Stream outputStream, FPTag tag, int threads)
     SlicedBlobReader writer = new SlicedBlobReader(outputStream, tag, threads);
コード例 #17
 // Default ctor using a MemoryStream for the buffer
 public PartialBlobReadStream(FPTag t, long offset, long numBytes) : this(new MemoryStream(), t, offset, numBytes)
コード例 #18
        protected FPTag theTag;             // The Tag we are writing to or reading from

        protected BlobStream(Stream s, FPTag t)
            holdingArea = s;
            theTag      = t;
コード例 #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nCluster to connect to [" + defaultCluster + "] : ");
                String clusterAddress = System.Console.ReadLine();
                if ("" == clusterAddress)
                    clusterAddress = defaultCluster;

                UTF8Encoding converter2 = new UTF8Encoding();

                // We are going to create a filename containing Chinese characters

                byte[] inputFileName = { 0xE6, 0x98, 0x8E, 0xE5, 0xA4, 0xA9, 0x2E, 0x74, 0x78, 0x74 };
                string fileName      = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(inputFileName);
                File.WriteAllText(fileName, "Test file with wide characters in the file name\n");

                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nEnter the threshold to use for Embedded Blobs: ");
                String blobString = System.Console.ReadLine();

                if (blobString == "")
                    blobString = "0";
                int blobThreshold = Int32.Parse(blobString);

                if (blobThreshold > 0)
                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nContent less than " + blobString + " bytes will be embedded in the CDF.");
                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nContent will never be embedded in the CDF.");

                FPPool.EmbeddedBlobThreshold = blobThreshold;
                FPPool thePool = new FPPool(clusterAddress);

                // Create the clip
                FPClip clipRef = new FPClip(thePool, "UTF8_Example");
                clipRef.SetAttribute("OriginalFilename", fileName);

                FPTag fileTag = clipRef.AddTag("WideFilenameTag");
                fileTag.SetAttribute("filename", fileName);

                // Write the content of the file to the Centera
                FPStream streamRef = new FPWideFilenameStream(fileName);
                fileTag.BlobWrite(streamRef, FPMisc.OPTION_CLIENT_CALCID);

                long blobSize = fileTag.BlobSize;

                if (blobThreshold > 0 && blobSize < blobThreshold)
                    FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nContent was embedded in the CDF as size "
                                            + blobSize
                                            + " is less than the threshold.");

                fileTag = clipRef.AddTag("TestTag");

                fileTag.SetAttribute("fileCabinetGuid", "52d9cf57-7261-472a-b6d9-a8cdd30d1d27");
                fileTag.SetAttribute("attr2", "a second attribute");
                fileTag.SetAttribute("anotherattr", "the third attribute");

                /* Or you can write from a memory buffer holding the data
                 * The exampe uses a byte array containing a string
                UTF8Encoding converter = new UTF8Encoding();
                byte[]       rawBuffer = converter.GetBytes("This is a test string to illustrate how to interface to Centera using a buffer stream");
                IntPtr       source    = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(rawBuffer.Length);
                Marshal.Copy(rawBuffer, 0, source, rawBuffer.Length);
                streamRef = new FPStream(source, rawBuffer.Length, FPStream.StreamDirection.InputToCentera);
                fileTag.BlobWrite(streamRef, FPMisc.OPTION_CLIENT_CALCID);


                fileTag = clipRef.AddTag("TestTag2");
                fileTag.SetAttribute("filename", fileName);

                // We will only store a fragment of the file - "length" characters from position "offset"
                long offset = 5;
                long length = 30;

                streamRef = new FPWideFilenameStream(fileName, offset, length);
                fileTag.BlobWrite(streamRef, FPMisc.OPTION_CLIENT_CALCID);

                // And this is how we read back at most "length" characters into a file at position "offset"
                // We can also specify that we don't want the created file to be larger than "maxFileSize"
                long maxFileSize = 20;
                streamRef = new FPWideFilenameStream(fileName + ".partial", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, offset, length, maxFileSize);

                String clipID = clipRef.Write();

                /* Write the Clip ID to the output file, "inputFileName.clipID" */
                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nThe C-Clip ID of the content is " + clipID);
                FileStream   outFile   = new FileStream(fileName + ".clipID", FileMode.Create);
                BinaryWriter outWriter = new BinaryWriter(outFile);
                outWriter.Write(clipID.ToString() + "\n");

            catch (FPLibraryException e)
                ErrorInfo err = e.errorInfo;
                FPLogger.ConsoleMessage("\nException thrown in FP Library: Error " + err.error + " " + err.message);