コード例 #1
        /*Eligibility for extension:
         * current date = CurrDate
         * Loan month = LM1, LM2, LM3.......
         * Latest partial payment date = L_PartPmt_Date
         * Daily mode period = PFI_DATE - 30 days
         * if(L_PartPmt_Date is null){ ==> No prior partial payments
         *      if(CurrDate >= LM2 ){
         *                      Extension = 'YES'
         *                      Monthly_Mode = 'Yes'
         *      }
         * }else if(L_PartPmt_Date IS NOT NULL){ ==> Implies partial payment is made
         *      if(CurrDate == L_PartPmt_Date)  //Extension is allowed only if atleast 1 day interest is accrued and other daily mode cond.
         *      {
         *                      Extension = 'No';
         *      }
         *      if (L_PartPmt_Date is NOT in Daily mode period OR CurrDate > PFI_Date+1month)
         *      {
         *                      Date1 =. This date will be L_PartPmt_Date if the date is the loan month date ;
         * (OR) Next immediate Loan Month Date after L_PartPmt_Date
         *                      Date2 = Loan Month date after Date1
         *                      if(CURRDATE >= Date2){
         *                                      Extension = 'Yes';
         *                                      Monthly_Mode = 'Yes';
         *                      }
         *      if (L_PartPmt_Date is in Daily mode period AND CurrDate <= PFI_Date+1 month)
         *      {
         *                      Extension = 'Yes';
         *                      Daily_Mode = 'Yes';
         *      }
         * }*/

        public static bool ExtensionEligibility(
            DateTime loanDateMade,
            DateTime extensionDate,
            DateTime dueDate,
            DateTime pfiNote,
            DateTime partialPmtDate,
            DateTime pfiDate,
            out ExtensionTerms extensionType)
            extensionType = ExtensionTerms.MONTHLY;
            DateTime dailyModePeriod = pfiDate.AddDays(-30);

            //If extension date is the same as partial payment date then
            //extension is not allowed
            if (extensionDate == partialPmtDate)

            LoanMonthDates LM1 = new LoanMonthDates();

            LM1.startDate = loanDateMade;
            LM1.endDate   = LM1.startDate.AddMonths(1);
            LoanMonthDates LM2 = new LoanMonthDates();

            LM2.startDate = LM1.endDate;
            LM2.endDate   = LM2.startDate.AddMonths(1);
            LoanMonthDates LM3 = new LoanMonthDates();

            LM3.startDate = LM2.endDate;
            LM3.endDate   = LM3.startDate.AddMonths(1);
            //if there is no partial payment and if extension date
            //has passed the due date extension can only be monthly
            if (partialPmtDate == DateTime.MaxValue)
                if (extensionDate >= LM1.endDate)
                    extensionType = ExtensionTerms.MONTHLY;
                //partial payment is made and it is not in the daily mode period
                //or it is in the daily mode period but the extension date is greater than the pfi date
                if (extensionDate >= pfiDate.AddMonths(1) || (partialPmtDate < dailyModePeriod || partialPmtDate > pfiDate))
                    DateTime first_cycle_end = loanDateMade;
                    DateTime next_cycle_end  = DateTime.MaxValue;
                    while (partialPmtDate.Date > first_cycle_end.Date)
                        first_cycle_end = first_cycle_end.AddMonths(1);

                    next_cycle_end = first_cycle_end.AddMonths(1);

                    if (extensionDate >= next_cycle_end)
                        extensionType = ExtensionTerms.MONTHLY;
                if (extensionDate < pfiDate.AddMonths(1) && (partialPmtDate >= dailyModePeriod && partialPmtDate < pfiDate))
                    //partial payment date is in daily mode period and extension date is less than 1 month from pfi date
                    extensionType = ExtensionTerms.DAILY;
コード例 #2
        public static bool GetExtensionPeriod(DateTime partialPaymentDate,
                                              DateTime loanDateMade,
                                              DateTime currentDate,
                                              DateTime dueDate,
                                              DateTime pfiNote,
                                              DateTime pfiDate,
                                              ExtensionTerms extensionType,
                                              out int daysToPay,
                                              out int monthsToPay,
                                              out DateTime lastCycleEnd)
            //Set output vars
            string errorCode = string.Empty;
            string errorText = string.Empty;

            daysToPay   = 0;
            monthsToPay = 0;

            lastCycleEnd = DateTime.MaxValue;

            //Ensure the data accessor is valid
            if (GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.OracleDA == null ||
                GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.OracleDA.Initialized == false)
                BasicExceptionHandler.Instance.AddException("ExecuteGetNextNumber Failed",
                                                            new ApplicationException("ExecuteGetNextNumber Failed: Data accessor instance is invalid"));
            OracleDataAccessor dA        = GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.OracleDA;
            List <string>      miscFlags = new List <string>();

            if (extensionType == ExtensionTerms.MONTHLY)
            //Create parameter list

            List <OracleProcParam> oParams = new List <OracleProcParam>();

            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("date_made", loanDateMade.ToShortDateString()));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("due_date", dueDate.ToShortDateString()));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("pu_date", currentDate.ToShortDateString()));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("pp_date_made", partialPaymentDate.ToShortDateString()));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("misc_flags", true, miscFlags));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("o_cycles_late", OracleDbType.Decimal, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output, 1));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("o_days_into_cycle", OracleDbType.Decimal, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output, 1));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("o_last_cyc_end", OracleDbType.Date, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output, 1));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("o_next_cyc_end", OracleDbType.Date, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output, 1));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("o_pp_days_aref", OracleDbType.Decimal, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output, 1));
            oParams.Add(new OracleProcParam("o_pp_days_cred", OracleDbType.Decimal, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output, 1));

            //Execute stored proc
            DataSet outputSet;
            bool    retVal;

                retVal = GlobalDataAccessor.Instance.OracleDA.issueSqlStoredProcCommand("ccsowner",
                                                                                        "service_pawn_loans", "get_cycles_late_cnt", oParams, null, "o_return_code",
                                                                                        "o_return_text", out outputSet);
            catch (OracleException oEx)
                BasicExceptionHandler.Instance.AddException("get_cycles_late_cnt Failed", oEx);

            if (retVal == false)
                BasicExceptionHandler.Instance.AddException("get_cycles_late_cnt Failed: return value is false", new ApplicationException());

            //Get output number
            int       cyclesLate    = 0;
            int       daysIntoCycle = 0;
            DataTable outputDt      = outputSet.Tables["OUTPUT"];

            if (outputDt != null && outputDt.IsInitialized && outputDt.Rows != null && outputDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr = outputDt.Rows[0];
                if (dr != null && dr.ItemArray.Length > 0)
                    object nextNumObj = dr.ItemArray.GetValue(1);
                    if (nextNumObj != null)
                        var nextNumStr = (string)nextNumObj;
                        cyclesLate = Utilities.GetIntegerValue(nextNumStr);
                DataRow dr1 = outputDt.Rows[1];
                if (dr1 != null && dr1.ItemArray.Length > 0)
                    object nextNumObj = dr1.ItemArray.GetValue(1);
                    if (nextNumObj != null)
                        var nextNumStr = (string)nextNumObj;
                        daysIntoCycle = Utilities.GetIntegerValue(nextNumStr);
                DataRow dr2 = outputDt.Rows[2];
                if (dr2 != null && dr2.ItemArray.Length > 0)
                    object nextNumObj = dr2.ItemArray.GetValue(1);
                    if (nextNumObj != null)
                        var nextNumStr = (string)nextNumObj;
                        lastCycleEnd = Utilities.GetDateTimeValue(nextNumStr);
            DateTime currentDateLoanStartDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime ppmtLoanStartDate        = DateTime.MaxValue;

            if (extensionType == ExtensionTerms.MONTHLY)
                int cycles_late = 0;

                int      numberOfMonths;
                DateTime next_cycle_end = loanDateMade;
                if (partialPaymentDate == DateTime.MaxValue)
                    monthsToPay = 1;
                    if (cyclesLate == 0)
                        daysToPay = 0;
                        monthsToPay += cyclesLate;
                        if (currentDate > lastCycleEnd)
                            daysToPay = (currentDate - lastCycleEnd).Days;
                            daysToPay = (lastCycleEnd - currentDate).Days;

                    int ppmtLoanMonth = PartialPaymentProcedures.GetLoanMonth(loanDateMade, dueDate, pfiNote, pfiDate, partialPaymentDate, ref ppmtLoanStartDate);
                    int paidDays      = (partialPaymentDate - ppmtLoanStartDate).Days;

                    int currentDateLoanMonth = PartialPaymentProcedures.GetLoanMonth(loanDateMade, dueDate, pfiNote, pfiDate, currentDate, ref currentDateLoanStartDate);
                    // 1 is added below so that when the loan month transition date is same as L_PartPmt_Date, it is not considered
                    int daysLeft = 30 - paidDays;
                    next_cycle_end = ppmtLoanStartDate.AddMonths(1);

                    while (currentDate >= next_cycle_end)
                        next_cycle_end = next_cycle_end.AddMonths(1);
                    daysToPay = daysLeft;

                    monthsToPay = cycles_late;
                if (lastCycleEnd != DateTime.MaxValue && partialPaymentDate != DateTime.MaxValue)
                    int ppmtLoanMonth = PartialPaymentProcedures.GetLoanMonth(loanDateMade, dueDate, pfiNote, pfiDate, partialPaymentDate, ref ppmtLoanStartDate);
                    int paidDays      = (partialPaymentDate - ppmtLoanStartDate).Days;

                    //int currentDateLoanMonth = PartialPaymentProcedures.GetLoanMonth(loanDateMade, dueDate, pfiNote, pfiDate, currentDate, ref currentDateLoanStartDate);
                    //int daysinPpmTdatecycle = (partialPaymentDate - currentDateLoanStartDate).Days;
                    int daysfromcurrenttoppmt = (currentDate - partialPaymentDate).Days;
                    if (paidDays + daysfromcurrenttoppmt > 30)
                        daysToPay = 30 - paidDays;
                        daysToPay = daysfromcurrenttoppmt;
