public void ChangeRoundCenter(FP _joystickAngle) { FPVector rv = _childObj.right; if (_joystickAngle > 90 && _joystickAngle < 270) { rv *= -1; } FP RvRate = 1; //这是为了根据角度值,求圆心 if (_joystickAngle > 180) { RvRate += FPMath.Sin((_joystickAngle - 180) * FPMath.Deg2Rad); } else { RvRate += FPMath.Sin((_joystickAngle) * FPMath.Deg2Rad); } _center = rv * Radius * RvRate; _center = _childObj.position + _center; RotationSpeed = FPMath.Abs(RotationSpeed); if (_joystickAngle > 90 && _joystickAngle < 270) { RotationSpeed = FPMath.Abs(RotationSpeed) * -1; } }
public void Update() { if (_destVector != { float disData = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _ufpTransform.position.ToVector()); FP fixDistan = MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (disData <= fixDistan) { UpdatePosition(_ufpTransform.position); UpdateRotation(_ufpTransform.rotation); // Debug.Log("======>arrived_____arrived_____arrived_____arrived_____arrived:::" + _ufpTransform.position); } else { transform.position += (_childObj.forward * fixDistan).ToVector(); // Debug.Log("======>_ufpTransform.position_OnLine:::"+ _ufpTransform.position); } } if (_destRoundData != 0) { FP angleData = _destRoundData - _roundData; FP _tempData = RotationSpeed * MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; //Debug.Log("======>angleData:::" + angleData.AsFloat() // + ",_tempData::" + _tempData.AsFloat() + ",_destRoundData::"+ _destRoundData); if (FPMath.Abs(angleData) <= FPMath.Abs(_tempData)) { UpdatePosition(_ufpTransform.position); UpdateRotation(_ufpTransform.rotation); _roundData = _destRoundData; //Debug.Log("======>arrived_____round_____arrived_____round_____arrived:::" + _ufpTransform.position // + ",childObj.forward::" + _childObj.forward + ",childObj.forward.toVector3::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector()); } else { transform.RotateAround(_center.ToVector(), transform.up, _tempData.AsFloat()); _roundData += _tempData; Debug.Log("======>_ufpTransform.round_round_OnLine:::" + _ufpTransform.position + ",_ufpTransform.position.toVector3::" + _ufpTransform.position // + ", ufpTransform.rotation:::" + _ufpTransform.rotation // + ",_ufpTransform.rotation.toVector()::" + _ufpTransform.rotation.ToQuaternion() + ",childObj.forward::" + _childObj.forward + ",childObj.forward.toVector3::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector()); } } RaycastHit hitInfo; bool bExitBarrier = (RayBarrierInfo(_childObj.forward.ToVector(), out hitInfo)); RaycastHit _groundHit; RaycastHit _hitInfo; if (bJumpFlag) //处理跳跃 { if (!bJumpArtFlag) //表示第一次开始跳跃 { if (!RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit, true)) { bJumpArtFlag = true; } } else { if (RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit, true)) { bJumpFlag = false; bJumpArtFlag = false; return; } } _jumpSpeed = _jumpSpeed - g * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime; //垂直上的初速度随时间的改变 _ufpTransform.Translate(FPVector.up * _jumpSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World); //垂直上的运动 UpdateRotation(_ufpTransform.rotation); UpdatePosition(_ufpTransform.position); //transform.Translate(Vector3.up * _jumpSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);//垂直上的运动 //if (_jumpSpeed < 0 && RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit, true)) //增加防止坠落的操作 //{ // transform/*.parent*/.position = new Vector3(transform/*.parent*/.position.x, _groundHit.point.y, transform/*.parent*/.position.z); // bJumpFlag = false; // bJumpArtFlag = false; // return; //} if (bMoveFlag) { _ufpTransform.Translate(_childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);//水平上的运动 UpdateRotation(_ufpTransform.rotation); UpdatePosition(_ufpTransform.position); // transform.Translate(_childObj.forward.ToVector() * (MoveSpeed/** _frameEntityObj.SpeedRate*/).AsFloat() * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);//水平上的运动 } return; } else if (!RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit) && !RayBarrierInfo(_childObj.forward.ToVector(), out _hitInfo) && _bHasSpeed)//空中调整角度 { //Debug.Log("_childObj.forward.ToVector():::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector() // + ",,,,data__ufpTransform.up::" + _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + ",,,,,fff::"+ _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector()); _verCurSpeed = _verCurSpeed - g * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime; //垂直上的初速度随时间的改变 _ufpTransform.Translate(_childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World); //水平上的运动 _ufpTransform.Translate(FPVector.up * _verCurSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World); //垂直上的运动 UpdateRotation(_ufpTransform.rotation); UpdatePosition(_ufpTransform.position); // transform.Translate(_childObj.forward.ToVector() * (MoveSpeed/** _frameEntityObj.SpeedRate*/).AsFloat() * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);//水平上的运动 // transform.Translate(Vector3.up * _verCurSpeed.AsFloat() * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);//垂直上的运动 FP angleForward = FPVector.Angle(_ufpTransform.up, FPVector.up); if (angleForward == 0) { return; } FPVector normal = FPVector.Cross(_ufpTransform.up, FPVector.up); // int DirctData = FPMath.Sign(FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up)); float DirctData = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(normal.ToVector(), _ufpTransform.up.ToVector())); //Debug.Log(" angleForward::" + angleForward.AsFloat() + ",DirctData::"+ DirctData + ",_ufpTransform.up::"+ _ufpTransform.up + " ,"+ _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + ",FPVector.up::"+ FPVector.up.ToVector() // + ",normal::" + normal + "," + normal.ToVector() + ", FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up)::" + FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up).AsFloat()); //if (DirctData == 0) DirctData = 1; angleForward = angleForward * DirctData; // Debug.Log(" FPMath.Sign(FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up)::" + FPVector.Dot(new FPVector(0,0,1), new FPVector(1, 0, 0))); FPVector forwardVec3 = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(angleForward, normal) * _ufpTransform.up; FPVector forwardForward = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(angleForward, normal) * _ufpTransform.forward; FPQuaternion qur = FPQuaternion.LookRotation(forwardForward, forwardVec3); //Debug.Log("forwardForward:::" + forwardForward.ToVector() + ",,forwardVec3::" + forwardVec3.ToVector() // + ",angleForward::"+ angleForward.AsFloat() // + ",_ufpTransform.up::" + _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + ", _ufpTransform.forward::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector() // + ",normal::" + normal.ToVector()); UpdateRotation(FPQuaternion.Slerp(_ufpTransform.rotation, qur, 0.1f)); //_ufpTransform.SetRotation(); //transform.rotation = FPQuaternion.Slerp(_ufpTransform.rotation, qur, 0.1f); //将玩家处于空中的状态事件发射出去 TriggerEvent(DefineEventId.PlayerInAirEvent); } else { FP angle = FPVector.Angle(FPVector.up, _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_groundHit.normal)); if (angle > SlopeAngle) { if (!bMoveFlag) { _ufpTransform.Translate(-1 * (FPVector.up) * g * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World); UpdateRotation(_ufpTransform.rotation); UpdatePosition(_ufpTransform.position); } } else { // transform.position = new Vector3(transform/*.parent*/.position.x, _groundHit.point.y, transform/*.parent*/.position.z); UpdateRotation(_ufpTransform.rotation); UpdatePosition(new FPVector(_ufpTransform.position.x, (FP)(_groundHit.point.y), _ufpTransform.position.z)); } } }
public void ApplyForces(MoveInfo move) { if (freeze) { return; } controlScript.normalizedJumpArc = (Fix64)1 - ((verticalForce + verticalTotalForce) / (verticalTotalForce * 2)); Fix64 appliedFriction = (moveDirection != 0 || controlScript.myInfo.physics.highMovingFriction) ? UFE.config.selectedStage._groundFriction : controlScript.myInfo.physics._friction; if (move != null && move.ignoreFriction) { appliedFriction = 0; } if (controlScript.activePullIn != null) { worldTransform.position = FPVector.Lerp(worldTransform.position, controlScript.activePullIn.position, UFE.fixedDeltaTime * controlScript.activePullIn.speed); if (controlScript.activePullIn.forceStand && !IsGrounded()) { ForceGrounded(); } if (FPVector.Distance(controlScript.activePullIn.position, worldTransform.position) <= controlScript.activePullIn._targetDistance || controlScript.currentSubState != SubStates.Stunned) { controlScript.activePullIn = null; } } else { if (!IsGrounded()) { appliedFriction = 0; if (verticalForce == 0) { verticalForce = -.1; } } if (horizontalForce != 0 && !isTakingOff) { if (horizontalForce > 0) { horizontalForce -= appliedFriction * UFE.fixedDeltaTime; horizontalForce = FPMath.Max(0, horizontalForce); } else if (horizontalForce < 0) { horizontalForce += appliedFriction * UFE.fixedDeltaTime; horizontalForce = FPMath.Min(0, horizontalForce); } Fix64 leftCameraBounds = opWorldTransform.position.x - (UFE.config.cameraOptions._maxDistance / 2); Fix64 rightCameraBounds = opWorldTransform.position.x + (UFE.config.cameraOptions._maxDistance / 2); bool bouncingOnCamera = false; if (controlScript.currentHit != null && controlScript.currentHit.bounceOnCameraEdge && (worldTransform.position.x <= leftCameraBounds || worldTransform.position.x >= rightCameraBounds)) { bouncingOnCamera = true; } if (wallBounceTimes < UFE.config.wallBounceOptions._maximumBounces && controlScript.currentSubState == SubStates.Stunned && controlScript.currentState != PossibleStates.Down && UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.bounceForce != Sizes.None && FPMath.Abs(horizontalForce) >= UFE.config.wallBounceOptions._minimumBounceForce && (worldTransform.position.x <= UFE.config.selectedStage._leftBoundary || worldTransform.position.x >= UFE.config.selectedStage._rightBoundary || bouncingOnCamera) && controlScript.currentHit != null && controlScript.currentHit.wallBounce && !isWallBouncing) { if (controlScript.currentHit.overrideForcesOnWallBounce) { if (controlScript.currentHit.resetWallBounceHorizontalPush) { horizontalForce = 0; } if (controlScript.currentHit.resetWallBounceVerticalPush) { verticalForce = 0; } Fix64 addedH = -controlScript.currentHit._wallBouncePushForce.x; Fix64 addedV = controlScript.currentHit._wallBouncePushForce.y; AddForce(new FPVector(addedH, addedV, 0), controlScript.mirror); } else { if (UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.bounceForce == Sizes.Small) { horizontalForce /= -1.4; } else if (UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.bounceForce == Sizes.Medium) { horizontalForce /= -1.2; } else if (UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.bounceForce == Sizes.High) { horizontalForce *= -1; } } wallBounceTimes++; if (verticalForce > 0 || !IsGrounded()) { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.airWallBounce.animMap[0].clip != null) { controlScript.currentHitAnimation =; } } else { if (controlScript.currentHit.knockOutOnWallBounce) { moveSetScript.PlayBasicMove(moveSetScript.basicMoves.standingWallBounceKnockdown); controlScript.currentHitAnimation =; } else { moveSetScript.PlayBasicMove(moveSetScript.basicMoves.standingWallBounce); controlScript.currentHitAnimation =; } } if (UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.bouncePrefab != null) { GameObject pTemp = UFE.SpawnGameObject(UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.bouncePrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, Mathf.RoundToInt(UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.bounceKillTime * UFE.config.fps)); pTemp.transform.rotation = UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.bouncePrefab.transform.rotation; if (UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.sticky) { pTemp.transform.parent = transform; } //pTemp.transform.localPosition =; } if (UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.shakeCamOnBounce) { controlScript.shakeCameraDensity = UFE.config.wallBounceOptions._shakeDensity; } UFE.PlaySound(UFE.config.wallBounceOptions.bounceSound); isWallBouncing = true; } worldTransform.Translate((horizontalForce * UFE.fixedDeltaTime), 0, 0); } if (move == null || (move != null && !move.ignoreGravity)) { if ((verticalForce < 0 && !IsGrounded()) || verticalForce > 0) { verticalForce -= appliedGravity * UFE.fixedDeltaTime; worldTransform.Translate((moveDirection * UFE.fixedDeltaTime) * controlScript.myInfo.physics._jumpDistance, (verticalForce * UFE.fixedDeltaTime), 0); } else if (verticalForce < 0 && IsGrounded() && controlScript.currentSubState != SubStates.Stunned) { verticalForce = 0; } } } Fix64 minDist = opWorldTransform.position.x - UFE.config.cameraOptions._maxDistance; Fix64 maxDist = opWorldTransform.position.x + UFE.config.cameraOptions._maxDistance; worldTransform.position = new FPVector(FPMath.Clamp(worldTransform.position.x, minDist, maxDist), worldTransform.position.y, worldTransform.position.z); worldTransform.position = new FPVector( FPMath.Clamp(worldTransform.position.x, UFE.config.selectedStage._leftBoundary, UFE.config.selectedStage._rightBoundary), FPMath.Max(worldTransform.position.y, UFE.config.selectedStage._groundHeight), worldTransform.position.z); if (controlScript.currentState == PossibleStates.Down) { return; } if (IsGrounded() && controlScript.currentState != PossibleStates.Down) { if (verticalTotalForce != 0) { if (groundBounceTimes < UFE.config.groundBounceOptions._maximumBounces && controlScript.currentSubState == SubStates.Stunned && UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.bounceForce != Sizes.None && verticalForce <= -UFE.config.groundBounceOptions._minimumBounceForce && controlScript.currentHit.groundBounce) { if (controlScript.currentHit.overrideForcesOnGroundBounce) { if (controlScript.currentHit.resetGroundBounceHorizontalPush) { horizontalForce = 0; } if (controlScript.currentHit.resetGroundBounceVerticalPush) { verticalForce = 0; } Fix64 addedH = controlScript.currentHit._groundBouncePushForce.x; Fix64 addedV = controlScript.currentHit._groundBouncePushForce.y; AddForce(new FPVector(addedH, addedV, 0), controlScript.mirror); } else { if (UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.bounceForce == Sizes.Small) { AddForce(new FPVector(0, (-verticalForce / 2.4), 0), 1); } else if (UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.bounceForce == Sizes.Medium) { AddForce(new FPVector(0, (-verticalForce / 1.8), 0), 1); } else if (UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.bounceForce == Sizes.High) { AddForce(new FPVector(0, (-verticalForce / 1.2), 0), 1); } } groundBounceTimes++; if (!isGroundBouncing) { controlScript.stunTime += airTime + UFE.config.knockDownOptions.air._knockedOutTime; if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.groundBounce.animMap[0].clip != null) { controlScript.currentHitAnimation =; moveSetScript.PlayBasicMove(moveSetScript.basicMoves.groundBounce); } if (UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.bouncePrefab != null) { GameObject pTemp = UFE.SpawnGameObject(UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.bouncePrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, Mathf.RoundToInt(UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.bounceKillTime * UFE.config.fps)); pTemp.transform.rotation = UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.bouncePrefab.transform.rotation; if (UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.sticky) { pTemp.transform.parent = transform; } //pTemp.transform.localPosition =; } if (UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.shakeCamOnBounce) { controlScript.shakeCameraDensity = UFE.config.groundBounceOptions._shakeDensity; } UFE.PlaySound(UFE.config.groundBounceOptions.bounceSound); isGroundBouncing = true; } return; } verticalTotalForce = 0; airTime = 0; moveSetScript.totalAirMoves = 0; currentAirJumps = 0; BasicMoveInfo airAnimation = null; string downAnimation = ""; isGroundBouncing = false; groundBounceTimes = 0; Fix64 animationSpeed = 0; Fix64 delayTime = 0; if (controlScript.currentMove != null && controlScript.currentMove.hitAnimationOverride) { return; } if (controlScript.currentSubState == SubStates.Stunned) { if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( { controlScript.stunTime = 0; controlScript.currentState = PossibleStates.Stand; } else { controlScript.stunTime = UFE.config.knockDownOptions.air._knockedOutTime + UFE.config.knockDownOptions.air._standUpTime; // Hit Clips if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( && moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitKnockBack.animMap[1].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitKnockBack; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 2); } else if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( && moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitHighKnockdown.animMap[1].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitHighKnockdown; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 2); controlScript.stunTime = UFE.config.knockDownOptions.high._knockedOutTime + UFE.config.knockDownOptions.high._standUpTime; } else if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( && moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitMidKnockdown.animMap[1].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitMidKnockdown; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 2); controlScript.stunTime = UFE.config.knockDownOptions.highLow._knockedOutTime + UFE.config.knockDownOptions.highLow._standUpTime; } else if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( && moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitSweep.animMap[1].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitSweep; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 2); controlScript.stunTime = UFE.config.knockDownOptions.sweep._knockedOutTime + UFE.config.knockDownOptions.sweep._standUpTime; } else if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( && moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitCrumple.animMap[1].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitCrumple; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 2); // Stage Clips } else if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( && moveSetScript.basicMoves.standingWallBounceKnockdown.animMap[1].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.standingWallBounceKnockdown; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 2); controlScript.stunTime = UFE.config.knockDownOptions.wallbounce._knockedOutTime + UFE.config.knockDownOptions.wallbounce._standUpTime; } else if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( && moveSetScript.basicMoves.airWallBounce.animMap[1].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.airWallBounce; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 2); controlScript.stunTime = UFE.config.knockDownOptions.wallbounce._knockedOutTime + UFE.config.knockDownOptions.wallbounce._standUpTime; // Fall Clips } else if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( && moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallingFromAirHit.animMap[1].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallingFromAirHit; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 2); } else if (moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( && moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallingFromGroundBounce.animMap[1].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallingFromGroundBounce; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 2); } else { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallDown.animMap[0].clip == null) { Debug.LogError("Fall Down From Air Hit animation not found! Make sure you have it set on Character -> Basic Moves -> Fall Down From Air Hit"); } airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallDown; downAnimation = moveSetScript.GetAnimationString(airAnimation, 1); } controlScript.currentState = PossibleStates.Down; } } else if (controlScript.currentState != PossibleStates.Stand) { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.landing.animMap[0].clip != null && (controlScript.currentMove == null || (controlScript.currentMove != null && controlScript.currentMove.cancelMoveWheLanding))) { controlScript.isAirRecovering = false; airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.landing; moveDirection = 0; isLanding = true; controlScript.KillCurrentMove(); delayTime = (Fix64)controlScript.myInfo.physics.landingDelay / (Fix64)UFE.config.fps; UFE.DelaySynchronizedAction(ResetLanding, delayTime); if (airAnimation.autoSpeed) { animationSpeed = moveSetScript.GetAnimationLength( / delayTime; } } if (controlScript.currentState != PossibleStates.Crouch) { controlScript.currentState = PossibleStates.Stand; } } if (airAnimation != null) { if (downAnimation != "") { moveSetScript.PlayBasicMove(airAnimation, downAnimation); } else { moveSetScript.PlayBasicMove(airAnimation); } if (animationSpeed != 0) { moveSetScript.SetAnimationSpeed(, animationSpeed); } } } if (controlScript.currentSubState != SubStates.Stunned && !controlScript.isBlocking && !controlScript.blockStunned && move == null && !isTakingOff && !isLanding && controlScript.currentState == PossibleStates.Stand) { if (moveDirection > 0 && controlScript.mirror == -1 || moveDirection < 0 && controlScript.mirror == 1) { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.moveForward.animMap[0].clip == null) { Debug.LogError("Move Forward animation not found! Make sure you have it set on Character -> Basic Moves -> Move Forward"); } if (!moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( { moveSetScript.PlayBasicMove(moveSetScript.basicMoves.moveForward); } } else if (moveDirection > 0 && controlScript.mirror == 1 || moveDirection < 0 && controlScript.mirror == -1) { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.moveBack.animMap[0].clip == null) { Debug.LogError("Move Back animation not found! Make sure you have it set on Character -> Basic Moves -> Move Back"); } if (!moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( { moveSetScript.PlayBasicMove(moveSetScript.basicMoves.moveBack); } } } } else if (verticalForce > 0 || !IsGrounded()) { if (move != null && controlScript.currentState == PossibleStates.Stand) { controlScript.currentState = PossibleStates.NeutralJump; } if (move == null && verticalForce / verticalTotalForce > 0 && verticalForce / verticalTotalForce <= 1) { if (isGroundBouncing) { return; } if (moveDirection == 0) { controlScript.currentState = PossibleStates.NeutralJump; } else { if (moveDirection > 0 && controlScript.mirror == -1 || moveDirection < 0 && controlScript.mirror == 1) { controlScript.currentState = PossibleStates.ForwardJump; } if (moveDirection > 0 && controlScript.mirror == 1 || moveDirection < 0 && controlScript.mirror == -1) { controlScript.currentState = PossibleStates.BackJump; } } BasicMoveInfo airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.jumpStraight; if (controlScript.currentSubState == SubStates.Stunned) { if (isWallBouncing && moveSetScript.basicMoves.airWallBounce.animMap[0].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.airWallBounce; } else if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitKnockBack.animMap[0].clip != null && FPMath.Abs(horizontalForce) > UFE.config.comboOptions._knockBackMinForce && UFE.config.comboOptions._knockBackMinForce > 0) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitKnockBack; airTime *= (Fix64)2; } else { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitAir.animMap[0].clip == null) { Debug.LogError("Get Hit Air animation not found! Make sure you have it set on Character -> Basic Moves -> Get Hit Air"); } airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitAir; } if (overrideStunAnimation != null) { airAnimation = overrideStunAnimation; } } else if (controlScript.isAirRecovering && (moveSetScript.basicMoves.airRecovery.animMap[0].clip != null)) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.airRecovery; } else { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.jumpForward.animMap[0].clip != null && controlScript.currentState == PossibleStates.ForwardJump) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.jumpForward; } else if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.jumpBack.animMap[0].clip != null && controlScript.currentState == PossibleStates.BackJump) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.jumpBack; } else { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.jumpStraight.animMap[0].clip == null) { Debug.LogError("Jump animation not found! Make sure you have it set on Character -> Basic Moves -> Jump Straight"); } airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.jumpStraight; } } if (!overrideAirAnimation && !moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( { moveSetScript.PlayBasicMove(airAnimation); if (airAnimation.autoSpeed) { moveSetScript.SetAnimationNormalizedSpeed(, (moveSetScript.GetAnimationLength( / airTime)); } } } else if (move == null && verticalForce / verticalTotalForce <= 0) { BasicMoveInfo airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallStraight; if (isGroundBouncing && moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallingFromGroundBounce.animMap[0].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallingFromGroundBounce; } else if (isWallBouncing && moveSetScript.basicMoves.airWallBounce.animMap[0].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.airWallBounce; } else { if (controlScript.currentSubState == SubStates.Stunned) { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitKnockBack.animMap[0].clip != null && FPMath.Abs(horizontalForce) > UFE.config.comboOptions._knockBackMinForce && UFE.config.comboOptions._knockBackMinForce > 0) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitKnockBack; } else { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitAir; if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallingFromAirHit.animMap[0].clip != null) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallingFromAirHit; } else if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.getHitAir.animMap[0].clip == null) { Debug.LogError("Air Juggle animation not found! Make sure you have it set on Character -> Basic Moves -> Air Juggle"); } } if (overrideStunAnimation != null) { airAnimation = overrideStunAnimation; } } else if (controlScript.isAirRecovering && (moveSetScript.basicMoves.airRecovery.animMap[0].clip != null)) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.airRecovery; } else { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallForward.animMap[0].clip != null && controlScript.currentState == PossibleStates.ForwardJump) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallForward; } else if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallBack.animMap[0].clip != null && controlScript.currentState == PossibleStates.BackJump) { airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallBack; } else { if (moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallStraight.animMap[0].clip == null) { Debug.LogError("Fall animation not found! Make sure you have it set on Character -> Basic Moves -> Fall Straight"); } airAnimation = moveSetScript.basicMoves.fallStraight; } } } if (!overrideAirAnimation && !moveSetScript.IsAnimationPlaying( { moveSetScript.PlayBasicMove(airAnimation); if (airAnimation.autoSpeed) { moveSetScript.SetAnimationNormalizedSpeed(, (moveSetScript.GetAnimationLength( / airTime)); } } } } if (horizontalForce == 0 && verticalForce == 0) { moveDirection = 0; } }
public void DoFixedUpdate() { //WrapMode emulator if (overrideAnimatorUpdate) { animator.enabled = false; animator.Update((float)UFE.fixedDeltaTime); } if (currentAnimationData == null || currentAnimationData.clip == null) { return; } deltaDisplacement += animator.deltaPosition; currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed += FPMath.Abs(UFE.fixedDeltaTime * GetSpeed()); if (currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed > currentAnimationData.length) { currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed = currentAnimationData.length; } currentAnimationData.normalizedTime = currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed / currentAnimationData.length; if (currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed == currentAnimationData.length) { if (currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Loop || currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.PingPong) { if (MecanimControl.OnAnimationLoop != null) { MecanimControl.OnAnimationLoop(currentAnimationData); } currentAnimationData.timesPlayed++; if (currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Loop) { SetCurrentClipPosition(0); } if (currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.PingPong) { SetSpeed(currentAnimationData.clipName, -currentAnimationData.speed); SetCurrentClipPosition(0); } } else if (currentAnimationData.timesPlayed == 0) { if (MecanimControl.OnAnimationEnd != null) { MecanimControl.OnAnimationEnd(currentAnimationData); } currentAnimationData.timesPlayed = 1; if ((currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Once || currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Clamp) && alwaysPlay) { Play(defaultAnimation, currentMirror); } else if (!alwaysPlay) { SetSpeed(0); } } } }
public static NavMesh BakeNavMesh(MapData data, MapNavMeshDefinition navmeshDefinition) { try { FPMathUtils.LoadLookupTables(); var vs_array = navmeshDefinition.Vertices.ToArray(); var nav_vertices = vs_array.Map(x => new NavMeshVertex { Point = x.Position.ToFPVector2(), Neighbors = new Int32[0], Triangles = new Int32[0], Borders = new Int32[0] }); var nav_triangles = new NavMeshTriangle[0]; // TRIANGLES for (Int32 i = 0; i < navmeshDefinition.Triangles.Length; ++i) { Progress("Baking NavMesh '" + + "': Calculating Triangles", i, navmeshDefinition.Triangles.Length); var t = navmeshDefinition.Triangles[i]; var v0 = Array.FindIndex(vs_array, x => x.Id == t.VertexIds[0]); var v1 = Array.FindIndex(vs_array, x => x.Id == t.VertexIds[1]); var v2 = Array.FindIndex(vs_array, x => x.Id == t.VertexIds[2]); ArrayUtils.Add(ref nav_triangles, new NavMeshTriangle { Vertex0 = v0, Vertex1 = v1, Vertex2 = v2, Center = (nav_vertices[v0].Point + nav_vertices[v1].Point + nav_vertices[v2].Point) / FP._3 }); } // TRIANGLE GRID var nav_triangles_grid = new NavMeshTriangleNode[data.Asset.Settings.GridSize * data.Asset.Settings.GridSize]; //for (Int32 i = 0; i < nav_triangles_grid.Length; ++i) { // nav_triangles_grid[i] = i + 1; //} for (Int32 i = 0; i < nav_triangles.Length; ++i) { Progress("Baking NavMesh '" + + "': Calculating Triangle Grid", i, nav_triangles.Length); var v0 = nav_vertices[nav_triangles[i].Vertex0].Point; var v1 = nav_vertices[nav_triangles[i].Vertex1].Point; var v2 = nav_vertices[nav_triangles[i].Vertex2].Point; for (Int32 z = 0; z < data.Asset.Settings.GridSize; ++z) { for (Int32 x = 0; x < data.Asset.Settings.GridSize; ++x) { var bl = data.Asset.Settings.WorldOffset + new FPVector2(x * data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize, z * data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize); var br = bl + new FPVector2(data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize, 0); var ur = bl + new FPVector2(data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize, data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize); var ul = bl + new FPVector2(0, data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize); if ( // if any of the corners are inside the triangle FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(bl, v0, v1, v2) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(br, v0, v1, v2) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(ur, v0, v1, v2) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(ul, v0, v1, v2) || // BL => BR FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v0, v1, bl, br) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v1, v2, bl, br) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v2, v0, bl, br) || // BR => UR FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v0, v1, br, ur) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v1, v2, br, ur) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v2, v0, br, ur) || // UR => UL FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v0, v1, ur, ul) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v1, v2, ur, ul) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v2, v0, ur, ul) || // UL => BL FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v0, v1, ul, bl) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v1, v2, ul, bl) || FPCollision.TriangleContainsPoint(v2, v0, ul, bl) ) { var idx = (z * data.Asset.Settings.GridSize) + x; if (nav_triangles_grid[idx].Triangles == null) { nav_triangles_grid[idx].Triangles = new Int32[0]; } // add triangle to this grid node ArrayUtils.Add(ref nav_triangles_grid[idx].Triangles, i); } } } } // VERTEX NEIGHBORS for (Int32 v = 0; v < nav_vertices.Length; ++v) { Progress("Baking NavMesh '" + + "': Calculating Vertex Neighbors", v, nav_vertices.Length); var triangles = new HashSet <Int32>(); var neighbors = new HashSet <Int32>(); for (Int32 t = 0; t < nav_triangles.Length; ++t) { var tr = nav_triangles[t]; if (tr.Vertex0 == v || tr.Vertex1 == v || tr.Vertex2 == v) { triangles.Add(t); neighbors.Add(tr.Vertex0); neighbors.Add(tr.Vertex1); neighbors.Add(tr.Vertex2); } } // remove itself from neighbors set neighbors.Remove(v); // nav_vertices[v].Triangles = triangles.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray(); nav_vertices[v].Neighbors = neighbors.ToArray(); } // BORDER EDGES for (Int32 t = 0; t < nav_triangles.Length; ++t) { Progress("Baking NavMesh '" + + "': Calculating Border Edges", t, nav_triangles.Length); var tr = nav_triangles[t]; if (IsBorderEdge(nav_triangles, t, tr.Vertex0, tr.Vertex1)) { ArrayUtils.Add(ref nav_vertices[tr.Vertex0].Borders, tr.Vertex1); ArrayUtils.Add(ref nav_vertices[tr.Vertex1].Borders, tr.Vertex0); } if (IsBorderEdge(nav_triangles, t, tr.Vertex1, tr.Vertex2)) { ArrayUtils.Add(ref nav_vertices[tr.Vertex1].Borders, tr.Vertex2); ArrayUtils.Add(ref nav_vertices[tr.Vertex2].Borders, tr.Vertex1); } if (IsBorderEdge(nav_triangles, t, tr.Vertex2, tr.Vertex0)) { ArrayUtils.Add(ref nav_vertices[tr.Vertex2].Borders, tr.Vertex0); ArrayUtils.Add(ref nav_vertices[tr.Vertex0].Borders, tr.Vertex2); } } // NORMALS var pt2 = FP._0_10 * FP._2; var pt3 = FP._0_10 * FP._3; for (Int32 i = 0; i < nav_vertices.Length; ++i) { Progress("Baking NavMesh '" + + "': Calculating Normals", i, nav_vertices.Length); var v = nav_vertices[i]; var tn = new FPVector2[3]; if (v.Borders != null) { // 0. preferred middle of borders var borders = v.Borders.Map(x => FPVector2.Normalize(nav_vertices[x].Point - v.Point)); if (borders.Length == 2) { tn[0] = FPVector2.Normalize(FPVector2.Lerp(borders[0], borders[1], FP._0_50)); } // 1. second preferred neighbor edge that is furthest away from borders if (v.Neighbors != null) { var neighbors = v.Neighbors.Where(x => !v.Borders.Contains(x)).Select(x => new Neighbor { Direction = FPVector2.Normalize(nav_vertices[x].Point - v.Point), Vertex = x } ).ToArray(); var max_dot = FP.MinValue; var max_neighbor = default(Neighbor); max_neighbor.Vertex = -1; for (Int32 n = 0; n < neighbors.Length; ++n) { var dot = FP._0; for (Int32 b = 0; b < borders.Length; ++b) { dot += FPVector2.Dot(borders[b], neighbors[n].Direction); } dot = FPMath.Abs(dot); if (dot > max_dot) { max_dot = dot; max_neighbor = neighbors[n]; } } if (max_neighbor.Vertex >= 0) { tn[1] = max_neighbor.Direction * pt2; } } } // 2. least preferred, avarage of triangle normals foreach (var tc in v.Triangles.Select(x => FPVector2.Normalize(TriangleCenter(nav_triangles[x], nav_vertices) - v.Point))) { tn[2] += tc; } tn[2] = FPVector2.Normalize(tn[2]); // find normal var failed = true; for (Int32 k = 0; failed && k < tn.Length; ++k) { if (tn[k] != FPVector2.Zero) { if (failed && TriangleContains(nav_triangles, nav_vertices, (v.Point + (tn[k] * pt3)))) { nav_vertices[i].Normal = FPVector2.Normalize(tn[k] * pt2); // we're done failed = false; } if (failed && TriangleContains(nav_triangles, nav_vertices, (v.Point + (-tn[k] * pt3)))) { nav_vertices[i].Normal = FPVector2.Normalize(-tn[k] * pt2); // we're done failed = false; } } } } // BORDER SET HashSet <Border> border_set = new HashSet <Border>(); for (Int32 v = 0; v < nav_vertices.Length; ++v) { Progress( + " Baking: Border Set", v, nav_vertices.Length); if (nav_vertices[v].Borders != null) { for (Int32 n = 0; n < nav_vertices[v].Borders.Length; ++n) { border_set.Add(new Border(v, nav_vertices[v].Borders[n], border_set.Count + 1)); } } } // BORDER GRID var nav_border_grid = new NavMeshBorderNode[data.Asset.Settings.GridSize * data.Asset.Settings.GridSize]; for (Int32 z = 0; z < data.Asset.Settings.GridSize; ++z) { for (Int32 x = 0; x < data.Asset.Settings.GridSize; ++x) { var idx = (z * data.Asset.Settings.GridSize) + x; Progress("Baking NavMesh '" + + "': Border Grid", idx, data.Asset.Settings.GridSize * data.Asset.Settings.GridSize); // set index key // nav_border_grid[idx].key = idx + 1; // var zn = (FP)z * data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize; var xn = (FP)x * data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize; FPVector2 bl = data.Asset.Settings.WorldOffset + new FPVector2(xn, zn); FPVector2 br = data.Asset.Settings.WorldOffset + new FPVector2(xn + data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize, zn); FPVector2 ur = data.Asset.Settings.WorldOffset + new FPVector2(xn + data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize, zn + data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize); FPVector2 ul = data.Asset.Settings.WorldOffset + new FPVector2(xn, zn + data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize); foreach (var b in border_set) { var p0 = nav_vertices[b.V0].Point; var p1 = nav_vertices[b.V1].Point; if ( FPCollision.LineIntersectsLine(p0, p1, bl, br) || FPCollision.LineIntersectsLine(p0, p1, br, ur) || FPCollision.LineIntersectsLine(p0, p1, ur, ul) || FPCollision.LineIntersectsLine(p0, p1, ul, bl) ) { if (nav_border_grid[idx].Borders == null) { nav_border_grid[idx].Borders = new NavMeshBorder[0]; } ArrayUtils.Add(ref nav_border_grid[idx].Borders, new NavMeshBorder { Key = b.Key, V0 = p0, V1 = p1, }); } } } } // TRIANGLE CENTER GRID var nav_triangles_center_grid = new Int32[data.Asset.Settings.GridSize * data.Asset.Settings.GridSize]; for (Int32 z = 0; z < data.Asset.Settings.GridSize; ++z) { for (Int32 x = 0; x < data.Asset.Settings.GridSize; ++x) { var idx = (z * data.Asset.Settings.GridSize) + x; Progress("Baking NavMesh '" + + "': Triangle Center Grid", idx, data.Asset.Settings.GridSize * data.Asset.Settings.GridSize); var zn = (FP)(z * data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize); var xn = (FP)(x * data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize); var g = data.Asset.Settings.WorldOffset + new FPVector2(xn, zn) + new FPVector2(FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize * 0.5f), FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize * 0.5f)); var d = FP.MaxValue; var t = -1; for (Int32 i = 0; i < nav_triangles.Length; ++i) { var c = nav_triangles[i].Center; if (FPVector2.DistanceSquared(g, c) < d) { d = FPVector2.DistanceSquared(g, c); t = i; } } Assert.Check(t >= 0); nav_triangles_center_grid[idx] = t; } } NavMesh navmesh; navmesh = new NavMesh(); navmesh.GridSize = data.Asset.Settings.GridSize; navmesh.GridNodeSize = data.Asset.Settings.GridNodeSize; navmesh.WorldOffset = data.Asset.Settings.WorldOffset; navmesh.Name =; navmesh.Vertices = nav_vertices; navmesh.BorderGrid = nav_border_grid; navmesh.Triangles = nav_triangles; navmesh.TrianglesGrid = nav_triangles_grid; navmesh.TrianglesCenterGrid = nav_triangles_center_grid; return(navmesh); } finally { #if UNITY_EDITOR EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); #endif } }