コード例 #1
    public override void OnSyncedStart()
        FP a = 3.7897495f;

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            a = Mathf.Sin(a.AsFloat() + a.AsFloat());

            Debug.Log("a: " + a);
コード例 #2
    private void Update()
        transform.localRotation = TSQuaternion.Euler(TSVector.up * this.wheelAngle).ToQuaternion();
        // tsTransform.localRotation = TSQuaternion.Euler(TSVector.up * this.wheelAngle);

        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, -transform.up * (springLength.AsFloat() + wheelRadius), Color.red);
コード例 #3
    private void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
        Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, m_Threshold.AsFloat());

        if (m_RespawnPoints != null)
            for (int respawnPointIndex = 0; respawnPointIndex < m_RespawnPoints.Length; ++respawnPointIndex)
                RespawnPoint respawnPoint = m_RespawnPoints[respawnPointIndex];

                if (respawnPoint == null)

                TSVector2 normalizedDir = respawnPoint.forceDirection.normalized;

                // Draw main direction.

                if (respawnPoint.transform != null)
                    Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;

                    Vector3 from = respawnPoint.transform.position.ToVector();
                    Vector3 to   = from + new Vector3(normalizedDir.x.AsFloat(), normalizedDir.y.AsFloat(), 0f);
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to);

                if (MathFP.Abs(respawnPoint.errorAngle) > FP.Zero)
                    // Draw error range.

                        Gizmos.color = Color.red;

                        TSVector2 normalizedDirLeft = normalizedDir.Rotate(-respawnPoint.errorAngle);

                        Vector3 from = respawnPoint.transform.position.ToVector();
                        Vector3 to   = from + new Vector3(normalizedDirLeft.x.AsFloat(), normalizedDirLeft.y.AsFloat(), 0f);
                        Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to);

                        Gizmos.color = Color.red;

                        TSVector2 normalizedDirRight = normalizedDir.Rotate(respawnPoint.errorAngle);

                        Vector3 from = respawnPoint.transform.position.ToVector();
                        Vector3 to   = from + new Vector3(normalizedDirRight.x.AsFloat(), normalizedDirRight.y.AsFloat(), 0f);
                        Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to);
コード例 #4
    void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (!m_DrawGizmos)

        Gizmos.color = Color.red;
        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, m_Radius.AsFloat());
コード例 #5
    public override void OnSyncedUpdate()
        _movX = TrueSyncInput.GetFP(0);
        _movY = TrueSyncInput.GetFP(1);
        _rotX = TrueSyncInput.GetFP(2);
        _rotY = TrueSyncInput.GetFP(3);

        Debug.Log("move:" + new Vector2(_movX.AsFloat(), _movY.AsFloat()) + "rot:" + new Vector2(_rotX.AsFloat(), _rotY.AsFloat()));
        // 移动

        // 开火
コード例 #6
        static UnityEngine.Color Rainbow(FP v)
            UnityEngine.Color c = new UnityEngine.Color(v.AsFloat(), 0, 0);

            if (c.r > 1)
                c.g = c.r - 1; c.r = 1;
            if (c.g > 1)
                c.b = c.g - 1; c.g = 1;
コード例 #7
ファイル: TestAgent.cs プロジェクト: weiou063374/path_finding
    public void Loop(FP frameTime, TSVector position, TSVector velocity)
        if (!enabled || !gameObject.activeSelf)
        if (unit != null)
            // attacRange = unit._attackRange.AsFloat();
            _agentType   = unit._agentType;
            _velocity    = CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(unit.velocity);
            _preVelocity = CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(unit.preVelocity);
            _offsetTime  = unit._frameOffset;
            _id          = unit.Id;
            targetPos    = CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(unit.targetPos);
        //  Debug.Log(unit.Id+ ",speed:"+velocity.magnitude);
        FP trueAtkRange = (attackRange + unit.colliderRadius);//warning,_listEnemyAgents[0].colliderRadius
        FP atkRangeSqr  = trueAtkRange * trueAtkRange;

        if (unit.targetPos != TSVector.MaxValue)
            FP dstSqr = (unit.targetPos - unit.position).sqrMagnitude;
            if (unit.AgentType != EAgentType.none)
                unit.stopMoving = dstSqr <= atkRangeSqr;

        gameObject.transform.position = CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(position);
        if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - fTime > Time.deltaTime * 2 && fTime > 0)
            // Debug.LogError("diff time:"+ (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - fTime) );
        fTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        if (velocity.magnitude / frameTime > 0.01f) //todo
            //transform.forward = CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(velocity);//todo
            var         rot           = transform.rotation;
            var         targetRot     = Quaternion.LookRotation(CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(velocity), transform.up);
            const float RotationSpeed = 5;

            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(rot, targetRot, frameTime.AsFloat() * RotationSpeed);
    protected float GetVehicleSpeed(GameObject i_Go)
        if (i_Go == null)

        TSRigidBody2D rigidbody2d = i_Go.GetComponent <TSRigidBody2D>();

        if (rigidbody2d != null)
            TSVector2 tsVelocity = rigidbody2d.velocity;
            FP        tsSpeed    = tsVelocity.magnitude;
            float     speed      = tsSpeed.AsFloat();

コード例 #9
            /** Creates a VO for avoiding another agent.
             * \param center The position of the other agent relative to this agent.
             * \param offset Offset of the velocity obstacle. For example to account for the agents' relative velocities.
             * \param radius Combined radius of the two agents (radius1 + radius2).
             * \param inverseDt 1 divided by the local avoidance time horizon (e.g avoid agents that we will hit within the next 2 seconds).
             * \param inverseDeltaTime 1 divided by the time step length.
            public VO(TSVector2 center, TSVector2 offset, FP radius, FP inverseDt, FP inverseDeltaTime)
                // Adjusted so that a parameter weightFactor of 1 will be the default ("natural") weight factor
                this.weightFactor = 1;
                weightBonus       = 0;

                //this.radius = radius;
                TSVector2 globalCenter;

                circleCenter = center * inverseDt + offset;
                FP tmp = Sqr(center.LengthSquared() / (radius * radius));//exp(-tmp),

                // tmp = 1 +tmp+tmp*tmp/2+tmp*tmp*tmp/6; //simple use Taylor's Formula
                this.weightFactor = 4 * System.Math.Exp(-tmp.AsFloat()) + 1;// 4 /tmp + 1;//exp()
                // Collision?
                if (center.magnitude < radius)
                    colliding = true;

                    // 0.001 is there to make sure lin1.magnitude is not so small that the normalization
                    // below will return TSVector2.zero as that will make the VO invalid and it will be ignored.
                    line1  = center.normalized * (center.magnitude - radius - FP.One / 1000) * 3 / 10 * inverseDeltaTime;
                    dir1   = new TSVector2(line1.y, -line1.x).normalized;
                    line1 += offset;

                    cutoffDir   = TSVector2.zero;
                    cutoffLine  = TSVector2.zero;
                    dir2        = TSVector2.zero;
                    line2       = TSVector2.zero;
                    this.radius = 0;
                    colliding = false;

                    center      *= inverseDt;
                    radius      *= inverseDt;
                    globalCenter = center + offset;

                    // 0.001 is there to make sure cutoffDistance is not so small that the normalization
                    // below will return TSVector2.zero as that will make the VO invalid and it will be ignored.
                    var cutoffDistance = center.magnitude - radius + FP.One / 1000;

                    cutoffLine  = center.normalized * cutoffDistance;
                    cutoffDir   = new TSVector2(-cutoffLine.y, cutoffLine.x).normalized;
                    cutoffLine += offset;

                    FP alpha = TSMath.Atan2(-center.y, -center.x);

                    FP delta = TSMath.Abs(TSMath.Acos(radius / center.magnitude));

                    this.radius = radius;

                    // Bounding Lines

                    // Point on circle
                    line1 = new TSVector2(TSMath.Cos(alpha + delta), TSMath.Sin(alpha + delta));
                    // Vector tangent to circle which is the correct line tangent
                    // Note that this vector is normalized
                    dir1 = new TSVector2(line1.y, -line1.x);

                    // Point on circle
                    line2 = new TSVector2(TSMath.Cos(alpha - delta), TSMath.Sin(alpha - delta));
                    // Vector tangent to circle which is the correct line tangent
                    // Note that this vector is normalized
                    dir2 = new TSVector2(line2.y, -line2.x);

                    line1 = line1 * radius + globalCenter;
                    line2 = line2 * radius + globalCenter;

                segmentStart = TSVector2.zero;
                segmentEnd   = TSVector2.zero;
                segment      = false;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Cust.cs プロジェクト: cfinnegn/BattleNetwork
    // Update is called once per frame
    public override void OnSyncedUpdate()
        gauge += TrueSyncManager.DeltaTime / cust_speed;
        if (pending_energy_use)
            gauge -= used_energy;
        pending_energy_use = false;
        gauge  = (gauge > 10.0f) ? 10.0f : gauge;
        energy = (FP)TrueSync.TSMath.Floor(gauge);
        cust_num.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = "" + energy;

        // gauge filling
        int i = 0;

        while (i < 10)          //increment through each bar; the first 9 children
            if (i < energy)     // full bars
                transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = 1.0f;
            else if (i == energy)               // filling bar
                transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = gauge.AsFloat() - (float)energy.AsFloat();
                //Debug.Log(gauge - (float)energy);
                transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = 0.0f;
    private void FillAttractTimeData(int i_SlotIndex, tnStandardMatchController i_MatchController)
        if (i_MatchController == null)

        int charcatersCount = i_MatchController.charactersCount;

        // Compute total shots count.

        FP totalAttractTime = FP.Zero;

        for (int characterIndex = 0; characterIndex < charcatersCount; ++characterIndex)
            tnStandardMatchCharacterResults characterResults = (tnStandardMatchCharacterResults)i_MatchController.GetCharacterResultsByIndex(characterIndex);
            if (characterResults != null)
                totalAttractTime += characterResults.attractTime;

        // Get best character for this stat.

        int selectedCharacterIndex = -1;
        int selectedCharacterId    = Hash.s_NULL;

        FP maxAttractTime = FP.MinValue;

        for (int characterIndex = 0; characterIndex < charcatersCount; ++characterIndex)
            tnStandardMatchCharacterResults characterResults = (tnStandardMatchCharacterResults)i_MatchController.GetCharacterResultsByIndex(characterIndex);
            if (characterResults != null)
                FP characterAttractTime = characterResults.attractTime;

                if (characterAttractTime > maxAttractTime)
                    selectedCharacterIndex = characterIndex;
                    selectedCharacterId    = characterResults.id;

                    maxAttractTime = characterAttractTime;

        if (selectedCharacterIndex < 0)

        // Get team color.

        Color teamColor = Color.white;

        GameObject characterGo = i_MatchController.GetCharacterByIndex(selectedCharacterIndex);

        if (characterGo != null)
            tnCharacterInfo characterInfo = characterGo.GetComponent <tnCharacterInfo>();
            if (characterInfo != null)
                teamColor = characterInfo.teamColor;

        // Fill data.

        string playerName     = "";
        Sprite playerPortrait = null;

            tnCharacterData characterData = tnGameData.GetCharacterDataMain(selectedCharacterId);
            if (characterData != null)
                playerName     = characterData.displayName;
                playerPortrait = characterData.uiIconFacingRight;

        string statValue = maxAttractTime.ToString(2);

        statValue += " s";

        float partecipationPercentage = 0f;

        if (totalAttractTime > 0f)
            partecipationPercentage  = maxAttractTime.AsFloat() / totalAttractTime.AsFloat();
            partecipationPercentage *= 100f;

            partecipationPercentage = Mathf.Clamp(partecipationPercentage, 0f, 100f);

        string partecipationValue = partecipationPercentage.ToString("0.00");

        partecipationValue += "%";

        FillData(i_SlotIndex, playerName, playerPortrait, teamColor, s_StatName_AttractTime, statValue, s_PartecipationLabel, partecipationValue);
コード例 #12
    public override void OnSyncedUpdate()

        FPVector changeForwardVec3 = FrameSyncInput.GetFPVector((byte)E_InputId.E_DRAGGING_CAMERA);
        bool     IdelFlag          = FrameSyncInput.GetBool((byte)E_InputId.E_IDEL);
        FP       move_x            = FrameSyncInput.GetFP((byte)E_InputId.E_MOVE_X);
        FP       move_y            = FrameSyncInput.GetFP((byte)E_InputId.E_MOVE_Y);

        bool mouseDraggingFlag = FrameSyncInput.GetBool((byte)E_InputId.E_MOUSE_DRAGGING);
        bool mouseDragEndFlag  = FrameSyncInput.GetBool((byte)E_InputId.E_MOUSE_DRAGEND);

        if (mouseDraggingFlag || mouseDragEndFlag)
            bool leftDirection  = FrameSyncInput.GetBool((byte)E_InputId.E_MOUSE_DRAG_LEFT);
            bool rightDirection = FrameSyncInput.GetBool((byte)E_InputId.E_MOUSE_DRAG_RIGHT);
            ComMoveFollowObj.SetMouseDragDirection(leftDirection, rightDirection);
            if (mouseDraggingFlag)

        if (changeForwardVec3 != FPVector.zero)
            Debug.Log("changeForwardVec3:::::::::::" + changeForwardVec3.ToVector() + ",,,E_InputId.E_IDEL::" + IdelFlag);
            Debug.Log("FP_FP_FP_::move_x_xxxxxxxx::" + move_x.AsFloat() + ",move_y::" + move_y.AsFloat());

        if (IdelFlag)
            if (move_x != 0 || move_y != 0)
                if (changeForwardVec3 != FPVector.zero)
                    Debug.Log("changeForwardVec3::" + changeForwardVec3.ToVector() + "camera::" + ComMoveFollowObj.transform.forward + ",touch:::" + ComMoveFollowObj._bTouchMouse);
                    // Debug.Log("changeForwardVec3:::::::::::" + changeForwardVec3.ToVector()  +"camera::"+ ComMoveFollowObj.transform.forward);
                SycnMove(move_x, move_y);

        bool shootDownFlag = FrameSyncInput.GetBool((byte)E_InputId.E_SHOOT_DOWN);

        if (shootDownFlag)
        bool shootUpFlag = FrameSyncInput.GetBool((byte)E_InputId.E_SHOOT_UP);

        if (shootUpFlag)
            Shoot(FPVector.zero, false);

        bool jumpFlag = FrameSyncInput.GetBool((byte)E_InputId.E_JUMP);

        if (jumpFlag)

        int modelRender = FrameSyncInput.GetInt((byte)E_InputId.E_CHANGE_MODEL);

        if (modelRender > 0)
            if (modelRender == (int)KeyCode.P)      //人形
            else if (modelRender == (int)KeyCode.F)  //乌贼
            else if (modelRender == (int)KeyCode.D)  //下潜模式

        int replaceWeaponFlag = FrameSyncInput.GetInt((byte)E_InputId.E_REPLACE_WEAPON);

        if (replaceWeaponFlag > 0)

        bool throwGrenadeFlag = FrameSyncInput.GetBool((byte)E_InputId.E_THROW_GRENADE);

        if (throwGrenadeFlag)
コード例 #13
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Format("({0:f1}, {1:f1})", x.AsFloat(), y.AsFloat()));
コード例 #14
    IEnumerator SpawnUnit()
        if (randomSeed == 0)
            randomSeed = (int)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
        TSRandom random = TSRandom.instance;

        while (true && countLimit > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < 10 && countLimit > 0; i++)
                TestAgent tagent = GameObject.Instantiate <TestAgent>(agent);
                PathFindingAgentBehaviour unit = s_AstarAgent.New();
                if (unit != null)
                    tagent._testPathFinding = this;
                    tagent.unit             = unit;
                    int camp = countLimit % campCount;
                    //start pos

                    Vector3 vPos = startObj[camp].transform.position
                                   + new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2.0f), 0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2.0f));
                    TSVector pos = TSVector.zero;
                    pos.Set(CustomMath.FloatToFP(vPos.x), CustomMath.FloatToFP(vPos.y), CustomMath.FloatToFP(vPos.z));
                    TSVector sPos = pos;
                    tagent.gameObject.transform.position = CustomMath.TsVecToVector3(sPos);
                    //  Debug.Log(pos);
                    //target pos
                    Vector3 tpos = destObj[camp].transform.position;        // new Vector3(48.0f, 0.0f, 46.8f);
                    pos.Set(CustomMath.FloatToFP(tpos.x), CustomMath.FloatToFP(tpos.y), CustomMath.FloatToFP(tpos.z));

                    //get center
                    int idx = _map.GetGridNodeId(pos);
                    pos = _map.GetWorldPosition(idx);

                    TSVector targetPos = pos;

                    FP            attackRange = _atkRanges[countLimit % _atkRanges.Length];
                    FP            range       = TSMath.Max(attackRange + GridMap.GetNodeSize() * CustomMath.FPHalf, FP.One * 3 * GridMap.GetNodeSize());
                    AgentBaseData data        = new AgentBaseData();
                    data.id         = countLimit;
                    data.mapId      = 0;
                    data.playerId   = camp;
                    data.eAgentType = EAgentType.none;        //data.id%5== 0? EAgentType.ingoreObstacle:
                    data.defaultTargetPos = TSVector.zero;    //astar
                    data.defaultTargetPos = targetPos;
                    data.loopCallback      = tagent.Loop;
                    data.boidsType         = (byte)EBoidsActiveType.all;
                    data.maxSpeed          = FP.One * maxSpeed;
                    data.position          = sPos;
                    data.collidesWithLayer = 1;
                    data.viewRadius        = FP.One * 6 * GridMap.GetNodeSize();
                    data.neighbourRadius   = range;
                    data.random            = random;
                    data.colliderRadius    = 0.5f;    //test
                    data.pfm                = _pfm;
                    data.groupId            = (byte)(data.eAgentType == EAgentType.ingoreObstacle ? 1 : 0);
                    data.targetFailCallback = tagent.FailFindPathCallback;

                    unit.enabled = false;
                    EAgentType agentType = EAgentType.astar;
                    agentType = EAgentType.flowFiled;
                    unit.ChangeAgentType(data.eAgentType == EAgentType.ingoreObstacle? data.eAgentType
                                : agentType);
                    unit.agent.TargetPos = targetPos;
                    // unit.OnEnable();//?????????
                    tagent.attackRange  = attackRange;       // FP.One * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 5);
                    tagent._attackRange = attackRange.AsFloat();
                    // unit.AgentType = EAgentType.flowFiled;
                    unit.ChangeAgentType(EAgentType.astar);    //astar

                    if (groupCount > 0)
                        AgentGroupManager.instance.UpdateGroup(unit, countLimit % groupCount);

                    tagent.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = _campColor[camp];

                    // unit.agent.StartPos = unit.position;
                    // unit._agent.TargetPos = (TSVector)destination;
                    tagent.gameObject.name = "unit" + countLimit;
                    // unit.agent.TargetPos = targetPos;

                    // unit.agent._activeBoids = (byte)EBoidsActiveType.all;

                    // PathFindingManager.Instance.AddAgent(this);
                    //_pm.FindFastPath(unit._agent, unit._agent.StartPos, unit._agent.TargetPos);//, unit._agent._vecPath
                    // break;
                    if (unit.group != null && (unit.group.leader as PathFindingAgentBehaviour) == unit && unit.AgentType == EAgentType.astar)
                        _pm.FindQuickPath(unit.agent, 10, unit.agent.StartPos, unit.agent.TargetPos, unit.map, false);
                    //    unit.agent._activeBoids = (byte)EBoidsActiveType.alignment& (byte)EBoidsActiveType.cohesion & (byte)EBoidsActiveType.terrainSeperation
                    if (countLimit % 5 == 0)
                        yield return(_wait);
        yield return(null);
コード例 #15
    public void Update()
        if (_destVector != FPVector.zero)
            float disData   = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _ufpTransform.position.ToVector());
            FP    fixDistan = MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            if (disData <= fixDistan)
                //   Debug.Log("======>arrived_____arrived_____arrived_____arrived_____arrived:::" + _ufpTransform.position);
                transform.position += (_childObj.forward * fixDistan).ToVector();
                // Debug.Log("======>_ufpTransform.position_OnLine:::"+ _ufpTransform.position);

        if (_destRoundData != 0)
            FP angleData = _destRoundData - _roundData;
            FP _tempData = RotationSpeed * MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            //Debug.Log("======>angleData:::" + angleData.AsFloat()
            //      + ",_tempData::" + _tempData.AsFloat() + ",_destRoundData::"+ _destRoundData);
            if (FPMath.Abs(angleData) <= FPMath.Abs(_tempData))
                _roundData = _destRoundData;
                //Debug.Log("======>arrived_____round_____arrived_____round_____arrived:::" + _ufpTransform.position
                //      + ",childObj.forward::" + _childObj.forward + ",childObj.forward.toVector3::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector());

                transform.RotateAround(_center.ToVector(), transform.up, _tempData.AsFloat());
                _roundData += _tempData;
                Debug.Log("======>_ufpTransform.round_round_OnLine:::" + _ufpTransform.position + ",_ufpTransform.position.toVector3::" + _ufpTransform.position
                          //    + ", ufpTransform.rotation:::" + _ufpTransform.rotation
                          //    + ",_ufpTransform.rotation.toVector()::" + _ufpTransform.rotation.ToQuaternion()
                          + ",childObj.forward::" + _childObj.forward + ",childObj.forward.toVector3::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector());

        RaycastHit hitInfo;
        bool       bExitBarrier = (RayBarrierInfo(_childObj.forward.ToVector(), out hitInfo));

        RaycastHit _groundHit;
        RaycastHit _hitInfo;

        if (bJumpFlag)         //处理跳跃
            if (!bJumpArtFlag) //表示第一次开始跳跃
                if (!RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit, true))
                    bJumpArtFlag = true;
                if (RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit, true))
                    bJumpFlag    = false;
                    bJumpArtFlag = false;
            _jumpSpeed = _jumpSpeed - g * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime;                                    //垂直上的初速度随时间的改变
            _ufpTransform.Translate(FPVector.up * _jumpSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World); //垂直上的运动
            //transform.Translate(Vector3.up * _jumpSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);//垂直上的运动

            //if (_jumpSpeed < 0 && RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit, true))   //增加防止坠落的操作
            //    transform/*.parent*/.position = new Vector3(transform/*.parent*/.position.x, _groundHit.point.y, transform/*.parent*/.position.z);
            //    bJumpFlag = false;
            //    bJumpArtFlag = false;
            //    return;

            if (bMoveFlag)
                _ufpTransform.Translate(_childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);//水平上的运动
                //  transform.Translate(_childObj.forward.ToVector() * (MoveSpeed/** _frameEntityObj.SpeedRate*/).AsFloat() * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);//水平上的运动
        else if (!RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit) && !RayBarrierInfo(_childObj.forward.ToVector(), out _hitInfo) && _bHasSpeed)//空中调整角度
            //Debug.Log("_childObj.forward.ToVector():::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector()
            //    + ",,,,data__ufpTransform.up::" + _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + ",,,,,fff::"+ _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector());
            _verCurSpeed = _verCurSpeed - g * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime;                                     //垂直上的初速度随时间的改变
            _ufpTransform.Translate(_childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World); //水平上的运动
            _ufpTransform.Translate(FPVector.up * _verCurSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);    //垂直上的运动

            //  transform.Translate(_childObj.forward.ToVector() * (MoveSpeed/** _frameEntityObj.SpeedRate*/).AsFloat() * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);//水平上的运动
            //  transform.Translate(Vector3.up * _verCurSpeed.AsFloat() * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);//垂直上的运动

            FP angleForward = FPVector.Angle(_ufpTransform.up, FPVector.up);
            if (angleForward == 0)

            FPVector normal = FPVector.Cross(_ufpTransform.up, FPVector.up);
            // int DirctData = FPMath.Sign(FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up));
            float DirctData = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(normal.ToVector(), _ufpTransform.up.ToVector()));

            //Debug.Log(" angleForward::" + angleForward.AsFloat() + ",DirctData::"+ DirctData + ",_ufpTransform.up::"+ _ufpTransform.up + "  ,"+  _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + ",FPVector.up::"+ FPVector.up.ToVector()
            //    + ",normal::" + normal + "," + normal.ToVector()  + ", FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up)::" + FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up).AsFloat());
            //if (DirctData == 0) DirctData = 1;
            angleForward = angleForward * DirctData;

            //   Debug.Log(" FPMath.Sign(FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up)::" + FPVector.Dot(new FPVector(0,0,1), new FPVector(1, 0, 0)));
            FPVector forwardVec3    = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(angleForward, normal) * _ufpTransform.up;
            FPVector forwardForward = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(angleForward, normal) * _ufpTransform.forward;

            FPQuaternion qur = FPQuaternion.LookRotation(forwardForward, forwardVec3);
            //Debug.Log("forwardForward:::" + forwardForward.ToVector() + ",,forwardVec3::" + forwardVec3.ToVector()
            //    + ",angleForward::"+ angleForward.AsFloat()
            //    + ",_ufpTransform.up::" + _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + ", _ufpTransform.forward::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector()
            //    + ",normal::" + normal.ToVector());
            UpdateRotation(FPQuaternion.Slerp(_ufpTransform.rotation, qur, 0.1f));
            //transform.rotation = FPQuaternion.Slerp(_ufpTransform.rotation, qur, 0.1f);

            FP angle = FPVector.Angle(FPVector.up, _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_groundHit.normal));
            if (angle > SlopeAngle)
                if (!bMoveFlag)
                    _ufpTransform.Translate(-1 * (FPVector.up) * g * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);
                // transform.position = new Vector3(transform/*.parent*/.position.x, _groundHit.point.y, transform/*.parent*/.position.z);
                UpdatePosition(new FPVector(_ufpTransform.position.x, (FP)(_groundHit.point.y), _ufpTransform.position.z));
コード例 #16
    public void Move()
        if (bJumpFlag)
        FPVector   groundNormal = FPVector.zero;
        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        if (!RayGroundInfo(out hitInfo))
            if (!bJumpFlag)
                bMoveFlag = false;
            return;  //如果离地,直接返回
            groundNormal = new FPVector(hitInfo.normal.x, hitInfo.normal.y, hitInfo.normal.z);

        if (!bMoveFlag)
            bMoveFlag = true;
        FPVector forward  = _ufpTransform.forward;
        FPVector fpNormal = _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(hitInfo.normal);

        RaycastHit barrierInfo;
        bool       bExitBarrier = (RayBarrierInfo(_childObj.forward.ToVector(), out barrierInfo)); //表示前方检测到物体,暂时把检测到的物体都称之为障碍物
        bool       bSlope       = false;                                                           //默认不是为斜坡标志

        if (bExitBarrier)
            hitInfo = barrierInfo;
            bSlope  = (Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, hitInfo.normal) > SlopeAngle) ? true : false;

            if (ForWardMode == E_ForWardMode.FM_ON_FORWARD)
                forward = _ufpTransform.forward;
                FP angle = 0;
                fpNormal = _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(hitInfo.normal);
                if (groundNormal != FPVector.zero)
                    angle = FPVector.Angle(groundNormal, fpNormal);
                    angle = -angle;

                if (_childObj)
                    //Vector3 newCrossVec3 = Vector3.Cross(hitInfo.normal, transform.up);
                    //forward = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, newCrossVec3) * (transform.forward);
                    FPVector newCrossVec3 = FPVector.Cross(fpNormal, _ufpTransform.up);
                    forward = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(angle, newCrossVec3) * _ufpTransform.forward;
            bSlope = ((FPVector.Angle(FPVector.up, fpNormal)) > SlopeAngle) ? true : false;

        if (SurfaceMode == E_SurfaceMode.SM_ON_GROUND)   //非跨面模式:供人型和乌贼模式下使用
            if (bExitBarrier && bSlope)
        else if (SurfaceMode == E_SurfaceMode.SM_ON_SURFACE) //跨面模式:供乌贼下潜模式下使用
            if (bSlope)
                MotionMode = E_MotionMode.MM_ON_LINE;
                bool flag = CanMoveByInk(ref hitInfo);  //上墙后到边角的处理 ==>TODO
                flag = true;
                if (!flag)
                    FPVector position        = _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(hitInfo.point) + (_childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * 0.1f);
                    FPVector currentPosition = _ufpTransform.position;
                    //_ufpTransform.position = position;
                    //transform.position     = position.ToVector();
                    RayGroundInfo(out barrierInfo);
                    flag = CanMoveByInk(ref barrierInfo);
                    // transform.position = currentPosition.ToVector();
                    if (bExitBarrier || !flag)
        if (hitInfo.transform != null && ForWardMode == E_ForWardMode.FM_ON_NORMAL)
            FitSurfaceParent(forward, _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(hitInfo.point), fpNormal);  //调整贴面
        else if (hitInfo.transform != null && ForWardMode == E_ForWardMode.FM_ON_FORWARD)
            if (transform.up != Vector3.up)
                FP           quaternionSpeed = 0.09f;
                FPQuaternion data            = new FPQuaternion(0, _ufpTransform.rotation.y, 0, _ufpTransform.rotation.w);
                _ufpTransform.SetRotation(FPQuaternion.Slerp(_ufpTransform.rotation, data, quaternionSpeed));
        if (MotionMode == E_MotionMode.MM_ON_ROUND) //画圆模式:按照圆的弧度来行走
            _destRoundData = RotationSpeed * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime;
            _ufpTransform.RotateAround(_center, _ufpTransform.up, _destRoundData);
            //_destUfpTransform.position = _ufpTransform.position;
            //_destUfpTransform.rotation = _ufpTransform.rotation;
            //_destUfpTransform.RotateAround(_center, _ufpTransform.up, _destRoundData);

            Debug.Log("----------------->_characterMotion:::" + _destRoundData + ",_destRoundData::" + _destRoundData.AsFloat()
                      + ",childObj.forward::" + _childObj.forward + ",childObj.forward.toVector3::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector());
        else if (MotionMode == E_MotionMode.MM_ON_LINE)//直走模式:按照其forward的方向行走
            _destVector = _childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime;
            _ufpTransform.Translate(_destVector, Space.World);
            //_destUfpTransform.position = _ufpTransform.position;
            //_destUfpTransform.rotation = _ufpTransform.rotation;
            //_destUfpTransform.Translate(_destVector, Space.World);

        // if (Physics.Raycast(RayPointObj.position + (_destUfpTransform.position - _ufpTransform.position).ToVector(), -transform.up, GroundRayLength))
        if (Physics.Raycast(RayPointObj.position + (_ufpTransform.position.ToVector() - transform.position), -transform.up, GroundRayLength))
            _bHasSpeed = false;
            _bHasSpeed = true;
        _verCurSpeed = MoveSpeed / 2;
コード例 #17
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Gets the center of mass of an array of Rigidbodies.
        ///// </summary>
        //public static Vector3 GetCenterOfMass(Rigidbody[] rigidbodies) {
        //	Vector3 CoM = Vector3.zero;
        //	float c = 0f;

        //	for (int i = 0; i < rigidbodies.Length; i++) {
        //		if (rigidbodies[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy) {
        //			CoM += rigidbodies[i].worldCenterOfMass * rigidbodies[i].mass;

        //			c += rigidbodies[i].mass;
        //		}
        //	}

        //	return CoM / c;

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Gets the velocity of the center of mass of an array of Rigidbodies.
        ///// </summary>
        //public static Vector3 GetCenterOfMassVelocity(Rigidbody[] rigidbodies) {
        //	Vector3 CoM = Vector3.zero;
        //	float c = 0f;

        //	for (int i = 0; i < rigidbodies.Length; i++) {
        //		if (rigidbodies[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy) {
        //			CoM += rigidbodies[i].velocity * rigidbodies[i].mass;

        //			c += rigidbodies[i].mass;
        //		}
        //	}

        //	return CoM / c;

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Divides an angular acceleration by an inertia tensor.
        ///// </summary>
        //public static void DivByInertia(ref Vector3 v, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 inertiaTensor) {
        //	v = rotation * Div(Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * v, inertiaTensor);

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Scales an angular acceleration by an inertia tensor
        ///// </summary>
        //public static void ScaleByInertia(ref Vector3 v, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 inertiaTensor) {
        //	v = rotation * Vector3.Scale(Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * v, inertiaTensor);

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Returns the angular acceleration from one vector to another.
        ///// </summary>
        //public static Vector3 GetFromToAcceleration(Vector3 fromV, Vector3 toV) {
        //	Quaternion fromTo = Quaternion.FromToRotation(fromV, toV);
        //	float requiredAccelerationDeg = 0f;
        //	Vector3 axis = Vector3.zero;
        //	fromTo.ToAngleAxis(out requiredAccelerationDeg, out axis);

        //	Vector3 requiredAcceleration = requiredAccelerationDeg * axis * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        //	return requiredAcceleration / Time.fixedDeltaTime;

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Returns the angular acceleration from the current rigidbody rotation to Quaternion.identity.
        ///// Does not guarantee full accuracy with rotations around multiple axes).
        ///// </summary>
        //public static Vector3 GetAngularAcceleration(Quaternion fromR, Quaternion toR) {
        //	Vector3 axis = Vector3.Cross(fromR * Vector3.forward, toR * Vector3.forward);
        //	Vector3 axis2 = Vector3.Cross(fromR * Vector3.up, toR * Vector3.up);
        //	float angle = Quaternion.Angle(fromR, toR);
        //	Vector3 acc = Vector3.Normalize(axis + axis2) * angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        //	return acc / Time.fixedDeltaTime;

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Returns the linear acceleration from one point to another.
        ///// </summary>
        //public static Vector3 GetLinearAcceleration(Vector3 fromPoint, Vector3 toPoint) {
        //	return (toPoint - fromPoint) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;

        //      /// <summary>
        //      /// The rotation expressed by the joint's axis and secondary axis
        //      /// </summary>
        //      public static Quaternion ToJointSpace(ConfigurableJoint joint) {
        //	Vector3 forward = Vector3.Cross (joint.axis, joint.secondaryAxis);
        //	Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross (forward, joint.axis);
        //	return Quaternion.LookRotation (forward, up);

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Calculates the inertia tensor for a cuboid.
        ///// </summary>
        //public static Vector3 CalculateInertiaTensorCuboid(Vector3 size, float mass) {
        //	float x2 = Mathf.Pow(size.x, 2);
        //	float y2 = Mathf.Pow(size.y, 2);
        //	float z2 = Mathf.Pow(size.z, 2);

        //	float mlp = 1f/12f * mass;

        //	return new Vector3(
        //		mlp * (y2 + z2),
        //		mlp * (x2 + z2),
        //		mlp * (x2 + y2));

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Divide all the values in v by the respective values in v2.
        ///// </summary>
        //public static Vector3 Div(Vector3 v, Vector3 v2) {
        //	return new Vector3(v.x / v2.x, v.y / v2.y, v.z / v2.z);

        /// <summary>
        /// align to vector
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="alignmentVector"></param>
        /// <param name="targetVector"></param>
        /// <param name="stability"></param>
        /// <param name="speed"></param>
        public static void AlignToVector(TSRigidBody r, TSVector alignmentVector, TSVector targetVector, FP stability, FP speed, bool debug = false)
            if (r == null)

            // 围绕着某个轴进行了一个角度的旋转 angleAxis(x,y). x = 角度 y = 轴
            // x 角度值为 当前转向速度 * Stability 是一个 radian 值, * 57.29 转为角度值, 除以 speed 后 才是真正的角度值
            // part.angularVelocity 是当前旋转速度, 把旋转速度变为轴?
            Quaternion angleAxis = Quaternion.AngleAxis(r.angularVelocity.magnitude.AsFloat() * 57.29578f * stability.AsFloat() / speed.AsFloat(), r.angularVelocity.ToVector());

            // Vector3.Cross 是叉乘, alignmentVector 是当前我们把part 某个轴要对准target Vector 的向量, angleAxis 四元素乘以AlignmentVector 是把alignmentVector 方向调整为四元素方向
            // targetVector 是我们想要对准的角度
            // 叉乘出来的 a 就是 两个向量的九十度角的向量用来作为我们的旋转轴
            Vector3 a = Vector3.Cross(angleAxis * alignmentVector.ToVector(), targetVector.ToVector() * 10f);

            if (!float.IsNaN(a.x) && !float.IsNaN(a.y) && !float.IsNaN(a.z))

                r.AddTorque(a.ToTSVector() * speed * speed);

                Debug.DrawRay(r.position.ToVector(), alignmentVector.ToVector() * 0.3f, Color.red, 0f, false);
                Debug.DrawRay(r.position.ToVector(), targetVector.ToVector() * 0.3f, Color.green, 0f, false);
コード例 #18
    public void Update()
        if (Target == null)
        //  ChangeDirectionByDragging();
        //if (_dragging && _directorToLeft && !_bTouchMouse)  //左遥感
        //    _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.LeftControl;
        //    _ufpTransform.RotateAround(_playerTransformObj.position, FPVector.up, FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime * RockerSpeed);
        //    _ufpTransform.UpdateAllData();
        //    Debug.Log("_ufpTransform:::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector());
        //    //transform.RotateAround(_childObj.position, Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime * RockerSpeed);
        //    return;
        //else if (_dragging && _directorToRight && !_bTouchMouse) //右遥感
        //    _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.RightControl;
        //    _ufpTransform.RotateAround(_playerTransformObj.position, FPVector.up, FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime * -RockerSpeed);
        //    _ufpTransform.UpdateAllData();

        //    // transform.RotateAround(_childObj.position, Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime * -RockerSpeed);
        //    return;

        //Debug.Log("_currentAngle:::" + _currentAngle + ",_childObj.eulerAngles.y::" + _childObj.eulerAngles.y
        //    + ",transform.rotation::"+ transform.rotation);

        RaycastHit GroundHitInfo;
        RaycastHit BarrieHitrInfo;
        bool       bGroundInfoFlag  = _motionObj.RayGroundInfo(out GroundHitInfo);
        bool       bBarrierInfoFlag = _motionObj.RayBarrierInfo(_childTransformObj.forward.ToVector(), out BarrieHitrInfo);

        FPVector fpGroundInfoNormal = FPVector.zero;

        if (bGroundInfoFlag)
            fpGroundInfoNormal = GroundHitInfo.normal.ToFPVector();

        if (!_dragging && !_bTouchMouse && _bBeforeDragging)
            _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.None;
        else if (!_dragging)
            if (_bBeforeDragging)  //在这里设置值,为了保证childObj的forward朝向跟摄像机的一致,防止先后差值
                _bBeforeDragging = false;

            if (!bGroundInfoFlag)  //在空中
                _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.AirControl;
                if (_motionObj.bJumpFlag && false)  //这是处理不跟随着对象跳跃的逻辑部分
                    Distance = FPMath.Clamp(Distance - (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * MouseScrollWheelSensitivity), DistanceMin, DistanceMax);
                    FPVector DataVec3 = new FPVector(_playerTransformObj.position.x, transform.position.y - Height, _playerTransformObj.position.z);
                    _ufpTransform.position = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance)) + DataVec3;
            else if (!bBarrierInfoFlag || !_motionObj.JudgetGroundSlope(BarrieHitrInfo.normal))  //有地面接触但前方没有障碍物
                if (!_motionObj.JudgetGroundSlope(GroundHitInfo.normal))
                    _rockerControl  = ComMoveController.RockerControl.OtherControl;
                    _climbOtherWall = false;
                    if (_climbOtherWall && _beforeWallNormalVec3 != fpGroundInfoNormal)  //表示从一面墙跨到另外一面墙
                        _beforeGroundNormalVec3 = _beforeWallNormalVec3;
                        _beforeWallNormalVec3   = fpGroundInfoNormal;
                    _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.ClimbControl;
            else //有地面接触且前方有障碍物
                _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.None;
                _beforeControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.OtherControl;
                if (!_motionObj.JudgetGroundSlope(GroundHitInfo.normal)) //从地面跨到墙上的情况
                    _beforeGroundNormalVec3 = fpGroundInfoNormal;
                else                                                   //从一面墙跨到另外一面墙的情况
                    _climbOtherWall       = true;
                    _beforeWallNormalVec3 = fpGroundInfoNormal;   //设置这个变量的原因是:有可能检测到障碍物,但是玩家并没有跨越过去

        if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.AirControl)
            Distance = FPMath.Clamp(Distance - (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * MouseScrollWheelSensitivity), DistanceMin, DistanceMax);
            _ufpTransform.position = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance)) + _playerTransformObj.position;
        else if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.OtherControl)
            var quaternion = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis((_currentAngle) + _childTransformObj.transform.eulerAngles.y, FPVector.up);
            Distance = FPMath.Clamp(Distance - (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * MouseScrollWheelSensitivity), DistanceMin, DistanceMax);
            // transform.rotation = quaternion;
            FPVector data = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance));

            _ufpTransform.position = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance)) + _playerTransformObj.position;
            //Debug.Log("data::"+ data.ToVector()+ ", _ufpTransform.position::::" + _ufpTransform.position.ToVector()
            //    + ",transform::" + transform.position + "::_playerTransformObj.position:" + _playerTransformObj.position.ToVector()
            //    + ",,name::" + _playerTransformObj.gameObject.name);
            _rotation = _ufpTransform.rotation;
        else if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.ClimbControl)
            Distance = FPMath.Clamp(Distance - (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * MouseScrollWheelSensitivity), DistanceMin, DistanceMax);
            var quaternion = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis((0) + transform.eulerAngles.y, FPVector.up);
            _ufpTransform.position = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance)) + _playerTransformObj.position;

            FPVector climbForward = _ufpTransform.forward;

            if (_beforeControl == ComMoveController.RockerControl.OtherControl && _beforeGroundNormalVec3 != FPVector.zero)
                FP       tempAngle = FPVector.Angle(_beforeGroundNormalVec3, fpGroundInfoNormal);
                FPVector normal    = FPVector.Cross(_beforeGroundNormalVec3, fpGroundInfoNormal); //叉乘求出法线向量
                                                                                                  //  num *= Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(normal, info.transform.up));  //求法线向量与物体上方向向量点乘,结果为1或-1,修正旋转方向
                climbForward          = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis((90 - tempAngle), normal) * fpGroundInfoNormal;
                climbForward          = -1 * climbForward;
                _finishWallNormalVec3 = climbForward;
                _beforeControl        = ComMoveController.RockerControl.ClimbControl;

            FP forwardAngle = FPVector.Angle(_finishWallNormalVec3, _ufpTransform.forward);
            if (forwardAngle != 0 && false)  //处理摄像机角度偏转
                float    direcFlag  = -1;
                FPVector normalVec3 = FPVector.Cross(_finishWallNormalVec3, _ufpTransform.forward);           //叉乘求出法线向量
                direcFlag    *= FPMath.Sign(Vector3.Dot(normalVec3.ToVector(), _ufpTransform.up.ToVector())); //求法线向量与物体上方向向量点乘,结果为1或-1,修正旋转方向
                forwardAngle *= direcFlag;

                FPVector beforeForward = _ufpTransform.forward;
                FPVector forward       = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(forwardAngle, _ufpTransform.up) * _ufpTransform.forward;
                //   Debug.Log("_ufpTransform.forward::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector() + ",forward::" + forward.ToVector()
                //        + "forwardAngle:::" + forwardAngle.AsFloat() + ",forward1111::" + forward);
                float quaternionSpeed = 0.003f;
                if (!_bTouchMouse)
                    quaternionSpeed = 0.03f;
                if (beforeForward != forward)
                    Debug.Log("LookRotation(forward):::" + FPQuaternion.LookRotation(forward) + ",_rotation::" + _rotation + ",unity::" + Quaternion.LookRotation(forward.ToVector()));

                    _rotation = FPQuaternion.Slerp(_rotation, FPQuaternion.LookRotation(forward), quaternionSpeed);
                //   Debug.Log(",forward::"+ forward.ToVector() + ",_ufpTransform.forward::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector());
                if (!_climbOtherWall)  // 这是从地面爬到墙得处理,如果是从一面墙爬到另外一面墙,镜头不做转换
                    Debug.Log("beforeForward:::" + beforeForward.ToVector() + ",_ufpTransform.forward::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector());
                    _offsetAngle = FPVector.Angle(beforeForward, _ufpTransform.forward) * direcFlag;

        Debug.DrawLine(_ufpTransform.position.ToVector(), _playerTransformObj.transform.position, Color.red);

        if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.OtherControl ||
            _rockerControl == RockerControl.ClimbControl)
            FPVector directionTarget = (_ufpTransform.position - _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_rayPointObj.position)).normalized;
            FP       distance        = FPVector.Distance(_ufpTransform.position, _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_rayPointObj.position));
            if (distance > Distance)
                _ufpTransform.Translate(directionTarget * (distance - Distance));

            //  Debug.DrawRay(_rayPointObj.position, directionTarget * Distance, Color.black);
            int        layerMask = LayerMask.GetMask(Layers.Render);
            RaycastHit info;
            if (Physics.Raycast(_rayPointObj.position, directionTarget.ToVector(), out info, Distance.AsFloat(), layerMask))  //如果
                //   Debug.Log("info.name::" + info.transform.name);
                if (info.transform.name != transform.name /*&& info.transform.tag != Tags.Ground*/)
                    //transform.position = info.point;
                if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.OtherControl)
                    _beforeControl = RockerControl.OtherControl;
コード例 #19
        internal static TSVector2 computeForces(IAgentBehaviour behaviour, List <CircleObstacleAngleData> circleObstacles, TSVector basicVelocity, bool bUseForwardPos,
                                                FP maxTime, FP obstacleMaxTime, out bool isTminStaticAgent, out FP time, ref bool isCollidering, bool bIgnoreObstacle = false)//,
            time = -1;
            TSVector2 F = TSVector2.zero;
            List <IAgentBehaviour> neighbours = behaviour.neighbours;
            int icount = neighbours.Count;

            isTminStaticAgent = false;
            FP       tmin       = FP.MaxValue;
            TSVector forwardPos = TSVector.zero;

            if (bUseForwardPos)
                forwardPos = behaviour.position + basicVelocity.normalized * behaviour.colliderRadius;
            //return TSVector2.zero;
            TSVector pos = (bUseForwardPos ? forwardPos : behaviour.position);

            // compute the anticipatory force from each neighbor
            for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i)
                IAgentBehaviour other = neighbours[i];
                FP radiusSum          = other.colliderRadius;// + behaviour.colliderRadius;
                if (!bUseForwardPos)
                    radiusSum = other.colliderRadius + behaviour.colliderRadius;
                if (behaviour != other)
                    maxTime = other.agent == null? obstacleMaxTime:maxTime;
                    F      += ComputeForce(behaviour, pos, other.position, radiusSum, other.agent == null, maxTime,
                                           basicVelocity, other.velocity, ref isTminStaticAgent, ref tmin, ref time, ref isCollidering);
                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG && behaviour.agent != null)
                        if (TSMath.Abs(F.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000 ||
                            TSMath.Abs(F.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("F over flow!");
            if (!bIgnoreObstacle)
                FP       dirDst  = GridMap.blockDirDst;
                TSVector testDir = basicVelocity.normalized;
                TSVector pos2    = behaviour.position + testDir * dirDst;

                TSVector blockedPos  = TSVector.zero;
                bool     hasObstacle = behaviour.map.IsBlockedByObstacleBetween2Point(behaviour.position, pos2
                                                                                      , behaviour.pathManager._queryStack, ref blockedPos);
                if (hasObstacle)
                    F    = F - CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(testDir) * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                    time = FP.EN1;//near static obstacle
                    isTminStaticAgent = true;
            // behaviour.pathManager._queryStack.Clear();
            //icount = circleObstacles.Count;
            //bool temp=false;
            //for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i)
            //    CircleObstacle other = circleObstacles[i];
            //    FP radiusSum = other._radius;// + behaviour.colliderRadius;
            //    if (!bUseForwardPos)
            //    {
            //        radiusSum = other._radius + behaviour.colliderRadius;
            //    }
            //    maxTime = obstacleMaxTime;
            //    F += ComputeForce(behaviour, pos, CustomMath.TSVec2ToVec(other._center), radiusSum, true, maxTime,
            //             basicVelocity, TSVector.zero, ref isTminStaticAgent, ref tmin, ref time,ref temp);
            //forces from static obstacles
            List <LineObstacle> obstacleNeighbours = behaviour.neighbourObstacles;
            icount = obstacleNeighbours.Count;
            TSVector2 position        = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(behaviour.position);
            TSVector2 velocity        = CustomMath.TSVecToVec2(basicVelocity);
            FP        radiusSqr       = behaviour.colliderRadius * behaviour.colliderRadius;
            FP        neighbourDstSqr = behaviour.neighbourRadius * behaviour.neighbourRadius;
            for (int i = 0; i < icount; ++i)
                LineObstacle obstacle = obstacleNeighbours[i];
                TSVector2    n_w      = CustomMath.ClosestPointLineSegment(obstacle._p1, obstacle._p2, position) - position;
                FP           d_w      = n_w.LengthSquared();

                if (velocity * n_w < 0 || d_w == radiusSqr || d_w > neighbourDstSqr) // Agent is moving away from obstacle, already colliding or obstacle too far away

                FP radius = d_w < radiusSqr?TSMath.Sqrt(d_w) : behaviour.colliderRadius;   // correct the radius, if the Agent is already colliding

                FP   a = velocity * velocity;
                bool discCollision = false, segmentCollision = false;
                FP   t_min = FP.MaxValue;

                FP        c = FP.Zero, b = FP.Zero, discr = FP.Zero;
                FP        b_temp = FP.Zero, discr_temp = FP.Zero, c_temp = FP.Zero, D_temp = FP.Zero;
                TSVector2 w_temp = TSVector2.zero, w = TSVector2.zero, o1_temp = TSVector2.zero
                , o2_temp = TSVector2.zero, o_temp = TSVector2.zero, o = TSVector2.zero, w_o = TSVector2.zero;

                // time-to-collision with disc_1 of the capped rectangle (capsule)
                w_temp     = obstacle._p1 - position;
                b_temp     = w_temp * velocity;
                c_temp     = w_temp * w_temp - (radius * radius);
                discr_temp = b_temp * b_temp - a * c_temp;
                if (discr_temp > 0 && (a < -CustomMath.EPSILON || a > CustomMath.EPSILON))
                    discr_temp = TSMath.Sqrt(discr_temp);
                    FP t = (b_temp - discr_temp) / a;
                    if (t > 0 && t < C_MaxColliderTime)
                        t_min         = t;
                        b             = b_temp;
                        discr         = discr_temp;
                        w             = w_temp;
                        c             = c_temp;
                        discCollision = true;

                // time-to-collision with disc_2 of the capsule
                w_temp     = obstacle._p2 - position;
                b_temp     = w_temp * velocity;
                c_temp     = w_temp * w_temp - (radius * radius);
                discr_temp = b_temp * b_temp - a * c_temp;
                if (discr_temp > 0 && (a < -CustomMath.EPSILON || a > CustomMath.EPSILON))
                    discr_temp = TSMath.Sqrt(discr_temp);
                    FP t = (b_temp - discr_temp) / a;
                    if (t > 0 && t < t_min)
                        t_min         = t;
                        b             = b_temp;
                        discr         = discr_temp;
                        w             = w_temp;
                        c             = c_temp;
                        discCollision = true;

                // time-to-collision with segment_1 of the capsule
                o1_temp = obstacle._p1 + radius * obstacle._normal;
                o2_temp = obstacle._p2 + radius * obstacle._normal;
                o_temp  = o2_temp - o1_temp;

                D_temp = CustomMath.det(velocity, o_temp);
                if (D_temp != 0)
                    FP inverseDet = 1 / D_temp;
                    FP t          = CustomMath.det(o_temp, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    FP s          = CustomMath.det(velocity, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    if (t > 0 && s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t < t_min)
                        t_min            = t;
                        o                = o_temp;
                        w_o              = position - o1_temp;
                        discCollision    = false;
                        segmentCollision = true;

                // time-to-collision with segment_2 of the capsule
                o1_temp = obstacle._p1 - radius * obstacle._normal;
                o2_temp = obstacle._p2 - radius * obstacle._normal;
                o_temp  = o2_temp - o1_temp;

                D_temp = CustomMath.det(velocity, o_temp);
                if (D_temp != 0)
                    FP inverseDet = 1 / D_temp;
                    FP t          = CustomMath.det(o_temp, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    FP s          = CustomMath.det(velocity, position - o1_temp) * inverseDet;
                    if (t > 0 && s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t < t_min)
                        t_min            = t;
                        o                = o_temp;
                        w_o              = position - o1_temp;
                        discCollision    = false;
                        segmentCollision = true;
                bool      bMax = false;
                TSVector2 val  = TSVector2.zero;
                if (discCollision)
                    if (t_min < FP.EN1 * 2)
                        bMax = true;
                        // F += (-(velocity - (b * velocity - a * w) / discr)).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                        val = -_k *System.Math.Exp((-t_min / _t0).AsFloat()) * (velocity - (b * velocity - a * w) / discr)
                              / (a * System.Math.Pow(t_min.AsFloat(), _m)) * (_m / t_min + FP.One / _t0);
                    if (bMax || TSMath.Abs(val.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce ||
                        TSMath.Abs(val.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce)
                        val = (-(velocity - (b * velocity - a * w) / discr)).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                    F += val;
                else if (segmentCollision)
                    if (t_min < FP.EN1 * 2)
                        bMax = true;
                        //   F += (CustomMath.det(velocity, o)* new TSVector2(-o.y, o.x)).normalized * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                        val = _k * System.Math.Exp((-t_min / _t0).AsFloat()) / (System.Math.Pow(t_min.AsFloat(), _m)
                                                                                * CustomMath.det(velocity, o)) * (_m / t_min + FP.One / _t0) * new TSVector2(-o.y, o.x);
                    if (bMax || TSMath.Abs(val.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce ||
                        TSMath.Abs(val.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce)
                        val = (CustomMath.det(velocity, o) * new TSVector2(-o.y, o.x)).normalized
                              * behaviour.baseData.maxForce;
                    F += val;
                if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG && behaviour.agent != null)
                    if (TSMath.Abs(F.x) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000 ||
                        TSMath.Abs(F.y) > behaviour.baseData.maxForce * 1000)
                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("F over flow!");
                return(F);// + desiredF;
            //    return desiredF;