コード例 #1
 protected void grd_Photo_InitNewRow(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataInitNewRowEventArgs e)
     e.NewValues["FileNote"]       = " ";
     e.NewValues["CreateBy"]       = EzshipHelper.GetUserName();
     e.NewValues["CreateDateTime"] = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #2
    private int InsertTripLog(string jobNo, string jobType, string driver, string status, string logDate, string logTime, string rmk)
        string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO [CTM_TripLog]([JobNo],[JobType],[Driver],[Status],[LogDate],[LogTime],[Remark],[CreateDateTime],[CreateBy],[UpdateDateTime],[UpdateBy])
     VALUES('{0}' ,'{1}' ,'{2}' ,'{3}' ,'{4}' ,'{5}' ,'{6}'  ,'{8}' ,'{7}' ,'{8}' ,'{7}')", jobNo, jobType, driver, status, logDate, logTime, rmk, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

コード例 #3
 protected void grid_Log_RowUpdating(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataUpdatingEventArgs e)
     e.NewValues["UpdateBy"]       = EzshipHelper.GetUserName();
     e.NewValues["UpdateDateTime"] = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// if dotype=in, then calc lastschqty and preqty
    /// if dotype=out , calc preqty
    /// don't calc the transfer data(which dono='').
    /// for do in
    /// if isSch= N , only get lastSchQty
    /// if isSch=Y , need LastSchQty and qty-preQty
    /// for do out
    /// only get the qty-preqty
    /// update create invoice,
    /// update preqty=qty,lastschqty=inqty-outqty where dotype=in and dono!=''
    /// update preqty=qty,lastschqty=0 where dotype=out and dono!=''
    /// </summary>

    protected void btn_CreateIV_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //1: issch=false , the qty=qty1   n=schdate-dodate
        //2:issch=true, qty=lastschqty    n=currentschdate-lastschdate
        //3:issch=true, qty=qty-preqty    n=schdate-dodate

        string sql = @"select * from (select mast.DoNo,mast.DoDate,mast.DoType,mast.PartyId,mast.Quotation as ContractNo,det.Product as Sku,det.LotNo
,Case when isnull(det.isSch,0)=0 then isnull(det.Qty1,0)  else isnull(det.Qty1,0)-isnull(det.PreQty1,0) end  as Qty1
,Case when isnull(det.isSch,0)=0 then isnull(det.Qty2,0)  else isnull(det.Qty2,0)-isnull(det.PreQty2,0) end  as Qty2
,Case when isnull(det.isSch,0)=0 then isnull(det.Qty3,0)  else isnull(det.Qty3,0)-isnull(det.PreQty3,0) end  as Qty3

,Case when isnull(det.isSch,0)=1 and det.DoType='IN' then isnull(det.LastSchQty1,0)  else 0 end  as LastSchQty1
,Case when isnull(det.isSch,0)=1 and det.DoType='IN' then isnull(det.LastSchQty2,0)  else 0 end  as LastSchQty2
,Case when isnull(det.isSch,0)=1 and det.DoType='IN' then isnull(det.LastSchQty3,0)  else 0 end  as LastSchQty3
 from wh_dodet2 det 
inner join wh_do mast on mast.DoNo=det.DoNo and mast.DoType=det.Dotype
inner join ref_product ref on ref.Code=det.Product
where mast.StatusCode!='CNL' and len(isnull(det.DoNo,''))>0
) as tab where (Qty1+Qty2+Qty3>0 or LastSchQty1+LastSchQty2+LastSchQty3>0)
order by PartyId,DoDate,DoNo";
        //one customer only have one invoice
        DataTable tab         = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);
        string    lastPartyId = "";
        int       lastInvId   = 0;
        string    lastInvNo   = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
            string   sku         = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["Sku"]);
            string   lotNo       = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["LotNo"]);
            string   contractNo  = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["ContractNo"]);
            DateTime doDate      = SafeValue.SafeDate(tab.Rows[i]["DoDate"], DateTime.Today);
            string   partyId     = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["PartyId"]);
            int      qty1        = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["Qty1"], 0);
            int      qty2        = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["Qty2"], 0);
            int      qty3        = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["Qty3"], 0);
            bool     isSch       = SafeValue.SafeBool(tab.Rows[i]["IsSch"], false);
            DateTime lastSchDate = SafeValue.SafeDate(tab.Rows[i]["LastSchDate"], DateTime.Today);
            int      LastSchQty1 = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["LastSchQty1"], 0);
            int      LastSchQty2 = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["LastSchQty2"], 0);
            int      LastSchQty3 = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["LastSchQty3"], 0);
            string   doType      = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["DoType"]).ToUpper();
            string   arCode      = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["ArCode"]);
            string   des         = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["Description"]);
            //DateTime peroidDate = SafeValue.SafeDate(tab.Rows[i]["PeroidDate"], DateTime.Today);
            //string refNo = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["DoNo"]);
            //int detId = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["detId"], 0);
            //int preQty = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["PreQty"], 0);
            //int lastSchQty = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab.Rows[i]["LastSchQty"], 0);
            //string IsSch = SafeValue.SafeString(tab.Rows[i]["IsSch"]);
            decimal   price1    = 0;
            decimal   price2    = 0;
            decimal   price3    = 0;
            int       dailyNo   = 0;
            bool      isFixed   = false;
            bool      isYearly  = false;
            bool      isMonthly = false;
            bool      isWeekly  = false;
            bool      isDaily   = false;
            DateTime  dt        = DateTime.Today;
            DataTable tab1      = new DataTable();
            if (doType == "IN")
                tab1 = GetContractByNo(contractNo, sku);
            else//out get contractno, by sku,lotno>>dotype=in, doNo>>PO no>> get ContractNo
                string conNo = string.Format(@"select Quotation from wh_do mast 
inner join Wh_DoDet2 det on det.DoNo=mast.DoNo and det.DoType=mast.DoType 
 where det.DoType='in' and det.Product='{0}' and det.LotNo='{1}' and len(det.DoNo)>0", sku, lotNo);

                tab1 = GetContractByNo(SafeValue.SafeString(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(conNo)), sku);
            int n     = 0;
            int n_sch = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < tab1.Rows.Count; j++)
                isFixed   = SafeValue.SafeBool(tab1.Rows[j]["IsFixed"], true);
                isYearly  = SafeValue.SafeBool(tab1.Rows[j]["IsYearly"], true);
                isMonthly = SafeValue.SafeBool(tab1.Rows[j]["IsMonthly"], true);
                isWeekly  = SafeValue.SafeBool(tab1.Rows[j]["IsWeekly"], true);
                isDaily   = SafeValue.SafeBool(tab1.Rows[j]["IsDaily"], true);
                #region get sch and price
                if (isYearly)
                    TimeSpan span = dt - doDate;
                    if (dt.ToString("MM-dd") == "01-01")
                        n = SafeValue.SafeInt(dt.Year - doDate.Year, 0);
                        if (isSch)
                            n_sch = SafeValue.SafeInt(dt.Year - lastSchDate.Year, 0);
                        price1 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price1"]);
                        price2 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price2"]);
                        price3 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price3"]);
                else if (isMonthly)
                    if (dt.ToString("dd") == "01")
                        price1 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price1"]);
                        price2 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price2"]);
                        price3 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price3"]);
                        int year = dt.Year;
                        n = (dt.Year - doDate.Year) * 12 + dt.Month - doDate.Month;
                        if (isSch)
                            n_sch = (dt.Year - lastSchDate.Year) * 12 + dt.Month - lastSchDate.Month;
                else if (isWeekly)
                    if (dt.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday)
                        price1 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price1"]);
                        price2 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price2"]);
                        price3 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price3"]);

                        TimeSpan day = GetMondayByDate(dt) - GetMondayByDate(doDate);
                        n = SafeValue.SafeInt(day.TotalDays / 7, 0);
                        if (isSch)
                            day   = GetMondayByDate(dt) - GetMondayByDate(lastSchDate);
                            n_sch = SafeValue.SafeInt(day.TotalDays / 7, 0);
                else if (isDaily)
                    dailyNo = SafeValue.SafeInt(tab1.Rows[j]["DailyNo"], 1);
                    if (dailyNo == 0)
                        dailyNo = 1;

                    TimeSpan day = dt.Date - doDate.Date;
                    if (day.Days % dailyNo == 0)
                        price1 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price1"]);
                        price2 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price2"]);
                        price3 = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab1.Rows[j]["Price3"]);
                        n      = SafeValue.SafeInt(day.TotalDays / dailyNo, 0);
                        if (isSch)
                            day   = dt.Date - lastSchDate.Date;
                            n_sch = SafeValue.SafeInt(day.TotalDays / dailyNo, 0);


                XAArInvoice iv       = null;
                string      mastType = "WH";
                if (lastInvId == 0 || lastPartyId != partyId) //is the frist invoice or is next party then generate new invoice
                    if (lastInvId > 0)                        //update last invoice ,set linelocamat, and mast.docamt/locamt/balanceamt
                    #region generate invoice
                    iv = new XAArInvoice();
                    string counterType = "AR-IV";

                    iv.DocType     = "IV";
                    iv.DocDate     = dt;
                    lastInvNo      = C2Setup.GetNextNo(iv.DocType, counterType, iv.DocDate);
                    iv.DocNo       = lastInvNo;
                    iv.PartyTo     = partyId;
                    iv.CurrencyId  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Currency"];
                    iv.ExRate      = 1;
                    iv.AcCode      = EzshipHelper.GetAccApCode(iv.PartyTo, iv.CurrencyId);
                    iv.AcSource    = "DB";
                    iv.Description = "";
                    iv.Term        = "CASH";

                    string[] currentPeriod = EzshipHelper.GetAccPeriod(iv.DocDate);
                    iv.AcYear   = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[1], iv.DocDate.Year);
                    iv.AcPeriod = SafeValue.SafeInt(currentPeriod[0], iv.DocDate.Month);

                    iv.MastRefNo   = "";
                    iv.JobRefNo    = "";
                    iv.MastType    = mastType;
                    iv.DocAmt      = 0;
                    iv.LocAmt      = 0;
                    iv.BalanceAmt  = 0;
                    iv.CancelDate  = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                    iv.CancelInd   = "N";
                    iv.DocDueDate  = dt;
                    iv.ExportInd   = "N";
                    iv.SpecialNote = "";
                    iv.UserId      = EzshipHelper.GetUserName();
                    iv.EntryDate   = DateTime.Now;

                    C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(iv, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                    C2Setup.SetNextNo(iv.DocType, counterType, lastInvNo, iv.DocDate);
                    lastInvId = iv.SequenceId;
                if (doType == "OUT") // form modify the qty
                    qty1        = -qty1;
                    qty2        = -qty2;
                    qty3        = -qty3;
                    LastSchQty1 = 0;
                    LastSchQty2 = 0;
                    LastSchQty3 = 0;
                lastPartyId = partyId;
                #region create det
                if (isFixed)// only do one time
                    int cnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("select count(*) from XAArInvoiceDet where DocId='{0}' and ChgDes1 like 'SKU {1}%,'", lastInvId, sku)), 0);
                    if (cnt == 0)//sku balQty>0
                        int count = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("select sum(case when DoType='in' then Qty1 else -qty1 end) as cnt from wh_dodet2 where Product='{0}'", sku)), 0);
                        InsertInv_det(lastInvId, lastInvNo, mastType, 1, price1 + price2 + price3, sku, arCode, des, lotNo);
                    if (qty1 * n + LastSchQty1 * n_sch != 0)
                        InsertInv_det(lastInvId, lastInvNo, mastType, qty1 * n + LastSchQty1 * n_sch, price1, sku, arCode, des, lotNo);
                    if (qty2 * n + LastSchQty2 * n_sch != 0)
                        InsertInv_det(lastInvId, lastInvNo, mastType, qty2 * n + LastSchQty2 * n_sch, price2, sku, arCode, des, lotNo);
                    if (qty3 * n + LastSchQty3 * n_sch != 0)
                        InsertInv_det(lastInvId, lastInvNo, mastType, qty3 * n + LastSchQty3 * n_sch, price3, sku, arCode, des, lotNo);
                UpdateDoDet(sku, lotNo, doType);
コード例 #5
    protected void ASPxGridView1_CustomDataCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string doNo    = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["Sn"].ToString());
        string whId    = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["WhId"].ToString());
        string partyId = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["partyId"].ToString());
        string s       = e.Parameters;

        if (s == "Save")
            #region Create SO
            string sql = string.Format(@"select Count(*) from Wh_TransDet where DoNo='{0}' and DoType='BS' and ISNULL(LotNo,'')!=''", doNo);
            int    cnt = SafeValue.SafeInt(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
            if (cnt > 0)
                bool action = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    int totalQty = list[i].pickQty;
                    int qty      = list[i].qty;
                    if (totalQty < qty)
                        action   = false;
                        e.Result = "Fail! Pls enter again";
                        action = true;
                if (action)
                    string pId = "";
                    Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery query = new Wilson.ORMapper.OPathQuery(typeof(WhTrans), "Id='" + pId + "'");
                    WhTrans whTrans = C2.Manager.ORManager.GetObject(query) as WhTrans;

                    whTrans = new WhTrans();
                    string poNo = C2Setup.GetNextNo("", "SalesOrders", DateTime.Now);
                    whTrans.DoNo           = poNo;
                    whTrans.DoType         = "SO";
                    whTrans.PartyId        = partyId;
                    whTrans.PartyName      = SafeValue.SafeString(partyId);
                    whTrans.CreateBy       = EzshipHelper.GetUserName();
                    whTrans.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                    whTrans.DoDate         = DateTime.Now;
                    whTrans.ExpectedDate   = DateTime.Today.AddDays(14);
                    whTrans.Currency       = "SGD";
                    whTrans.DoStatus       = "Draft";
                    whTrans.ExRate         = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(1.000000);
                    whTrans.WareHouseId    = whId;
                    Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(whTrans, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                    C2Setup.SetNextNo("", "SalesOrders", poNo, DateTime.Now);

                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        string  sku      = list[i].sku;
                        string  lotNo    = list[i].lotNo;
                        int     qty      = list[i].qty;
                        decimal price    = list[i].price;
                        string  location = list[i].loc;
                        sql  = @"Insert Into Wh_TransDet(DoNo,ProductCode,DoType,Qty1,Price,LotNo,Uom1,Uom2,Uom3,Uom4,[QtyPackWhole],[QtyWholeLoose],[QtyLooseBase],[CreateBy],[CreateDateTime],[UpdateBy],[UpdateDateTime],Att1,Att2,Att3,Att4,Att5,Att6,Des1,Packing,LocationCode)";
                        sql += string.Format(@"select '{0}'as DoNo, '{1}' as Sku,'SO','{2}' as Qty1,'{3}','{5}',p.UomPacking,p.UomWhole,p.UomLoose,p.UomBase,p.QtyPackingWhole,p.QtyWholeLoose,p.QtyLooseBase,'{4}' as CreateBy,getdate() as CreateDateTime,
'{4}' as UpdateBy,getdate() as UpdateDateTime
from (select '{1}' as Sku) as tab
left join ref_product p on tab.Sku=p.Code", poNo, sku, qty, price, EzshipHelper.GetUserName(), lotNo, location);
                    e.Result = "Success! " + "Sales Order No is" + whTrans.DoNo;
                e.Result = "Fail";
コード例 #6
    protected void grid_CustomDataCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        if (Request.QueryString["po"] != null && Request.QueryString["no"] != null && Request.QueryString["typ"] != null)
            int start = 0;     //
            int end   = 10000; //
            int qty   = 0;
            int id    = SafeValue.SafeInt(Request.QueryString["id"], 0);
            for (int a = start; a < end; a++)
                ASPxSpinEdit spin_det_Qty1 = this.grid.FindRowTemplateControl(a, "spin_det_Qty1") as ASPxSpinEdit;
                ASPxSpinEdit spin_det_Qty2 = this.grid.FindRowTemplateControl(a, "spin_det_Qty2") as ASPxSpinEdit;
                string       sql           = "";
                ASPxTextBox  txt_docId     = this.grid.FindRowTemplateControl(a, "txt_docId") as ASPxTextBox;
                ASPxCheckBox isPay         = this.grid.FindRowTemplateControl(a, "ack_IsPay") as ASPxCheckBox;

                if (isPay != null && isPay.Checked)
                    int    packQty     = SafeValue.SafeInt(spin_det_Qty1.Text, 0);
                    int    unitQty     = SafeValue.SafeInt(spin_det_Qty2.Text, 0);
                    string invNo       = Request.QueryString["no"].ToString();
                    string typ         = Request.QueryString["typ"].ToString().ToUpper();
                    int    invId       = SafeValue.SafeInt(Request.QueryString["id"], 0);
                    string invId_old   = e.Parameters;
                    string arApInd_sch = this.cmb_PoSo.Text.ToUpper();
                    int    sequenceId  = 0;
                    if (typ == "POR")
                        #region PO Det
                        sql = string.Format("select BalQty from wh_PODet where Id={0}", SafeValue.SafeInt(txt_docId.Text, 0));
                        int balQty = SafeValue.SafeInt(C2.Manager.ORManager.ExecuteScalar(sql), 0);
                        qty = SafeValue.SafeInt(packQty * unitQty, 0);
                        if (balQty > qty || balQty == qty)
                            for (int m = 0; m < list.Count; m++)
                                    sequenceId = list[m].docId;
                                    sql        = string.Format("select * from wh_PODet where Id={0}", sequenceId);
                                    WhPOReceiptDet det = null;
                                    DataTable      tab = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < tab.Rows.Count; i++)
                                        string product = tab.Rows[i]["Product"].ToString();

                                        det = new WhPOReceiptDet();
                                        decimal price    = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab.Rows[i]["Price"], 0);
                                        string  unit     = tab.Rows[i]["Unit"].ToString().ToUpper();
                                        string  currency = tab.Rows[i]["Currency"].ToString();
                                        decimal exRate   = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab.Rows[i]["ExRate"], 0);
                                        decimal gst      = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(tab.Rows[i]["Gst"], 0);
                                        string  gstType  = tab.Rows[i]["GstType"].ToString();
                                        det.Product   = product;
                                        det.Currency  = currency;
                                        det.ExRate    = exRate;
                                        det.ReceiptNo = invNo;
                                        det.Price     = price;
                                        det.Qty       = qty;
                                        det.PoNo      = tab.Rows[i]["PoNo"].ToString();
                                        det.Gst       = gst;
                                        det.GstType   = gstType;

                                        decimal amt    = SafeValue.ChinaRound(qty * price, 2);
                                        decimal gstAmt = SafeValue.ChinaRound(amt * gst, 2);
                                        decimal docAmt = amt + gstAmt;
                                        decimal locAmt = SafeValue.ChinaRound(docAmt * exRate, 2);
                                        det.GstAmt         = gstAmt;
                                        det.DocAmt         = docAmt;
                                        det.LocAmt         = locAmt;
                                        det.CreateBy       = EzshipHelper.GetUserName();
                                        det.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                                        C2.Manager.ORManager.StartTracking(det, Wilson.ORMapper.InitialState.Inserted);
                                    UpdatePoMaster(invId, sequenceId, det.Qty);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                            e.Result = "Error, Pls try again";
            e.Result = "Error, Pls refresh your Det";
コード例 #7
    protected void grid_CustomDataCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e)
        string par = e.Parameters;

        string[] ar = par.Split('_');
        if (par == "OK")
            #region Create Inv
            if (Request.QueryString["no"] != null)
                    bool   action = true;
                    string res    = "";
                    string no     = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["no"]);
                    string type   = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["type"]);
                    if (action)
                        #region Create Inv
                        string docId = "";
                        if (list.Count > 0)
                            string   jobNo    = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["no"]);
                            string   client   = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["client"]);
                            string   contType = SafeValue.SafeString(Request.QueryString["contType"]);
                            string   user     = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                            string   acCode   = EzshipHelper.GetAccArCode("", "SGD");
                            DateTime dtime    = txt_DocDt.Date;
                            string   invN     = C2Setup.GetNextNo("", "AR-IV", dtime);
                            string   termId   = EzshipHelper.GetTerm(client);
                            string   term     = EzshipHelper.GetTermCode(termId);
                            string   currency = cmb_CurrencyId.Text;
                            decimal  exrate   = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(spin_ExRate.Value);
                            string   sql_att  = string.Format(@"select ClientContact from ctm_job where JobNo='{0}'", jobNo);
                            string   contact  = SafeValue.SafeString(ConnectSql.ExecuteScalar(sql_att));
                            string   sql      = string.Format(@"insert into XAArInvoice (DocType,DocDate,PartyTo,DocNo,AcYear,AcPeriod,Term,DocDueDate,Description,
select @@IDENTITY", invN, user, acCode, jobNo, client, dtime, dtime.Year, dtime.Month, term, currency, exrate, contact);
                            docId = ConnectSql_mb.ExecuteScalar(sql);
                            C2Setup.SetNextNo("", "AR-IV", invN, dtime);
                            string code = "";
                            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                                int    id         = list[i].id;
                                string chgCode    = list[i].chgCode;
                                string chgcodeDes = list[i].chgCodedes;
                                if (IsCostCreated(id))
                                    C2.ComMethod.CreateInv(invN, id, docId, i, "", currency, exrate);
                                    if (list.Count - i > 1)
                                        code += chgcodeDes + " / ";
                                        code += chgcodeDes;
                            C2.XAArInvoice.update_invoice_mast(SafeValue.SafeInt(docId, 0));
                            if (code.Length == 0)
                                e.Result = invN;
                                e.Result = "Action Error!" + code + " already exist !";
                            e.Result = "Action Error!Please keyin select cost ";

                        string            userId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        C2.CtmJobEventLog elog   = new C2.CtmJobEventLog();
                        elog.Controller = userId;
                        elog.ActionLevel_isINVOICE(SafeValue.SafeInt(docId, 0));
                        elog.setActionLevel(SafeValue.SafeInt(docId, 0), CtmJobEventLogRemark.Level.Invoice, 3);
                        e.Result = res;
                catch { }
        if (par == "Save")
            #region Save All
            if (list.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    int     id        = list[i].id;
                    string  contNo    = list[i].contNo;
                    string  contType  = list[i].contType;
                    decimal price     = list[i].price;
                    decimal qty       = list[i].qty;
                    string  unit      = list[i].unit;
                    string  code      = list[i].chgCode;
                    string  des       = list[i].chgCodedes;
                    int     lineIndex = list[i].lineIndex;
                    string  remark    = list[i].remark;
                    string  groupBy   = list[i].groupBy;
                    decimal locAmt    = SafeValue.ChinaRound(qty * SafeValue.SafeDecimal(price, 0), 2);
                    string  sql       = string.Format(@"update job_cost set ContNo='{0}',ContType='{1}',Price={2},Qty={3},LocAmt={4},Unit='{6}',ChgCode='{7}',ChgCodeDes='{8}',LineIndex={9},Remark='{10}',GroupBy='{11}' where Id={5}",
                                                      contNo, contType, price, qty, locAmt, id, unit, code, des, lineIndex, remark, groupBy);
                e.Result = "Save Success";
                e.Result = "Action Error!Please keyin select cost ";
        if (ar.Length >= 2)
            if (ar[0].Equals("SaveInvline"))
                int rowIndex = SafeValue.SafeInt(ar[1], -1);

                e.Result = Save_Inline(rowIndex, e);