コード例 #1
        public void CharacterGeneratorTest()
            var prog = new Problem("Character generator");
            var race = new FDVariable <string>("race",
                                               "human", "electroid", "insectoid");
            var cclass = new FDVariable <string>("cclass",
                                                 "fighter", "magic user", "cleric", "thief");

            // Electroids are atheists
            prog.Inconsistent(race == "electroid", cclass == "cleric");

            // Nationalities of humans
            var nationality = new FDVariable <string>("nationality", race == "human",
                                                      "landia", "placeville", "cityburgh");
            // Religions of clerics
            var religion = new FDVariable <string>("religion", cclass == "cleric",
                                                   "monotheist", "pantheist", "lovecraftian", "dawkinsian");

            // Lovecraftianism is outlawed in Landia
            prog.Inconsistent(nationality == "landia", religion == "lovecraftian");
            // Insectoids believe in strict hierarchies
            prog.Inconsistent(race == "insectoid", religion == "pantheist");
            // Lovecraftianism is the state religion of cityburgh
            prog.Inconsistent(nationality == "cityburgh", cclass == "cleric", Not(religion == "lovecraftian"));

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var solution        = prog.Solve();
                var characterObject = new CharacterObject();

                string Value(FDVariable <string> v)
                    return(solution.DefinesVariable(v) ? v.Value(solution) : null);

                Assert.AreEqual(Value(race), characterObject.race);
                Assert.AreEqual(Value(cclass), characterObject.cclass);
                Assert.AreEqual(Value(nationality), characterObject.nationality);
                Assert.AreEqual(Value(religion), characterObject.religion);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the information in the PCGToy file to the specified problem.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">File path</param>
        /// <param name="problem">Problem to add the contents to</param>
        /// <exception cref="FileFormatException">If the file is not a valid PCGToy file.</exception>
        public static void LoadFromFile(string path, Problem problem)
            Dictionary <string, FDomain <object> >    domains   = new Dictionary <string, FDomain <object> >();
            Dictionary <string, FDVariable <object> > variables = new Dictionary <string, FDVariable <object> >();

            var f = System.IO.File.OpenText(path);

            while (f.Peek() >= 0)
                var exp = SExpression.Read(f);
                if (!(exp is List <object> l) || l.Count == 0 || !(l[0] is string tag))
                    throw new FileFormatException($"Unknown declaration {exp}");

                switch (tag)
                case "domain":
                    if (l.Count < 2 || !(l[1] is string domainName))
                        throw new FileFormatException("Malformed domain declaration");
                    if (l.Count < 3)
                        throw new FileFormatException($"Domain {domainName} has no elements");
                    var elements = l.Skip(2).ToArray();
                    domains[domainName] = new FDomain <object>(domainName, elements);

                case "variable":
                    if (l.Count < 3 ||
                        l.Count > 4 ||
                        !(l[1] is string varName) ||
                        !(l[2] is string domain))
                        throw new FileFormatException("Malformed variable declaration");
                    if (!domains.ContainsKey(domain))
                        throw new FileFormatException(
                                  $"Unknown domain name: {domain} in declaration of variable {varName}");
                    Literal c = null;

                    if (l.Count == 4)
                        c = ConditionFromSExpression(l[3], variables);
                    var v = new FDVariable <object>(varName, domains[domain], c);
                    variables[varName] = v;

                case "nogood":
                    problem.Inconsistent(l.Skip(1).Select(sexp => ConditionFromSExpression(sexp, variables)).ToArray());

                    throw new FileFormatException($"Unknown declaraction {tag}");