/// <summary>Returns a collection of namespaces imported in the CSHTML file itself</summary>
        /// <param name="namespaces">A collection to add namespaces imported in the CSHTML file to</param>
        private void GetNamespacesFromFile(Collection <NamespaceImport> namespaces)
            TextDocument doc      = (TextDocument)this.Parent.Document.Object("TextDocument");
            string       contents = ExtensibilityMethods.GetDocumentText(doc);

            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regExp = new Regex("@Imports[ \\t]+((.)*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Match m = regExp.Match(contents);

            if (m.Groups.Count > 0)
                if (m.Groups[1].Value.Contains("="))
                    var parts = m.Groups[1].Value.Split(new[] { '=' }, 2);
                    namespaces.Add(new NamespaceImport(m.Groups[1].Value, parts[0].Trim(), parts[1].Trim()));
                    string ns = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim();
                    namespaces.Add(new NamespaceImport(ns, ns));
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>Returns the position of all comments in the given document using regular expressions</summary>
 /// <param name="item">Project item representing the document</param>
 /// <returns><see cref="Match"/> objects representing positions of all comments in the given documen</returns>
 public MatchCollection FindCommentsInDocument(ProjectItem item)
     return(this.CommentRegularExpression.Matches(ExtensibilityMethods.GetDocumentText(GetDocumentForItem(item)).Replace("\r\n", "\n")));
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>Checks if selection in <see cref="TextDocument"/> is inside a hard coded string and return a <see cref="MatchResult"/> pointing to string.</summary>
 /// <param name="document">A <see cref="TextDocument"/> to look in part of</param>
 /// <param name="line">Current line</param>
 /// <param name="selectionStart">Starting index of the selection</param>
 /// <param name="selectionEnd">Ending index of the selection</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="MatchResult"/> object, result is false if a string could not be located.</returns>
 public MatchResult CheckForHardCodedString(TextDocument document, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd)
     return(CheckForHardCodedString(ExtensibilityMethods.GetDocumentText(document).Replace("\r\n", "\n"), selectionStart, selectionEnd));