private static (string, ExternalApp) CreateAdminApp(byte[] secretKey) { string appId = Guid.Empty.ToString(); var salt = GenerateSalt(); byte[] hash; using (var pbkdf2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(secretKey, salt, 100, HashAlgorithmName.SHA512)) { hash = pbkdf2.GetBytes(512); } ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp { Name = @"Admin App", Version = @"0.1.0", SecretKeys = new List <SecretKey> { new SecretKey { CreationDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(), Salt = ByteArrayToString(salt), Hash = ByteArrayToString(hash), } } }; return(appId, app); }
public override void Close() { try { if (ExternalDoc != null) { ExternalDoc.Close(); } if (ExternalApp != null) { ExternalApp.Quit(false); ExternalApp = null; } } catch { } finally { ExternalDoc = null; GC.Collect(); IsOpend = false; } }
public ScriptV1() { exception_raised = false; tool = new ExternalApp(); files_to_glue = new List<FileName>(); replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); tools_blocks = new Dictionary<string, ConfigNode>(); practices_block = null; tool_fillmatrix_info = null; tool_interpolate_info = null; tool_glue_info = null; tool_jointimeseries_info = null; meteo_block = null; meteo_sources_blocks = null; meteo_file_name = null; meteo_backup_files = false; meteo_store_path = null; meteo_backup_interpolated_files = false; meteo_store_int_path = null; meteo_interpolation_path = null; meteo_max_contiguous_skips = 8; meteo_task = false; tool_glue = new HDFGlue(); standard_names = true; }
public CPTEC2HDFv1() { last_exception = null; replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); tool = new ExternalApp(); str = new StringBuilder(); replace_existing_files = false; search_sub_folders = false; folders_to_search = new List<FilePath>(); files_to_process = new List<FileInfo>(); ignore_errors = true; store_path = new FilePath(); last_stored_path = ""; glue_files = true; files_to_glue = new List<FileName>(); files_temp = new List<string>(); store_files_for_glue = true; actual_index = 1; first_glue = true; process_hdf = false; replace_processed_files = false; log = new StringBuilder(); log_only_failures = false; do_log = false; add_date_time = true; log_dateonfile_format = "yyyyMMdd.HHmmss"; use_start_date = false; glue_as_mm5 = false; clean_working_folder = true; glue_on_separeted_folders = false; actual_index = 1; }
private static PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo(ExternalApp app) { MemberExpression memberExpression = (MemberExpression)SettingsProps[app].Body; PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)memberExpression.Member; return(propertyInfo); }
public void SetSettingsPathFor(ExternalApp app, string fullPath) { PropertyInfo propertyInfo = GetPropertyInfo(app); propertyInfo.SetValue(_settings, fullPath); _settings.Save(); }
void LaunchAppAndGatherException(ExternalApp x, ICollection <Exception> exceptions) { try { LaunchApp(x); } catch (Exception e) { exceptions.Add(e); } }
public override void Activate() { if (ExternalApp != null) { ExternalApp.Activate(); } if (ExternalDoc != null) { ExternalDoc.Activate(); } }
private void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); Options opts = sender as Options; app.Options = sender as Options; if (!app.Run()) { //MessageBox.Show("HDFExporter tool has failed.", "ATTENTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } }
private void performGetAllRoutes() { try { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; var egresses = _controller.GetEgressNodes(); double total = (double)treeView1.Nodes[0].Nodes.Count; UpdateStatus("Calculating Egress Routes to " + egresses.Count + " egress locations..."); double count = 0; double percent = 0.0; foreach (TreeNode child in treeView1.Nodes[0].Nodes) { percent = count / total * 100.0; count++; UpdateStatus("Calculating Egress Routes to " + egresses.Count + " egress locations...(" + percent.ToString("F0") + "%)"); child.Nodes.Clear(); Models.Node roomNode = child.Tag as Models.Node; foreach (var egress in egresses) { ExternalApp.Log("PathFinding " + roomNode + " to " + egress); try { Models.Route r = Utilities.GraphUtility.FindShortest(roomNode, egress); if (r != null) { addRouteNode(child, egress, r); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExternalApp.Log("Exception while pathfinding: " + ex.GetType().Name + ": " + ex.Message); ExternalApp.Log(ex.StackTrace); } } } reCheckMaxPath(); reCheckDoorCW(); TimeSpan analysis = DateTime.Now - start; UpdateStatus("Analysis Completed in " + analysis); } catch (Exception ex) { Autodesk.Revit.UI.TaskDialog td = new Autodesk.Revit.UI.TaskDialog("Error"); td.MainContent = "Unexpected error: " + ex.GetType().Name + ": " + ex.Message; td.ExpandedContent = ex.StackTrace; td.Show(); } }
public string GetFullSettingsPathFor(ExternalApp app) { PropertyInfo propertyInfo = GetPropertyInfo(app); string data = propertyInfo.GetValue(_settings) as string; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data)) { return(null); } string fullPath = _fileSystem.Path.GetFullPath(data); return(fullPath); }
public OPTamegaScript() { root = null; mre = null; storeFolder = ""; storeFolderOld = ""; outputPath = ""; outputName = ""; tempFolder = ""; pathToFilesToGlue = ""; generalBoundary = new FilePath(); replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); tool = new ExternalApp(); filesToGlue = new List<string>(); }
async Task AddApp() { var selectedFile = await _dialogManager.BrowseForFile(null, null, ".exe", true); if (selectedFile == null) { return; } await Task.Run(() => { var newApp = new ExternalApp(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(selectedFile), selectedFile, "", false, StartupType.Any); ExternalApps.AddLocked(newApp); }); }
public ExternalAppInfo GetAppInformation(ExternalApp app) { string settingsPath = GetFullSettingsPathFor(app); bool settingsPathExists = _fileSystem.File.Exists(settingsPath); string fallbackPath; string exeName = ExeNames[app]; bool fallbackPathExists = _exeInformer.TryFindFullPath(exeName, out fallbackPath); return(new ExternalAppInfo( app, Titles[app], exeName, settingsPath, settingsPathExists, fallbackPath, fallbackPathExists)); }
public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements) { try { ExternalApp.FirstTimeRun(); // analytics if (commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument != null) { Utilities.AVFUtility.Clear(commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument); } return(Result.Succeeded); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unexpected error: " + ex); } return(Result.Failed); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Config cfg = new Config("corr.cfg"); cfg.Load(); FilePath processor_path = cfg.Root["processor.path"].AsFilePath(); FilePath output_path = cfg.Root["output.path"].AsFilePath(); FilePath hdfs_path = cfg.Root["hdf.path"].AsFilePath(); System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(hdfs_path.Path); System.IO.FileInfo[] aryFi = di.GetFiles("*.hdf5", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); Dictionary<string, string> info = new Dictionary<string,string>(); ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); app.Arguments = "--cfg task.cfg"; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DONOTCHECK; app.Executable = processor_path.Path + "MohidHDF5Processor.exe"; app.UseShell = false; app.Verbose = false; app.Wait = true; app.WorkingDirectory = processor_path.Path; int count = 1; foreach (System.IO.FileInfo fi in aryFi) { Console.Write("{1}: Processing {0}...", fi.Name, count); info["<<input>>"] = fi.FullName; info["<<output>>"] = output_path.Path + fi.Name; TextFile.Replace(processor_path.Path + "task.template", processor_path.Path + "task.cfg", ref info); if (!app.Run()) { Console.WriteLine("Failure when trying to correct file {0}", fi.Name); Console.WriteLine("[FAIL]"); } else Console.WriteLine("[ OK ]"); count++; } }
public ExternalAppInfo( ExternalApp app, string title, string exeName, string settingsPath, bool settingsPathExists, string fallbackPath, bool fallbackPathExists) { App = app; Title = title; ExeName = exeName; SettingsPath = settingsPath; SettingsPathExists = settingsPathExists; FallbackPath = fallbackPath; FallbackPathExists = fallbackPathExists; }
private bool AskFor(ExternalApp externalApp) { ExternalAppInfo info = _appPathProvider.GetAppInformation(externalApp); _console.WriteLine("=== Path to {0} application ({1}) ===", info.Title, info.ExeName); // Info about default app. _console.WriteLine("System app path: {0}", ToStringOr(info.FallbackPath, "not found")); // Info about app set in settings. _console.WriteLine("Current explicit path: {0}", ToStringOr(info.SettingsPath, "not set")); if (info.SettingsPathIsSet) { if (info.SettingsPathExists) { _console.WriteLine("The specified file exists."); } else { _console.WriteLine("The specified file does not exist."); } } bool appIsUsableAfterwards = false; bool enteredCorrectly = false; while (!enteredCorrectly) { enteredCorrectly = QueryAndUpdateSettingsValue(info, out appIsUsableAfterwards); if (!enteredCorrectly) { _console.WriteLine("The entered path is not valid."); } } return(appIsUsableAfterwards); }
public string GetProperAppPath(ExternalApp app) { string settingsPath = GetFullSettingsPathFor(app); if (_fileSystem.File.Exists(settingsPath)) { return(settingsPath); } string fallbackPath; string exeName = ExeNames[app]; bool fallbackPathExists = _exeInformer.TryFindFullPath(exeName, out fallbackPath); if (fallbackPathExists) { return(fallbackPath); } // Fail. string message = $"Cannot find path for {Titles[app]}. Please configure application by running it with {VerbConstants.Configure} option."; throw new Exception(message); }
protected void ConvertToMGD(ConfigNode cfg) { Console.WriteLine("Converting XYZ to MGD..."); List<FileInfo> list_of_files = new List<FileInfo>(); Dictionary<string, string> replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); FileName template = cfg[""].AsFileName(); string working_dir = cfg["mgd.working.dir", fWorkingDir.Path].AsFilePath().Path; string config = template.FullName.Replace("template", "dat"); string output; FileTools.FindFiles(ref list_of_files, cfg["xyz.path"].AsFilePath(), "*.xyz", true, "", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (FileInfo file in list_of_files) { Console.WriteLine(" -> {0}", file.FileName.FullName); output = cfg["mgd.path"].AsFilePath().Path + file.FileName.Name + ".dat"; ; if (!cfg["rewrite.mgd", false].AsBool()) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(output)) continue; } replace_list["{{input.file}}"] = file.FileName.FullPath; replace_list["{{output.file}}"] = output; replace_list["{{}}"] = cfg["", "-99"].AsString(); TextFile.Replace(template.FullPath, working_dir + config, ref replace_list, false); ExternalApp tool = new ExternalApp(); tool.Arguments = ""; tool.WorkingDirectory = working_dir; tool.Executable = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, cfg[""].AsString()); tool.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; tool.TextToCheck = "successfully terminated"; tool.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; tool.Wait = true; bool result = tool.Run(); if (!result) { if (tool.Exception != null) { Console.WriteLine("ConvertToMGD failed: {0}", tool.Exception.Message); throw tool.Exception; } else { Console.WriteLine("ConvertToMGD failed without explanation."); throw new Exception("ConvertToMGD failed."); } } } }
protected void ConvertToXYZ(ConfigNode cfg) { Console.WriteLine("Converting ASC to XYZ..."); List<FileInfo> list_of_files = new List<FileInfo>(); Dictionary<string, string> replace_list = new Dictionary<string,string>(); FileName template = cfg[""].AsFileName(); string working_dir = cfg["xyz.working.dir", fWorkingDir.Path].AsFilePath().Path; string config = template.FullName.Replace("template", "dat"); string output; ExternalApp tool = new ExternalApp(); try { FileTools.FindFiles(ref list_of_files, cfg["asc.path"].AsFilePath(), "*." + cfg["asc.extension", "asc"].AsString(), true, "", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (FileInfo file in list_of_files) { Console.WriteLine(" -> {0}", file.FileName.FullName); output = cfg["xyz.path"].AsFilePath().Path + file.FileName.Name + ".xyz"; if (!cfg["", false].AsBool()) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(output)) continue; } replace_list["{{input.file}}"] = file.FileName.FullPath; replace_list["{{output.file}}"] = output; TextFile.Replace(template.FullPath, working_dir + config, ref replace_list, false); tool.Arguments = ""; tool.WorkingDirectory = working_dir; tool.Executable = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, cfg[""].AsString()); tool.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; tool.TextToCheck = "Conversion terminated successfully."; tool.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; tool.Wait = true; bool result = tool.Run(); if (!result) { if (tool.Exception != null) { Console.WriteLine("ConvertToXYZ failed: {0}", tool.Exception.Message); throw new CreateHDFFromASCToolException(tool.Exception.Message, tool.Exception); } else { Console.WriteLine("ConvertToXYZ failed."); throw new CreateHDFFromASCToolException("ConvertToXYZ failed."); } } } } catch (CreateHDFFromASCToolException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); throw; } }
private void ExportByFileList(ExportHDFToTSOptions opts, DoWorkEventArgs e) { string config_name = ""; TextFile cfg = new TextFile(); ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); //Find a file name for the configuration file. bool Found = false; int n = 1; int tentatives = 0; while (!Found) { config_name = opts.ConfigFile + n + ".cfg"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(opts.WorkingFolder + config_name)) { n++; } else { try { cfg.File.FullPath = opts.WorkingFolder + config_name; cfg.OpenNewToWrite(); Found = true; } catch { n++; tentatives++; if (tentatives > 20) { MessageBox.Show("Was not possibe to create the configuration file to the HDFExporter tool.", "ATTENTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } } } //Create the Config Data File cfg.WriteLine("!File created using Mohid Toolbox"); foreach (string file in opts.List) { cfg.WriteLine("<BeginHDF5File>"); cfg.WriteLine(" NAME : " + file); cfg.WriteLine("<EndHDF5File>"); } if (opts.Type == ExportHDFToTSType.ByMask) //by Mask { cfg.WriteLine("EXPORT_TYPE : 2"); cfg.WriteLine("MASK_GRID : " + opts.MaskFile); cfg.WriteLine("AREA_FILL_VALUE : " + opts.AreaFillValue); if (opts.UsePoints) { cfg.WriteLine("USE_POINTS : 1"); cfg.WriteLine("WATERPOINTS_NAME : " + opts.PointsName); cfg.WriteLine("WATERPOINTS_GROUP : " + opts.PointsGroup); } else cfg.WriteLine("USE_POINTS : 0"); } else //By coordinates { cfg.WriteLine("EXPORT_TYPE : 1"); cfg.WriteLine("WATERPOINTS_NAME : " + opts.PointsName); cfg.WriteLine("WATERPOINTS_GROUP : " + opts.PointsGroup); } if (opts.CheckPropertyName) cfg.WriteLine("CHECK_PROPERTY : 1"); else cfg.WriteLine("CHECK_PROPERTY : 0"); if (opts.UseStart) cfg.WriteLine("START_TIME : " + opts.Start.ToString("yyyy MM dd HH mm ss")); if (opts.UseEnd) cfg.WriteLine("END_TIME : " + opts.End.ToString("yyyy MM dd HH mm ss")); if (opts.Variable) cfg.WriteLine("VARIABLE_GRID : 1"); else cfg.WriteLine("VARIABLE_GRID : 0"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opts.GridFile)) cfg.WriteLine("GRID_FILENAME : " + opts.GridFile); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opts.TimeGroup)) cfg.WriteLine("TIME_GROUP : " + opts.TimeGroup); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opts.DecimationFactor)) cfg.WriteLine("DECIMATION_FACTOR : " + opts.DecimationFactor); foreach (TimeseriesBlock ts in opts.TimeSeries) { cfg.WriteLine("<BeginTimeSerie>"); if (opts.Type == ExportHDFToTSType.ByMask) //by Mask { cfg.WriteLine(" NAME : " + (new FilePath(opts.PathToOutputTimeSeries)).Path + ts.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.MaskID)) cfg.WriteLine(" MASK_ID : " + ts.MaskID); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.Layer)) cfg.WriteLine(" LAYER : " + ts.Layer); } else { cfg.WriteLine(" NAME : " + (new FilePath(opts.PathToOutputTimeSeries)).Path + ts.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.I)) cfg.WriteLine(" LOCALIZATION_I : " + ts.I); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.J)) cfg.WriteLine(" LOCALIZATION_J : " + ts.J); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.K)) cfg.WriteLine(" LOCALIZATION_J : " + ts.K); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.Latitude)) cfg.WriteLine(" LATITUDE : " + ts.Latitude); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.Longitude)) cfg.WriteLine(" LONGITUDE : " + ts.Longitude); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.X)) cfg.WriteLine(" COORD_X : " + ts.X); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.Y)) cfg.WriteLine(" COORD_Y : " + ts.Y); } cfg.WriteLine("<EndTimeSerie>"); } foreach (ParameterBlock p in opts.Parameters) { cfg.WriteLine("<BeginParameter>"); cfg.WriteLine(" PROPERTY : " + p.Name); cfg.WriteLine(" HDF_GROUP : " + p.Group); cfg.WriteLine("<EndParameter>"); } cfg.Close(); //run HDFExporter Tool app.Executable = opts.PathToHDFExporter; app.UseShell = false; app.WorkingDirectory = opts.WorkingFolder; app.Arguments = "-c " + config_name; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; app.TextToCheck = "successfully terminated"; app.Verbose = false; app.Wait = false; app.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; Software.AppExitStatus es; if ((es = app.Run(this, e)) != AppExitStatus.Finished) { if (es != AppExitStatus.Canceled) MessageBox.Show("HDFExporter tool has failed.", "ATTENTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (!opts.KeepConfigFile) { try { System.IO.File.Delete(opts.WorkingFolder + config_name); } catch { } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); Dictionary<String, String> replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); DateTime end, actual_start, actual_end; if (!cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { Console.WriteLine("Configuration file was not provided. Use --cfg [file] to provide one."); Console.WriteLine("Operation Aborted."); return; } Config cfg = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameter("cfg")); if (!cfg.Load()) { Console.WriteLine("Was not possible to load '" + cmdArgs.Parameter("cfg") + "'."); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cfg.ExceptionMessage)) { Console.WriteLine("The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(cfg.ExceptionMessage); Console.WriteLine("Operation Aborted."); return; } } ConfigNode root = cfg.Root; int id = root["", 1].AsInt(); string template = root["template", "FillMatrix.template"].AsString(); string dateFormat = root["dateFormat.format", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"].AsString(); actual_start = root["start"].AsDateTime(dateFormat); end = root["end"].AsDateTime(dateFormat); int interval; if (root.NodeData.ContainsKey("interval.days")) { interval = root["interval.days"].AsInt(); actual_end = actual_start.AddDays(interval); } else { interval = 10; actual_end = end; } string interpolation = root["interpolation.method", "2"].AsString(); replace_list.Add("<<start>>", actual_start.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); replace_list.Add("<<end>>", actual_end.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); replace_list.Add("<<id>>", id.ToString()); replace_list.Add("<<interpolation>>", interpolation); ExternalApp fillmatrix = new ExternalApp(); while (actual_end <= end) { TextFile.Replace(template, "FillMatrix.dat", ref replace_list); fillmatrix.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DONOTCHECK; fillmatrix.Wait = true; fillmatrix.WorkingDirectory = @".\"; fillmatrix.Executable = @".\fillmatrix.exe"; try { fillmatrix.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Erro detectado. Mensagem de erro:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("ID : {0}", id.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Start : {0}", actual_start.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("End : {0}", actual_end.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(""); } id++; actual_start = actual_end; actual_end = actual_start.AddDays(14); if (actual_start < end && actual_end > end) actual_end = end; replace_list["<<start>>"] = actual_start.ToString("yyyy M d H m s"); replace_list["<<end>>"] = actual_end.ToString("yyyy M d H m s"); replace_list["<<id>>"] = id.ToString(); } }
protected bool SendToFTP(FileName file, FileName ftp_template, FilePath working_folder, string ftp_address, string path_on_ftp) { bool res = true; Dictionary<string, string> toReplace = new Dictionary<string, string>(); toReplace["<<>>"] = file.FullPath; toReplace["<<path.on.ftp>>"] = path_on_ftp; try { ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); TextFile.Replace(ftp_template.FullPath, working_folder.Path + "ftp.dat", ref toReplace, false); app.Executable = "ftp"; app.WorkingDirectory = working_folder.Path; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DONOTCHECK; app.Wait = true; app.Arguments = "-n -s:ftp.dat " + ftp_address; res = app.Run(); } catch { return false; } return res; }
protected bool GenerateMeteoFiles(MohidRunEngineData mre) { DateTime simStartDate = mre.sim.Start; DateTime startsim; DateTime endsim; string dateStr; DateTime simStart = simStartDate.AddSeconds(1); int counter; string file, outputPath, outputName; bool found_file; System.IO.FileInfo fi; ConfigNode node = mre.cfg.Root.ChildNodes.Find(FindScriptBlocks); if (node == null) { Console.WriteLine("Node '' was not found in the config file."); return false; } //First is required the glue of the files HDFGlue tool = new HDFGlue(); tool.AppName = node["", "glue.exe"].AsString(); tool.AppPath = node["glue.exe.path", @"..\tools\glue\"].AsString(); tool.WorkingDirectory = node["glue.working.folder", @"..\tools\glue\"].AsString(); outputPath = node["glue.output.path", @"..\" + mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"\boundary.conditions\"].AsString(); outputName = node["", "mm5.glued.hdf5"].AsString(); tool.Output = outputPath + outputName; tool.Is3DFile = false; //This will ensure that the first hour of simulation is included in the meteo file. startsim = simStart.AddHours(-5); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); int maxSkips = node["max.skips", 10].AsInt(); int numberOfSkips = 0; Console.WriteLine("Sim start: {0}", simStartDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); Console.WriteLine("Generating Meteo file from {0} to {1}", startsim.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), mre.sim.End.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); Console.WriteLine("Sim lenght: {0}", mre.sim.SimLenght); int numberOfFiles = (int)(mre.sim.SimLenght * 4 + 1.0); Console.WriteLine("Expected number of 6 hours files to look: {0}", numberOfFiles); Console.WriteLine("Folder where meteo files are: {0}", node["meteo.folder", @"H:\"].AsString()); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Looking for files..."); Console.WriteLine(""); for (counter = 0; counter < numberOfFiles; counter++) { found_file = false; dateStr = startsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + endsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH"); file = node["meteo.folder", @"H:\"].AsString() + @"D3_" + dateStr + ".hdf5"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(file); if (fi.Length > 2000000) { found_file = true; tool.FilesToGlue.Add(file); } } if (!found_file) { Console.WriteLine("File '{0}' was not found.", file); if (counter + 1 == numberOfFiles) { counter--; numberOfSkips++; if (numberOfSkips > maxSkips) { Console.WriteLine("Max number of skips reached during meteo creation file."); return false; } } } startsim = endsim.AddHours(1); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); } Console.WriteLine("Gluing files..."); tool.ThrowExceptionOnError = true; if (tool.Glue() != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Glue failed."); return false; } Dictionary<string, string> replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); replace_list["<<glued>>"] = outputPath; replace_list["<<father>>"] = node["father.grid", @"..\..\\digital.terrain\"].AsString(); replace_list["<<dest>>"] = node["hdf.output.path", @"..\..\\boundary.conditions\"].AsString() + mre.sim.Start.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss") + "-" + mre.sim.End.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss") + @"\"; replace_list["<<model>>"] = node["model.grid", @"..\..\\digital.terrain\"].AsString(); string template = node["template", mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"templates\tools\"].AsString(); string action = node["action.file", @"..\tools\interpolation\converttoHDF5action.dat"].AsString(); TextFile.Replace(template, action, ref replace_list); ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); app.WorkingDirectory = node["interpolation.working.folder", @"..\tools\interpolation\"].AsString(); app.Executable = node["interpolation.exe", @"..\tools\interpolation\interpolation.exe"].AsString(); app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; app.TextToCheck = "successfully terminated"; app.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; app.Wait = true; Console.WriteLine("Interpolating meteo file to model grid..."); bool result = app.Run(); if (!result) { Console.WriteLine("Interpolation failed."); return false; } //Saves the created meteo file in the folder if (!FileTools.CopyFile(new FilePath(replace_list["<<dest>>"]), new FilePath(orig.Path), "meteo.hdf5", Files.CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT)) { Console.WriteLine("Was not possible to copy the meteo file to the meteo storage folder."); return false; } return true; }
protected bool GenerateAlternativeMeteoFilesToForecast(DateTime simStartDate) { //bool result = true; DateTime startsim; DateTime endsim; string dateStr; DateTime simStart = simStartDate.AddSeconds(1); char pd = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; //First is required the glue of two files HDFGlue tool = new HDFGlue(); tool.AppName = "glue.exe"; tool.AppPath = System.IO.Path.Combine("..", "tools", "glue"); tool.WorkingDirectory = tool.AppPath; tool.Output = "meteo.glued.hdf5"; tool.Is3DFile = false; startsim = simStart.AddHours(-5); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); dateStr = startsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + endsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH"); tool.FilesToGlue.Add("\\\\ftpserver\\\\LocalUser\\meteoIST\\mm5_6h\\D3_" + dateStr + ".hdf5"); startsim = endsim.AddHours(1); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); dateStr = startsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + endsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH"); tool.FilesToGlue.Add("\\\\ftpserver\\\\LocalUser\\meteoIST\\mm5_6h\\D3_" + dateStr + ".hdf5"); tool.ThrowExceptionOnError = true; if (tool.Glue() != 0) return false; //Now, do the "extraction" if (!FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(@".."+ pd + "templates" + pd + "tools" + pd + "ConvertToHDF5Action-2.template"), new FileName(@".." + pd + "tools" + pd + "interpolation" + pd + "ConvertToHDF5Action.dat"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT)) return false; ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); app.Executable = @".." + pd + "tools" + pd + "interpolation" + pd + "interpolation.exe"; app.WorkingDirectory = @".." + pd + "tools" + pd + "interpolation" + pd; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; app.TextToCheck = "successfully terminated"; app.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; app.Wait = true; return app.Run(); }
protected bool GenerateMeteoFiles(MohidRunEngineData mre) { DateTime simStartDate = mre.sim.Start; DateTime startsim; DateTime endsim; string dateStr; DateTime simStart = simStartDate.AddSeconds(1); int counter; string file, outputPath, outputName, tempFolder; bool found_file; System.IO.FileInfo fi; HDFGlue glueTool = new HDFGlue(); ExternalApp interpolateTool = new ExternalApp(); ConfigNode node = mre.cfg.Root.ChildNodes.Find(FindScriptBlocks); if (node == null) { Console.WriteLine("Node '' was not found in the config file."); return false; } //This will ensure that the first hour of simulation is included in the meteo file. startsim = simStart.AddHours(-5); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); Console.WriteLine("Sim start: {0}", simStartDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); Console.WriteLine("Generating Meteo file from {0} to {1}", startsim.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), mre.sim.End.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); Console.WriteLine("Sim lenght: {0}", mre.sim.SimLenght); //Get some important input from the script block in config file outputPath = node["glue.output.path", @"..\" + mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"\boundary.conditions\"].AsString(); outputName = node["", "meteo.hdf5"].AsString(); tempFolder = node["interpolation.folder", @".\temp\"].AsString(); //First, find the required files. int numberOfFiles = (int)(mre.sim.SimLenght * 4 + 1.0); Console.WriteLine("Expected number of 6 hours files to look: {0}", numberOfFiles); Console.WriteLine("Folder where meteo files are: {0}", node["meteo.folder", @"H:\"].AsString()); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Looking for files..."); Console.WriteLine(""); int maxSkips = node["max.skips", 10].AsInt(); int numberOfSkips = 0; List<string> requiredFiles = new List<string>(); for (counter = 0; counter < numberOfFiles; counter++) { found_file = false; dateStr = startsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + endsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH"); file = node["meteo.folder", @"H:\"].AsString() + @"D3_" + dateStr + ".hdf5"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(file); if (fi.Length > 2000000) { found_file = true; requiredFiles.Add(file); } } if (!found_file) { Console.WriteLine("File '{0}' was not found.", file); if (counter + 1 == numberOfFiles) { counter--; numberOfSkips++; if (numberOfSkips > maxSkips) { Console.WriteLine("Max number of skips reached during meteo creation file."); return false; } } } startsim = endsim.AddHours(1); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); } //Now the files were found, they will be interpolated to the model's grid Console.WriteLine("Interpolating meteo file to model grid..."); Dictionary<string, string> replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); FileName f_name = new FileName(); string path = node["glue.input.folder", @"..\interpolation\temp\"].AsString(); bool skipInterpolation = node["skip.interpolation", false].AsBool(); foreach (string f in requiredFiles) { f_name.FullPath = f; glueTool.FilesToGlue.Add(path + f_name.FullName); if (!skipInterpolation) { replace_list["<<input.hdf>>"] = f; replace_list["<<father.grid>>"] = node["father.grid", @"..\..\\digital.terrain\mm5.dat"].AsString(); replace_list["<<output.hdf>>"] = tempFolder + f_name.FullName; replace_list["<<model.grid>>"] = node["model.grid", @"..\..\\digital.terrain\grid.dat"].AsString(); string template = node["template", mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"templates\tools\"].AsString(); string action = node["action.file", @"..\tools\interpolation\converttoHDF5action.dat"].AsString(); TextFile.Replace(template, action, ref replace_list); interpolateTool.WorkingDirectory = node["interpolation.working.folder", @"..\tools\interpolation\"].AsString(); interpolateTool.Executable = node["interpolation.exe", @"..\tools\interpolation\interpolation.exe"].AsString(); interpolateTool.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; interpolateTool.TextToCheck = "successfully terminated"; interpolateTool.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; interpolateTool.Wait = true; bool result = interpolateTool.Run(); if (!result) { Console.WriteLine("Interpolation failed."); return false; } } } //Now the interpolated files are glued glueTool.AppName = node["", "glue.exe"].AsString(); glueTool.AppPath = node["glue.exe.path", @"..\tools\glue\"].AsString(); glueTool.WorkingDirectory = node["glue.working.folder", @"..\tools\glue\"].AsString(); glueTool.Output = outputPath + outputName; glueTool.Is3DFile = false; glueTool.ThrowExceptionOnError = true; Console.WriteLine("Gluing files..."); if (glueTool.Glue() != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Glue failed."); return false; } //Saves the created meteo file in the folder if (!FileTools.CopyFile(node["local.boundary.folder", @"..\actual\\boundary.conditions\"].AsFilePath(), new FilePath(orig.Path), "meteo.hdf5", Files.CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT)) { Console.WriteLine("Was not possible to copy the meteo file to the meteo storage folder."); return false; } //Delete all the files in the temp directory try { System.IO.DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(@"..\tools\interpolation\temp\"); foreach (System.IO.FileInfo fileToDelete in directory.GetFiles()) fileToDelete.Delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Was not possible to empty the temp directory due to an exception."); Console.WriteLine("Message returned was: {0}", ex.Message); } return true; }
public bool GenerateMeteoFilesToForecast(DateTime simStartDate) { System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> toReplace = new Dictionary<string, string>(); toReplace["<<datetime>>"] = simStartDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHH"); TextFile.Replace(@"..\templates\tools\convertToHDF5Action.template", @"..\tools\ConvertToHDF\ConvertToHDF5Action.dat", ref toReplace); ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); app.Executable = @"..\tools\ConvertToHDF\interpolation.exe"; app.WorkingDirectory = @"..\tools\ConvertToHDF\"; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; app.TextToCheck = "successfully terminated"; app.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; app.Wait = true; return app.Run(); }
protected virtual bool RunMohid() { ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); app.Executable = Executable.FullPath; app.WorkingDirectory = WorkingDirectory.Path; app.Verbose = Verbose; if (CheckRun) { app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; app.TextToCheck = SuccessString; app.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; } else { app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DONOTCHECK; } app.Wait = Wait; return app.Run(); }
public bool Reset() { last_exception = null; tools_blocks = new Dictionary<string, ConfigNode>(); tool_interpolate_info = null; tool_glue_info = null; replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); tool = new ExternalApp(); tool_glue = new HDFGlue(); interval = new DateInterval(); return true; }
public override bool OnSimStart(object data) { MohidRunEngineData mre = (MohidRunEngineData)data; //bool result = true; DateTime startsim; DateTime endsim; string dateStr; DateTime simStart = mre.sim.Start; int counter; //First is required the glue of two files HDFGlue tool = new HDFGlue(); tool.AppName = "ConvertToHdf5_release_single.exe"; tool.AppPath = @"..\tools\Convert 2 HDF\"; tool.WorkingDirectory = @"..\tools\Convert 2 HDF\"; tool.Output = @"mm5.glued.hdf5"; tool.Is3DFile = false; startsim = simStart.AddHours(-5); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); string file_to_glue, path; int tentatives; bool must_find_another; for (counter = 0; counter < 5; counter++) { tentatives = 3; must_find_another = true; while (must_find_another) { dateStr = startsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + endsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH"); file_to_glue = @"D3_" + dateStr + ".hdf5"; path = @"Q:\"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + file_to_glue)) { must_find_another = false; tool.FilesToGlue.Add(path + file_to_glue); startsim = endsim.AddHours(1); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); } else { tentatives--; if (tentatives == 0) return false; if (counter == 0) { startsim = startsim.AddHours(-6); endsim = startsim.AddHours(-1); } else { startsim = endsim.AddHours(1); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); } } } } tool.ThrowExceptionOnError = true; if (tool.Glue() != 0) return false; FileName template = new FileName(mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"templates\tools\interpolate.template"); FileName griddata = new FileName(mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"templates\tools\"); //Now, do the "extraction" if (!FileTools.CopyFile(template, new FileName(@"..\tools\convert 2 hdf\converttoHDF5action.dat"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT)) return false; if (!FileTools.CopyFile(griddata, new FileName(@"..\tools\convert 2 hdf\"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT)) return false; ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); app.Executable = @"..\tools\convert 2 hdf\ConvertToHdf5_release_double.exe"; app.WorkingDirectory = @"..\tools\convert 2 hdf\"; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; app.TextToCheck = "successfully terminated"; app.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; app.Wait = true; if (!app.Run()) return false; if (!FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(@"..\tools\convert 2 hdf\meteo.mm5.hdf5"), new FileName(mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"local data\meteo.mm5.hdf5"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT)) return false; return true; }
protected bool GenerateMeteoFiles(MohidRunEngineData mre) { //bool result = true; DateTime simStartDate = mre.sim.Start; DateTime startsim; DateTime endsim; string dateStr; DateTime simStart = simStartDate.AddSeconds(1); int counter; string file; bool found_file; System.IO.FileInfo fi; //First is required the glue of two files HDFGlue tool = new HDFGlue(); tool.AppName = "glue.exe"; tool.AppPath = @"..\tools\glue\"; tool.WorkingDirectory = @"..\tools\glue\"; tool.Output = @"..\" + mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"\boundary.conditions\mm5.glued.hdf5"; tool.Is3DFile = false; startsim = simStart.AddHours(-5); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); Console.WriteLine("Sim start: {0}", simStartDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); Console.WriteLine("Generating Meteo file from {0} to {1}", startsim.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), startsim.AddHours(11).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); Console.WriteLine("Gluing files..."); for (counter = 0; counter < 57; counter++) { found_file = false; dateStr = startsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + endsim.ToString("yyyyMMddHH"); file = @"H:\mm5_6h\" + startsim.ToString("yyyy") + @"\D3_" + dateStr + ".hdf5"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(file); if (fi.Length > 2000000) found_file = true; } if (!found_file && startsim.Year == 2008) { file = @"H:\mm5_6h\2008_ANL\D3_" + dateStr + ".hdf5"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(file); if (fi.Length > 2000000) found_file = true; } } if (!found_file) { file = @"\\DATACENTER\alexandria3\modelos\Meteo_IST\mm5_6h\D3_" + dateStr + ".hdf5"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(file); if (fi.Length > 2000000) found_file = true; } } if (!found_file) { Console.WriteLine("The file 'D3_{0}.hdf5' was not found.", dateStr); return false; } else { tool.FilesToGlue.Add(file); //Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} to the list of files to be glued.", @"H:\mm5_6h\" + startsim.ToString("yyyy") + @"\D3_" + dateStr + ".hdf5"); startsim = endsim.AddHours(1); endsim = startsim.AddHours(5); } } tool.ThrowExceptionOnError = true; if (tool.Glue() != 0) return false; Dictionary<string, string> replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); replace_list["<<glued>>"] = @"..\" + mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"\boundary.conditions\"; replace_list["<<father>>"] = @"..\..\\digital.terrain\"; replace_list["<<dest>>"] = @"..\..\\boundary.conditions\" + mre.sim.Start.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss") + "-" + mre.sim.End.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss") + @"\"; replace_list["<<model>>"] = @"..\..\\digital.terrain\"; TextFile.Replace(mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"templates\tools\", @"..\tools\interpolation\converttoHDF5action.dat", ref replace_list); //Now, do the "extraction" //if (!FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"templates\tools\"), new FileName(@"..\tools\interpolation\converttoHDF5action.dat"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT)) // return false; ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); app.Executable = @"..\tools\interpolation\interpolation.exe"; app.WorkingDirectory = @"..\tools\interpolation\"; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; app.TextToCheck = "successfully terminated"; app.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; app.Wait = true; Console.WriteLine("Interpolating meteo file to model grid..."); return app.Run(); }
protected bool SendToFTPOnEnd(MohidRunEngineData mre) { bool res = true; Dictionary<string, string> toReplace = new Dictionary<string, string>(); try { ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(@"..\templates\Tools\ref-evtp-cumulative.template"), new FileName(@"..\tools\ftp\ftp.dat"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); app.Executable = "ftp"; app.WorkingDirectory = @"..\Cumulative"; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DONOTCHECK; app.Wait = true; app.Arguments = "-n -s:" + @"..\tools\ftp\ftp.dat"; res = app.Run(); } catch { return false; } return res; }
static void Main(string[] args) { DateTime start, end; FilePath rootResultsPath; FileName hdfResultsFile; List<FilePath> timeseriesOutputPath = new List<FilePath>(); FileName exporterEXE; FilePath exporterWorkingPath; bool joinTimeseries = false; bool useDateOnTimeseriesName = true; string folderFormat, startFormat, endFormat; StringBuilder exporterCFGBase = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder exporterCFG = new StringBuilder(); List<ConfigNode> nodes; double runLenght; bool verbose; List<FileInfo> tsFileInfoList = new List<FileInfo>(); Dictionary<string, TimeSeries> outTS = new Dictionary<string,TimeSeries>(); TimeSeries newTS = new TimeSeries(); TextFile txtFile, errors; int timeseriesSaveCounter = 1, saveCounter; int timeseriesNameCounter; errors = new TextFile("errors.log"); errors.OpenNewToWrite(); verbose = true; FilePath path; bool dateAndTimeInOutputFolder; string outputFolderFormat = "", outputFolderStartFormat = "", outputFolderEndFormat = "", outputPath, outputPath2; bool useCounter; try { CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); if (cmdArgs.HasOption("v")) verbose = true; else verbose = false; if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { if (verbose) Console.Write("Reading configuration file..."); Config conf = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameters["cfg"]); conf.Load(); if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); if (verbose) Console.Write("Looking for '' blocks..."); List<ConfigNode> tsList = conf.Root.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == ""; }); if (tsList == null || tsList.Count <= 0) throw new Exception("No '' block found in configuration file."); if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); Console.WriteLine("{0} '' block(s) found.", tsList.Count); } dateAndTimeInOutputFolder = conf.Root["user.def.output.folder", false].AsBool(); if (dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { outputFolderFormat = conf.Root["user.def.output.folder.format", "start-end"].AsString(); outputFolderStartFormat = conf.Root["user.def.output.start.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); outputFolderEndFormat = conf.Root["user.def.output.end.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); } int tscCount = 1; foreach (ConfigNode tsc in tsList) { timeseriesNameCounter = 1; if (verbose) Console.Write("Processing '' block {0}...", tscCount); start = tsc["start"].AsDateTime(); end = tsc["end"].AsDateTime(); rootResultsPath = tsc["root.results.path", @".\"].AsFilePath(); hdfResultsFile = tsc["hdf.results.file"].AsFileName(); if (tsc.Contains("backup_path")) { path = tsc["backup_path"].AsFilePath(); timeseriesOutputPath.Add(path); } if (tsc.Contains("storage_path")) { path = tsc["storage_path"].AsFilePath(); timeseriesOutputPath.Add(path); } if (tsc.Contains("publish_path")) { path = tsc["publish_path"].AsFilePath(); timeseriesOutputPath.Add(path); } if (timeseriesOutputPath.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("An error was found in the configuration file. Missing keyword." + "At least ONE of the following keywords must be provided:" + "BACKUP_PATH, STORAGE_PATH, PUBLISH_PATH"); } exporterEXE = tsc["exporter.exe"].AsFileName(); exporterWorkingPath = tsc["exporter.working.path"].AsFilePath(); joinTimeseries = tsc["join.timeseries", true].AsBool(); if (joinTimeseries && dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { throw new Exception("join.timeseries can't be used with user.def.output.folder"); } folderFormat = tsc["folder.format", "start-end"].AsString(); startFormat = tsc["start.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); endFormat = tsc["end.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); runLenght = tsc["run.lenght"].AsDouble(); useCounter = tsc["use.counter.on.names", false].AsBool(); if (joinTimeseries) { outTS = new Dictionary<string, TimeSeries>(); newTS = new TimeSeries(); timeseriesSaveCounter = tsc["save.counter"].AsInt(); } else { useDateOnTimeseriesName = tsc["", true].AsBool(); } exporterCFGBase.Append("EXPORT_TYPE : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["export.type", 1].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append("COMPUTE_RESIDUAL : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["compute.residual", 0].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append("VARIABLE_GRID : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["variable.grid", 0].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append("WATERPOINTS_NAME : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["", "WaterPoints2D"].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append("GRID_FILENAME : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["", "grid.dat"].AsString()); nodes = tsc.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "timeseries"; }); if (nodes == null || nodes.Count <= 0) throw new Exception("No 'timeseries' block found in configuration file."); foreach (ConfigNode param in nodes) { exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine("<BeginTimeSerie>"); exporterCFGBase.Append(" NAME : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["name"].AsString()); if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("coord.y")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" COORD_Y : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["coord.y"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("coord.x")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" COORD_X : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["coord.x"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("depth.level")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" DEPTH_LEVEL : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["depth.level"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("localization.i")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LOCALIZATION_I : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["localization.i"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("localization.j")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LOCALIZATION_J : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["localization.j"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("localization.k")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LOCALIZATION_K : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["localization.k"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("latitude")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LATITUDE : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["latitude"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("longitude")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LONGITUDE : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["longitude"].AsString()); } exporterCFGBase.AppendLine("<EndTimeSerie>"); if (joinTimeseries) { outTS[param["name"].AsString()] = new TimeSeries(); } } nodes = tsc.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "parameter"; }); if (nodes == null || nodes.Count <= 0) throw new Exception("No 'parameter' block found in configuration file."); foreach (ConfigNode param in nodes) { exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine("<BeginParameter>"); exporterCFGBase.Append(" HDF_GROUP : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param[""].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append(" PROPERTY : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param[""].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine("<EndParameter>"); } txtFile = new TextFile(exporterWorkingPath.Path + "nomfich.dat"); txtFile.OpenNewToWrite(); txtFile.WriteLine("IN_MODEL : hdfexporter.dat"); txtFile.Close(); ExternalApp hdf5exporter = new ExternalApp(); hdf5exporter.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; hdf5exporter.TextToCheck = "Program HDF5Exporter successfully terminated"; hdf5exporter.Wait = true; hdf5exporter.WorkingDirectory = exporterWorkingPath.Path; hdf5exporter.Executable = exporterEXE.FullPath; bool fail; DateTime actual = start; FilePath hdfResultsPath = new FilePath(); saveCounter = 1; while (actual.AddDays(runLenght) <= end) { fail = false; hdfResultsPath.Path = rootResultsPath.Path + (folderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(startFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(endFormat))); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(hdfResultsPath.Path)) { exporterCFG.Clear(); exporterCFG.Append("START_TIME : "); exporterCFG.AppendLine(actual.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); exporterCFG.Append("END_TIME : "); exporterCFG.AppendLine(actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); exporterCFG.AppendLine(); exporterCFG.AppendLine("<BeginHDF5File>"); exporterCFG.Append(" NAME : "); exporterCFG.AppendLine(hdfResultsPath.Path + hdfResultsFile.FullName); exporterCFG.AppendLine("<EndHDF5File>"); txtFile.File.FullPath = exporterWorkingPath.Path + "hdfexporter.dat"; txtFile.OpenNewToWrite(); txtFile.Write(exporterCFGBase.ToString()); txtFile.Write(exporterCFG.ToString()); txtFile.Close(); try { bool res = hdf5exporter.Run(); if (!res) { throw new Exception("Unsuccessfull HDF5Exporter run"); } } catch (Exception e_run) { errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] HDF5Exporter Run Exception when processing '" + hdfResultsFile + "' on results folder '" + hdfResultsPath.Path + "'"); errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] The exception returned this message: " + e_run.Message); fail = true; } if (!fail) { FileTools.FindFiles(ref tsFileInfoList, exporterWorkingPath, "*.ets", true, "", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (joinTimeseries) { foreach (FileInfo file in tsFileInfoList) { if (outTS[file.FileName.Name].NumberOfInstants > 0) { saveCounter++; try { newTS.Load(file.FileName); outTS[file.FileName.Name].AddTimeSeries(newTS); } catch { errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] Was not possible to read timeseries '" + file.FileName.FullName + "' from HDF file '" + hdfResultsFile + "' on results folder '" + hdfResultsPath.Path + "'"); } System.IO.File.Delete(file.FileName.FullPath); if (saveCounter > timeseriesSaveCounter) { try { if (dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } else { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path; } if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); outTS[file.FileName.Name].Save(new FileName(outputPath + file.FileName.FullName)); saveCounter = 1; if (timeseriesOutputPath.Count > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < timeseriesOutputPath.Count; i++) { outputPath2 = timeseriesOutputPath[i].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath2)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath2); FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(outputPath + file.FileName.FullName), new FileName(outputPath2 + file.FileName.FullName), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] Was not possible to save joined timeseries '" + file.FileName.FullName + "' from HDF file '" + hdfResultsFile + "' when processing results folder '" + hdfResultsPath.Path + "'"); errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] The exception returned this message: " + ex.Message); } } } else { outTS[file.FileName.Name].Load(file.FileName); System.IO.File.Delete(file.FileName.FullPath); } } } else { FileName timeseriesTarget = new FileName(); foreach (FileInfo file in tsFileInfoList) { if (dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } else { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path; } timeseriesTarget.Path = outputPath; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); if (useDateOnTimeseriesName) { timeseriesTarget.FullName = file.FileName.FullName.Insert(file.FileName.FullName.LastIndexOf('.'), actual.ToString(startFormat) + "_" + actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(endFormat)); } else if (useCounter) { timeseriesTarget.FullName = file.FileName.FullName.Insert(file.FileName.FullName.LastIndexOf('.'), timeseriesNameCounter.ToString()); timeseriesNameCounter++; } else { timeseriesTarget.FullName = file.FileName.FullName; } FileTools.CopyFile(file.FileName, timeseriesTarget, CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); if (timeseriesOutputPath.Count > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < timeseriesOutputPath.Count; i++) { outputPath2 = timeseriesOutputPath[i].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath2)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath2); FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(outputPath + file.FileName.FullName), new FileName(outputPath2 + file.FileName.FullName), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); } } } } } } actual = actual.AddDays(runLenght); } tscCount++; if (joinTimeseries) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TimeSeries> pair in outTS) { if (dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } else { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path; } if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); pair.Value.Save(new FileName(outputPath + pair.Key + ".ets")); for (int i = 1; i < timeseriesOutputPath.Count; i++) { outputPath2 = timeseriesOutputPath[i].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath2)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath2); FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(outputPath + pair.Key + ".ets"), new FileName(outputPath2 + pair.Key + ".ets"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); } } } } } Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); } catch(Exception ex) { if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("[FAIL]"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("An EXCEPTION was raised. The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Console.WriteLine("GetTSFromModelResultsHDF finished."); errors.Close(); }
//public override bool OnEnd(object data) //{ // MohidRunEngineData mre = (MohidRunEngineData)data; // return SendToFTPOnEnd(mre); //} protected bool SendToFTP(MohidRunEngineData mre) { bool res = true; Dictionary<string, string> toReplace = new Dictionary<string, string>(); string folderName = mre.sim.Start.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss") + "-" + mre.sim.End.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss"); try { toReplace["<<folder>>"] = folderName; TextFile.Replace(@"..\templates\tools\ref-evtp.template", @"..\tools\ftp\ftp.dat", ref toReplace); ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); app.Executable = "ftp"; app.WorkingDirectory = @"..\store\" + folderName + @"\To.FTP"; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DONOTCHECK; app.Wait = true; app.Arguments = "-n -s:" + @"..\..\..\tools\ftp\ftp.dat"; res = app.Run(); if (!res) return false; } catch { return false; } return res; }
public void LaunchApp(ExternalApp app) { app.Launch(_processManager); }
public ScriptV11() { exception_raised = false; tool = new ExternalApp(); files_to_glue = new List<FileName>(); replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); tools_blocks = new Dictionary<string, ConfigNode>(); practices_block = null; save_data_files = true; tool_fillmatrix_info = null; tool_interpolate_info = null; tool_glue_info = null; tool_jointimeseries_info = null; meteo_block = null; meteo_sources_blocks = null; meteo_file_name = null; meteo_backup_files = false; meteo_store_path = null; meteo_backup_interpolated_files = false; meteo_store_int_path = null; meteo_interpolation_path = null; meteo_max_contiguous_skips = 8; meteo_task = false; tool_glue = new HDFGlue(); standard_names = true; basin_evtp_output_filename = null; basin_evtp_ftp_template = null; ftp_address = ""; path_on_ftp = ""; glue_basin_evtp = false; send_basin_to_ftp = false; glue_all_basin_evtp = false; basin_evtp_list = null; basin_evtp_file_name = ""; }
public bool ExecuteApp() { ExternalApp app; bool result; try { app = new ExternalApp(); app.Executable = fAppPath + AppName; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Arguments)) app.Arguments = Arguments; app.WorkingDirectory = fWorkingDirectory; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod; app.TextToCheck = TextToCheck; app.SearchTextOrder = TextOrder; app.Verbose = Verbose; app.UseShell = UseShell; app.Wait = true; } catch (Exception ex) { return ThrowException(ex.Message); } result = app.Run(); if (!result) { //Console.WriteLine(app.Options.SaveDefaultOutput.ToString()); //foreach(string line in ExternalApp.DefaultOutput) // Console.WriteLine(line); return ThrowException("Application '" + app.Executable + "' run Failed."); } return true; }
private void ExportByFolderList(ExportHDFToTSOptions opts, DoWorkEventArgs e) { string config_name = ""; TextFile cfg = new TextFile(); ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); List<TimeSeries> outputTS = new List<TimeSeries>(); bool first = true; System.IO.SearchOption so; FileName file = new FileName(); FilePath path = new FilePath(); List<Mohid.Files.FileInfo> files = new List<Mohid.Files.FileInfo>(); if (opts.SearchSubFolders) so = System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories; else so = System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly; foreach (string folder in opts.List) { path.Path = folder; FileTools.FindFiles(ref files, path, Path.GetFileName(opts.File), false, null, so); } int totalFiles = files.Count; int filesProcessed = 0; foreach (Mohid.Files.FileInfo fi in files) { //Find a file name for the configuration file. if (this.CancellationPending) { return; } bool Found = false; int n = 1; int tentatives = 0; while (!Found) { config_name = opts.ConfigFile + n + ".cfg"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(opts.WorkingFolder + config_name)) { n++; } else { try { cfg.File.FullPath = opts.WorkingFolder + config_name; cfg.OpenNewToWrite(); Found = true; } catch { n++; tentatives++; if (tentatives > 20) { MessageBox.Show("Was not possibe to create the configuration file to the HDFExporter tool.", "ATTENTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } } } //Create the Config Data File cfg.WriteLine("!File created using Mohid Toolbox"); file.FullPath = fi.FileName.FullPath; cfg.WriteLine("<BeginHDF5File>"); cfg.WriteLine(" NAME : " + file.FullPath); cfg.WriteLine("<EndHDF5File>"); if (opts.Type == ExportHDFToTSType.ByMask) //by Mask { cfg.WriteLine("EXPORT_TYPE : 2"); cfg.WriteLine("MASK_GRID : " + opts.MaskFile); cfg.WriteLine("AREA_FILL_VALUE : " + opts.AreaFillValue); if (opts.UsePoints) { cfg.WriteLine("USE_POINTS : 1"); cfg.WriteLine("WATERPOINTS_NAME : " + opts.PointsName); cfg.WriteLine("WATERPOINTS_GROUP : " + opts.PointsGroup); } else cfg.WriteLine("USE_POINTS : 0"); } else //By coordinates { cfg.WriteLine("EXPORT_TYPE : 1"); cfg.WriteLine("WATERPOINTS_NAME : " + opts.PointsName); cfg.WriteLine("WATERPOINTS_GROUP : " + opts.PointsGroup); } if (opts.CheckPropertyName) cfg.WriteLine("CHECK_PROPERTY : 1"); else cfg.WriteLine("CHECK_PROPERTY : 0"); if (opts.UseStart) cfg.WriteLine("START_TIME : " + opts.Start.ToString("yyyy MM dd HH mm ss")); if (opts.UseEnd) cfg.WriteLine("END_TIME : " + opts.End.ToString("yyyy MM dd HH mm ss")); if (opts.Variable) cfg.WriteLine("VARIABLE_GRID : 1"); else cfg.WriteLine("VARIABLE_GRID : 0"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opts.GridFile)) cfg.WriteLine("GRID_FILENAME : " + opts.GridFile); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opts.TimeGroup)) cfg.WriteLine("TIME_GROUP : " + opts.TimeGroup); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opts.DecimationFactor)) cfg.WriteLine("DECIMATION_FACTOR : " + opts.DecimationFactor); foreach (TimeseriesBlock ts in opts.TimeSeries) { cfg.WriteLine("<BeginTimeSerie>"); if (opts.Type == ExportHDFToTSType.ByMask) //by Mask { cfg.WriteLine(" NAME : " + file.Path + ts.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.MaskID)) cfg.WriteLine(" MASK_ID : " + ts.MaskID); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.Layer)) cfg.WriteLine(" LAYER : " + ts.Layer); } else { cfg.WriteLine(" NAME : " + file.Path + ts.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.I)) cfg.WriteLine(" LOCALIZATION_I : " + ts.I); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.J)) cfg.WriteLine(" LOCALIZATION_J : " + ts.J); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.K)) cfg.WriteLine(" LOCALIZATION_J : " + ts.K); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.Latitude)) cfg.WriteLine(" LATITUDE : " + ts.Latitude); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.Longitude)) cfg.WriteLine(" LONGITUDE : " + ts.Longitude); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.X)) cfg.WriteLine(" COORD_X : " + ts.X); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts.Y)) cfg.WriteLine(" COORD_Y : " + ts.Y); } cfg.WriteLine("<EndTimeSerie>"); } foreach (ParameterBlock p in opts.Parameters) { cfg.WriteLine("<BeginParameter>"); cfg.WriteLine(" PROPERTY : " + p.Name); cfg.WriteLine(" HDF_GROUP : " + p.Group); cfg.WriteLine("<EndParameter>"); } cfg.Close(); //run HDFExporter Tool app.Executable = opts.PathToHDFExporter; app.UseShell = false; app.WorkingDirectory = opts.WorkingFolder; app.Arguments = "-c " + config_name; app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; app.TextToCheck = "successfully terminated"; app.Verbose = false; app.Wait = true; app.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; AppExitStatus es; if ((es = app.Run(this, e)) != AppExitStatus.Finished) { if (es != AppExitStatus.Canceled) MessageBox.Show("HDFExporter tool has failed.", "ATTENTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (!opts.KeepConfigFile) { try { System.IO.File.Delete(opts.WorkingFolder + config_name); } catch { } } if (opts.JoinTimeseries) { if (first) { foreach (TimeseriesBlock tsb in opts.TimeSeries) { TimeSeries new_ts = new TimeSeries(); new_ts.Load(new FileName(file.Path + tsb.Name + ".ets")); new_ts.Name = tsb.Name + ".ets"; outputTS.Add(new_ts); } first = false; } else { int count = 0; foreach (TimeseriesBlock tsb in opts.TimeSeries) { TimeSeries new_ts = new TimeSeries(); new_ts.Load(new FileName(file.Path + tsb.Name + ".ets")); TimeSeries this_ts = outputTS[count]; this_ts.AddTimeSeries(new_ts); new_ts = null; if (!opts.KeepIntermediateTSFiles) { try { System.IO.File.Delete(file.Path + tsb.Name + ".ets"); } catch { } } count++; } } } if (this.WorkerReportsProgress) { filesProcessed++; int percentComplete = (int)((float)filesProcessed / (float)totalFiles * 100); this.ReportProgress(percentComplete); } } if (opts.JoinTimeseries) { foreach (TimeSeries ts in outputTS) { ts.Save(new FileName(new FilePath(opts.PathToOutputTimeSeries).Path + ts.Name + ".ets")); } } }
protected bool CreatePracticesIDHDFFile() { practicesFromHDF = false; ConfigNode practicesNode = root.ChildNodes.Find(FindPracticesBlock); if (practicesNode != null) { if (practicesNode["search.first", true].AsBool()) { if (File.Exists(generalBoundary.Path + practicesNode["output.hdf"].AsFileName().FullName)) { if (FileTools.CopyFile(generalBoundary, root["local.boundary.conditions"].AsFilePath(), practicesNode["output.hdf"].AsFileName().FullName, Files.CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT)) { return true; } } } Dictionary<string, string> replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Console.WriteLine("Creating practices HDF file..."); ExternalApp tool = new ExternalApp(); replace_list.Clear(); replace_list["<<>>"] = practicesNode[""].AsFileName().FullPath; replace_list["<<output.hdf>>"] = practicesNode["output.hdf"].AsFileName().FullPath; replace_list["<<start>>"] = mre.sim.Start.ToString("yyyy MM dd HH 00 00"); replace_list["<<end>>"] = mre.sim.End.ToString("yyyy MM dd HH 00 00"); replace_list["<<>>"] = @"..\" + root[""].AsFilePath().Path; string template = practicesNode["template", mre.sim.SimDirectory.Path + @"templates\tools\fillmatrix.template"].AsString(); string action = practicesNode["", "fillmatrix.dat"].AsString(); Console.WriteLine("FillMatrix template {0}.", action); TextFile.Replace(template, practicesNode["working.folder", @"..\tools\fillmatrix\"].AsFilePath().Path + action, ref replace_list); tool.WorkingDirectory = practicesNode["working.folder", @"..\tools\fillmatrix\"].AsFilePath().Path; if (practicesNode.NodeData.ContainsKey("arguments")) tool.Arguments = practicesNode["arguments"].AsString(); tool.Executable = root["exe.file", @"..\tools\fillmatrix\fillmatrix.exe"].AsString(); tool.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; tool.TextToCheck = "Finished.."; tool.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; tool.Wait = true; bool result = tool.Run(); if (!result) { Console.WriteLine("fillmatrix failed."); return false; } //Saves the created practices file in the folder if (!FileTools.CopyFile(root["local.boundary.conditions"].AsFilePath(), generalBoundary, practicesNode["output.hdf"].AsFileName().FullName, Files.CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT)) { Console.WriteLine("Was not possible to copy the meteo file to the meteo storage folder."); return false; } practicesFromHDF = true; } return true; }
protected FileName ProcessHDF5(FileName file_to_process) { try { if (!replace_processed_files) { //Not implemented yet } replace_list.Clear(); replace_list["<<input>>"] = file_to_process.FullName; replace_list["<<output>>"] = file_to_process.Name + output_tag + ".hdf5"; string process_template_output = working_folder.Path + hdf_processor_template.Name + ".cfg"; TextFile.Replace(hdf_processor_template.FullPath, process_template_output, ref replace_list); ExternalApp tool = new ExternalApp(); tool.Arguments = "\\verbose --cfg " + process_template_output; tool.WorkingDirectory = working_folder.Path; tool.Executable = hdf_processor_exe.FullPath; tool.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; tool.TextToCheck = "MohidHDF5Processor SUCCESSFULLY completed the process."; tool.SearchTextOrder = SearchTextOrder.FROMEND; tool.Wait = true; if (!tool.Run()) throw new Exception(hdf_processor_exe.Name + " failed to convert " + file_to_process.Name); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(working_folder.Path + file_to_process.Name + output_tag + ".hdf5")) throw new Exception(hdf_processor_exe.Name + " failed to convert " + file_to_process.Name); return new FileName(file_to_process.Name + output_tag + ".hdf5"); } catch (Exception ex) { last_exception = ex; return null; } }
public override bool OnSimStart(object data) { string workingfolder = @"..\0.Data\Boundary.Conditions\"; string outputfolder = @"..\..\Run.1\\boundary.conditions\"; MohidRunEngineData mre = (MohidRunEngineData)data; //Extract date from original 2010 MM5 file ExternalApp app = new ExternalApp(); Dictionary<String, String> replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); replace_list.Add("<<start>>", mre.sim.Start.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); replace_list.Add("<<end>>", mre.sim.End.AddHours(1).ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); replace_list.Add("<<input>>", "MM5-D3-Portugal-2010.hdf5"); replace_list.Add("<<output>>", "mm5extracted.hdf5"); TextFile.Replace(workingfolder + "hdf5extractor.template", workingfolder + "hdf5extractor.dat", ref replace_list); app.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DONOTCHECK; app.Wait = true; app.WorkingDirectory = workingfolder; app.Executable = workingfolder + "HDF5Extractor.x64.omp.d.exe"; try { if (!app.Run()) throw new Exception("Run Failed. Unknown error."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("[OnSimStart-Extract] Erro detectado. Mensagem de erro:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Start : {0}", mre.sim.Start.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); Console.WriteLine("End : {0}", mre.sim.End.AddHours(1).ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); Console.WriteLine(""); return false; } //Convert extracted HDF to project grid data replace_list.Clear(); replace_list.Add("<<input>>", "mm5extracted.hdf5"); replace_list.Add("<<input.grid>>", "MM5-D3-Portugal.dat"); replace_list.Add("<<output>>", outputfolder + "mm5.hdf5"); replace_list.Add("<<output.grid>>", "project-griddata.dat"); TextFile.Replace(workingfolder + "converttohdf5action.template", workingfolder + "converttohdf5action.dat", ref replace_list); app.Executable = workingfolder + "Convert2HDF.x64.omp.d.exe"; try { if (!app.Run()) throw new Exception("Run Failed. Unknown error."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("[OnSimStart-Convert] Erro detectado. Mensagem de erro:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Start : {0}", mre.sim.Start.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); Console.WriteLine("End : {0}", mre.sim.End.AddHours(1).ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); Console.WriteLine(""); return false; } return true; }
void RemoveApp(ExternalApp app) { ExternalApps.RemoveLocked(app); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string stepMessage = ""; List<ConfigNode> timeseries, parameters; List<string> cfg = new List<string>(); List<string> blocks = new List<string>(); DateTime start, end, actual; FilePath root; bool hasFolders; TextFile config, errors; string hdfTag; FileName hdf5EXE = new FileName(); FilePath workingFolder = new FilePath(); FilePath tsPath; Dictionary<string, TimeSeries> outTS = new Dictionary<string, TimeSeries>(); TimeSeries newTS = new TimeSeries(); List<string> failedPeriods = new List<string>(); int count_to_save; bool use_year_on_path; bool join_time_series; string startFormat, endFormat, folderFormat; errors = new TextFile("errors.log"); errors.OpenNewToWrite(); count_to_save = 0; try { stepMessage = "command line arguments loading."; CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { stepMessage = "configuration file loading."; Config conf = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameters["cfg"]); conf.Load(); stepMessage = "configuration file parsing."; ConfigNode tsc = conf.Root.ChildNodes.Find(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == ""; }); if (tsc == null) throw new Exception("block '' is missing."); start = tsc[""].AsDateTime(); end = tsc[""].AsDateTime(); hdfTag = tsc["hdf.tag"].AsString(); hdf5EXE = tsc["exporter.exe"].AsFileName(); workingFolder = tsc["exporter.working"].AsFilePath(); tsPath = tsc["timeseries.output.path"].AsFilePath(); //root = tsc["root", ".\\"].AsFilePath(); hasFolders = tsc["has.folders", true].AsBool(); use_year_on_path = tsc["use.year.on.path", true].AsBool(); join_time_series = tsc["join.timeseries", true].AsBool(); folderFormat = tsc["folder.format", "{start}_{end}"].AsString(); startFormat = tsc["start.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); endFormat = tsc["end.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); blocks.Add("EXPORT_TYPE : " + tsc["export.type", 1].AsString()); blocks.Add("COMPUTE_RESIDUAL : " + tsc["compute.residual", 0].AsString()); blocks.Add("VARIABLE_GRID : " + tsc["variable.grid", 0].AsString()); blocks.Add("WATERPOINTS_NAME : " + tsc["", "WaterPoints2D"].AsString()); blocks.Add("GRID_FILENAME : " + tsc["", "grid.dat"].AsString()); blocks.Add(""); timeseries = tsc.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "timeseries"; }); if (timeseries.Count < 1) throw new Exception("Block 'timeseries' is missing. There must be at least one."); //Creates the blocks of timeseries foreach (ConfigNode n in timeseries) { blocks.Add("<BeginTimeSerie>"); blocks.Add(" NAME : " + n["name"].AsString()); blocks.Add(" COORD_Y : " + n["y"].AsString()); blocks.Add(" COORD_X : " + n["x"].AsString()); blocks.Add("<EndTimeSerie>"); blocks.Add(""); outTS[n["name"].AsString()] = new TimeSeries(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(tsPath.Path + n["name"].AsString() + ".ets")) { outTS[n["name"].AsString()].Load(new FileName(tsPath.Path + n["name"].AsString() + ".ets")); } } parameters = tsc.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "parameters"; }); if (parameters.Count < 1) throw new Exception("Block 'parameters' is missing. There must be at least one."); //Creates the blocks of parameters foreach (ConfigNode n in parameters) { blocks.Add("<BeginParameter>"); blocks.Add(" HDF_GROUP : " + n["group"].AsString()); blocks.Add(" PROPERTY : " + n["property"].AsString()); blocks.Add("<EndParameter>"); blocks.Add(""); } config = new TextFile(); config.File.FullPath = workingFolder.Path + "HDF5Exporter.dat"; bool quit = false; actual = start; FilePath yearFolder = new FilePath(); ExternalApp hdf5exporter = new ExternalApp(); hdf5exporter.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; hdf5exporter.TextToCheck = "Program HDF5Exporter successfully terminated"; hdf5exporter.Wait = true; hdf5exporter.WorkingDirectory = workingFolder.Path; hdf5exporter.Executable = hdf5EXE.FullPath; FilePath wp = workingFolder; List<FileInfo> tsList = new List<FileInfo>(); bool failed, res; do { failed = false; if (use_year_on_path) yearFolder.Path = root.Path + actual.Year.ToString(); else yearFolder.Path = root.Path; if (FileTools.FolderExists(yearFolder)) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(yearFolder.Path + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5")) { config.OpenNewToWrite(); cfg.Clear(); cfg.Add(""); cfg.Add("START_TIME : " + actual.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); cfg.Add("END_TIME : " + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); cfg.Add(""); cfg.Add("<BeginHDF5File>"); cfg.Add(" NAME : " + yearFolder.Path + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5"); cfg.Add("<EndHDF5File>"); cfg.Add(""); config.WriteLines(cfg); config.WriteLines(blocks); config.Close(); //executes HDF5Exporter try { Console.Write("Running HDF5Exporter to file " + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5 ..."); res = hdf5exporter.Run(); if (!res) { errors.WriteLine("Unsuccessfull HDF5Exporter run on file '" + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5'"); failed = true; Console.WriteLine("[Failed]"); } else { Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); } } catch(Exception e_run) { errors.WriteLine("HDF5Exporter Run Exception on file '" + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5'"); errors.WriteLine("Exception returned this message: " + e_run.Message); failed = true; Console.WriteLine("[Exception]"); } if (!failed) { FileTools.FindFiles(ref tsList, wp, "*.ets", true, "", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (FileInfo file in tsList) { if (outTS[file.FileName.Name].NumberOfInstants > 0) { try { newTS.Load(file.FileName); //outTS.Load(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.FullName)); outTS[file.FileName.Name].AddTimeSeries(newTS); } catch { errors.WriteLine("Was not possible to read timeseries '" + file.FileName + "' from HDF file '" + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5'"); } //outTS.Save(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.FullName)); System.IO.File.Delete(file.FileName.FullPath); } else { //FileTools.CopyFile(file.FileName, new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.FullName), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); //outTS[file.FileName.Name].Load(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.FullName)); outTS[file.FileName.Name].Load(file.FileName); System.IO.File.Delete(file.FileName.FullPath); } } count_to_save++; if (count_to_save >= 60) { count_to_save = 0; foreach (FileInfo file in tsList) { Console.Write("Saving Timeseries '" + file.FileName.Name + "' ..."); try { outTS[file.FileName.Name].Save(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.Name + ".ets")); Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.Name + ".ets"), new FileName((new FilePath(tsPath.Path + "bkp")).Path + file.FileName.Name + ".ets"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); } catch(Exception e_run) { Console.WriteLine("[FAILED]"); errors.WriteLine("Was not possible to save timeseries '" + file.FileName.Name + ".ets'"); errors.WriteLine("Exception returned this message: " + e_run.Message); } } } } } } actual = actual.AddHours(6); if (actual >= end) quit = true; } while (!quit); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TimeSeries> pair in outTS) { pair.Value.Save(new FileName(tsPath.Path + pair.Key + ".ets")); } //TimeUnits timeUnits = (TimeUnits)Enum.Parse(typeof(TimeUnits), conf.Root["time.units", "seconds"].AsString(), true); // List<FileName> list = new List<FileName>(); // foreach (KeyValuePair<string, KeywordData> item in nodeList.NodeData) // list.Add(item.Value.AsFileName()); // if (list.Count <= 1) // throw new Exception("Block '' must contain at least 2 entries"); // stepMessage = "loading timeseries."; // List<TimeSeries> timeSeries = new List<TimeSeries>(); // foreach (FileName ts in list) // { // TimeSeries newTS = new TimeSeries(); // newTS.Load(ts); // timeSeries.Add(newTS); // } // start = timeSeries[0].StartInstant; // for (int i = 1; i < timeSeries.Count; i++) // { // if (timeSeries[i].StartInstant < start) // start = timeSeries[i].StartInstant; // } // stepMessage = "creating output timeseries."; // TimeSeries outTS = new TimeSeries(); // outTS.StartInstant = start; // outTS.TimeUnits = timeUnits; // foreach (Column col in timeSeries[0].Columns) // { // Column newCol = new Column(col.ColumnType); // newCol.Header = col.Header; // outTS.AddColumn(newCol); // } // foreach (TimeSeries toJoin in timeSeries) // outTS.AddTimeSeries(toJoin); // stepMessage = "saving output timeseries."; // outTS.Save(outputFileName); // Console.WriteLine("Process complete with success."); //} //else //{ // Console.WriteLine("Parameter --cfg is missing."); // Console.WriteLine("Execution aborted."); // return; //} } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("An exception was raised while {0}", stepMessage); Console.WriteLine("Exception message: {0}", ex.Message); } errors.Close(); }
void LaunchApp(ExternalApp app) { app.LaunchWithChecks(_processManager, GetCurrentGame().CalculatedSettings.Server != null); }