public void PreventDeletingCatalogueBecauseOfLinkedDatasetTest()
            var obscura = new BetweenCatalogueAndDataExportObscureDependencyFinder(RepositoryLocator);
            var cata = new Catalogue(CatalogueRepository, "MyCata");

            //catalogue exists in isolation so is deletable

            //there is a new dataset which is linked to Catalogue
            var dataset = new ExtractableDataSet(DataExportRepository,cata);
            //and suddenly we cannot delete the catalogue
            var ex = Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => obscura.ThrowIfDeleteDisallowed(cata));
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains("Cannot delete Catalogue MyCata because there are ExtractableDataSets which depend on them "));

            //also if we try to force through a delete it should behave in identical manner
            var ex2 = Assert.Throws<Exception>(cata.DeleteInDatabase);
            Assert.IsTrue(ex2.Message.Contains("Cannot delete Catalogue MyCata because there are ExtractableDataSets which depend on them "));

            //now we delete the linked dataset

            //and because there is now no longer a dataset dependency on the catalogue we can delete it
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => obscura.ThrowIfDeleteDisallowed(cata));
            //and the delete works too

            //both objects still exist in memory of course but we should be able to see they have disapeared 
            Assert.IsTrue(dataset.HasLocalChanges().Evaluation == ChangeDescription.DatabaseCopyWasDeleted);
            Assert.IsTrue(cata.HasLocalChanges().Evaluation == ChangeDescription.DatabaseCopyWasDeleted);