コード例 #1
        private void ProxyCreateRandom()
            // Default sample size
            int pSample = 25;

            var mSelectedLayer = ExtFunctions.GetSelectedLayer(theMap);

            IFeatureLayer mLayer = null;

            if (mSelectedLayer == null || !(mSelectedLayer is IFeatureLayer))
                this.Log("No feature layer selected, please select a layer and try again.");
            mLayer = (IFeatureLayer)mSelectedLayer;

            var mFrmInputBox = new frmInputBox("Specify size of sample", "Please specify number of items to be included in the output file", pSample);

            if (DialogResult.OK == mFrmInputBox.ShowDialog())
                if (mFrmInputBox.GetAsInteger() != null)
                    pSample = (int)mFrmInputBox.GetAsInteger();
                    Utilities.LogDebug("Using specified sample size: " + pSample);
                else if (mFrmInputBox.GetAsPercent() != null)
                    int         mPercentage = (int)mFrmInputBox.GetAsPercent();
                    IFeatureSet mFeatureSet = mLayer.DataSet;
                    pSample = (int)Math.Floor(((double)mPercentage * (double)mFeatureSet.NumRows()) / 100);
                    Utilities.LogDebug("Using " + mPercentage + "% : " + pSample);
                    Utilities.LogDebug("Using default sample size: " + pSample);

                if (pSample > 0)
                    var mRndFeatureSet = ExtFunctions.CreateRandomSelection(mLayer, pSample);

                    if (mRndFeatureSet == null)
                        Utilities.LogDebug("Creation of random selection layer failed");

                    var mLayer2 = (IFeatureLayer)ExtFunctions.GetFeatureLayer(theMap.Layers, mRndFeatureSet, mLayer.LegendText + " : random", ExtFunctions.CopyLayerSymbolizer(mLayer), mLayer.Projection);
                    ExtFunctions.AddLabelsForFeatureLayer(mLayer2, "Address unit numbers", "#[ADDRESSUNITNR], [ROADNAME_EN]", GoogleMapsColors.BoundaryMajor);