コード例 #1
        public void when_executed_with_context_with_wrong_message_type_within_broker_message_metadata_it_should_fail()
            var registry = new CaseOfficeIngressApiMessageTypesRegistry();

            var context = new MessageHandlingContext {
                Api = new FakeIngressApi {
                    MessageTypesRegistry = registry
            var step = new ExtractMessageTypeStep();

            // ReSharper disable once JoinDeclarationAndInitializer - it's a way to test.
            Func <Task> sut;

            context.Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { VentureApi.Headers.MessageTypeName, null }
            sut = () => step.Execute(context);
            sut.Should().Throw <PoezdOperationException>("null is a wrong message type value");

            context.Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { VentureApi.Headers.MessageTypeName, string.Empty }
            sut = () => step.Execute(context);
            sut.Should().Throw <PoezdOperationException>("an empty string is a wrong message type value");

            context.Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { VentureApi.Headers.MessageTypeName, WhitespaceString }
            sut = () => step.Execute(context);
            sut.Should().Throw <PoezdOperationException>("a whitespace string is a wrong message type value");
コード例 #2
        public void when_executed_with_context_without_message_type_registry_it_should_fail()
            var registry = new CaseOfficeIngressApiMessageTypesRegistry();

            const string expectedTypeName = "Venture.CaseOffice.Messages.V1.Commands.CreateCase";
            var          context          = new MessageHandlingContext
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { VentureApi.Headers.MessageTypeName, expectedTypeName }
            var step = new ExtractMessageTypeStep();

            Func <Task> sut = () => step.Execute(context);

            sut.Should().Throw <KeyNotFoundException>("it can not work without message types registry");
コード例 #3
        public void when_executed_with_context_with_missing_message_type_within_broker_message_metadata_it_should_fail()
            var registry = new CaseOfficeIngressApiMessageTypesRegistry();

            var context = new MessageHandlingContext
                Api = new FakeIngressApi {
                    MessageTypesRegistry = registry
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>()

            var step = new ExtractMessageTypeStep();

            Func <Task> sut = () => step.Execute(context);

            sut.Should().Throw <PoezdOperationException>("it's an error to publish message without its type within broker message metadata");
コード例 #4
        public void when_executed_with_context_with_unknown_message_type_within_broker_message_metadata_it_should_fail_skip_message_exception()
            var registry = new CaseOfficeIngressApiMessageTypesRegistry();

            var step    = new ExtractMessageTypeStep();
            var context = new MessageHandlingContext
                Api = new FakeIngressApi {
                    MessageTypesRegistry = registry
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { VentureApi.Headers.MessageTypeName, "unknown" }

            Func <Task> sut = () => step.Execute(context);

            sut.Should().Throw <PoezdOperationException>("unknown type name used as a broker message type name");
コード例 #5
        public async Task when_executed_with_context_containing_message_type_within_broker_message_metadata_it_should_store_it_in_context()
            var registry = new CaseOfficeIngressApiMessageTypesRegistry();


            const string expectedTypeName = "Venture.CaseOffice.Messages.V1.Commands.CreateJusticeCase";
            var          context          = new MessageHandlingContext
                Api = new FakeIngressApi {
                    MessageTypesRegistry = registry
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { VentureApi.Headers.MessageTypeName, expectedTypeName }

            var sut = new ExtractMessageTypeStep();

            await sut.Execute(context);

            context.TypeName.Should().Be(expectedTypeName, "this header should be copied");
            context.MessageType.Should().Be(typeof(CreateJusticeCase), "message type should be recognized by its name");